I Can't Say I'm In Love [but i love you]

Stories of EXO

Joonmyun means well, but Ji Hye doubts marriage is the right solution.



“I can think of at least three other ways to merge our countries. Another two without marriage involved.”

Joonmyun heaves a heavy sigh, looking up from the documents on the table to frown at Ji Hye. She had just come in from training, sweat still dripping off her hair and her sword strapped to her hip.

“We talked about this,” the leader sighs, massaging his temples. “It’s not just that.”

She frowns, walking forward to look at the documents – maps, surveillance pictures – on the table. Her eyes linger on a particular surveillance picture from deep in enemy territory. “If this is about my ‘safety’ – ”

“I made a promise to your father, Ji Hye.”

“Marriage isn’t going to assure my safety,” she protests. She taps a picture. “Not while there are people like these around.”

He sighs once more, sounding more tired than usual. Ji Hye feels a tinge of guilt; she hadn’t meant to stress him out more.

“Can we please not argue about this anymore?” Joonmyun asks, his voice almost pleading. “Just… meet with them, at least.” He holds up a hand when she opens to protest. “I won’t push marriage, but be friendly. That’s all I ask.”

Be friendly. That doesn’t sound so bad. She scans his face – much too old for someone so young. “I assume you’ve had this talk with Sehun?”

A smile cracks across his face and Ji Hye thinks that he looks much better when he smiles. “Naturally.” He looks back down at the jumble of papers and she can see him age again. “Go wash up, then call Minseok hyung and Chanyeol down here.”

She hesitates – he hasn’t eaten since the toast Kyungsoo had brought in for breakfast and he’s probably planning on skipping lunch again – but she can’t disobey a direct order. As lenient as Joonmyun is, he’s still their leader.

She pauses at the door, looking over her shoulder. He’s hunched over his papers again and even from the distance, she can tell he’s developing a migraine. Who wouldn’t, when they were so close to war? “At least try and join us at lunch today, yeah?”

He doesn’t reply, but she wasn’t really expecting one.


The clang of metal against metal rings throughout the yard. Sehun presses in close, but Ji Hye twists her sword free.

“So,” Sehun pants, “when is your husband-to-be coming?”

“One, I’m not getting married,” she says through gritted teeth, lunging towards him, “and two, I don’t care. Maybe it’s this afternoon.”

He dodges her strike, jumping over her leg sweep and stabbing down. His sword clangs against hers once more. “You should probably get ready to meet your fiancé.”

“Oh, shut up Sehun,” she snarls, manipulating the shadows to tear his sword away and freeze him in place. She shoots him a smug smile, pointing the tip of her sword to his throat. “I win.”

“You cheated,” he accuses.

She releases him and hands him his sword, rolling her eyes. “Just because you can’t control your powers as well as I do doesn’t mean I can’t use them.”

He grumbles under his breath, sheathing his sword. “Come on, let’s go. I’m tired anyway.”

“You mean tired of getting your whipped,” she quips, grinning cheekily.

“I was going easy on you!”

“You always say that, but how can you know me for so long and still underestimate me? I’m either that good, or you’re that bad.” She shoves the door open, only to be met with four surprised faces and an exasperated Joonmyun. Oh. “Well, I know when they’re coming now.”

“When?” Sehun looks over her shoulder. “Oh. Told you. You should have left half an hour ago.”

She drives her elbow back into his stomach, smiling at the people in the hall. “Sup,” she greets, waving at them. She turns to Joonmyun. “You didn’t tell me they were coming today.”

“They were early,” Joonmyun sighs, not even bothering to lecture her. “Go wash up for lunch.”

“Are you actually joining us today?” Sehun asks, stepping around her – after shoving her, of course – and scrutinising their guests. Ji Hye notices as Sehun’s eyes glint when his gaze rests on one of the guests, a boy with cat-like eyes and a seemingly sour disposition. She rolls her eyes slightly. Leave it to Sehun to always pick the difficult ones.

“Sehun,” Joonmyun says, not quite sharply, but with the potential to be.

“We’re going, we’re going,” Sehun drawls, grabbing her arm like she’s a young child that needs to be herded everywhere. “Come along, Ji Hye.”

“Let go of me,” she protests, trying to tug out of his grip even as he successfully drags her to the stairs. “Oh Sehun!”


Ji Hye is used to awkward situations – the main one walking in while someone is changing – but she’s never been in one so awkward and thick with tension (and no, she’s not just talking about the between Sehun and the foreign prince).

For the first time in four months, Joonmyun does join them for lunch, although he’s deep in conversation with who he assumes is the leader. Kyungsoo, who’s on her left, keeps twitching and she wonders why.

“Are you okay?” she asks, glancing at the older male.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Kyungsoo replies, his voice a little too high to be considered nonchalant. She notices his eyes keep darting to Joonmyun's conversation partner and she has to wonder what had happened between the two.

She turns back to her food, sighing a little. Sehun had decided to sit across from her just so he could sit next to his newest prey and Kyungsoo obviously isn’t in the mood to have a conversation. Jongin is in deep conversation with Baekhyun (and he’s too far away to talk to unless she wants to shout to be heard, but Joonmyun has expressly ordered them to never do that again after Jongdae had done that with Chanyeol). Her only option is to talk to the foreigner next to her, but she doesn’t know if he even speaks Korean or if she’ll have to use her rusty and somewhat incorrect Mandarin.

She can’t remember the last time she’s ever been so bored.

She jerks to the side as a grape goes flying past her head. She shoots a glare at Sehun – who else? – who merely smirks at her. She aims a kick at her best friend, knowing she had hit her mark when he winces.

“Prick,” she mutters.

He makes kissy faces at her and she has to stop herself from retaliating by throwing something else (like her plate) at him. Between the two of them, Ji Hye is one hundred percent sure Sehun is the most immature, which is ironic since she’s the youngest. However, Joonmyun shoots them a stern look and she retreats. She’ll find some other way to get him back for it later.

She fidgets and accidentally ends up elbowing the foreign prince next to her. The table is cramped enough with eight – well, seven of them sitting there, but twelve is too many.

“I’m sorry,” she apologises, actually looking at him. She’s surprised for a moment by the caramel hair that’s almost too long and the sunny smile bordered by a single dimple.

“It’s okay,” he replies in slightly accented Korean. “Is it… always this rambunctious?”

“Usually more.” She rolls her eyes when there’s commotion from where Jongdae and Chanyeol are sitting. “This is them well-behaved.”

He grins at her and she thinks she might almost be blinded by how bright his smile is. “I’m Yixing.” He holds out a hand and she doesn’t hesitate to take it.

“Ji Hye,” she returns, trying to ignore the tingling at her fingertips.

“I heard.” There’s an amused twinkle in his eye.

She wants to say something, but Sehun launches something at her head again and that’s it. “SEHUN!”


Ji Hye slings her quiver over her back, grabbing her bow and flinging her door open. She nearly screams when she sees Chanyeol right in front of her.

“What the hell?” she gasps, stepping back. “What are you doing?”

“Are you off to archery practice?” he asks, ignoring her question.

“Yeah. You want to be my target? I promise I won’t miss.”

“Ooh, so touchy,” Chanyeol says, walking next to her as she head off to the yard. “Are you still upset about that?”

She shoots him a glare. “You singed my favourite jacket.”

“I said I was sorry,” he huffs. “What more do you want?”

“I want a chance to shoot an arrow at you,” she retorts, poking his arm.

“I like living, thanks.” He hums thoughtfully, slipping his thumbs into his jean pockets. “Do you think hyung will throw a party for the foreign guys?”

Ji Hye grimaces. “I hope not.” Parties mean dressing up and dressing up means forcing her into a dress and she’d rather go up against Jongin in a swordfight than wear a dress and be forced to put on the damned tiara.

“I think it’ll be fun,” Chanyeol muses, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Why? So you can chat up your little deer?” There’s sarcasm saturated in her voice. She’s not blind. She notices the looks Chanyeol had been shooting one of the foreign princes – Luhan, Sehun told her – and he’s so enamoured it’s not even funny.

“After I see you fumble around in your favourite princess outfit, of course,” the taller coos, pinching her cheek, only to jerk his fingers away when she snaps at his fingers. “Ugh, you brat.”

“Go away or I will drastically improve my aim and shoot an arrow in your ,” she threatens, waving an arrow in his direction.

“Speaking of aim, yours is ty.” Chanyeol barely dodges when shadows dart out, threatening to ensnare him.

Her aim is horrible, but there’s nothing she can do about it but practice.

She hates practice.

She takes a deep breath and nocks her arrow, lining up her shot. She keeps her eye on the bullseye lets the arrow fly. It thunks down next to the arrows that flew horribly far away from the centre of the target. She sighs, scrutinising the cluster of arrows that rest on the edge of the target. Why is she so bad at this? The rest of her family were good shots (her mother is an exception).

She hears someone walking up to her and turns, expecting Sehun or Jongin to be there mocking her horrendous shot. She doesn’t expect to see Yixing walking up to her, looking much more comfortable and casual in his jeans and t-shirt. “Your aim needs a bit of work,” he comments, standing next to her and gazing at the target board.

“Only a bit?” she laughs. “I think it needs more than a bit of work.”

“Would you like some help with that?” he offers.

She thinks of the various ways her fellow royals had tried to help her; Baekhyun with his ‘multiple shots at one time’ method, Jongdae with his ‘let’s put an apple on my head and pray Ji Hye doesn’t shoot my head off’ and Joonmyun's gentle but horrible failure of a plan consisting of positive reinforcement. She doesn’t know how Yixing can help her. She just hopes it doesn’t involve him putting an apple on his head and telling her to shoot at it without shooting at him. She’d hate to have caused a war with her horrible aim.

“I don’t know if you can help me out with this,” she says doubtfully, readjusting the quiver on her back. “I mean, the guys have tried and – ”

Yixing steps closer to her and tugs on the strap of her quiver. “If I can help Luhan ge out with his sword fighting, I can help you out with your archery. Now, off.”

“Excuse me?” He did not just say what she thought he just said.

His eyes twinkle with mirth as he taps the strap on her shoulder. “I meant the quiver.”

“Oh. Right.” She complies, but pauses and holds the quiver in her hands. “Why?”

He smiles again, dimple flashing as he steps just that little bit closer. “Just trust me.”

“I just met you a couple days ago and you’re telling me to trust you?”

He steps up behind her, her back to his chest. His hands travel down her arms, resting over her own. He nudges an arrow into her hand – when had he gotten that? – and she nocks it onto her bow on reflex. He taps her elbow and she brings her bow up, aiming her arrow. She starts to pull back the string, but Yixing stops her with a hand on her shoulder.

“You’re too tense,” he murmurs in her ear. He replaces his hand over hers. “Relax, your highness.”

“I never did like titles,” she informs him, her voice sounding a little breathless. “You can just call me Ji Hye. We have too many royals in this house anyway.”

“Isn’t that too intimate?” So is his breath against her ear, but she’s not complaining. She quite likes it, but she doubts she’ll ever admit that out loud. “I think I’m fine with titles, milady.”

“I think that one’s worse. As Sehun likes to remind me, I’m not exactly a lady.”

“Don’t think. Keep your eyes on the target.”

She looks away from Yixing, turning her eyes to the red circle in the centre of the board. It’s a little difficult to concentrate (he’s so close), but she manages it. Her fingers tremble as she pulls back the string.

“Deep breath,” he urges, his voice almost a whisper. His foot nudges her feet apart gently for stability. The trembling subsides as she inhales deeply, filling her lungs. “Now hold it… and let go.”

The arrow goes flying through the air and lands right in the middle, sticking out proudly.

“It’s a bullseye,” Ji Hye breathes, staring uncomprehendingly at the board.

Yixing steps away, patting her shoulder. “Congratulations.” With that, he walks away.

Maybe it won’t be so bad, Ji Hye thinks as she watches him walk away.


Whoever invented parties, Ji Hye would love to have a couple hours and a few choice weapons with them in a soundproof room so she can show her displeasure. She twirls the champagne glass in her hands, taking another sip. Someone slinks up next to her and she doesn’t have to turn to know who it is.

“Isn’t that your fifth glass tonight?” Youngjae asks, raising an eyebrow at her. “Somebody’s planning on getting drunk.”

“In case you forgot,” she drawls, “I have a stupidly high metabolism, so I don’t get drunk easily. God, I wish I did. I need to be drunk to get through this.” She scowls at the dancers on the dance floor. “I hate parties.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell from the scowl or the glare.”

“If you’re going to be sarcastic with me, leave me alone to my misery.” She stares sullenly at the now empty glass. “I can’t even get drunk, ugh.”

“And you shouldn’t be drinking so much,” Joonmyun chides, seemingly coming out of nowhere and grabbing her champagne glass out of her hands.

“It’s not like I can get drunk,” she calls out after him as he walks away.

Youngjae grabs her hand and starts tugging her. She tries to tug her hand back, although she reluctantly lets Youngjae pull her towards the dance floor.

“What are you doing?” she asks, even as he spins around to face her and places a hand on her hip.

“Dancing,” he answers, grinning at her. “I know you hate parties, but you and I both know you love dancing.”

Dancing,” she emphasises. “As in hip-hop or jazz. Not ballroom dancing.”

“If you weren’t a princess, you would have been a dancer.”

She snorts. “No, I wouldn’t.” Even if she hadn’t been a princess, she doubts she would have been liked enough to be a successful dancer. As the daughter of a shadow-caster, she’s naturally feared and disliked. Even now, she can still see the fear in their eyes, hear the whispers behind her back. She’ll never really be accepted and it’s something she’s come to terms with.

He squints as he thinks. “You’re right,” he agrees, “but you know I would’ve still been your friend, right?”

Ji Hye smiles. She knows. Youngjae is just loyal like that. “I wouldn’t have been able to get rid of you even if I wanted to.”

They’ve been friends for a long time. Not as long as she’s known Sehun and Jongin, but long enough to know that she can’t imagine life without him.

“May I cut in?” a smooth voice asks and the two dance partners turn to face Yixing.

Ji Hye thinks he looks great. He’s wearing a simple tuxedo – not that different from Youngjae's, really – but he seems to make it look sharper somehow; more regal. His hair is mostly unstyled, allowing some of it to hang in his eyes. His golden circlet blends in with his caramel hair, making it almost impossible to distinguish the two. She can feel the slightest of smiles tugging at her lips. She shares a look with Youngjae and tries to convey no, just stay with me, but Youngjae seems to not get it. Or maybe he does and he’s just ignoring her.

“Sure,” Youngjae easily concedes, bowing. “It’s been a lovely dance, your highness.” He runs off before she can protest his use of titles, shooting her a wink. That menace.

Yixing bows to her and she curtsies back before taking his hand. There’s that smile again. She’s starting to think that maybe dimples are lethal after all. There’s certainly something about Zhang Yixing’s that seems to make her heart pound in her chest.

“I thought you didn’t like titles?” he inquires teasingly.

“I don’t,” she confirms, “but Youngjae likes to bring them out when he wants to annoy me.” Or embarrass me. Whichever comes first.

“You seem close.” Is it just her imagination, or is there the slightest twist of irritation laced in his voice?

She smiles a little wider. “We’ve known each other for a long time.”

“I see.” He finally meets her gaze and flashes that dimple at her again. “You’re quite the dancer, milady,” he compliments. Ji Hye clears to will down a blush. There’s not a lot that ruffles her, but that certainly does.

“I could say the same thing,” she counters. “After all, you are the one leading.”

Interestingly, she things she spots the faintest dusting of pink across his cheeks as he hangs his head. Maybe she isn’t the only one affected, after all. It’s a bit of a relief to know she’s not the only one and a little scary as well.

They dance for a couple more minutes before Ji Hye spots the empty balcony. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not really that fond of parties. What do you say to escaping the crowd for a little while?” she suggests.

His eyes twinkle. She thinks that she might very well be addicted to that twinkle in his eyes. “I would be delighted.”

She leads him out to the balcony with the hand he had been holding, breathing a sigh of relief when she’s finally away from the crowds. It’s suffocating; the stares, the whispers. She gets them worse than her fellow royals because of her bloodline – so many people expect her to go dark the same way her ancestors had done generations ago. The people don’t forget, even if Ji Hye wishes they would. Such is the life of a shadow-caster, she thinks glumly.

“You’re not comfortable with the crowd,” Yixing observes quietly, leaning against the rail next to her.

She plucks the circlet from her head, sighing slightly. “No, I’m not,” she sighs.

“Why is that?”

It’s almost like prying, but she can hear the genuine concern in his voice.

She studies the silver circlet in her hands, turning it over and over, watching the onyx embedded in the front glint in the moonlight. She looks back at him and taps it. “This wasn’t supposed to be mine.” Surprise floods into his eyes, causing her to grin slightly. “You see, I’m actually the maknae in my family. The youngest sibling. In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t even hope to see the crown.”

His voice is quiet, like her lineage is some big secret. “What happened?”

Her grip tightens on the circlet. “My parents died,” she says flatly, trying her best to bleed the emotion out of her voice. “My siblings didn’t want to take the crown and ran away, so I didn’t have a choice.” She pauses. That wasn’t right. “No, I had a choice, but I chose to take the crown even though I didn’t really want to.”

She glances at him again and reads the unspoken question in his eyes. Why?

“There must always be nine ruling,” she quotes with a sigh. “If I refuse the crown, there won’t be anyone else left. The country becomes weaker and if we fall, it’s my fault.”

He’s quiet and she almost thinks he’s not going to say anything more, but then he speaks. “So young and already carrying the burden of the world,” he murmurs. “Why take on the responsibility if you don’t want it?”

She shrugs, looking back down at her circlet. She remembers how it had looked, entangled with her father’s raven locks; how it had looked weaved in her sister’s hair. “If I didn’t take this, who else would be around to knock some sense into the others?” she jokes. “Maybe it’s because I know I can do it. Or something.”

Yixing takes the circlet and runs his fingers over the engravings gently. Then, he faces her and rests it on her head. “I think you’re doing a fine job,” he says. She can feel his sincerity wash over her and it feels better than she thought it would.


It’s not until the day after, at dinner, that Joonmyun brings up the marriage thing (as Ji Hye has taken to calling it) again.

The Chinese princes are all out on a tour of the city with Chanyeol and Sehun, so it’s only her, Joonmyun, Kyungsoo, Minseok, Jongin, Jongdae and Baekhyun at the table.

The leader looks up from his kimchi spaghetti (which, although delicious, Ji Hye is slowly getting sick of because Jongin demands Kyungsoo make it every dinner) and looks directly at the maknae. “Ji Hye,” he calls and she looks up, “I was wondering if you’ve made a decision on accepting a marriage – ”

“No,” she replies curtly, interrupting him and turning her attention back to her food. There’s stunned silence around the table; Ji Hye rarely, if ever, interrupts Joonmyun when he’s saying something.

“Song Ji Hye.” There’s a hard edge in Joonmyun's voice that cause her to look up once more. “I expressly told you to at least think about it.”

“I have,” she protests, “and I’m not getting married.”

The elder expels a harsh breath. “I told you why you have to get married!” There’s controlled anger – always controlled – in his voice. His eyebrows are drawn low on his forehead and she can tell he’s fighting not to frown. “If there is any way to keep you safe, you know I’ll take it.”

Her hands clench on the table and she quickly draws it into her lap. He always talks about her safety, but she just doesn’t understand why he thinks marrying her off to the next available royal not in their kingdom is the great solution. “I can think of many other ways to keep me safe – ”

“And none of them are fool proof,” he interrupts sternly. “I promised your father I’d keep you safe.”

“Is that all this is?” she grounds out through gritted teeth, struggling to keep from shouting as tears sting her eyes. “A promise? What, am I too much of a burden for you to look after? Is that why you’re handing me off to someone else?”

“You know that’s not it.” He sounds so dismayed, but she can’t barely register it from the betrayal flooding her body.

“Isn’t it?” she shoots back fiercely. “You and I both know – hell, everybody in this house knows there’s no way to keep me safe. I’m the daughter of a shadow-caster. There are always going to be people hunting me down whether you like it or not.” She tears her eyes away from Joonmyun, turning them to Kyungsoo, who looks so distraught from the argument. “May I be excused?”

Kyungsoo glances at their leader, who doesn’t bother looking up although he flicks his fingers in acknowledgement. “Of-of course,” the earth manipulator stammers out, “but Ji Hye – ”

She stands up and leaves the room without a word, just in time to see the six who had gone exploring return.

“Hey, Ji,” Sehun greets. “Did dinner end?”

“No,” she replies tersely. “I’m going to my room.”

Sehun’s face crumples into a concerned frown. “Hey, is everything - ?”

She drowns out the rest of his question with the slam of her door.


The next day, she’s saddling up her horse to go into the woods when she hears the stable door open. She peers over her horse, recognising the head of caramel hair anywhere.

“Hello,” she says as she tightens the straps of her saddle. “What brings you here?”

Yixing leans against the doorway of the stall, eyeing her coat and pack. “Going somewhere?” he asks, although there’s a tense edge to his voice.

“I’m not running away, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she says casually, her suspicions confirmed when his shoulders relax. “If I was, you wouldn’t even know I had gone.”

“Are you that stealthy?” There’s slight humour colouring his tone.

She smiles over her horse. “I’m a shadow-caster. If I escape in the dead of the night, not even the bloodhounds can find me.”

She’s tried it before, in a training exercise. In Ji Hye’s opinion, it was more of a refined hide-and-seek, but it served its purpose nonetheless. She had won that bout easily; the others couldn’t find her until the sun finally peeked over the horizon.

“You sound so sure.”

“That’s because I am.” She mounts her horse, so she’s looking down at him, for once. He’s still eyeing her wearily, as if he’s afraid she’ll run off. “Don’t worry; I’m not a flight risk.” She glances at her pack of food. “Do you want to come with me?”

He glances at her pack as well. “Are you sure there’s enough food?”

“It’s packed for two,” she answers, an amused smile tugging her lips. “Sehun and I were supposed to go on a picnic of sorts, but he ditched me to chase after Zitao.” She pats the food pack. “I even have some of Kyungsoo's pastries. He bakes when he’s nervous and Yifan seems to make poor Kyungsoo very nervous. I promise it still tastes good.”

An amused grin breaks out on Yixing’s face. “I see. I would love to join you.”

“Then saddle up, your highness.”

He’s surprisingly quick and efficient, his horse saddled and ready to go within twenty minutes. She watches with a fond smile as his deft fingers tighten the straps and soothe his horse. It’s not long before he’s swinging onto the black stallion.

“Where are we going?” he inquires as they start off to the woods at a trot.

“There’s a clearing near a river in the forest,” she replies. “It’s perfect for a picnic and Sehun and I like to go there to train our powers.”

They don’t talk much after that and she’s glad. There’s still the slightest simmering of irritation residing in her chest. The thought that Joonmyun is so ready to allow her to be somebody else’s problem stings just a little. She knows he wants her to be safe, but can’t he trust her to be able to look after herself?

“I heard,” Yixing says quietly, his voice barely heard over the clip-clop of hooves. “Last night.”

She tenses in her seat. It’s a little embarrassing; the argument is meant to stay between the seven of them who had been dining. “Oh.” She glances at him and she can tell he wants to say more, but she interrupts him before he can. “Look, we’re here.”

The barest of gasps escape his lips and she feels pride. It’s not much – there are a few fallen logs from when Sehun had lost control over his powers and the stream is always too cold to swim in – but it’s always served as a comfort to her. She dismounts, her horse’s muzzle to calm it down as she removes the reins and its curb bit for freedom. The chestnut stallion neighs softly, nuzzling her hand. She relieves it of its weight and allows it to graze while she sets up the blanket. She glances at Yixing, a smile quirking her lips as he’s still seated on his horse.

“Are you getting off the poor animal or are you going to help me, your highness?” she teases, tilting her head at the elder. He blinks out of his stupor and laughs lightly, setting his equipment next to hers as he allows his own horse to graze.

“It’s a beautiful place,” he comments.

She looks around, pausing in spreading out the blanket. “It is, isn’t it?” she muses. She sits down and pats the space next to her. “Have a seat, your highness.”

He grins boyishly at her. “I don’t like titles either, so you can just call me Yixing.”

She’s mildly uncomfortable at that. “But… you’re older than me.”

“If you call me Yixing, I’ll call you Ji Hye.”

Well. She can’t say no to that. Especially when she loves the way his tongues shape the syllables of her name. “Deal.”

Ji Hye has to admit that it’s nice, sitting in the meadow and talking to Yixing. He has a refreshing sense of humour; it’s not dry like Baekhyun's and Jongdae's and it’s not annoying like Chanyeol's and Sehun’s. it’s more of an unintentional humour and she thinks she might possibly be fonder of the elder than before.

“Why are you so against marriage?” he asks as they’re dipping their feet into the stream.

She glances at him, leaning back a little at the unexpected question. “I guess I’m a little too young for it,” she sighs. “I’m only nineteen. There’s just so much I want to do before I settle down.”

“You don’t think you can do that when you’re married?”

She nibbles on her bottom lip, humming thoughtfully. “I’m a princess,” she states, “but I’m not like all those other princesses people expect me to be. I don’t like dresses or dances. I fight and I joke around with my friends. I swear sometimes, and loudly too.” That statement coaxes a laugh from Yixing. “I’m not the kind of princess who stays at home and watches over the house. I want to…” She pauses, gathering her thoughts. “I want to explore the world and save my kingdom. I want to argue with Baekhyun and be around to tease Sehun through puberty and even after that.”

“You don’t think you can do that after marriage?”

“I don’t think I can do it the way I do it now,” she corrects. “I’d have different responsibilities and family comes first…” Her voice trails off to a whisper. “I want to fall in love on my own time.”

They’re silent, listening to the bubbling of the river and the soft whinnying of their horses in the distance.

“You know,” Yixing says quietly after an elongated pause, “this isn’t really an arranged marriage.”

Ji Hye smiles at him. “I know. I just – Joonmyun is acting like it is and that’s what makes me… upset.” She sighs inaudibly; she had almost said angry, but that’s not quite right.

“You care about him.” His quiet admission is tinged with sadness, but she doesn’t know why.

She blinks at the elder, who’s not looking at her anymore. “Of course I care about him. He’s taken care of me since I was little.”

He turns his eyes to her and she admits that she’s a little shocked by the sorrow she finds there. “That’s not what I meant.”

Her lips part, forming an ‘o’ as she realises what he’s trying to say. She dips her hand into the cool water, letting the water swirl around her fingers. It’s true that she had once cared for Joonmyun more than a brother, but she’s over it now. Mostly. She knows he doesn’t feel the same way – won’t ever feel the same way – so it’s easy to let the feelings go, slowly. It’s like prying a steel pipe from frozen fingers, but she’s done it with each methodical bending of her fingers in as painless a manner as possible.

“A long time ago,” she admits. “I don’t feel that way anymore.” She glances up at him from beneath her fringe, smiling slightly. Her fingers find his and she hesitantly covers his hand with hers. He feels him shiver from the cool temperature of her hands; partly due to the water and partly due to her heritage as a shadow-caster. “I think I’m growing quite fond of someone else.”

He looks down at their hands and twists his around so he can intertwine her fingers. His killer smile is on display again, his dimple prominent on his left cheek.

“He’s quite lucky,” he says softly. His eyes flick upwards to the waning light. “We should start heading back, shouldn’t we?”

“We should,” she agrees. “If I don’t go back, they might think I really did run away.”

“I thought you said you weren’t a flight risk?” he teases, helping her up.

She chuckles. “I’m not, but they don’t know that. Besides… Sehun and I might have gone off the grid a couple of times when we were younger.”

“And you said you weren’t a flight risk.”

She’s saddling up her horse when something akin to ice sliding down her back (which she only knows thanks to Baekhyun) slides down her spine. She jerks her head up in the direction of her home. There’s nothing wrong there. Yet… she can’t shake the feeling that something terrible has happened.

Yixing picks up on her turmoil easily. “What’s wrong?” he asks, a frown furrowing his forehead.

A flock of birds fly upwards and that’s when she knows. “There’s something wrong,” she says sharply, an edge in her voice. She hurriedly packs up her things and saddles her horse. “We have to hurry.”

She’s off in a gallop, Yixing right behind her.


When they reach the compound of her house, she nearly swept off her horse by Sehun, who crushes her in a hug.

“Oh, thank god,” Sehun breathes into her hair. “I thought they got you.”

Ji Hye pushes away from her best friend. “What’s wrong?” she asks, alarmed. Sehun is rarely so emotional, especially towards her.

“They made a push for the south border,” Sehun explains in a rush, eyes wide as he surveys her for injuries. “When I couldn’t find you, I remembered you went to the meadow and I thought…” I thought I’d lost you.

“Where are the others?” she asks urgently, striding into their house.

Sehun scrambles behind her. “Joonmyun hyung took everyone else with him to the border.” His eyes slide past her to Yixing. “Yixing hyung, they need you there too.”

“Right.” Yixing’s answer is brisk and he brushes past her to ride off. She watches him apprehensively before turning back to Sehun.

“I assume Yifan and Luhan are already there.” He nods. “What are we supposed to do?”

“They told me and Tao hyung to stay here.”

They two princes nearly crash into Ji Hye when she stops suddenly. She whirls around to face them. “What?

Sehun winces from her shriek and steps back. “They want us to protect the house,” he says, his tone near petulant. “This .”

She shakes her head, heading determinedly to her room. “That is unacceptable. Sehun, go get your armour on.”

“But Ji – ”

“I’m not going to stay here and wait around like some worried wife,” she snaps. “We can fight and they’re going to need all the help they can get.”

She nearly crashes into Yixing as he hurries out of his room. He catches her arms. “Where are you going?” he demands.

“I’m going to get my armour and my weapons. Let me go.”

“No,” he says firmly. “Stay here.”

“Yixing – ”

“I don’t want you to get hurt!”

They stare each other down for a few moments – moments they don’t have, damn it – before Ji Hye concedes. “Fine,” she relents, stepping back and crossing her arms. She can practically feel Sehun’s shock at her easy surrender. “Be careful out there.”

He smiles and he leans down slightly, as if he’s going to kiss her. Then, he pauses and takes her hand instead, pressing his lips to the back of her hand. Heat floods her body and this time she can’t stop the blush that dusts her pale cheeks.

“Until next time, milady.” She watches in mild irritation as he walks away, a smile that’s more of a smirk playing on his lips. She’ll tell him off about that later. First things first…

“You’re giving up just like that?!” Sehun explodes in disbelief.

Ji Hye scoffs. “Of course not,” she says loftily once the door closes behind Yixing. She continues on her trek to her room.

“But you just said – ”

“I never said I wasn’t going to go,” she points out. “I just said fine. Come on Sehun, we have a battle to fight. Go grab your boyfriend and load up.”

“He’s not my boyfriend!” She doesn’t miss it when he grumbles, “Yet.”


Ji Hye can already picture Joonmyun's furious face even before he appears. His lips in a thin line, eyes as hard as coal and disapproving glance sent her way.

“I told you to stay home,” Joonmyun says sharply, aimed at Sehun.

“It was my fault,” Ji Hye admits, straightening her back. Her steed whinnies slightly and steps back skittishly. “Hyung, we can fight.”

“That’s not why I wanted to keep you homebound,” the leader snaps. Ji Hye meets his gaze unwaveringly. “It’s not safe.”

“Is that why you’re going to ground some of your best fighters?” she counters, chin lifting in determination. “Zitao, Sehun and I can fight and you know you need every man available.” When he opens his mouth to protest, she cuts in before he can get a word out. “You can’t keep protecting us forever, Joonmyun.”

Joonmyun frowns, but Yifan next to him sighs, nodding. “She’s right,” the Chinese leader concedes. “I was wrong to keep Zitao there. They might be the youngest, but they’re old enough to do this. We can’t keep protecting them, no matter how much we want to.”

“A battlefield is hardly any place for a lady,” Joonmyun throws in almost desperately.

“You raised me better than that.” She can see him wavering and she knows he only needs one more push before he’ll crack. “You can send troops back with me to make sure I stay – because I will keep coming back unless I have guards – but you know you can’t afford the manpower.”

“You stay near Chanyeol and Baekhyun at all times,” he orders, exhaling sharply. “I can’t stop you from fighting – Yifan is right, you’re too old for me to keep protecting you – but if you end up gravely injured, I’ll make sure you’ll have to suffer with the injury for as long as medically possible and I’ll put you under house arrest for months. Are you clear?”

“Yes, sir,” she replies, all traces of sarcasm gone. This isn’t the dining room; this is the battlefield and Joonmyun is their leader more than ever.

He jerks his head, motioning to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. “You’ll go in with them,” he states. “Sehun, you’ll go in with me and Kyungsoo. Yifan?”

“Zitao rides with me and Yixing,” he rumbles and they hurry to position themselves.

The battle positions are immediately mapped out and they have a short reprieve as they wait for the enemies to make another push. The previous one had merely been to declare intent with a few skirmishes, but they seem to be allowing them to build their forces. Ji Hye can see why; they want to take out the royals, not just the soldiers. Cut off the head and you kill the body.

She hunches over the battlefield map, marking out all the possible shadows she can harness in her head. Yixing sidles up next to her and she can tell from the set of his shoulders he’s not happy.

“I told you to stay back,” he says, eyes flashing angrily.

Ji Hye sighs heavily. “I’m not going to let you fight in a battle that’s not yours while I sit at home and worry if you’re going to make it back.” She rests her hand over his, squeezing his fingers slightly. “It’s my kingdom, so I want to play my part to protect it.”

“And I want to protect you.” He trails his fingers over her cheek and she leans into the touch. “Promise me you’ll be safe.”

“I can’t make a promise like that,” she says gently, “but I promise I’ll try my best. No death-defying stunts.”

A battle horn sounds and Yixing looks torn. Ji Hye pats his hand one more time before reaching for her bow and arrows.

“Stay safe,” he calls to her retreating back; she’s going in with the first responders.

She turns as she mounts her horse, smiling at him. “You too.” Then she’s off, riding next to Baekhyun and Chanyeol into battle.


The aftermath of a battle is not pretty, as Ji Hye discovers first hand. it doesn’t have any of the glory in books and thrice as much blood as she had thought. Still, it’s not as bad as it might have been and it’s not like she isn’t desensitised. As it is, there’s unease piling in her belly at the reminder that she’s taken lives today, but she knows she’ll get over it. She’s been told over and over that it’s no use being guilty over people you don’t know. As cold at it might sound, it’s logical.

She spots Sehun’s blonde hair shining in the light of the torches and calls him over. The relief that floods through her almost makes her stagger in its suddenness.

“You’re okay,” she rasps, grabbing his chin and tilting his head down for inspection. There’s blood spattered everywhere and he seems to have some sort of innards in his hair, but most of the blood doesn’t seem to be his. He’s favouring his left leg and his wrist might possibly be sprained, but he’s as unscathed as can be expected and she’s glad.

He pokes one of her bruises on her cheek, frowning slightly. “You look like .”

She scowls and pushes his head away. “Like you look any better.” She surveys the land. “That’s all for me. You?”

“All good. Let’s head to the medical tent. That cut looks bad.”

She glances at the sluggishly bleeding cut right below her ribs. Huh, she had almost forgotten it was there. She’s quickly being reminded though as it twinges with every movement. It’s shallow – well, shallow according to her standards, seeing as her insides are still inside. She doubts anyone else might see it that way though.

“Eh.” She shrugs a shoulder, fatigue setting in.

They enter the medical tent, blinking in the sudden bright light. There’s a huge commotion as gravely injured soldiers are ferried into the tent. Ji Hye jumps away as another soldier in rushed in on a stretcher. She frowns as she sees Kyungsoo fussing over a bed, a familiar head of blonde hair lying on the makeshift bed. She doesn’t know how badly Yifan is hurt, but she’ll optimistically think it’s not too bad; if it was fatal, Kyungsoo would be crying instead of worrying like a mother hen.

She can’t quite remember – she supposes the blood loss is setting in – but she’s whisked away by a nurse, a towel pressed to her stomach as they find her a seat; there aren’t any beds available.

The edges of her vision are beginning to turn black (right, blood loss is a bad thing) and she thinks she’s actually going to pass out. Fingers that feel too warm are tilting her chin up until she’s looking into concerned brown eyes.

“The blood is supposed to be inside your body,” Yixing teases lightly, but she can detect the faintest hint of panic in his voice.

She laughs before wincing when the cut pulls. “Ow, don’t make me laugh,” she whines.

He peels her hands and the bloody towel away from the cut. She doesn’t like the way he winces when he looks at the cut. She gasps the moment he touches his hands to it, the coolness of his skin a contrast to the heat of her blood. There’s the cooling sensation of healing magic and the black at the edges of her vision fade away.

Yixing looks pretty drawn, she realises. There’s sweat beading on his forehead and he’s too pale. Ji Hye places a hand on his wrist, gently pulling his hands away once the muscle heals. He looks up at her.

“You’re not done healing,” he protests.

“I’m fine. Save your energy for those who need it more. Or for yourself,” she adds, eyeing the cut above his eyebrow. “How’s Yifan?”

“Better. It was a little iffy, with the javelin in his shoulder and everything, but we managed to get it out. The internal bleeding was tricky, but it’s a good thing I’m here.” His smile is wan and tired, but there’s also relief. “He’ll be fine, just knocked out for the next couple of days. Kyungsoo-ssi is looking after him.”

“Kyungsoo, the eternal mother hen,” she agrees. It doesn’t hurt that Kyungsoo also has a crush on Yifan (he’s not as quiet as he thinks he is while he’s wailing in his room) and would make sure he’s nursed to full health if it’s the last thing he does.

He brushes a stray lock of hair away, his eyes roaming her face as if he’s trying to commit it to memory. This time she can’t help the blush and a smile touches his lips as heat floods her cheeks.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she mutters, looking away.

“I’m just… glad you’re okay.”

“I told you I would be.” She bites her lip, fully taking him in. “You look like hell.”

His laugh is quiet, like he barely has the effort to laugh. “How flattering.”

“Get some sleep,” she sighs, reaching up and wiping away some dried blood from his cheek. “You’re no good to anyone if you’re exhausted.”

He sighs. “I guess you’re right.” He grabs her wrist when she makes to walk off. “You’ll still be around when I wake up, right?”

She snorts and pats his cheek lightly. “I’m not a flight risk, remember?”

“I remember,” he says, kissing her fingertips before walking away.


Ji Hye curses as she digs through her closet. Has she ever mentioned she hates parties? Well, if she hates parties, she hates weddings more. Goddamn, where is that shoe?

She glances at the clock, groaning slightly when she realises she has half an hour left. There’s a knock on the door and she nearly throws something. She still has to look for one more heel and her tiara is… somewhere.

It’s funny – and somewhat alarming – how Joonmyun can allow her to lose something like that.

“I’m decent,” she yells, getting on her hands and knees to look under her bed. It’s a long shot, but worth a try.

She can’t believe it’s actually there, though.

“Well, that’s an interesting visual,” she hears Yixing comment and hits her head against her bed frame.

“Ow, ,” she swears, grasping her shoe and straightening. “Yixing! You’re not supposed to be here.”

He grins a boyish grin, making him look a couple years younger. “I snuck away,” he answers, eyes twinkling. “Princess, I didn’t know you were such a potty mouth.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, your highness,” she quips, flashing him a grin. “Hey, since you’re here, can you help me find my tiara?”

“I knew you’d ask that,” Yixing says, revealing her silver circlet from behind his back. “Joonmyun handed it to me just now.”

“He’s a smart one, that man,” she jokes, sweeping her hair to the side and waiting for him to place it on her head. He presses a kiss to her forehead before placing it on her head and she bites her lip to keep in her giggle. God, he makes her such a girl. “Thank you.”

His eyes twinkle as he brushes a strand of hair away. “Look at you, all dressed up.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she comments, adjusting the flower in the pocket of his suit. She adjusts his lapels, smiling up at him. He really doesn’t look too bad, in his suit and his own crown woven through his hair. There’s that killer smile on his face once more and her heart pounds in response. Then, Ji Hye pushes him out of her room. “Now, out. Before the others find you in here.”

He bows and kisses her cheek before winking. “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes, Ji Hye-yah.”

Fifteen minutes later, she’s standing at the altar, fiddling with the flowers in her hand. It’s a little awkward, being the only female up there, but Kyungsoo said he could only trust her to be his best ‘man’ because Jongin is unreliable and a joker.

Kyungsoo is shifting nervously, continuously touching his hair and Ji Hye holds out a hand to stop him. “You look fine,” she assures him. “Don’t fuss anymore.”

“I’m just – nervous,” the elder chokes out, looking like he’s close to hyperventilating.

She sighs. Another reason why Jongin can’t be here is because he’s at comforting people. That being said, she’s not all that good either and the only reason Joonmyun isn’t in her place is because he has to watch over the ceremony and marry Yifan and Kyungsoo.

“Don’t be,” she tells him, patting his back. “You’ll be fine and he’ll be walking through that door. Please don’t panic.”

Whatever else she might say is drowned out by the wedding march starting and Yifan in all his tall, chic gloriousness walking into the room. She can feel Kyungsoo relax next to her and takes a step back to her position.

As the ceremony goes on, she locks eyes with Yixing standing next to Yifan and thinks that marriage wouldn’t be so bad after all. She won’t say she’s in love just yet, but she’s almost there. Yixing doesn’t make it look so bad.


Because I watched a thing so I wrote a thing. I don't even know anymore, man. LayHye could be a thing. Maybe.

(but kaihye is still otp ahem)

Yixing is a prince, nuff said.

I might have an angsty BaekHye up soon and maybe some HunHye that's like a KDrama in a one shot.

This is almost 9000 words yo.

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park_dobii #1
Chapter 19: So many feels. I actually love your Hogwarts!AU, you write it so well!
park_dobii #2
Chapter 18: This made me laugh AND got my Ji Hye/D.O feels happening. Well done!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It was heart wrenching D-,: So sweet.... but so heart breaking.... Now I'll just crawl up on the couch and eat ice cream, that's the only solution ;-p
Chapter 1: Wait... Why is she calling the boys "hyung"?
park_dobii #5
Chapter 14: I missed youuuuuu!!! This is adorable and I can't even because KaiHye feels :D
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 11: To be honest...I'd climb him like a koala in a tree if I was drunk and he was there, so you're not alone. He's , 'nuff said.

That's being said, it's safe to say this is my favourite chapter. :) Thank you author-nimmm
batooty #7
I'd like to see one where she actually finds a fanfic. That'd be interesting I think.

I'm most excited for XiuHye :) Ultimate bias right there :D

You're a wonderful author
HappyVirusXO #8
Chapter 10: TAOHYE HOGWARTS HAS TAKEN ME OVER!!! This is my favourite OTP!!!!!
miko12 #9
Chapter 9: All of these one-shots are so beautifully written <3 I just wish there's more OT12 (like each member in every chapter, you get me?) incorporated in each storyline... but hey everything still has great plots! It'd be cool if you do like a love-triangle kind of drama MV, idk maybe Kris and Kai? Huhu you are a cool author, author-nim!! Happy Holidays btw!
batooty #10
Chapter 9: <3 :D :3 THE FEELS! I'm sorry, Sehun is one of three people able to make me lose my sh*t and Suee like a fangirl. BUT SEHUN! AND JI HYE!! AND KISS! ADSKFGSLFBldug

On the other hand, I think you're my favourite author