
Stories of EXO

Ji Hye is avoiding him and Luhan decidedly doesn’t like it.



Their maknae is avoiding him and he doesn't like it. Luhan does not like it at all.

He huffs, lips forming a frown as Ji Hye squeaks out a hurried excuse about more practice before dragging Sehun out with her. Oh, great. She's stealing his best friend too.

"What did you do?" Jongin asks him, a curious gaze directed towards the door where the two youngest EXO members had just stumbled out.

"I've been asking myself the same question," the elder grumbles, crossing his arms. He's starting to pout because he just doesn't understand. He hasn't done anything to her – that's usually Jongdae – and it's only started recently. What changed?

"She's all… twitchy now," Chanyeol comments, momentarily directing his attention away from the TV.

Twitchy, anxious, downright avoiding him… it's not a pleasant feeling, knowing you're being avoided. Especially since he doesn't even know what he did wrong.

He'd ask her, but she'd probably just run away. Time for plan B.


"Why are you avoiding me?"

A towel goes flying in his direction, hitting him square in the face. He wrinkles his nose and pulls it away, ducking to avoid a toilet plunger thrown his way.

"I'm in the bathroom!" she yells, cheeks red and a hand clutching the robe that she's taken to wearing since she moved in close to her chest. She's just showered after practicing (or so she says) with Sehun. He'd be more ashamed about this, but she has a habit of unlocking the door once she's decent…

Except she's not that decent because he can see her legs and whoa he hadn't noticed how long her legs were before.

"Stop staring," she commands, her voice shrill as she tries to pull the robe further down her legs, but it's too short. "Did you have a reason for barging in here, or do you just have this inane urge to catch me while I'm changing?"

Heat rushes to his ears. "No. I just figured this might be the only chance I can actually talk to you."

The look she shoots him is incredulous and maybe a little disdainful. He can't help but think that maybe she's spending a little too much time with Baekhyun. "In a bathroom."

He exhales because, okay, maybe he didn't quite think things through, but it's been so difficult to catch a hold of her recently, so he hadn't really planned that far ahead.

She huffs and tries to push past him, but he grabs a hold of her forearms and tries to ignore the way she's accusing him of harassing her and this is an invasion of my privacy and personal space so let go of me, Luhan!

"Will you stop avoiding me?" he snaps. He's tired of seeing her all edgy around when they used to be okay – well, as okay as you can get when you've only spent four days together out of the whole year you've been band mates (that was voluntary, at least).

"I–I'm not avoiding you," she protests, but she stammers and she's not meeting his gaze. She slaps his hand away and steps back, seemingly resigned to being trapped in the bathroom until Luhan decides to leave her alone.

He's not convinced. "So you just decided to go and practice with Sehun just when I walk into the room."

"Excuse you, but some of us like to perfect our dancing," she says haughtily, tugging the hem of her robe down to cover her legs (and failing). He almost curses, because the last thing he wants is to have his attention drawn to her legs again. "That doesn't mean I'm avoiding you."

"What about that time during practice when you bolted just when I was walking towards you?"

"I really had to pee."

"That time at the airport when you ducked under my arm just when I was going to put it around you."

"… I had something really urgent to say to Joonmyun."

His eyes narrow. He has this distinct feeling that she's lying, but he can't call her out on it because, really, he doesn't know her that well (which is a bit of a shame because he'd like to).

"Just now," he adds, his voice a little sharp due to irritation. He's irritated because she's avoiding him; irritated that she just seems so uncomfortable around him, because he's really comfortable around her.

She sighs in exasperation and runs a hair through her damp hair. He tries not to notice how the short black strands cling to her fingers.

"I don't know if you've noticed," she huffs, "but I was using the bathroom. You were this close to walking in on me while I was putting my shirt on!”

Silence descends over them and oh, his ears are heating up. That would have been embarrassing.

Maybe he should just go. After all, there are other ways to corner her. (At least, theoretically.)

"I'll – just go," he mutters, turning around and exiting the room. He hears the door slam shut behind him and barely notices when Sehun brushes past him, towel hung around his neck.

Another shriek is heard and Luhan winces, the sound of something hard impacting flesh ringing through the dorm.



If anything, it's gotten harder to corner her because every time he comes close, she frowns and doesn't even bother disguising the fact that she's running away. He's well aware that he might have made things worse, but he just really wants to know what he did wrong so he can apologise and they can go back to the tentative friendship that they used to have.

A poke to his shoulder brings him out of his sulking and he squints up at Minseok, who's looking down at him in concern.

"This thing you and Ji Hye are having is really weird," he states. Luhan scoots over so the elder can sit next to him.

"Tell me about it," the silver haired male mutters. "I don't even know what I did wrong!"

"Barging in on her might have been part of the problem," Minseok points out. His ears heat up, but he's puffing his cheeks out in annoyance.

"No," he drawls, "before that! She keeps avoiding me and I don't like it."

The elder gives him a knowing look, but Luhan simply stares at the dirty floor morosely. It's the last day of shooting for the drama music video and to be honest, he can't wait for it to be over.

"Is there a reason you don't like it?"

"I just don't like it, okay?"

"Well, somebody's in a mood."

The younger sighs, resisting the urge to run a hand through his hair; that will only get him in trouble with the coordi noonas and he'll get a handful of hairspray, gel and whatever goop they put in his hair to make it stay spiky. "Sorry."

Minseok pats his back sympathetically. "I'm sure things will get better," he offers. Somehow, Luhan doesn't think so.

Regardless, he makes a noise in the back of his throat that Minseok takes as an agreement before leaving him to his own devices.

There's no particular reason to dislike Ji Hye's avoiding him. It's just unpleasant. At least that's what he tells himself.


There's a scene they have to shoot. It's at the soccer pitch and they're both supposed to be lying down in the middle of the field, just talking. What about, Luhan has no idea. The director just told them to talk. It wouldn't be so bad – except they never really talked much before and they certainly haven't been talking recently.

There they are, backs on the grass. The grass is damp and it feels uncomfortable with moisture absorbed into his jacket, but not enough to soak it. Ji Hye's hair is sort of fanned out around her head and it's tickling his cheek, but in the pleasant way that makes him smile. Their shoulders bump into each other occasionally as they fidget and he kind of likes it. It feels… friendly.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles, so the camera can't quite make out his words.

She turns her head and he feels her breath on his face, but he doesn't turn to look at her. "Why are you apologising?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows a little.

He shrugs. "I don't know. For whatever I did, that makes us all…" he waves a hand, indicating to them; the weirdness that exists between them for some unknown reason (to him). He ignores the director's command to make it a little more obvious.

She snorts (it shouldn't be cute, but it is) and he smiles a little. "You didn't do anything," she tells him. "It just – " He looks over at her and she rolls her eyes (probably a habit she got from spending so much time around Key). "Look, just forget it, okay? It's weird, but let's just pretend it never happened."

"Call," he breathes, grinning and sitting up like the director is yelling at him to.

She follows suit and bumps his shoulder because, hey, they're supposed to look all friendly and stuff and nothing says friends like a casual shoulder bump. The director is yelling cut, telling them that was a good run and they can move on to the next scene, but it's kind of nice sitting there in the middle of the field even though his pants are damp and there are a dozen cameras watching their every move. It's nice because he thinks he's finally friends with his best friend's best friend (and it only took him a year) and he feels all warm and fuzzy on the inside (that makes him sound like a girl, but don't judge him).

There's a hand waving in his face and he almost goes cross-eyed trying to keep an eye on it. He gaze travels up the hand, following the sleeve of the jacket all the way up to Ji Hye's face. There's a small smile quirking her lips, her hair is a mess and there's grass on her cheek, but he feels his heart skip a beat and it feels weird. His stomach is churning and he finally understands what they mean by butterflies.

"Well, are you going to take it or not?" It's almost like she's trying to sound stern, but there's a laugh bubbling up . It makes him smile back at her as he takes her hand in his. "Come on, slowpoke! We have another scene to film."


"Somebody's happy," Sehun comments as they sit at the table. They're at some barbecue restaurant, celebrating the end of the filming and just enjoying themselves the day before their first day off in what feels like years. Joonmyun's paying (with Yifan reluctantly splitting the bill) and EXO-K's leader looks like he's about to have a headache (again).

Luhan merely hums, slapping his best friend's hand away from his beloved meat. "We're okay," he says happily.

Sehun looks blank for a moment before it clicks. "Oh, you mean the thing between you and Ji Hye. Congrats, hyung."

"Oh Sehun, keep your hands off my meat."

The maknae pouts, retracting his chopsticks. "Fine. Be that way." He turns to Zitao. "Hey, Tao – "

"Go away before I kick you," the Chinese maknae doesn't hesitate to say, giving the younger a sharp look.

"Rude," Sehun mutters. He takes in a deep breath, turning to his same-aged friend. "Ji Hye – "

"Get your own food, loser."

Sehun throws his hands up in exasperation. "It's a conspiracy," he cries. He gets a sauce packet thrown at his chest, courtesy of Ji Hye.

"Stop being a brat," she chides, rolling her eyes. "The grill is right there."

"Yeah, stop being a brat, Hunnie," Luhan teases, tweaking his ear.

"Oh great, now you're siding with her. Song Ji Hye, stop trying to steal my best friend from me!"

"You, Oh Sehun, are secretly a teenage girl, aren't you?" she muses, an amused smile on her lips.

"Shut up."


A hiccup rings through the room. Ji Hye covers , although it doesn't stop another hiccup from squeaking out. Luhan leans back, concern in his gaze.

"Are you okay?" he asks. Her face is turning red and she isn't looking at him.

"Of course," she squeaks, her voice muffled from covering it. "Why wouldn't I – hic – be?"

His eyebrows draw together as he frowns. "Well, you're hiccupping and – "

He's interrupted as another hiccup forces itself out of and then she's scrambling for her things, rushing out of his room with nonsensical excuses spilling from her lips. He's shocked into inaction, her notebook still held loosely in his grasp from where he had been explaining something to her before the hiccupping started.

He jolts when there's a thump and muffled cursing, followed by the sound of Ji Hye apologising. Luhan's brain finally screams loud enough for his body to react, telling him to catch her before it's too late.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), he's too slow to catch her; the door slams shut behind her just as he bolts out of his room. He groans, leaning against the wall and slamming his head repeatedly against it, because he's pretty sure he just messed everything up again and there's no turning back this time.

"What the heck just happened?" Yifan demands and Luhan snaps to look at the leader, barely reacting at his position on the floor. It's obvious the maknae had slammed into him in her frantic escape. "What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything," he groans, hiding behind his hands. "I don't know why she keeps doing this. I'm innocent, I tell you!"


"You're acting we – "

"I'm not acting weird," she says hurriedly, on the verge of snapping. "I'm just – I'm not acting weird."

Luhan doesn't buy it and it's obvious in his gaze as he stares her down. She keeps fidgeting, shifting her weight on her feet and glancing at the clock. He would think she has to be somewhere, but he knows she doesn't so it's just a subconscious movement to tell him to go away. Strangely enough, knowing that doesn't make him feel better.

"You ran out of my room yesterday like you were being chased by a pack of wild dogs," he points out irritably. "I don't – will you stop that?"

She's started tapping her hand against her thigh, making the bangles she's wearing clink together noisily. It's aggravating his headache and it certainly isn't doing anything to improve his mood. He grabs her hand to make it stop moving, eyes glancing up sharply when she squeaks.

Her cheeks are turning red and she's immediately trying to tug her hand out of his grip. He almost wants to growl, because she's only ever this edgy around him and he hates it. It's not an annoyance anymore. He hates it; hates that she's always so uncomfortable around him.

"Could you – " she starts, only to be cut off by another hiccup. Her face turns a darker shade of red and she looks like she wants to crawl into a hole and just hide.

"Why do you keep doing that?" he asks. If he's honest with himself, he realises that the hiccupping only starts around him.

She looks frustrated as her lips twist into a frown, only to be hidden behind her hand as she hiccups. "It's not like I can control it," she snaps, her voice muffled. "Did you come here for something, or did you just decide to drop by for the heck of it?"

The elder scowls and shoves her notebook in her hands before stomping off to return to his dorm. Low muttering reaches his ears, punctuated by hiccups (that are appearing less frequently the further he goes, damn it) before he's met with the sound of a door slamming and a low shout – no doubt Joonmyun reminding Ji Hye not to slam the door.

Luhan huffs before kicking the wall, only for a flurry of Cantonese curses (which he picked up from Yifan) to escape his mouth when he's suddenly – and painfully – reminded that walls are hard and most definitely not meant for kicking.

As irrational as it sounds, his foot is throbbing, his headache has gotten worse, the butterflies in his stomach refuse to calm down more than ever (accompanied with an ache in his chest), and he blames it all on Song Ji Hye and her stupid hiccups.


"Ji Hye likes someone."

It takes all of Luhan's willpower not to spit his mouthful of water all over the male maknae. He struggles to swallow for a moment, the urge to just hit Sehun materialising suddenly as the little brat just watches in amusement.

"And why are you telling me?" the elder chokes out after his airway is clear of water and the danger of drowning passes.

Sehun shrugs, sliding his hands into his pockets ever so casually. It doesn't stop Luhan from noticing the smirk threatening to appear. "Just thought you should know," comes the reply, just the right shade of nonchalance in his voice.

He snorts, wiping away the sweat accumulated on his forehead. Why Sehun decides to bring this up during their ten minute break, he'll never understand. Practice is hard enough without the thought of Ji Hye liking someone. It'll sit heavily in his mind until he finds an answer.

"It doesn't concern me," he says after a brief pause.

"Aren't you curious?" There's a glint in the younger's eyes that's just begging him to ask. Luhan's eyes narrow. He's finally come to the conclusion that Sehun is, indeed, the spawn of Satan and was put on this earth specifically to torment him. It's about time he seriously reconsiders their friendship.

"No," he says firmly, because he is and he doesn't want to know the answer he's dying to hear. It'll probably just put him in a bad mood for the rest of the week (or year).

"It's somebody from M," Sehun sings, taunting him with the juicy piece of information. Luhan doesn't hesitate to punch him, causing the younger to yelp and rub his arm. "What was that for?"

"Cut it out," he hisses. "I don't want to know." He really doesn't, because he doesn't want to end up disliking a band member. He doesn't even know why he'll end up disliking whoever that person is.

His eyes search for Ji Hye of their own accord and he very nearly scowls when he sees her talking to Yifan. They seem to be in deep discussion about something. Suddenly, her nose wrinkles and she's kind of laughing. He doesn't know why (he doesn't know a lot of things, actually), but he just wants to pull her away from duizhang and keep her by his side.

A poke in his side jars him from his thoughts, causing him to emit a girlish shriek. Sehun snickers (that brat) and Luhan doesn't like how his best friend can hold that important piece of information over him.

"Green is not a good colour on you," the younger states and he looks down, because he's pretty sure he wore a blue shirt this morning and –

He makes a face and hits Sehun again, finally understanding what he's trying to say. "I'm not jealous."

There's that aggravating smirk again and Luhan can't help but wonder how Kyungsoo can find that attractive. "Whatever you say, Lu," the younger coos.

"That's hyung to you."

He's not jealous. At least that's what he tries to tell himself. Unfortunately, the swooping in the pit of his stomach is all too familiar. It used to be a feeling he'd associated with jealousy back when he thought Ji Hye was trying to steal Sehun away from him. Now he's all too aware that jealousy has something to do with their youngest member, but not the way it used to be.

Tentatively, he realises that his intentions with Ji Hye might go beyond just friends and that kind of scares him.


Movie night is something they don't have often, so they're going all out. It's possibly the last free day they'll have before their comeback and they're going to enjoy every single moment.

The living room of EXO-K's dorm is too small to fit thirteen people, but they're doing it anyway. That just means that there's barely any elbow room and some people have taken to sitting on each other's laps. Luhan dutifully ignores Joonmyun, who is settled comfortably on Yifan's lap and Zitao, who is curled up comfortably against Jongdae. He's trying not to concentrate on Ji Hye, who's pressed close to him on the couch. Somehow, the maknae had managed to squeeze herself onto the couch and Luhan is finding out the hard way that it is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen in the history of his being.

The opening soundtrack distracts him for a brief moment and he notices that they're watching yet another horror movie. He figures Jongdae has something to do with it, because that's the only way Zitao will come crawling to the vocalist under the context of being scared.

Unfortunately, he forgets that Ji Hye doesn't like horror movies either and he realises it just as he feels her edging closer towards him.

He panics for a brief moment. He hasn't quite sorted out his feelings for the younger and her close proximity is making the butterflies in his stomach go haywire. It's almost a pleasant feeling, except he feels all warm and nauseous at the same time. His arm is awkwardly crushed between his own side and Ji Hye's and he wriggles it out.

He's faced with another problem. He has no idea where to place it now. For lack of a better place, he rests it along the back of the couch, her hair tickling the inside of his arm. He clears his throat quietly, because it's actually very tempting to just curl his arm around her and pull her close.

It turns out he doesn't have to, because she's pressing into him a moment later, whimpering as she covers her eyes. Then, she peeks between her fingers and she seems to realise she's staring at Luhan's uncomfortably warm face.

"Uh, hi."


"Ji Hye," Jongdae hisses. "Shush!"

"I'm sorry," she replies quietly. "I can't – hic – damn it." She clutches her chest and closes her eyes, but the hiccups don't stop. If anything, they increase in frequency.

"Maknae – "

"I'm going, I'm going!" She scurries out, but not without sending a withering glare in Jongdae's direction. Jongdae is simply too busy cooing in Zitao's ear as the younger boy buries his face in his neck to pay her any attention.

Luhan's torn. He wants to go after her, but wouldn't that make his feelings a little obvious? He's still trying to figure it out himself!

Then again, he's not quite the most obvious (Jongdae and Joonmyun are currently fighting for first place on that one) so he decides screw it and follows after her into the kitchen.

She's banging her head against the counter, occasionally letting out hiccups when he finds her. He leans against the door jamb, watching her in amusement.

"You know, you've got a bit of a problem there," he observes. In return, he gets another hiccup.

"It's all your fault," she mutters under her breath, but he hears it anyway. He walks forward until he's leaning against the counter, directly in front of her.

"And how, exactly, is your hiccupping my fault?" he asks incredulously. She squeaks and leans back, almost falling over.

She flails a little and he realises that she's gesturing to him in general.

 "It just is, okay?" Ji Hye huffs, hiccups continuously punctuating her words. "Why did it have to be you? It's not fair."

He gives her a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

She groans and covers her face. "Nothing. Just –  hic – forget I – hic – said anything."

"Your hiccupping's a big problem."

"It – hic – is – hicnothic – a – hic – problem!"

He leans in and narrows his eyes, scrutinising her face. He watches a pinkish hue appear in the normally pale cheeks and he feels good, knowing he might have been the cause (might being the key word).

Then, he smirks and he watches the blush darken. "Could have fooled me."

"This is – hic – why I don't – hic – want to like you!" she cries, her head thumping on the counter. He doesn't answer and she seems to realise what she had just said. "Oh – hic – crud."

A smile twitches his lips and he has to force himself to keep a neutral expression on his face. "So… you like me now?"

"I'm neither confirming nor denying that," she replies hurriedly, barely escaping from interrupting her sentence with another hiccup.

"If you stopped hiccupping," he tells her, "we might be able to have a proper conversation about this."

"Maybe I don't – hicwant to have this conversation."

"It's kind of important, since you pretty much just confessed to me."

"I – hiccan't, okay?" she wails, finally lifting her face from the surface of the counter. "I just – hic – get so nervous – hic – around you and I – hic – can't stop. I – hic – have no idea – hic – how to – "

This time, she isn't cut off by a hiccup, but the press of Luhan's lips against hers. Her lips are frozen against his, but it only takes a little coaxing for her to respond.

He's been wondering how to keep her quiet and he figures this is his best bet. It also doesn't hurt that he's been wondering how soft her lips must be for the longest time and how delightful they might be against his own.

She pulls away after a few moments, dazed and looking like she could fall to the floor and die happy. He doesn't begrudge her that because, well, he's feeling the same way. It feels good to know he's not the only one feeling like an idiot.

"So… can I take this as an acceptance of my awkward and impromptu confession?" she asks. He answers by pressing his lips against hers again, smiling as her hands reach up to tangle in his hair.

They walk out a few minutes later, lips swollen, hair messy, faces flushed and butterflies raging in his stomach.

At least her hiccups stopped.


Sehun narrows his eyes at his two best friends, who are dutifully ignoring him in favour of food. Finally, Ji Hye looks up and sighs.

"What?" she asks, tapping her chopsticks against her bowl in a rhythm that's sounds an awful lot like their new song as she raises an eyebrow at him. "Is there a problem?"

"You two are acting weird," he accuses, leaning in to scrutinise his fellow maknae, only to be swatted away. "See?"

She rolls her eyes. "I'm always threatening bodily harm on you."

"Not that. You and Luhan hyung are just so… friendly now."

Luhan snorts, deciding to participate in the conversation if only just to take the heat off Ji Hye. "I thought that's what you wanted?" the elder points out.

Sehun crosses his arms and huffs. "Not when I'm being left out," he mutters, lips forming a pout.

Kyungsoo pats the male maknae's shoulder sympathetically. "Well, you did ask for it," the vocalist says and Luhan has to suppress a laugh because he forgets that Kyungsoo is far from being the sympathetic hyung. If anything, he's the hyung that rubs more salt into the infected wound under the guise of it being a pain reliever (Ji Hye tells him it's because Kyungsoo has been spending a lot of time with Jongdae recently). Nonetheless, everyone knows Kyungsoo has a soft spot for a certain maknae, so when Sehun's pout doesn't let up, the elder sighs and offers, "How about we get some bubble tea, huh?"

Sehun doesn't hesitate to jump up and grab the elder's hand, causing red to colour Kyungsoo's pale cheeks as he allows himself to be dragged out of the crowded dorm.

"I bet you five bucks Kyungsoo comes back with a hickey," Chanyeol announces once the two are out of earshot.

Baekhyun scoffs, rolling his eyes. "No," he drawls. "Ten bucks Sehun comes back with a smirking Kyungsoo and a raging hard on."

Jongdae clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "You peasants," he sniffs. "Fifteen bucks that Kyungsoo comes back hard."

"Twenty bucks both of them come back, hair messy, lips swollen and a pretty little hickey on Sehun's collarbone," Ji Hye offers unexpectedly, smirking slightly. "Oh, and I'll add that Kyungsoo's pants might be a little tight and Sehun's going to be waddling."

The remaining members in the room blink at her. Then, Jongdae, Chanyeol and Baekhyun snort.

"Sehun," Chanyeol scoffs disdainfully. "Yeah right. Well then, maknae, put your money where your mouth is."

"I just did," she points out. "Fine, don't believe me. But I expect my money when I get back."

"Get back?" Joonmyun repeats. "Where are you going?"

This time, Luhan answers, "Maknae and I have some shopping to do."

"Don't come back too late," the leader calls out. The two make vague gestures to show they understand and then they're out the door.

They wait until they're a couple of blocks away before their hands intertwine.

"Maybe we should tell them," Ji Hye muses, swinging their hands lightly.

"Nah," Luhan replies, tugging the girl closer. "Where's the fun in that?" Then, he tugs on a lock of her hair. "Since when did you bet with those three jokers?"

"Only when I know I'm going to win," she replies smugly.

However, he doesn't look convinced. "Twenty bucks is a little much, don't you think?"

"Have you ever felt the between them? It's been running high for weeks." A mischievous grin lights her face. "Plus, I know Sehun and he's just so sensitive. Trust me when I say I'll have sixty bucks by the time we get back."

Luhan can't help but laugh, wondering how he managed to catch such a sly snake. "You vixen," he teases. "You're enjoying this."

"Naturally. It's a perk of knowing everything that goes on in the four walls of my dorm." Suddenly, she makes a face. "I'd rather not hear Chanyeol and Jongin going at it, though."

"That explains why you asked if you could stay over at my dorm the other night."

"Well, that… and I just really like you."

He doesn't reply, but he presses a kiss to the corner of , which pretty much leads to Ji Hye pulling them into a hidden corner so she can prolong the kiss.

Between the kisses, giggles and the butterflies, Luhan realises that all of that is never going away for as long as he holds on and he's okay with that.

Because he's never going to let go.


why is this so long

Honestly speaking, Luhan isn't really a bias. Well, he's trying, but he's not succeeding (almost though... almost). Still, this is really long... AND IT WAS WRITTEN ON MY PHONE.

I just had feels for this because Ji Hye is really a dork and awkward and she can't deal with people and crushes (she's actually like me but she gets the guy in the end, lucky girl XD).

Let this be known that I'm just writing this for my own pleasure because nobody has subscribed or commented lol.

I'm a selfish author what can i say?

P.S If you're reading this, I'm sorry for the conversation of hard ons and waddling (no they won't have , I promise) but I imagine that's how it is at the dorm (if they were gay, of course I CAN DREAM)

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park_dobii #1
Chapter 19: So many feels. I actually love your Hogwarts!AU, you write it so well!
park_dobii #2
Chapter 18: This made me laugh AND got my Ji Hye/D.O feels happening. Well done!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It was heart wrenching D-,: So sweet.... but so heart breaking.... Now I'll just crawl up on the couch and eat ice cream, that's the only solution ;-p
Chapter 1: Wait... Why is she calling the boys "hyung"?
park_dobii #5
Chapter 14: I missed youuuuuu!!! This is adorable and I can't even because KaiHye feels :D
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 11: To be honest...I'd climb him like a koala in a tree if I was drunk and he was there, so you're not alone. He's , 'nuff said.

That's being said, it's safe to say this is my favourite chapter. :) Thank you author-nimmm
batooty #7
I'd like to see one where she actually finds a fanfic. That'd be interesting I think.

I'm most excited for XiuHye :) Ultimate bias right there :D

You're a wonderful author
HappyVirusXO #8
Chapter 10: TAOHYE HOGWARTS HAS TAKEN ME OVER!!! This is my favourite OTP!!!!!
miko12 #9
Chapter 9: All of these one-shots are so beautifully written <3 I just wish there's more OT12 (like each member in every chapter, you get me?) incorporated in each storyline... but hey everything still has great plots! It'd be cool if you do like a love-triangle kind of drama MV, idk maybe Kris and Kai? Huhu you are a cool author, author-nim!! Happy Holidays btw!
batooty #10
Chapter 9: <3 :D :3 THE FEELS! I'm sorry, Sehun is one of three people able to make me lose my sh*t and Suee like a fangirl. BUT SEHUN! AND JI HYE!! AND KISS! ADSKFGSLFBldug

On the other hand, I think you're my favourite author