Promise (i'll always make you smile)

Stories of EXO

They say the happiest are the most broken, but they forget about the quiet ones.


It’s kind of a downward slide after Yifan leaves.

There’s unrest among the group. It takes a few days after the law suit for everyone to get back to normal. Chanyeol bounces back from these kinds of things pretty easy. That’s why he and Baekhyun get along so well, probably. Joonmyun has his own support system and so does EXO-M.

Then, there’s the maknaes.

The three of them are pretty tight-knit, but they’ve never been known to handle stress pretty well. They run away to the bubble tea shop like it holds all the answers, even if they know it doesn’t. They’re young, so he can’t really blame them.

That’s where he finds them the night the news breaks out.

It’s not silent – they’re the maknaes – but it’s solemn. They’re talking, but they’re not being loud or anything. They’re just… talking. It’s actually kind of sad.

“They’re not acting normally,” Chanyeol tells Baekhyun a little sadly. The little bell above the door jingles as they enter the little shop. Sehun looks up, frowning a little. His mouth moves and he assumes it’s to tell the others their meddling members have arrived.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol just slide into the booth as if they were invited.

“What’s up?” Baekhyun asks with an infuriating smirk. The way they – Baekhyun and Chanyeol – play things is like this: they tease and they prod until people open up. it worked with each other and it’s worked until now.

“Go away,” Jongin mutters quietly with a disdainful look towards the two hyungs. Chanyeol’s a little taken aback. Between the three of them, Jongin has always been the most amicable. It’s mostly Ji Hye or Sehun who snap.

Baekhyun frowns briefly, but it’s gone in half a second. “Hey now,” he says, “that’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

“He didn’t mean it like that,” Ji Hye corrects with a flick of her eyes towards her two friends. “We just want some time to ourselves.”

Being the annoying person he is, Baekhyun actually pouts. “I thought you liked me,” he whines.

It’s telling that the youngest gives him a flat look, but one thing Baekhyun and Chanyeol don’t have in common is the ability to know when to stop.

Jongin and Sehun look like they’re at the breaking point. Chanyeol still remembers the first time he had met the two. They had been so happy and excited. Now, he can see the dark circles under their eyes and Jongin has been hurt so much because of his idol life. Despite all that, they still dance, still sing their hearts out for a company that, frankly, doesn’t know how to treat their talent.

Sehun looks ready to leave, except he can’t. He’s been driven into a corner by the both of them. Chanyeol’s looking at Ji Hye, though, so he’s probably the only one who notices her worried look she shoots towards her fellow maknae.

She stands, a hand on Chanyeol’s arm and fingers pinching Baekhyun's ear. The younger lets out a yelp as their maknae drags them both outside.

“What are you doing?” she asks in exasperation. She’s looking straight at Chanyeol, but she’s obviously addressing both of them.

Baekhyun is more somber in front of Ji Hye. “Joonmyun hyung is worried,” he admits. “We’re just here to check up on you.”

It’s still a running gag that despite being the youngest, their maknae line still looks more mature than the rest of them. It’s a sad reminder when he sees how much the ultimate maknae has aged in the past week alone. She used to have that happy glint in her eye too.

She sighs tiredly, eyes flicking around the near-empty street. “We’ll be fine. Just let us figure it out on our own.”

As she turns to go back inside, Chanyeol lands a hand on her shoulder. She pauses.

For the first time that night, Chanyeol speaks. “You don’t have to go through this alone,” he says, his voice softer than anticipated. He doesn’t know why, but she looks so fragile. It must be the moonlight.

Her smile is a little strained around the edges. “We’re not,” she says, brushing his hand off.

He watches her return into the warm confines of the store. Through the window, both hyungs watch as she sits next to Sehun this time. Her lips move and the two boys (and they’re still boys) are listening.

She looks like she’s mothering them. He can’t help but think it’s a shame she’s had to grow up so fast.

While Chanyeol is lost in his thoughts, his best friend nudges him out of them.

“What was that about?” he asks, voice teasing. Chanyeol sees the tilt to the shorter’s lips and immediately protests.

“It’s not what you think.”

Baekhyun's eyebrows threaten to escape. “I didn’t say anything.”

Chanyeol scowls. “You didn’t have to, prick.”

Baekhyun's laugh is gleeful – too gleeful. Chanyeol knows he’s probably the only one who can pick out the slight wobble. “You love me.”



When Luhan leaves, it’s kind of better.

It still hurts, of course, but there’s not as much hurt. They’re more ready to give their goodbyes and Chanyeol supposes he can understand Luhan's concerns.

It’s not Luhan that worries him.

Ji Hye had been quiet throughout the whole night. It was Luhan's last night with them, so they were trying to make it their best, screw the management. There’s a little more rebellion in their group now, even from loyal I’ve trained for seven years Joonmyun. Not enough to get them cut or in trouble, but certainly more than when they were rookies.

It keeps him awake, strangely enough. He runs a hand down his face, sitting up in bed. Sehun is sleeping in his bed, but Ji Hye’s is empty. He blinks at the pile of blankets; he doesn’t remember hearing the bedroom door open.

Damn, he must have really been out of it.

His throat is dry, so he ventures out into the kitchen for a glass of water.

That’s where he finds her.

There’s a perfectly useable dining table with eight chairs, but she’s on the floor. She’s just… sitting there. When Chanyeol sees her there, he freezes. Ji Hye looks like she really needs the alone time, but his feet screech against the floor.

Her eyes are shimmering in the low light when she looks up.

“,” he utters. “I’m sorry, I’ll just go – ”


Her interruption is soft. If he hadn’t been so strung out, Chanyeol might not have heard her. He hesitates when she looks back down at her lap, but he finally unfreezes and, for lack of a better place, sits down next to her.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, voice soft but still too loud in the still air.

He thinks she won’t answer, but then she speaks.

“Luhan oppa is leaving,” she whispers, voice shattering the air between them. Chanyeol wonders if he’s the only one who feels the tension in her shoulders. She lets out a shuddering sigh, but it hitches in a silent sob.

He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t deal with crying girls. This is Ji Hye, which actually makes it harder. He’s not Jongin, or Sehun. He’s not Kyungsoo or even Joonmyun. He’s just Chanyeol; he’s just the goofy oppa.

Slowly, he rests an arm around her shoulders. She takes it as an invitation to bury her face into his collarbone. Chanyeol freezes once more; he really ing hopes she can’t feel how fast his heart is beating. He’s not emotionally equipped to deal with this.

“Why are they leaving?” she sobs into his shirt. It’s so quiet and that hurts. It’s like she can’t allow anyone to know how broken up she is inside. It’s simultaneously prideful and painful to know she let herself go with him.

He wishes he had an answer for her, but he doesn’t. All he can do is hold her close as near-silent tears wet his shirt. He just sits there with her trembling in his arms and wishes he could take away all her pain.



“Yixing, Chanyeol, Jongdae. Stay behind.”

The chatter that had started up fades almost immediately. Chanyeol and Jongdae share an oh, look while Yixing is adorably confused.

It just takes one look between the maknaes before a snort of laughter shatters the silence.

“What did you do this time?” Sehun cackles and it’s very obviously targeted towards Jongdae and Chanyeol.

“We didn’t do anything,” he protests with a dirty look.

Ji Hye snickers. “Right, I totally believe you,” she agrees sarcastically. Jongin is grinning next to her. He’s gotten so wicked now. He really has been spending too much time with Sehun and Ji Hye.

Jongdae shakes a fit at the retreating brats. “You’d better sleep with one eye open, brats,” he yells at them. Sehun parts by flipping him the bird. Jongdae, in return, sputters, “Why that ing brat!”

Manager hyung gives them a questioning look.

Chanyeol placates with a sheepish smile. “He’s joking,” he assures, stepping on Jongdae's toes. His friend glares at him.

“Rude,” Jongdae mutters.

Manager hyung isn’t convinced, but he never is. He’s just come to embrace their collective weirdness. At least, that’s what Chanyeol likes to think.

“Well, looks like you three get to write for the next album after all,” manager hyung announces with a smile.

Chanyeol blinks. His voice is faint as he asks, “Come again?”

Hyung’s grin widens. “Management finally noticed how talented you guys are and let you produce a song. Just you guys.”

There’s a whoop from the door and before he knows it, the three of them are engulfed by the rest of the group. It’s no surprise that they had been waiting by the door. They had probably expected to hear scolding, but got good news instead. This is the first good thing to happen in a while.



Chanyeol groans, sprawling out on the floor. It’s not such a good thing after all. The three of them – Chanyeol, Jongdae and Yixing – are in the recording studio again. It’s been hours, but they’re still running over lines and chord progressions. Yixing had decided they should write something for the fans, but neither of them could decide on a genre.

Jongdae wants something they can really sing to, Chanyeol wants a song to cheer up the fans and Yixing wants something meaningful. As of right now, they’re at an impasse. The sun has set and the rest of the group had decided to return to the dorm roughly two hours ago.

Well, decided wasn’t really the right word. Kicked out was more appropriate; they had brought more trouble than worth and were just serving as distractions.

Yixing sighs, rubbing at his temples. He’s been poring over the keyboard for the past hour or so, occasionally playing out a melody only to cut himself off.

“Where’s Jongdae?” he murmurs, shutting his eyes and resting his head against the keyboard. It makes a cacophony of noise. Chanyeol winces.

The younger shrugs, leaning back so his chair balances on two legs. “Food?” he answers uncertainly. His grumbling stomach reminds him they haven’t eaten since breakfast. The chips the maknae line had hidden throughout the room didn’t really count as proper nourishment.

Yixing frowns, but it’s not really at anything Chanyeol had said. He plays another melody on the keyboard. Chanyeol bobs his head; it’s got a nice rhythm, even if it’s a little predictable.

The door clicks open softly.

“It’s nice,” Ji Hye compliments. She sets down the bags in her hands and a crash rings throughout the room.

Chanyeol stays where he is out of shock. His head hurts and so does his back, but he’s not bleeding or anything. His vision does swim momentarily, so when he comes back, there’s Ji Hye’s face filling his vision.

“Are you okay?” she asks. It sounds like she’s holding back a laugh.

Chanyeol scowls. “I’m fine,” he huffs, standing up and brushing his clothes off. Ji Hye’s lips quirk upwards as she hands him a packet of food – jjajangmyeon. Their fingers brush, the touch lingering. He wonders if it was only in his mind.

Yixing shoots her a dimpled smile. “What are you doing here?” he inquires, hugging her from behind.

Jongdae chooses that moment to make his entrance from god knows where. “I tricked her into coming here,” he states with an impish smile.

Ji Hye rolls her eyes, tossing Jongdae's food to him. “He made me pay for it, too,” she complains.

“Have you eaten?” Yixing asks. He’s always been a worrier.

Jongdae snorts. “She was already pigging out with the brat squad.”

Ji Hye sticks her tongue out at him. “Sorry for having regular eating habits,” she replies haughtily.

She settles herself on the table, right next to Chanyeol. He glances at her out of the corner of his eye.

“So, how’s the song coming along?”

The silence that follows her inquiry is all the answer she needs. She grimaces, looking apologetic.

“Yeesh, I didn’t realise it was that bad.” She pats Chanyeol’s shoulder. “You guys will get it.”



It takes them a few days, but they do get it. It had been Minseok’s idea to just make a song all three of them would be happy with. Yixing plays around with a couple intros before settling with one that isn’t overly creative (it’s actually a pretty popular minor key for songs like theirs), but sets the theme of the song.

A ballad, they decide, because that’s what most of their group is good at anyway. The rhythm is flexible enough that Chanyeol can already figure out how he can add in his rap… that he has yet to write.

He crosses out another dumb scribble, crumpling the paper and tossing it in the general direction of the trash can.

There’s a muffled groan, causing him to turn. His glare softens when he realises his paper ball had bounced off her head. Ji Hye’s fallen asleep at her desk again, the silly girl.

Chanyeol rubs his eyes, staring blearily at the clock. It’s already one in the morning and they have practice the next day. Sure, it’s in the afternoon, but practice always has a way of draining people.

Well, time for bed.

He stretches, an inhuman noise escaping his mouth. In his bed, Sehun shifts, muttering something about bubble tea. Chanyeol stops next to Ji Hye, shutting her laptop and shuffling her notes. He gently lifts her glasses off her face before shifting her.

He’s done this so many times that the weight of Ji Hye in his arms isn’t even a struggle. She lets out a soft sigh as she’s moved, face buried into his shirt. Like this, she still looks like the seventeen-year-old he had met years ago.

He sets her down in her bed, as gently as he can without jostling her. She still shifts uncomfortably, laying on her side so she’s facing him. Her eyes flutter open, but she never actually wakes. Her hand, however, reaches out for him and catches his wrist.

She murmurs something. It might have been his name.

In the back of his mind, he still remembers her tears all those months ago. She had been so vulnerable and it just struck a chord in him. They don’t talk much, but they have their struggles.

Chanyeol has to always be the happy virus, but it’s hard. He feels frustrated, feels angry, feels sad too. Yet, they always expect him to be the one with an easy smile and a joke on the tip of his tongue. No, he’s not always that person.

Ji Hye, on the other hand… he’s not sure what she’s struggling with. Being the maknae, maybe? Either way, he can see it weighs on her, but she never complains. Not seriously, at least.

He just wants to protect her.

Words start to form in his mind. It’s still rough – rhythm and proper words escaping him – but it’s more than he’s had for a while. He gives a longing look towards his bed, then gets down to work.

A composer’s work is never done, he supposes.



It’s hard to gauge their reactions when they play the song. It’s still got a few kinks in it and Jongdae's voice can only go so far – his voice has nothing on Kyungsoo's or Joonmyun's – but he thinks they’ve done a great job.

Baekhyun bobs his head slightly, but he does the same thing when Chanyeol plays him his mixes. Kyungsoo has this intently concentrated look on his face, head tilting every now and then. Joonmyun has his politely listening face on. Minseok is smiling, but he’s always been that polite. Sehun and Jongin are polite too, although they whisper something to each other every now and then. Ji Hye… she’s a little blank.

When his rap plays, Chanyeol’s eyes are fixed on the maknae. She doesn’t react visibly, other than tilting her head. Her lips part slightly, so he knows she likes it, but other than that, it’s okay.

It’s good. She doesn’t know.

God, it would be embarrassing. It’s bad enough Yixing and Jongdae know. Baekhyun probably does too, from that look on his face. He might die if anyone else figures it out.

“I love it,” Baekhyun praises once the song ends. Jongdae and Chanyeol both give him a flat look; he’s kind of obligated to say that, so they take it with a grain of salt. Yixing, on the other hand, brightens up considerably and it’s adorable.

“It’s really good,” Kyungsoo says and that’s how they know it’s not terrible. Kyungsoo is so cheap with his praises, so coming from him, it’s like saying their song is the best song in the world.

“What’s the name?” Minseok asks.

Yixing looks at Jongdae. Jongdae looks at Chanyeol. Chanyeol doesn’t look at anyone. He thinks of the lyrics. Not the ones Jongdae wrote – although they’re really good – but the ones he had.

“It’s called,” he says, “Promise.”



Concerts are always hectic, backstage even more so. There are coordi noonas rushing to get their costumes ready, staff members shouting orders at each other. Then, there are the idols.

They’re in the waiting room, watching the stage as they wait for their cue. It’s almost over, with the goodbye stage left. It’s tense; Kyungsoo's leg is acting up again and so is Ji Hye’s knee. Jongin looks concerned and Sehun may have strained his ankle a little too much. Honestly, they’re just a walking bunch of sleep deprived neuroses.

Ji Hye’s a little withdrawn. She looks smothered by her fellow brats. They are smothering her and it’s somewhere between amusing and concerning.

Then, a staff member tells them they’re up in five and they get to their places.

To the trio’s surprise, Promise had become a real favourite. They had never expected it to be, so this is a pleasant surprise. It’s also a sort of kick to the balls to SM Management. Ha, take that, s.

The song starts with Yixing on the piano, then Kyungsoo. One by one, they appear on stage through the underground labyrinth and trap doors. It’s a stage they’ve done so many times.

This time, Chanyeol wants to do something different.

At some point, it seemed like you were crying even when you were smiling,” he raps. His eyes are usually sweeping the audience, eyes never lingering for too long. This time, his eyes linger. Only on Ji Hye.

Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t act as if it’s out of the ordinary. They harmonize like they’ve practiced for weeks and at the end, he walks towards her. He doesn’t get close enough for the fans to notice something’s not right – it’s only obvious to those who are looking for it – but close enough that he can tell she notices.

She’s struck dumb for a moment, to the point where Joonmyun has to put a hand on her elbow to remind her she still has a song to sing. She tears her eyes away, but something has changed and it has something bubbling in his chest.

When the song ends, there’s a slow cheer building up in the audience before it’s a roar. They huddle together, bodies a little more relaxed because they have each other to lean on.

That’s when he hears the sobs.

He looks over at Ji Hye. She’s covering her face, shoulders hunched to try and hide her tears. It’s really her sobs – those little sounds she tries her best to hide – that give her away.

The brat squad immediately convenes around their youngest member, trying their best to comfort her and shield her from scrutiny. They’re not succeeding very well (holy , there are a lot of cameras in this stadium) but it’s the thought that counts. Jongin’s probably all sweaty, but Ji Hye hides her face in his bare collarbone anyway.

It’s probably the steady chant of it’s alright that really makes her cry. He knows she has a complex; there is a steady portion of the fan base that thinks Ji Hye doesn’t belong. She’s a girl in a boy band. There’s something wrong with that equation.

But, you know, she’s done well, considering the circumstances. She logs in more personal training hours than even Jongdae, and Jongdae has a pretty huge complex about not belonging. She dances as fluidly as Jongin and Sehun and she sings notes Baekhyun can only dream to achieve, just because she’s a girl.

Maybe her number of fans isn’t as big as most, but it larger than she had ever hoped for. It’s not just fanboys with raging hormones; there are girls there too, who admire her for making it in a world everyone told her she couldn’t.

She does deserve the love.

“I’m sorry,” she hiccups once she calms down. “I just – ”

“Baekhyun's singing annoys me to the point of crying too,” Chanyeol adds, grinning at Baekhyun.

His best friend, taking the hint, scoffs and shoves him. “That’s so rude,” he huffs. “At least I don’t sound like screeching owls in the shower.”

Minseok laughs. “What are you doing, listening to him in the shower?” the eldest teases.

The crowd goes wild.

“H-hey!” Baekhyun sputters, cheeks turning a little red. “What are you thinking?”

“I think,” Ji Hye sniffs, eyes still watery, “that he’s saying the walls are too thin. I can hear it too.” There’s nothing good behind that.

Chanyeol makes a face at her. It’s teasing, it’s playful and it takes the attention away from Ji Hye’s tearstained face.



“Are you okay?”

Ji Hye turns, towel in hand as she scrubs at her damp hair. She’s changed into comfortable clothes, like the rest of them. Her makeup is only half off – they do their full cleaning in the dorm, even though it only has two bathrooms.

“Me?” she says. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

He leans against the wall as she gets her things together. Like Jongin and Sehun, she always has her things strewn all over their waiting rooms. Her iPod, her lucky bracelet, even a change of clothes one time (nobody talks about that). Most of the things the maknaes leave behind ends up in someone’s bag, only to be deposited in their rooms later.

He watches her through the mirror. She’s not looking at him.

“Well,” he drawls, “the waterworks were unexpected.”

She scowls slightly, stuffing her things into her bag. “Joonmyun oppa cries all the time,” she defends.

“Yeah… but that’s hyung. It’s not you.”

She rolls her shoulders. “I was just – overwhelmed, okay?”

“Why was that?”

“Why’d you look at me?” she demands, turning around. “You don’t do that.”

He’s silent for a moment before he says, “That’s not true.”

“Isn’t it?” she challenges. “Look, why do you even care?”

He’s taken aback. He doesn’t really know why he cares. He just does.

She lets out an exhale, running her fingers through her hair. She looks annoyed.

“You don’t even know,” she mutters. “I’m just gonna go.”

She shoulders past him. It’s a show of aggression that’s not entirely unusual, but completely uncalled for.

Maybe the problem with Chanyeol is that he feels so much. Too much that sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling.

He runs – well, walks after her. Before she can get the door open, he slams it.

“Wait?” he says.

“What?” she snaps. Her eyes are sharp in the dim lighting. “You obviously don’t have anything to say.”

“I – I feel too much, okay?” he explodes. “There’s just too much and I – ” He flails; there are no words that can explain the inner workings of Park Chanyeol.

“God,” she groans, “it’s not frigging rocket science, Chanyeol! You either like me or you don’t.”

“Like you…?”

Her bag hits the ground. He looks down at it, but her hands are on the sides of his face. She’s guiding his face down and then –

Then, her lips are on his. It’s soft – a juxtaposition to the way she had been talking to him. Before he can choose to respond or push her away, she leaning back. Her eyes are hooded.

“It’s that simple,” she says quietly. Then, she’s out the door.



“Quit freaking out.”

“I’m not freaking out.” God, his voice must be two octaves too high.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “Yes,” he sighs, “you are. You idiot.”

Chanyeol’s fingers are tangled in his hair. He’s this close to tugging his hair out of its roots. “No, you don’t understand,” he wails. “I ruined it!”

The lead vocal finally looks up from his phone. His voice is flat as he says, “You did a Chanyeol. No biggie. I’m sure she understands.”

“Did a – ” he splutters, outraged. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Baekhyun gestures to – well, he gestures to all of Chanyeol. “It’s like that girl from our trainee days all over again.  You liked her, she liked you and you never did anything about it.”

Chanyeol frowns. “How do you know about – ” He shakes his head; so what if Kyungsoo's the only one who knew? “Doesn’t matter. This is different.”


Chanyeol flails. “It just – is.”

“You’re making excuses,” Baekhyun accuses, sitting upright. “It’s no different than that trainee girl; it’s just that Ji Hye had the balls to actually show you her cards. And you ran like a frightened little thing.”

“I don’t even know if I like her,” he admits in despair.

Baekhyun stands up just to kick him in the shin. Chanyeol lets out a yelp.

“You idiot,” Baekhyun cries. “Are you really that dumb? Of course you like her! Would you be freaking out if you didn’t?”

Chanyeol blinks down at Baekhyun, then shrugs. “Maybe? I mean, we are band mates…”

The shorter looks about two seconds from socking him. He marches past Chanyeol, flings the door open and throws him out of the room.

Right into Ji Hye’s path.

“, I – ” She cuts herself off when she realises who she’s walked into. She backs away so fast she almost trips.

“Hey,” Chanyeol squeaks before clearing his throat. “I mean – yeah, hi.”

“Hey,” she replies slowly. “Right. So. I’m just… gonna go.”

She flows around him, like a river parting around a rock. He panics, so he ends up pushing her into the bathroom. Man, is he lucky there’s no one inside. That would have been awkward

“Okay, what the hell?” she yelps, slapping his hand away. “What are you trying to do?”

“Uh.” Well, he hadn’t thought this far. Ji Hye can obviously tell. She looks like she’s going to punch him. In the .

She gestures violently at Chanyeol, stomping her foot once. “You’re – impossible, you know that?” she growls. “I just – can’t you let me get over you? That’s all I want right now. Some closure and alone time!”

“No,” he blurts out – loudly. She glares at him, but it all spills out of his mouth like word vomit. “I don’t want you to get over me. Not – not like this. I mean, I don’t really know what this means, but I just – please don’t get over me.”

Ji Hye shakes a fist in his face. “You’re impossible!”

“You’ve mentioned that,” he says absently. He really did deserve that punch.

His thighs stings as he rubs it, but he supposes he should be lucky she hadn’t gone three inches to the left.

“If you don’t have anything to say,” she says with a twist of annoyance, “then I’ll leave.”

“Wait – ”

“How many times are you going to tell me to wait?” she says angrily. “I don’t have forever.”

And isn’t that the truth. All the past three years have taught them is that nothing lasts forever. Not happiness, not fame, not even we are one.

So yes, she can’t wait forever.

“I know,” he says softly. He cradles her face between his hands. Her eyes are wide, to the point he can see the light refracting against her irises.

The touch of her lips against his reminds him of the night she told him without words what she felt for him. There are no words, really.

Her lips are soft and pliant beneath his. Her hands rest against his chest before in his shirt. She presses back, tiptoeing to return the pressure. After that, it’s almost embarrassingly easy how he just opens up for her. Her tongue traces the seam of his lips and he just melts.

He takes a few steps forward until she’s up against the door.

“Wait,” she pants, breaking away. “I’m not – I mean – I like you.”

“I know.” He nudges her nose with is a little shyly. “I think I like you too.”

“You think,” she repeats with a roll of her eyes. “I can work with that.”


I’m back from hiatus. What up.

Yeah, I don’t really know what this is. I just – Promise makes me feel so many things it’s unholy.

Also. Chanyeol is my husband. I like writing him too much. So awful. What an elf nerd.

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park_dobii #1
Chapter 19: So many feels. I actually love your Hogwarts!AU, you write it so well!
park_dobii #2
Chapter 18: This made me laugh AND got my Ji Hye/D.O feels happening. Well done!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It was heart wrenching D-,: So sweet.... but so heart breaking.... Now I'll just crawl up on the couch and eat ice cream, that's the only solution ;-p
Chapter 1: Wait... Why is she calling the boys "hyung"?
park_dobii #5
Chapter 14: I missed youuuuuu!!! This is adorable and I can't even because KaiHye feels :D
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 11: To be honest...I'd climb him like a koala in a tree if I was drunk and he was there, so you're not alone. He's , 'nuff said.

That's being said, it's safe to say this is my favourite chapter. :) Thank you author-nimmm
batooty #7
I'd like to see one where she actually finds a fanfic. That'd be interesting I think.

I'm most excited for XiuHye :) Ultimate bias right there :D

You're a wonderful author
HappyVirusXO #8
Chapter 10: TAOHYE HOGWARTS HAS TAKEN ME OVER!!! This is my favourite OTP!!!!!
miko12 #9
Chapter 9: All of these one-shots are so beautifully written <3 I just wish there's more OT12 (like each member in every chapter, you get me?) incorporated in each storyline... but hey everything still has great plots! It'd be cool if you do like a love-triangle kind of drama MV, idk maybe Kris and Kai? Huhu you are a cool author, author-nim!! Happy Holidays btw!
batooty #10
Chapter 9: <3 :D :3 THE FEELS! I'm sorry, Sehun is one of three people able to make me lose my sh*t and Suee like a fangirl. BUT SEHUN! AND JI HYE!! AND KISS! ADSKFGSLFBldug

On the other hand, I think you're my favourite author