Ideal Type

Stories of EXO

Jongdae is just really, really curious.


Because peanut_sauce requested and Chen has this special place in my heart (and bias list).


As an idol, it's only normal for them to be asked what their ideal types are. Personally, Jongdae will never quite understand what is so interesting about learning their ideal types, but that doesn't stop him from talking about it.

"And what about you, Ji Hye-ssi?" Shindong asks, turning to the maknae.

Ji Hye stops laughing at Sehun. "Me?" she asks in return, a bewildered smile on her face. Jongdae can't help but sit up a little straighter in his seat because, well, he's a little curious. Out of all the members, Ji Hye is the tightest lipped about her ideal type. If you asked Jongdae, she's just doing it to retain whatever mystery the fans supposedly think she has. That, or she's getting him back for all the times he spilled all her secrets on other shows by not telling him the one thing he'd like to know.

It's not because he'd like to compare himself to her ideal type or anything. After all, why would he care if he was Ji Hye's ideal type or not?

He doesn't. End of discussion.

"Yes, you. I'm sure some of the fans – particularly the males – would like to know if they fit your ideal type," their sunbae jokes.

Ji Hye merely laughs. "I don't really have an ideal type," she answers. She's met with a chorus of disbelieving sighs and Sehun punches her shoulder (lightly, of course because their ultimate maknae is undeniably delicate).

"That's a lie," her fellow maknae announces. "You told me the other day!"

She shoves him back, although there's a smirk playing on her lips now. "I did no such thing," she counters, but any of them can tell she's lying.

"Everyone has an ideal type," Shindong says, trying to keep the peace between the two maknaes. "Just give us a few details."

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt," she sighs, smirking slightly. She shrugs. "It's not really something I've thought about though. We've been too busy – "

"Sehun practically gave us a portrait of his ideal type though," Luhan teases. Jongdae tries to ignore how upset Yixing looks at that, but the elder's blank look is simply staring into nowhere. At the moment, he's trying not to throttle Luhan because he's actually really curious and he'd do anything to stop anyone but Ji Hye from speaking.

"I'm not Sehun," she replies defensively. "I don't know. Someone who can make me laugh."

"Anything else?" Shindong prods, like the good radio show host that he is. Jongdae is just glad that he doesn't have to because that just makes him look a little eager.

He doesn’t have a crush on their maknae. He's just looking for more material to use against her, he tells himself. Sadly, he's not quite convinced as his ears prick, greedily taking in the information.

He makes her laugh sometimes, right?

She hums thoughtfully. "Someone with a nice voice," she adds, "and he can't be too tall. Maybe about my height?"

"Nice voice?"

"Like…" her gaze travel across the members and he thinks her gaze might have lingered on him. "Baekhyun hyung."

Said vocalist laughs while Jongdae sulks in his seat. Well. "You think my voice is nice?" Baekhyun teases. "Aww, does our maknae have a crush on me?"

"Ew, no," she laughs, wrinkling her nose. "Your voice is just nice. Nicer than mine. Almost like a girl's."

There's general laughter at her statement – Ji Hye has been increasingly witty since their comeback – and Jongdae forces out a chuckle because he is not supposed to be sulking just because she doesn't think his voice is nice. (But he is, damn it.)

"Is that all?" Shindong asks.

The maknae merely gives him a mysterious smile. "For today, I think that's enough," she quips. "If I give anymore, I'll get teased, like Sehun probably will."

Damn. He kind of wants to find out more. Well. There's always bullying the information out of her.


Jongdae manages to snag a seat next to Ji Hye by switching seats with Sehun. He tells himself it's because the male maknae desperately needs to reassure his upset boyfriend that he isn't about to drop him for his 'ideal type' (even though everyone in their dorm – and he really does mean everyone – knows that Sehun prefers tall, blonde dancers).

"Why?" she asks as he settles down next to her, crossing her arms and eying him suspiciously. He shoots her a lopsided grin, stretching his arm along the back of the seat.

"I figured I'd let Sehunnie repair whatever damage he might have caused between himself and our resident unicorn," he answers, blinking innocently.

She's quiet for a moment, letting her gaze run over him once more. Then, she shakes her head. "Yeah, still don't believe you," she states. "Why?"

He presses a hand to his chest, lips forming a pout. "That's hurtful," he cries dramatically. "I was just being a concerned hyung and dongsaeng!"

"Your concern concerns me."

"I want to know your ideal type." Well, he's busted anyway so there's no need to beat around the bush.

Her reply is immediate. "No."

"Why not?" he whines. "Sehun gets to know."

"He's sort of my, oh, I don't know, best friend," she says dryly, "and you don't need to know."

"I want to know," he insists, leaning in close and watching her cheeks colour a little as she puffs them up in annoyance (how cute) and pushes his face away.

"I am not going to tell you," she snaps. "Go away."

"You know, you're pretty rude for a maknae," he observes, leaning in close once more.

"Personal space, Jongdae. I need personal space."

"What happened to oppa?"


"Show some respect to your elders."


Joonmyun turns and sighs, eying Ji Hye, who's flailing at Jongdae's close proximity  and Jongdae, who's grinning at the poor girl. "Jongdae," he says sternly. "Stop bothering my maknae."

"I'm not bothering her," the younger replies innocently, grinning at Ji Hye's scoff. "I'm merely asking her some questions."

"This is the last time I ever sit next to you," she swears, turning away from him.

"Aw, don't be mad," he coos, pinching her cheek, only to have his hand slapped away.

"This is harassment!"

Well. It's really only because he likes her.


Okay, so maybe that first plan didn't work. There are other ways to get maknae to spill… he just has to think a little.

"I heard that you're trying to find out Ji Hye's ideal type," Minseok says as he looks down at the younger.

Jongdae makes a sound in the back of his throat. "Something like that," he confirms. "Any ideas how I can get that juicy information out of her?"

The eldest sighs. "Leave her alone, Jongdae."

"I'm just curious," he says innocently. "It's not like I can do anything with that information."

Minseok eyes him suspiciously, humming thoughtfully. Then, he nods. "Oh, I get it," he murmurs, smiling slightly. "I totally get it now."

"Totally get what?" Jongdae asks, shifting uncomfortably at the smile on the elder's face. What does Minseok understand that he seems to have completely missed?

Minseok just chuckles, ruffling his hair and exiting the room. "I won't stop you," he reassures the vocalist. "Just… don't go crazy when you find out what her ideal type is."

It takes a while for it to sink in, but when it does, Jongdae is scrambling off his bed, running after their eldest member.

"Wait, you know?" he exclaims. "Tell me!"


"It's a conspiracy," Jongdae mutters, slumping into his seat and crossing his arms.

"What's a conspiracy?" Ji Hye asks, slipping into the seat next to him.

He gestures at her  huffing slightly. "You," he accuses. "You and your mysterious ideal type!"

She rolls her eyes, fiddling with her phone. "You're still on that?"

"I want to know," Jongdae whines. Then, he pauses, eying her. "I thought you said you never wanted to sit next to me again?"

"Sehun wants to sit with Yixing oppa again and Jongin is busy with Baekhyun hyung," she replies simply.

He hears it's because I wanted to and that's enough for him. After all, she could have sat with any other member other than those two (other than Yifan too, of course, because those two are still so achingly awkward with each other) and she chose him, so she doesn't hate him (hopefully).

"Stop looking at me like that," she sighs, looking up from her phone and shooting a judgmental look. "You look creepy."

Oh, right. He was staring at her with a creepy grin. He should really stop spending so much time with Kyungsoo. He stretches  leisurely letting his arm rest across the back of the seat.

"So, tell me your ideal type?" he asks hopefully.

She smirks, leaning in close so their noses are almost touching. "Trust me," she whispers. "You don't want to know."

He gulps. She's really close and he can smell the shampoo she uses. He's so tempted to curl his hand around the back of her neck and pull her in –

"Oh, look, we're here," she announces, hopping out of her seat and leaving Jongdae sitting there in a daze.

Damn. He still hasn't found out her ideal type.


This time, he's taken to hounding her before movie night. This time, they're having it at the M dorm, so it pretty much just translates to bugging her while she's lying on the couch.

"Tell me."


"Tell me."

"What part of no don't you understand?"

He leans over her, staring at her intensely. "All of it," he answers, smirking slightly ad her cheeks flush. "You know, if you told me, I'd leave you alone."

"If I told you, you'd probably be in a bad mood," she huffs, poking his shoulder.

He scoffs. "Why would I be in a bad mood?"

"Because you might not fit it," she taunts, that damn smirk on her lips again.

That's impossible. He's Kim Jongdae. How can he not be her ideal type? After all, he's funny and he's about her height. That's all there is to it… right?

"Preposterous," he sniffs.

"Ooh, big word."

"You, young lady, are starting to get on my nerves."

"I'm only two years younger than you. Don't talk like that. It makes you sound old."

"Rude." He pouts. His neck is aching from looking down at her and curiosity is practically burning a hole in his chest. He just wants her to tell him so he knows who to burn – er, tease. "Just one tiny bit of information?"

She gives him an unimpressed look. "I already said something on SimSimTaPa," she points out.

Good point. "Maybe a name…?" he suggests.

She sighs, her breath puffing into his face. "Look, it really shouldn't matter," she says, sitting up and nearly hitting his nose. "Besides," she adds, looking over her shoulder and smirking at him (she should stop spending so much time around Jongin). "I like knowing something you don't. It's fun holding it over you."

He narrows his eyes at her retreating back; he swears he isn't watching the sway of her hips.

That vixen.


They're on another radio show – this time only the two of them – before he manages to weasel out another piece of info about her ever elusive ideal type.

"Ji Hye-ssi, there has been quite a bit of talk over your ideal type," the emcee says, smiling at the maknae.

"Is there?" she asks, looking confused. "How so?"

"People say that it might fit some of your members."

Ah, yes. He's heard of that. Jongdae knows their fans like to pair them together. Sometimes he wonders who he's paired with (and how often he's paired with Ji Hye, but let's keep it a secret, shall we?) but most times he just thinks it's adorable.

"Like who?" Ji Hye enquires, looking interested in that tidbit.

The emcee looks down at his notes. "Baekhyun-ssi, Suho-ssi, Xiumin-ssi," he lists. "I'm curious as well. Do you have a member who fits your ideal type?"

"I do," she answers, but doesn't add on.

Jongdae clicks his tongue. "You're so stingy with information," he scoffs.

"Maybe it's because I can keep a secret," she counters. "I like having secrets. I don't have to reveal everything, Chen."

"She's like this at the dorm too," he informs the listeners. "She likes to act mysterious."

"I am mysterious," she huffs. "Then you tell all my secrets on air. This is why I don't tell you anything anymore. Don't wonder why I don't tell you about my ideal type."

"So I suppose you won't tell us which member fits your ideal type?" the emcee asks hopefully.

Ji Hye smiles innocently like the angel she really isn't. Jongdae can see the mischievous look in her eyes as she gives him a challenging look. "I think I'll keep that to myself," she chuckles.

So close. Time to re-evaluate his strategy. He will find out which member fits her ideal type if it's the last thing he does!


It's slowly driving him insane. Every single time he asks, she smirks and shrugs, smiling innocently. He knows he shouldn't be hung up over this, but he is. Maybe he just really likes her. Why he likes her, he's seriously starting to reconsider.

Sehun eyes him curiously before a wicked grin lights up his pointed face. Jongdae eyes him wearily. It's a well-known fact in their dorm that if any maknae – yes, that includes Zitao and Jongin – ever gives that look, it absolutely screams mischief.

"I know who Ji Hye's ideal type is," the male maknae sings. Jongdae glares at the brat from his place on the ground. He's tired from practice and Sehun is doing this to him. He's finally figured it out; all the maknaes were created from the same mould and were specifically put in EXO to torture the other members (mainly him).

"Go away," he groans, covering his face with a towel. "I don't need this right now."

"I know you've been curious for a while now," Sehun continues, a taunting lilt in his voice.

Jongdae kicks out, only to hit air as the dancer dodges. "If you're not going to tell me, leave."

"Okay then." He hears footsteps and hisses under his breath. Brat.

"Wait," he calls out, followed by a defeated sigh. "I'm listening."

"I don't recall saying I was going to tell you."

If Jongdae could move, he would definitely be wrapping his hands around the maknae's neck and squeezing.

"I hate you," he says, glowering at the boy.

"Well, what will I get out of telling you?" Sehun enquires, placing his hands behind his back and smiling innocently. Innocent, his . Oh Sehun is a devil if Jongdae had anything to say about it.

"I won't kick you."

"I could always tell Yifan hyung who really messed with his facial creams – "

Sehun had better sleep with one eye open tonight. He sighs. "Fine," he relents. "I'll switch rooms with you for a week. Now talk."

"Well, all I know is that Ji Hye's ideal type is in M," Sehun offers. Jongdae waits for him to add on, but the maknae merely blinks at him, smiling angelically.

"Well?" the elder demands. "What else?"

Sehun shrugs. "That's all I've got. Ji Hye wouldn't tell me anything else. She knows how loose lipped I am." He gives a sympathetic smile that looks more like a smirk from Satan himself. "Sorry. Thanks for the switch, hyung!" The maknae dashes off before Jongdae can yell at him, snickering his evil little away.

His head makes a loud thud as he lets it fall back to the floor.

Damn maknaes will be the death of him.


Okay, last resort. This is the last thing he can think of. If he doesn't get it out of her this time, he is going to throw himself in front of a bus. The suspense is killing him!

"Maknae," he bellows, watching Ji Hye's head turn towards him lazily.

"You called?" she drawls.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and jerks a head to the door. "We're going out," he tells her. It's not a question; it's a demand.

Nonetheless, she doesn't budge. Jongdae honestly wonders how Joonmyun survives with Ji Hye, Sehun and Jongin living under one roof. It's a miracle the members of their Korean counterpart haven't gone mad yet. Then again, Chanyeol was already halfway there even before they debuted.

"Why?" she asks, eying him wearily.

"Bubble tea," is the only reply he'll offer. Hanging around Sehun so much, it's unlikely she'll refuse.

She mulls it over for a brief moment before shrugging. "Sure," she says, grabbing a beanie off the side table and tugging it on. "But you're paying."

Point to Kim Jongdae.

"Okay, so why are you really bringing me out for bubble tea?" she asks once they're seated at the bubble tea shop a couple blocks from their dorm.

"Do I really have to have a reason?" he wonders aloud, sipping his drink.

She rolls her eyes. "Well, yes," she replies. "You're… you. You don't really do anything unless you have an ulterior motive."

She knows him too well. "No ulterior motive," he lies easily. "Can't I just want to spend some time with my favourite maknae?"

She squints at him and leans forward to rest a hand against his forehead. Jongdae flinches back – it's because her hands are cold, okay? "Are you feeling okay?" she asks, looking a little worried. "I don't remember being your favourite maknae. You're not doing drugs, are you?"

"No," the elder scoffs. "I'm not doing drugs. Is there a problem with you being my favourite?"

"Well, I always thought – never mind."

"What is it?" he inquires. She's not meeting his eyes.

She shrugs, smiling a little uncomfortably. "I always thought Sehun was your favourite," she mumbles, Jongdae straining to hear the last words.

He can't help but laugh, only serving to makes her pale cheeks colour to an interesting (and beautiful) shade of pink as she kicks him. "Why would that brat be my favourite?" he chuckles, subtly rubbing his shin.

"Well… you're always talking to him and – Oh, I don't know. Shut up!" She almost yells the last part because he's still laughing and he really can't stop, because the very idea that he might like Sehun more than he can ever like Ji Hye is pretty ridiculous.

"I don't have a crush on Yixing hyung's boyfriend, if that's what you think," he gasps out. "You greatly underestimate my intelligence if you do."

"Yixing oppa isn't dumb for dating Sehun," she mutters defensively, before pausing. "Sometimes I do question his choice though."

"I don't have a crush on Sehun," he repeats, a little more firmly this time.

"You know, I never assumed you had a crush on Sehun," she points out slowly, smirking slightly. It takes all of Jongdae's willpower not to bash his head against the table. Yup, he's definitely sure that all maknaes were created in hell and sent to earth to torture men – specifically him. "Well, it kind of makes sense why you were so eager to find out what my ideal type is," she continues. She looks so smug that she's figured it out, ready to see him deny it.

"Fine," he sighs. "You caught me. Song Ji Hye, I have a crush on you. Happy?"

He receives an utterly shocked look in reply. He knows she wasn't expecting that and savours the feeling of giving her a taste of her own medicine.

He blinks innocently, lips curved into a smug grin that mirrored hers a couple seconds ago. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Can't handle the truth?"

"Oh, shut up," she snaps, sipping her drink. Her cheeks are dusted pink and he loves having the knowledge that he's the one who put it there. "I was just… surprised, for a moment. You caught me off guard."

Silence descends over them. Jongdae wonders if he might have gone overboard with that. He just wants to ruffle her cool exterior; he doesn't want to wreck their relationship.

"If you really want to know," she says suddenly, "he's a couple years older than me."

He tilts his head to the side in confusion. "Who?"

"My ideal type."

His eyes widen slightly in shock. Oh, okay. She's actually going to tell him. Wow, he hadn't thought that would actually happen.

"Is that so?" he says mildly, raising an eyebrow coolly to hide the excitement that threatens to make him bounce in his seat.

"Mmhm," she says, biting the inside of her cheek. "92 line."

His heart beats a little faster. "Oh?"

"Yeah." She's not meeting his eyes again. She clears , playing with the water rings on the table. "And a vocalist. I really like his voice."

"I think you've mentioned that."

Now it pretty much just left him and Baekhyun.

Please, please, please.

He groans when she doesn't continue. "Come on, Ji Hye," he pleads. "You're killing me."

She huffs. "If you honestly can't figure out who it is, then I've greatly overestimated your intelligence."

He pouts, crossing his arms. "If it's Baekhyun – "

"It's you, you idiot," she exhales in exasperation.

"Hey," he protests. "Who are you calling an idiot?"

"You." She rolls her eyes. "I've been dropping hints for weeks, but Yixing oppa is right. You're as obtuse as Sehun was in the beginning."

He's a little offended at being compared to that brat, but then the crashing realisation that she's been dropping hints for weeks hits him.

"What." Now he feels like an idiot.

"Yes, weeks." She rolls her eyes and finishes her drink, getting up. "I'll leave you to your thoughts. I'm going back to my dorm."

He just sits there like the idiot he is as she mutters under her breath about liking an idiot who wouldn't notice the world was ending unless it blew up in his face. It takes all of two seconds for him to rush out of the shop after her.

He catches up with her just as she reaches the building. For once, the front of their dorm is fan-free and he's really glad because the last thing he needs is his extremely awkward second confession being witnessed by fans that are probably scrutinizing  their relationship.

"To be fair," he pants, "you're a really hard person to read."

"I figured if you liked me enough, you'd figure it out," she says in annoyance.

He gives her an incredulous look. "Don't you watch dramas?" He rolls his eyes. "You know, it's never easy for people to tell when they're liked."

"Like you," she shoots.

"And you," he counters, gripping her shoulders so they're face-to-face. "You – " he lets out a shocked laugh, "I've had a crush on you since we started Wolf promotions and you didn't even notice."

Her face scrunches up. It should look unattractive, but it just makes him want to pinch her cheeks and coo. "So that's why – " she gasps and whacks his shoulder. "That is really childish of you!"

He pouts, rubbing his shoulder. Well, it's not really his fault that he can't express his feelings very well. So maybe picking on her that little bit more wasn't exactly the best way to show he liked her, but he thought it would have told her something.

"Okay, so it wasn't the best way," he admits, "but you should have known something."

"How? It's not like it was obvious or anything." Oh, she's ranting now. He can tell in the way her nose is wrinkled and she's poking his chest. Repeatedly. "How old are you? I haven't had a guy tease me because he liked me since I was five. Jongdae, you are not five. It wouldn't have been very difficult to be a little nicer or – "

If you ask Jongdae, she was really asking for it. He's never been one to take ranting very well. Especially not when it was by a certain maknae that he really likes.

After all, pressing his lips against hers is really a lot more fun than hearing her criticise his childishness.


Joonmyun looks up as the front door opens, revealing a sopping wet maknae. He blinks and sighs. "How?"

"Um, Jongdae and I kind of got caught in the rain," she mumbles, slipping her sandals off and rushing to the bathroom so she can wring the excess water.

"But didn't you two just – well, okay then," he ends up saying as he's completely ignored, the bathroom door slamming shut behind her.

She grabs a towel and dries her hair, leaving her beanie – well, technically Jongin's – in the sink and wringing the water from her drenched clothes (she'll get yelled at by Kyungsoo if she tracks more water into the dorm) and padding to her room for dry clothes.

Sehun looks up from his phone, eyebrows raised at the sight of her wet form. "Why are you wet?" he asks.

"Rain," she answers, grabbing some dry clothes before walking out again, this time with a lost puppy named Sehun trailing after her.

"I thought you and Jongdae hyung just went to the bubble tea shop we always go to?"

"We did." She slams the door in his face. The door isn't locked – the lock's been broken for weeks – but Sehun knows better than to try to barge in while she's in there. There was an incident a couple weeks back where Baekhyun almost walked in on her while she was in the shower, which resulted in a lot of yelling and things being thrown. Baekhyun was just really lucky that Ji Hye's aim was really bad.

"So you got caught in the rain. It's only two blocks away!"

She pulls her shirt over her head, muffling her answer. After wringing her clothes free of rainwater, she grabs them and exits the bathroom, groaning under her breath at the sight of her best friend still standing outside.

"You're going to need to repeat that," he tells her. "I didn't quite hear that."

"It's nothing," she says, widening her eyes innocently as she stuffs her clothes into the dryer. "We just, you know, kind of maybe kissed in the rain." The last part is murmured under her breath in a rush, but by the look of Sehun's dropped jaw, he heard every word.

"You did what?" he screeches. "You guys actually – "

She slaps a hand over his mouth, effectively silencing him. "Shut up," she hisses. "Look, you're my best friend so I'm trusting you not to tell anyone."

"I knew it," Sehun yells, grabbing Ji Hye is a bear hug. "I told you it would work!"

"If it weren't for that, I would be really upset with you right now. I can't breathe, Sehun!"

"You owe me," her fellow maknae reminds her, grinning.

"Yeah, yeah," she huffs, shoving him. "I owe you."


They spend their next day off together, taking a walk in the park and being dumb. They feed ducks (Jongdae almost gets pushed into the pond by Ji Hye), look at trees (where Jongdae retaliates by pushing Ji Hye into a tree only to save her at the last moment with an arm around her waist) and get ice cream.

"This was nice," Ji Hye sighs as they take a seat at the fountain, letting the stray droplets spray onto their backs to help them cool off.

"It would have been nicer if you hadn't tried to push me into the duck pond," Jongdae huffs, biting into his ice cream.

"It would have been nicer if you weren't late," she shoots back, nudging him.

"I said I was sorry," he cries, pouting slightly. "It's not my fault Yifan hyung is a difficult person to make excuses to."

"You're just really bad at making excuses."

He rolls his eyes, nudging her back. "Who was the one who said we were late coming back to our dorms because we were feeding a puppy?"

"So I ran out of ideas," she huffs, sticking her tongue out at him. "It was Minseok oppa though. You know how he is."

Frankly, they're just lucky that Minseok isn't a naturally suspicious person. He was also half-asleep, which meant that he had forgotten about it in the morning. He on his ice cream before tugging it out of his mouth, frowning at her.

"How come you never call me oppa?" he asks.

"I do," she replies. "Just not around you."

"Again I ask: why?"

There's a mischievous glint know her eyes that spells trouble with a capital T. "Because you don't act like you're older," she quips, grinning at him.

"Hurtful! I'm still older. Call me oppa."

"I'll call you oppa when you grow up." She hums under her breath. "When do you think we'll tell the others about us?" she muses.

He eyes her hand lying next to him and hesitantly links their pinkies, smiling slightly as she tightens her grip. "I don't know." He's not ready to tell the others yet. He's content with only the two of them knowing.

"Sehun already knows though."

And Sehun.

He groans. "That means Yixing hyung probably knows too. Why did you tell him?"

"He's my best friend," she reasons. She tugs on their pinkies before disengaging. "Plus, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't actually be together."

"And how did you figure that out?"

She smiles, the corner of her lips quirking up. "Well, if he hadn't suggested it, I wouldn't have caught your attention with the ideal type bait, now would I?"

She has a point. That doesn't mean he has to like it.

"There could have been other ways to get my attention," he points out.

She gets up, turning to him with her hands on her hips. "True," she agrees. "But we're both idiots and it would have taken us forever to get our act together." She shoots him a cheeky smile as she adds, "There's a reason Sehun and Yixing call us the idiot couple, you know."

"Well, idiot or not, I'm still your idiot," he announces, grabbing her hands and pressing a kiss to the corner of .

She cringes and pulls away. "Greasy," she gags, turning away and walking off with a shake of her head. "You've been spending way too much time with Baek hyung."

Watching her walk away, he smiles to himself. Maybe it's time to have a little talk with their male maknae.

After all, he should thank the genius that managed to get their sorry butts together.


Me actually fulfilling requests won't actually be a regular thing (I'm selfish, have I mentioned that?) but it was ChenChen so how could I resist?

I'm sorry if this didn't quite live up to expectations >.<;; I was sort of sick when I wrote this. It wasn't really forced or anything and I'm actually pretty pleased with it, but I have a feeling it's not quite like the other two.

I have it in my mind that next to Baekhyun and Yixing, Ji Hye would be in the most goofy couple with Jongdae. Like, it's Jongdae. How do you not goof with this person?

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park_dobii #1
Chapter 19: So many feels. I actually love your Hogwarts!AU, you write it so well!
park_dobii #2
Chapter 18: This made me laugh AND got my Ji Hye/D.O feels happening. Well done!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It was heart wrenching D-,: So sweet.... but so heart breaking.... Now I'll just crawl up on the couch and eat ice cream, that's the only solution ;-p
Chapter 1: Wait... Why is she calling the boys "hyung"?
park_dobii #5
Chapter 14: I missed youuuuuu!!! This is adorable and I can't even because KaiHye feels :D
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 11: To be honest...I'd climb him like a koala in a tree if I was drunk and he was there, so you're not alone. He's , 'nuff said.

That's being said, it's safe to say this is my favourite chapter. :) Thank you author-nimmm
batooty #7
I'd like to see one where she actually finds a fanfic. That'd be interesting I think.

I'm most excited for XiuHye :) Ultimate bias right there :D

You're a wonderful author
HappyVirusXO #8
Chapter 10: TAOHYE HOGWARTS HAS TAKEN ME OVER!!! This is my favourite OTP!!!!!
miko12 #9
Chapter 9: All of these one-shots are so beautifully written <3 I just wish there's more OT12 (like each member in every chapter, you get me?) incorporated in each storyline... but hey everything still has great plots! It'd be cool if you do like a love-triangle kind of drama MV, idk maybe Kris and Kai? Huhu you are a cool author, author-nim!! Happy Holidays btw!
batooty #10
Chapter 9: <3 :D :3 THE FEELS! I'm sorry, Sehun is one of three people able to make me lose my sh*t and Suee like a fangirl. BUT SEHUN! AND JI HYE!! AND KISS! ADSKFGSLFBldug

On the other hand, I think you're my favourite author