Short Skirt

Stories of EXO

Sehun swears it’s not a problem.



When Sehun sees Ji Hye, he actually chokes on his drink. There’s an agonising moment of breathlessness and it takes Jongin pounding on his back to open up his airway again.

“What is that?” Sehun chokes out, his voice sounding strained as he looks at Ji Hye, unable to tear his eyes away.

She looks down at herself. “What’s what?” she asks, blinking up at him. Sehun struggles to breathe normally.

Jongin's jaw drops as he finally takes a proper look at Ji Hye. “Holy hell, you’re wearing a skirt,” he exclaims, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. He promptly gets Ji Hye’s bag thrown in his face. “Ow!”

Ji Hye huffs, sliding into the booth across from them and crossing her arms. Sehun also notices that Ji Hye’s wearing make-up and when the hell did that happen? “No need to shout it out for the whole world to know, Kkamjong.”

Jongin scowls, throwing his straw wrapper at her. “Are you going to use that stupid nickname every time I upset you?” he complains.

“Yes, yes I am.”

Sehun’s eyes are glued to the surface of the table. He gulps as he thinks of Ji Hye in an actual skirt and the amount of skin she had shown. His ears heat up and he imagines they’re probably a bright red now, but he can’t seem to make them return to a normal colour. Just – wow. Song Ji Hye in a skirt. He never thought he’d live to see the day.

“How?” he rasps, articulation seeming to escape him for the moment. He just can’t wrap his head around the fact that Ji Hye is wearing a skirt. Is the apocalypse really coming?

Ji Hye’s face morphs into one of annoyance. “If you’re still hung up on the skirt, blame Jinri and Soojung,” she grumbles. “We went shopping yesterday and they forced me to buy a mountain of them.”

“Too bad you won’t wear them,” Jongin snorts, taking a sip of his milkshake.

Ji Hye shifts uncomfortably, a hand rising to tug on a lock of hair and Sehun’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head. No way.

“… Not exactly,” Ji Hye mutters, looking away from her two best friend. “They might have, you know… stolen any pair of pants that I own.”

Jongin's and Sehun’s jaws drop. Although it sounds impossible – Ji Hye is extremely protective of her jeans and any bottom that isn’t a skirt, really – Sehun knows Jinri and Soojung and they’re relentless in their mission to get Ji Hye to wear skirts outside of school. To go to the extent of stealing all her pants, though…

“How the hell did they manage that?” Sehun demands, his mouth turning a little dry at the thought of Ji Hye wearing only skirts for god knows how long.

She slumps down onto the table, pillowing her face in her arms. “They locked me out of my house while they stole every single pair of pants I own except for those ridiculously short shorts I wear at home. And Victoria unnie helped!” she groans, her voice coming out slightly muffled.

Oh, god. Those three girls will be the death of him.

Jongin's laughter is really unattractive, Sehun thinks with irritation as he watches Jongin nearly knock himself out on the table in his fit of laughter. Ji Hye seems to think the same thing as she slaps the back of his head.

“It’s not funny,” she insists, even though it actually kind of is (when he manages to get past the panic attack in his brain).

“How long is this skirt purgatory going to last?” Jongin wheezes out, swiping a tear from his eye as he massages his aching stomach; he’s been laughing for a good ten minutes, so that’s no surprise.

In reply, Ji Hye shrugs and fixes her gaze on her strawberry milkshake.

Sehun barely resists the urge to lean his head back and groan. He has a feeling that it’s going to be a very uncomfortable however long for him.


Sehun swears his eyes don’t twitch when they meet at the bus stop the next morning and he realises that Ji Hye’s skirt is shorter than usual. The flash of extra skin that he’s not used to seeing is distracting and he wishes Ji Hye would stop tugging down the hem of her skirt every few seconds.

“What is wrong with your wardrobe?” Jongin asks nonchalantly as his eyes roam the expanse of Ji Hye’s legs (that Sehun hadn’t noticed were that long, whoa) and Sehun has the sudden urge to just cover Jongin's eyes, or maybe punch him.

Ji Hye stomps her foot in frustration as she glares at Jinri and Soojung, who are trailing in behind her. “Blame these two she-devils,” she snarls, squawking in protest when Soojung pulls her in roughly, causing Ji Hye to almost fall.

“We’re doing it for your own good,” Soojung says innocently as she attempts to deprive Ji Hye of oxygen. Soojung’s eyes linger on Ji Hye and Sehun shivers when she smirks slightly, a mischievous look lighting up her eyes. He doesn’t understand how anyone can think Jung Soojung is an angel when Sehun is pretty sure she’s far less angelic than Ji Hye.

“ that,” Ji Hye huffs and Jinri smacks the back of her head.

“You shouldn’t swear,” Jinri point out, wagging her finger.

“Don’t try to be so angelic, Jinri,” Ji Hye says, scowling. “I know what you sound like when we’re playing video games.”

Jinri sniffs delicately, but even Sehun can see the evil glint in her eyes. Sehun wonders how the hell Ji Hye managed to make such horrible friends. “I do no such thing,” Jinri says airily.

“Lies. All lies.”

Jinri's mouth quirks in a devilish smile as she looks beyond Jongin and Sehun. “Oh, look, Minho oppa’s here to drive us to school,” Soojung chirps. “Come on, Jinri-yah.”

“Wait, Choi Minho is going to drive you guys to school?” Ji Hye calls after them as they start to walk away from her. “What about me?”

Jinri rolls her eyes. “Just take the bus.” The girl’s eyes turn to Sehun and he feels something akin to someone walking over his grave. As the slightly shorter girl passes him, she sings, “Enjoy.”

Sehun chokes on air and splutters incoherently as Jongin and Ji Hye silently judge him. It’s not his fault that he doesn’t understand what Jinri meant by that (although he does but doesn’t want to).

“There’s something wrong with your face,” Jongin comments as he leans against the pole that holds up the sign.

Ji Hye sighs, petting Sehun’s face and looking slightly pitiful. “That’s why we’re friends with him, remember? It’s not like he’d make any other friends with a face like that.”

Sehun huffs. He’s very offended because he knows he has an attractive face and he’s been told so many times (most times by his mom but that’s not important right now). However, Ji Hye has a hand on his face and it’s surprisingly nice, so he’ll just glare at his two supposed best friends and hope they fail algebra (even though the only one failing algebra is him).

“My face is very nice, thank you very much,” he declares, pulling his face away from Ji Hye’s hands even if he doesn’t want to – wait, no, weird thoughts. That’s weird.

His eyes travel down Ji Hye’s legs and he’s actually very distracted by the way her skirt is only brushing mid-thigh. Ji Hye’s legs aren’t something he thinks about often (or so he tells himself), but now that there’s simply so much of it showing, they’re being brought to his attention and they’re actually a very nice pair of legs. He supposes this is what people meant by out of sight, out of mind because now that they’re in sight, they’re definitely in the forefront of his mind.

Ji Hye suddenly sighs irritably, tugging on his blazer and Sehun wakes up from the stupor he was in revolving around Ji Hye’s legs. “My face is up here, DerpHun,” she says, her voice bordering on snappish. “What is with you today? Were you up late playing that stupid game again?”

“League of Legends is not stupid,” Jongin scoffs as they board the bus that Sehun had completely not notice.

“Yes, it is,” Ji Hye disputes. “It’s boring and I don’t understand how you two idiots can play it for hours on end.”

“It takes a cultured mind to appreciate that game,” Jongin sniffs.

Ji Hye scowls and punches Jongin's shoulder. “Who’s the one who beat your pathetic in Call of Duty?”

“Beginner’s luck.”

“I’m not a beginner, you chauvinistic pig.”

Sehun shakes his head to clear it of the fog as he attempts to derail this conversation before the two of them end up exchanging blows. It’s happened before and it’s not a pretty thing to get in the middle of.

“Are you ever going to stop having this argument?” Sehun sighs in exasperation, flicking a lock of blonde hair out of his eyes.

“Never,” Jongin swears, before whining, “Sehunnie! She’s insulting League of Legends.”

“Don’t whine. You sound like a five year old.”

“You’re only off by twelve years,” Ji Hye adds sarcastically scrunching her nose cutely at Jongin.

Sehun’s eyes dart down to the pale skin exposed by Ji Hye’s stupidly short skirt and decides that he really does deserve careening into a pole when the bus jerks and that’s exactly what happens.


Sehun even wonders if it had been a good idea to invite Ji Hye out to study when she walks through the doors of the library and Sehun’s eyes dart down to her exposed legs that still aren’t covered by jeans, goddammit.

“What, you couldn’t find a desk?” is the first thing that spills from as she places a hand on her hip. She’s wearing a brown skirt that flares around her legs when she walks and barely brushes her knees, paired with a knit sweater over a grey tank top and Sehun happens to find Ji Hye very pretty.

“You’re still on skirt probation, I see,” Sehun says although it sounds like it’s coming from underwater. He’s still reeling from his revelation of Ji Hye’s attractiveness and he’s maybe figuring out that his feeling for Ji Hye aren’t just friends anymore.

“Exactly. Now go find a desk.” He doesn’t understand how everyone can still call him the brattiest. Have they met Ji Hye?

“It’s exam week,” Sehun explain, resolutely not staring at Ji Hye’s legs even if they’re at eye level and trying to ignore the thoughts of pretty and I really want to hold her hand and maybe kiss her, because they’re friends and that’s not appropriate. “The library’s booked, in case you haven’t noticed.”

Ji Hye nibbles on her bottom lip (a sign that she’s been spending too much time with Jongin) before sighing and flopping down next to him, a hand pressing her skirt to her thighs so it doesn’t flip up. “The things I do for you,” she sighs as she arranges her legs in a way that won’t allow her to flash the entire library. “You’re lucky I like you.”

Sehun his lips nervously as his fingers twitch. He wishes she means it the way he think he might want means and he really wants to just hold her hand in his and lean forward to possibly press a kiss against her – holy – glossed lips and –

“Yah, Oh Sehun,” she says, snapping her fingers in front of his face, “are you even listening?”

“E equals mc squared?” he guesses. Ji Hye promptly hits him with her history textbook.

“That’s physics. I was teaching you algebra – seriously, Sehun. If you’re not going to pay attention, then I shouldn’t have turned down Chanyeol sunbae’s offer.”

Sehun’s head jerks up so fast he hears a crack. “What?” he croaks out. “What did Chanyeol hyung offer?”

Ji Hye’s shoulders rise and fall at her irritated sigh. She’s tucking back the strand of hair that had been obscuring her vision for a while and Sehun feels regret because he was the one who was supposed to tuck it behind her ear. “His band has practice and he invited me to watch,” she replies and the twist of annoyance in her voice doesn’t go unnoticed by Sehun. It does however, go unacknowledged.

There’s a lump of panic in his throat. Ji Hye is always supposed to be his; not Jongin's, not Yixing’s and most definitely not Chanyeol's, but his. Jongin and Yixing have long gotten used to that, but he’s suddenly aware that other people aren’t and he just wants to claim, even if he has no right.

“You… wanted to go?”

She rolls her eyes. “Why not? Yixing oppa’s in the band too, remember?”

Right. Yixing is in the band too. Of course that’s why she wanted to watch; it’s definitely not because Chanyeol was the one who invited her.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, looking back down at his algebra notes. Ji Hye’s surprise is palpable and he wishes that weren’t so. “I’m really – thankful that you’re helping me, you know.”

“I didn’t, but that’s nice to hear,” she says quietly and he notices she’s fidgeting with the hem of her skirt again. Sehun almost blanches; he’d just managed to not think about that offending article of clothing, too. She looks up at him and there’s a soft look in her eyes that has his heart beating rapidly in his chest. There are words threatening to fall off the tip of his tongue to mingle in the air, but he hesitates. The moment is gone just like that as Ji Hye goes back to teaching him chemistry.

Sometimes, Sehun wonders how he can be such a coward.


Jinri and Soojung unexpectedly slide onto the bench cross from him and Jongin one day during lunch. It wouldn’t actually be that much of a surprise, but the two of them are doing it sans Ji Hye tugging them down. Ji Hye’s currently in lunch detention; something about punching someone in the face for touching her . Sehun doesn’t know; he wasn’t there.

“Why,” Jongin questions flatly, eyeing the two girls with contempt. “We don’t need you corrupt devils tainting the air.”

Soojung reaches over and tweaks Jongin's ear hard enough to make the tan boy yelp. She smiles deceptively angelically as she says, “You shouldn’t say such acidic things to nice people.”

“Where are the nice people?” Sehun inquires sardonically and receives a kick to his ankle in response. He barely winces even as his ankle throbs in pain. “What are you doing here?”

Jongin and Sehun swear they don’t dislike the pair. They’re nice girls… for the most part. It’s just that Jongin, Sehun and Ji Hye have been a trio since they almost got mauled by Jongin's neighbour’s dog and they’re simply not used to sharing, Sehun less so than Jongin. Sehun’s still trying to get used to the idea of sharing Ji Hye, even if he’s had to wrestle with that since middle school. Sharing with Jongin and sharing with anyone else is a vast difference that simply cannot be explained, only experienced.

Jinri smiles so saintly it’s a miracle she’s not in church. “We just wanted to know how you boys are liking Ji Hye’s new wardrobe,” she says nonchalantly, poking at her meatloaf that doesn’t actually look edible. Her eyes – well, her eyes and Soojung’s – linger on Sehun and he tries not to react. It doesn’t work very well.

He hacks out a cough to clear his lungs of orange soda while Jongin just watches in mild concern intermingled with a lot of boredom. Jongin is a useless friend. “Why are you looking at me?” he demands.

It’s a little insulting when all three of them snort.

“Oh, Sehun,” Jongin sighs, chuckling under his breath. “You can’t be serious.” When Sehun just stares dumbly, Jongin gives him a condescending look that makes him feel like a Neanderthal. “Oh my god, you are serious.”

“This is what you’re friends with?” Soojung asks in disbelief.

Jongin facepalms. “I wonder why,” he mutters.

Sehun lets out an indignant shout of “hey!” which doesn’t actually phase them as they share a look of I can’t believe this idiot. Apparently he’s missed something huge and he wonders if he should be worried or not.

“Sehun,” Jongin sighs, “you don’t have to keep pretending. I figured it out freshman year.”

“Figured what out?” Sehun feels dumb. It’s not that it’s an odd occurrence, but it usually only happens in algebra and occasionally physics.

Soojung rolls her eyes and shoots him a judgemental look. “Apparently he hadn’t figured it out, even when everyone else already had.” She taps her chopsticks to her lips. “Well, except for Ji Hye, of course.”

“I don’t understand – ”

“We know you like her, doofus,” Jinri says.

Sehun blinks. He opens his mouth and when no intelligible words escape, he shuts it again. “How?” he rasps.

“You’re really obvious,” the three of them answer in unison.

Words. What are words.

“But… I didn’t even know until, well, recently,” Sehun whispers.

“Idiot,” Jongin huffs. Sehun can’t hit girls, but he can hit Jongin, so he does so with enough strength to push him off the bench. He sees Jinri and Soojung wince in sympathy; he hopes they realise part of Jongin's pain is meant to be theirs too.

“My tailbone,” Jongin moans, lying down on the ground instead of getting up like a normal human. Then again, Jongin isn’t a normal human. “Oh, hi Ji Hye.”

She kicks his shoulder. “Don’t look up my skirt, ,” she reprimands, smoothing down said clothing and drawing Sehun’s attention to her legs. He gulps down the saliva pooling in his mouth and glances at Soojung and Jinri. He scowls at their knowing smirks.

Jongin rolls away, clutching his shoulder. “Like I would look up your skirt.”

“How was detention?” Jinri asks.

“I got a pat on the back for my right hook,” she says, grinning as she slides in next to Sehun and steals some of his fries. She’s leaning into him and he flushes. She smells like raspberries and cinnamon, which shouldn’t mix very well but does anyway. Her thighs brush his and Sehun thinks the heat is too much. “Hey, you okay?” Oh, he’s looking at him and her lips are pursing in concern. No, no, no, don’t do that. Don’t draw his attention to her lips. “You’re a little… red.”

“I have to go,” he wheezes, making a quick escape and smacking himself in the face with his algebra textbook.

“What was that about?” he hears Ji Hye ask. He doesn’t like the confusion and hurt in her voice.

“He’s just being stupid,” Jongin replies and for once, Sehun agrees.


He always thought they were exaggerating when books wrote seeing red, but he didn’t want to be proven wrong.

But, damn it, was he wrong.

His fingers twitch as he growls lowly in his throat. He never knew he could make such an inhuman sound, but there it is. Then again, he’s never been this angry before.

Jongin sighs from next to him, leaning against the lockers next to him. “Dude, your anger is scorching me over here.”

“ off, Jongin,” Sehun snaps. His hands are clenched so hard he’s surprised his nails haven’t broken through skin.

His jaw aches from how hard he’s clenching it in his anger, but there’s nothing he can do about it. He just doesn’t want Ji Hye to be smiling at Youngjae the way she’s supposed to be smiling at him. She shouldn’t be laughing or placing her hand on his shoulder to push him away playfully. She shouldn’t be letting Yoo Youngjae place his hands on her waist to tickle her or lean in that close or – .

He’s practically trembling from rage and he snaps when Youngjae pinches a lock of Ji Hye’s jet black hair to tuck it behind her ear in a fashion too intimate for friends. Suddenly, he’s stalking forward, eyes trained on Youngjae's hand and the way it’s poking her nose.

Sehun’s hands encloses around Ji Hye’s wrist and he drags her away from Youngjae.

“Sehun, what are you doing?” she demands, barely able to catch up with his elongated strides. He turns sharply around a corner to enter a deserted classroom.

The door shuts behind them with a soft click and Sehun finally releases Ji Hye. His hands are trembling from the force of his anger and his breathing is heavy even if he hadn’t been running.

“What is your problem?” Ji Hye asks. He doesn’t have to turn around to know she has her arms crossed. “You’ve been acting weird recently and – ”

“I’ve been acting weird?” Sehun blurts, his words coming out harsh and gravelly from the anger still bubbling under his skin. He whirls around. “You’re the one who’s been acting weird! Ever since you got all your pants confiscated, you’ve been strutting around in your stupid skirts and acting – weird!”

Ji Hye frowns as she shifts her weight. “Do you think I want to wear skirts all the time?” she asks, her voice quiet and menacing; it belies the temper she’s keeping in check. “I hate it. I want my jeans back, but Victoria unnie is the one hiding them. And I don’t strut.”

He lets out a bark of mirthless laughter, running a hand through his hair. “Sure you don’t,” he says sardonically. “Don’t lie to me. I see the way you sway your hips and it’s like you’re begging for all the guys to turn their heads to stare at you.”

He can see the moment her temper snaps and she’s pushing him, although he doesn’t even budge. “I don’t. You’re delusional, Sehun.”

“And what was that? The flirting you were doing with Youngjae – ”

“I wasn’t flirting,” she scoffs.

He leans in close, his nose brushing hers as he fists a hand in her blazer to pull her close. “Weren’t you?” he hisses. “Placing your hand on his shoulder, laughing like he just told you the funniest joke in the ing world – ”

“I wasn’t flirting!”

“The hell you weren’t,” he roars.

“It’s the same thing I do around you and Jongin,” she yells back. Sehun rears back when he notices the tears in her eyes. She pushes him again and this time he lets himself be pushed. “God, Sehun. You’re being such a jerk.”

Sehun doesn’t – can’t say anything as Ji Hye stomps out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her. He feels like a jerk. He collapses against a desk, slumping down on it as he buries his face in his hands.

He just ruined their friendship, didn’t he?


It’s with a lot of trepidation that Sehun stands in front of the Songs’ doorstep the next day after a day of difficult classes and cold shoulders. He hates that he’s not talking to Ji Hye and he hates that he hurt her. He never meant to do that.

Ji Hye’s brother answers the door and Sehun blinks. “Ah, hyung,” Sehun says, grinning awkwardly. “Is Ji Hye in?”

“Shouldn’t you know?” Ji Hoon asks, raising an eyebrow as he leans against the door jamb. He’s eyeing him suspiciously and Sehun almost blanches when he’s reminded that Ji Hoon and Ji Hye are the closest Song siblings, being only two years apart.

“She’s, uh, been busy today,” Sehun answers, trying his best not to make it sound like a lie. “I haven’t really seen her.”

Ji Hoon frowns, but turns around to yell into the house, “Ji Hye! One of your stupid friends are here.”

Sehun tries not to wince.

“Which friend?” she yells back, sounding like it’s coming from her room.

“How should I know? I don’t know all of your friends.”

“You like Amber unnie enough!”

“Shut the hell up, pipsqueak!”

The door is slammed in Sehun’s face and he stands on the front porch, wondering if he should leave and hope Ji Hye cools down enough to talk to him or wait. He’s about to turn around to head to his house when the door is thrown open again and Sehun has to stop his jaw from dislocating when he notices she’s in a big t-shirt – one of his, actually – and non-existent shorts. God, why.

“You weren’t kidding about the shorts,” he strangles out.

Ji Hye’s glare is sharp and piercing. “ off,” she says with feeling. She swings the door closed and Sehun yelps in pain. Placing your foot in the doorway hurts a lot less when it’s in the movie. “Get your foot out of the way.

“Ow, no,” Sehun shoots back, wincing slightly. “Not until you hear what I have to say.”

“I am going to break your foot.”

“Ji Hye, please,” he pleads.

She’s quiet and he shuts his eyes, bracing himself for the rejection. Instead, the pressure on his sneakered foot eases, even though the door remains in its position. He doesn’t hear footsteps, so he assumes she’s still standing in front of the door. After agonising moments of silence, he finally hear her say, “Okay. You have one minute.”

He in a breath and pauses. “Seriously?”

“Fifty seconds.”

“Okay then. Look, Ji Hye, I’m sorry for overreacting.”


“I give you a minute and this is all you have?”

Sehun sighs, leaning his forehead against the door. He adds, “I’m sorry I’m such an idiot and I’m sorry you have to put up with my pathetic . I just – I don’t know. You… you drive me insane, Ji.”

“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” Uh oh, he sort of pissed her off.

“Not – not in a bad way,” he says hastily, mentally hitting himself in the back of his head. “You just – god, Ji. What do you want me to say?”

“I’d like an explanation for why you’ve been acting weird.”

“I haven’t been acting weird,” he protests.

“Spacing out, turning red for no reason, staring at my legs, getting angry out of nowhere,” she lists. “You don’t normally do that kind of stuff, Hun.”

“That’s normal.”

“No, it isn’t. I know you, Oh Sehun, and you’re lying.”

He hadn’t thought she’d notice which, in hindsight, is pretty stupid of him to think. They’ve been friends for years and it’s easy to notice when any one of them is acting weird.

“I – well, I’m – it’s difficult to explain.”

“Bull,” she scoffs. “Just use words.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“I know you’re not so good with the words, but – ”

“It’s not that,” he says faintly.

“ – just spew out what you need to say – ”

“Seriously, Ji. It’s not that easy!” he repeats, louder, only to be ignored again.

“ – it’s sort of like word vomit – ”

“I like you!”

Word vomit indeed.

The door flies open and Sehun almost falls forward onto Ji Hye. He gasps, finding himself nose to nose with Ji Hye as he braces himself with the door frame. She takes a step back and he notices how shocked she looks, along with the dusting of pink on her cheeks.

“What did you say?” she asks – no, demands.

Now that he’s looking at her – looking into her eyes – it’s a little more difficult for the words to come out and he ends up saying, “I like you?”

Her hands rest on her hips as she asks, “Are you retracting your statement?”

“No? Uh, I mean no. I like you.”

Could this get anymore awkward?

When Ji Hye doesn’t answer, he’s met with the startling realisation that Ji Hye might not feel the same way (isn’t that the reason he hasn’t mentioned anything about his changing feelings?) and he might have just royally ed up their friendship. Well, .

He’s half a second away from turning around and running when Ji Hye suddenly throws herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He nearly loses his balance, but he finds it in time to place his hands on her waist. He leans back so he’s looking at her smiling face, grinning in amusement and slight confusion. “And this means…?”

“Oh, please,” she scoffs. “I know you’re stupid, but you’re not that stupid. You’re not going to make me say it.”

He shrugs, leaning down to finally press his lips against Ji Hye’s. “Fair enough,” he agrees, his breath ghosting across her lips and all he has to do is lean in –

A shoe goes flying past Sehun’s head.

“Not in front of me,” Ji Hoon yells.


Sehun eyes Ji Hye’s legs as he lounges on his bed. Technically, they’re supposed to be studying, but why would Sehun study his notes when he can study his girlfriend instead?

A pencil flies through the air and bounces off his forehead. “I know my legs are nice,” Ji Hye drawls, “but if you fail algebra one more time, you’re not my boyfriend anymore.”

Right, that’s why he should study his notes.

He pouts – not that Ji Hye can see with her back turned to him – as he looks back down at his algebra notes. He glances up at her once more. “When did they give you your jeans back?”

“Yesterday. Sehun, your work.”

“I liked your skirts,” he mutters. That has her spinning her seat to smirk at him.

“I know,” she teases. “Your drooling was hardly subtle.”

“I did not drool,” Sehun sniffs, even if he did. That doesn’t mean he has to admit it. He has some pride too.

“I’ve missed my jeans,” Ji Hye sighs, uncrossing her legs. Sehun’s eyes unwittingly follow the motion; now that he knows how her legs look like not covered in denim, he can’t help but be painfully aware of them. An eraser is thrown at his face. “Yah, my face is up here.”

“You… have very nice legs.”

She rolls her eyes with a sigh of disgust. “Typical male.”

“Hey, I like your personality too.” He huffs out a breath as he rolls onto his back. Ji Hye’s currently sitting at his desk while he stole the bed, but he kind of wishes she was next to him. “I never asked. What was that thing with you and Youngjae last week?”

“Huh?” She spins to face him again, head tilting to the side in confusion. “Oh, you mean that.” She grins at him, which just makes him a little suspicious. “It was nothing.”

“Uh huh… don’t believe you.”

“Hurtful,” she pouts. She shrugs, sighing. “Youngjae just wanted to make a girl jealous.”

It sounds true… but it only sounds like a half-truth. He eyes her suspiciously as she smiles at him innocently. Honestly, it’s the innocent smile that tips him off. He doesn’t say anything, merely raising his eyebrows and staring at her with an unimpressed expression. “You did it to make me jealous,” he accuses.

She crosses her arms over her chest, but he can make out an amused glint in her eyes. “Conceited,” she scoffs, “but it did work, didn’t it?”

Sehun hooks his foot around Ji Hye’s leg, pulling her over. She falls onto him with a yelp, crumpling his notes (not that he cares). “You vixen,” he growls playfully.

“I prefer to call it persuasion,” she corrects, laughing slightly. He stops her laughter by sliding a hand up the back of her neck to push her down for a kiss.

He can feel her smile into the kiss and he nips her bottom lip, but it feels right. It doesn’t feel awkward like he had worried. They’re still Sehun and Ji Hye, but sometimes they’re a little more, like now. Just the two of them.

The door to his room slams open – not that they pay it any mind – and they immediately hear Jongin whine, “Can you two hormonal teenagers not do like this while I’m getting snacks?”


... I don't even know anymore. AoA's song made me write a thing. Short skirts yo.

I hope my friends never do that to me.

Oh, hey, Ji Hye is finally in her first multi-chaptered fic! Go check it out --> Byzantine

(Sorry not sorry for otp)

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park_dobii #1
Chapter 19: So many feels. I actually love your Hogwarts!AU, you write it so well!
park_dobii #2
Chapter 18: This made me laugh AND got my Ji Hye/D.O feels happening. Well done!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It was heart wrenching D-,: So sweet.... but so heart breaking.... Now I'll just crawl up on the couch and eat ice cream, that's the only solution ;-p
Chapter 1: Wait... Why is she calling the boys "hyung"?
park_dobii #5
Chapter 14: I missed youuuuuu!!! This is adorable and I can't even because KaiHye feels :D
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 11: To be honest...I'd climb him like a koala in a tree if I was drunk and he was there, so you're not alone. He's , 'nuff said.

That's being said, it's safe to say this is my favourite chapter. :) Thank you author-nimmm
batooty #7
I'd like to see one where she actually finds a fanfic. That'd be interesting I think.

I'm most excited for XiuHye :) Ultimate bias right there :D

You're a wonderful author
HappyVirusXO #8
Chapter 10: TAOHYE HOGWARTS HAS TAKEN ME OVER!!! This is my favourite OTP!!!!!
miko12 #9
Chapter 9: All of these one-shots are so beautifully written <3 I just wish there's more OT12 (like each member in every chapter, you get me?) incorporated in each storyline... but hey everything still has great plots! It'd be cool if you do like a love-triangle kind of drama MV, idk maybe Kris and Kai? Huhu you are a cool author, author-nim!! Happy Holidays btw!
batooty #10
Chapter 9: <3 :D :3 THE FEELS! I'm sorry, Sehun is one of three people able to make me lose my sh*t and Suee like a fangirl. BUT SEHUN! AND JI HYE!! AND KISS! ADSKFGSLFBldug

On the other hand, I think you're my favourite author