Snippet 3 - KaiHye

Stories of EXO

The clan always comes first, even if Jongin can’t quite understand sometimes.



She can’t remember the last time she’s ever felt so warm. Being with Jongin gives her a thrill she’s never had before, even surpassing the thrill of a kill.

Ji Hye leans back against Jongin’s chest, head resting in the crook of his shoulder and neck. She smiles as she listens to him read Sense and Sensibility. She loves to listen to the rumble of his voice as she relaxes against him.

They’re in that comfortable time of the day where Ji Hye is getting ready for work while Jongin gets ready for bed. It’s moments like these she can appreciate; where she can unwind before the blood and the politics begin again. It’s so easy to forget that they’re on completely different squads despite having the same job.

The beating of his heart is loud in her ears. So loud.

Her gums ache uncomfortably as she’s reminded that it’s been a week since she’s fed. She tries to ignore it, curling his arm tighter around her waist. It was so easy to pretend that she’s the weaker one – that she can’t tear Jongin’s throat out and drain him dry.

Jongin stops suddenly, nose nuzzling her temple.

“Ji Hye,” he murmurs, “you’re growling.”

She’s finally aware of the insistent grumbling from her chest and sighs. She turns to meet his concerned gaze, smiling faintly. “It’s nothing,” she insists.

He raises an eyebrow. “Really,” he says flatly. “And when was the last time you fed?”

“I’ll be fine,” she replies stubbornly. “Just – keep reading.”

“Ji Hye.” Jongin puts the book away, wrapping his arms around her and placing a kiss on her bare shoulder. “You should feed. How do you work when you’re starving?”

“With sheer willpower.” Her reply is almost petulant, she’s grown out of the phase where she’s goes on a rampage just from hunger. A week without blood won’t kill her.

He turns her around so she’s sitting on his lap. Her hands coil around his neck loosely, one hand threading through his hair. There are dark circles under his eyes and she can tell he hasn’t been taking care of his skin, if the zit hidden under his bangs is an indication. His hair is a mess and he looks so comfortable in his sleep clothes. Ji Hye is painfully aware it’s seven in the evening and she’ll be called out by Yifan or Joonmyun any time now. She’s in a comfortable place and she doesn’t want to leave.

Jongin’s jugular pulses as he offers his neck and her primal instinct demands she sink her teeth into his neck and drink her fill. Instead, she shakes her head and presses a kiss to the tanned skin.

“I’ll be fine,” she repeats, smiling faintly. It’s not the first time he’s offered, but she can’t bring herself to drink from him. He’s not like one of those blood bags Sehun and Zitao like to play with. He’s more than that. “Your blood is more useful to yourself.”

He pulls her in closer, nipping at her neck. She laughs – Jongin acts like the vampire more times than not.

“You shouldn’t turn down free food,” he teases.

“I was taught not to play with my food too,” she retorts, “and look what happened.”

Jongin winds a lock of Ji Hye’s hair around his finger before leaning forward. She meets him halfway, slotting over his. She’s careful; her elongated canines could cut through his fragile skin so easily.

He’s fearless, however, running his tongue over her fangs. Ji Hye knows he’s teasing her, trying to nick himself so she’ll drink, but she pulls away before he manages it.

“I should go,” she sighs, but she doesn’t move. She’s found a comfortable spot and she’s loathe to leave this comfortable warmth. It’s been so long since she was anything but ice cold.

He pecks her lips, sighing as well. “Can’t you let someone else take your patrol?” he whines, arms tightening around her waist.

It’s tempting. So very tempting.

It’s also extremely irresponsible and Ji Hye actually likes her job. She’s been Joonmyun's weapon, Joonmyun's advisor, Joonmyun's bloodied, unrestricted half for the better part of a century. She’s not sure she knows anything else.

“I have a job to do,” she reminds him, shifting. Jongin’s grip is tight, but it’s not like she can’t get away. Ji Hye’s much faster than he is and she could be on the other side of the room faster than Jongin can blink.

His hand tangles in her hair as he brings her down for another kiss. She doesn’t resist, letting herself melt against him; allows herself to be vulnerable and pliant for a little while. He trails a kiss down her neck and she tilts her head for better access.

Tanned muscle flexes and her eyes narrow. “Sneaky,” she huffs, nosing the junction of Jongin’s neck and shoulder.

She can hear him smirk. “I didn’t get this job just because of my good looks, you know.”

“Uh huh.” The scent of Jongin’s blood is heavenly, enveloping her senses. She takes a deep breath even though she shouldn’t, the ache in her gums multiplying. His hands are soothing on her waist as he pulls her closer.

“Just drink,” he whispers. It’s like a devil’s whisper, she thinks. Maybe that’s what he is: a devil. Kim Jongin, with his tanned skin and arrogant smirk that makes her feel more than she’s felt in over a century.

Her resolve wavers. “Stop me when it’s too much.”

“I will.”

She kisses right over his jugular, feeling his pulse quicken. She doesn’t draw it out further, sinking her fangs into his neck and letting the blood pool into before taking a long drag. He jerks at the initial pain before shuddering. He lets slip a moan which has Ji Hye wishing she has more time with him.

She pulls away when she’s had her fill, over the two puncture wounds and watching them heal.

“You should probably get something to eat before you go to bed,” she suggests.

“Probably.” He doesn’t move.

“Now, Jongin.”

“’M tired.” He showcases how tired he is by flopping against his pillows once more with Ji Hye in tow. His eyes are half-lidded and he looks so soft, like a puppy.

She laughs. She’d love to stay with him and maybe get a couple more hours of sleep, but Joonmyun has a meeting with one of those wannabe-big shot clans and she has to be there to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.

She pulls him up anyway. “You need to eat something after giving me so much blood. Come on, baby,” she coaxes, hand intertwined in his.

“I’m not hungry,” he protests. He pulls back, but he can’t fight against Ji Hye’s strength. “Ji Hye. Just… stay in bed with me.”

“You know I can’t,” she refuses gently. “Joonmyun's meeting with the Ming clan to discuss jurisdiction again.”

He pouts. Ji Hye leans forward to kiss it away as she stands up. If she keeps dawdling, she might not leave.

“I’ll ask Minseok to bring something up for you,” she says. “The next time I see you will probably be at the end of my shift.” He holds on when she tries to pull her hand away.

“Ji Hye-yah, are you free on Thursday?” he asks, eyes widening slightly in an effort to look a little more awake.

“Maybe. Why?”

“Let’s go out, just the two of us.”

“Like… on a date?”

Jongin’s smile spreads across his face slowly, brighter than the sun and as sparkly as the stars that used to cover the night sky. “Yeah. Like a date.”

“I’ll see if I can make it.” Unsaid is the fact that clan duties come before anything else. That might not be the case for Jongin, but it is for her, who’s bound by blood.

There’s disappointment lingering at the corner of his lips, but she knows he understands.

Song Ji Hye, get your down here right now,” she can hear Jongdae snap irritably from downstairs. She lets out a sigh, barely suppressing the roll of her eyes.

“I have to go. Jongdae's snappish,” she says with an amused smile.

Jongin chuckles. “What, did Baekhyun hyung send him to the couch again?”

Tell your little boyfriend I heard that,” Jongdae barks.

“Probably,” Ji Hye snorts before planting one last kiss against Jongin’s lips. “I’ll sneak in if I finish early.”

“Good,” he says with a satisfied smile.

“Song Ji Hye!” Jongdae shrieks, this time loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.

She takes it as her cue to leave. She figures she can survive an evening of Jongdae as long as she has Jongin to come back home to.


I have no idea what this is. This may or may not be a full one shot (or even a full story, you never know). I'm just testing out the reactions and stuff.

And, hey, I'm not dead! School is a thing, unfortunately. But it shall not keep me down!

KaiHye give me fluff feels unfortunately.

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park_dobii #1
Chapter 19: So many feels. I actually love your Hogwarts!AU, you write it so well!
park_dobii #2
Chapter 18: This made me laugh AND got my Ji Hye/D.O feels happening. Well done!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: It was heart wrenching D-,: So sweet.... but so heart breaking.... Now I'll just crawl up on the couch and eat ice cream, that's the only solution ;-p
Chapter 1: Wait... Why is she calling the boys "hyung"?
park_dobii #5
Chapter 14: I missed youuuuuu!!! This is adorable and I can't even because KaiHye feels :D
HappyVirusXO #6
Chapter 11: To be honest...I'd climb him like a koala in a tree if I was drunk and he was there, so you're not alone. He's , 'nuff said.

That's being said, it's safe to say this is my favourite chapter. :) Thank you author-nimmm
batooty #7
I'd like to see one where she actually finds a fanfic. That'd be interesting I think.

I'm most excited for XiuHye :) Ultimate bias right there :D

You're a wonderful author
HappyVirusXO #8
Chapter 10: TAOHYE HOGWARTS HAS TAKEN ME OVER!!! This is my favourite OTP!!!!!
miko12 #9
Chapter 9: All of these one-shots are so beautifully written <3 I just wish there's more OT12 (like each member in every chapter, you get me?) incorporated in each storyline... but hey everything still has great plots! It'd be cool if you do like a love-triangle kind of drama MV, idk maybe Kris and Kai? Huhu you are a cool author, author-nim!! Happy Holidays btw!
batooty #10
Chapter 9: <3 :D :3 THE FEELS! I'm sorry, Sehun is one of three people able to make me lose my sh*t and Suee like a fangirl. BUT SEHUN! AND JI HYE!! AND KISS! ADSKFGSLFBldug

On the other hand, I think you're my favourite author