
High for love

       *yawn* finally day 2, I was so excited I couldn't wait to go to my aunt and my cousins, finally hadn't visited them in a long time maybe around 7 years but would always talk to each other with skype. Ugh had to wait 2 hours to go to the airport but we finally got to reach our destination. I know i was sitting the whole way, but I was tired.

       My parents came with me all the way the amazing trip but it felt awkward...kinda...I had to seat almost at the very back of the airplane my parents were very far away from me mostly at the entrance I didn't know why. I was getting my headphones and iPod out of my bag, as I replaced my bag. I got bumped into someone very tall. So handsome...wow that flawless skin, that type of soft, pink, plumped lips...he was wearing this black and thick glasses. He had good style, and the best part was that he was 1 seat away. 

      The seat than I was in was for 3 people, no one was interrupting in the middle. I was starting to blush bright pink, I didn't want the atmosphere to be all weird, so I kept staring at the window, with my headphones on all the way up wishing that this airplane trip would last forever...I never understanded my self I was sometimes bipolar. But I still had a boyfriend, Chanyeol, I wonder what hes doing, we barely talk sometimes I would call him, he would answer, but the calls would mostly last less than one minute. He keeps telling me that he was "busy". I kept feeling guilty, as if I did something...wrong. I wish I could call him in the airplane but I needed wifi. My phone was very poor, at least it better than having nothing. I really respected and appreciated my parents for what i have, we weren't rich nor poor, we just wanted to save for the future... For my education.

     My music was playing very, very loud. I was listening to 4minute- what's your name. Cuz seriously I really wanted to know that hot guys name.

     2 Hours had passed, I was almost falling sleep. Till someone tapped my shoulders....It was that guy. the guy...

    "H-hello..." that handsome guy talked to me. A little moment of silence happened till I wanted to say something.

    "...H-hello" I finally got the courage to talk but I was still all tired, I was thinking that just by looking I him I would be seeing myself in a mess.

    "nice song...Is it...in Korean?" he talked again all beautifully, his lips when moving and the accent just simply gave me a shock through my spine. I tried to get myself back together but that...that guy...I was getting sweaty. I just simply nodded.

     "oh" that's all he said, he paused for a little.

     "my name is Kevin... Kevin wu" as he said that he extended his hand to give you a warm handshake. You looked at his hand in a surprised gesture then back at him, you started to get boiling, you never thought of holding,or at least touching someone really,very good looking as him. You extended your hand to hold his warm touch and welcomed yourself

      "hi...my names ____" You kept looking at him with eyes full like the moon and his as the sun. Both of you kept staring at each other without anything...anyone to stop both of you from touching each other. His hand was soft and warm like those Teddy bears chanyeol would give you...wait I'm with chanyeol.

      The announcements from the flight almost scared the crap out of me, we only had 2 more hours to get to seoul. I was shacking my head to snap out of it and getting my hand away from his to not make things more awkward.

     "umm....can you excuse me for a bit I have to go to the bathroom..." I asked the question, even trying to ask this sounded weird, i was trying to hide my red cheeks, not wanting be noticed, I peeked at him, he was looking down all red...he was really red.

     "o-oh...Yeah...sure" that's all he said still all red, standing up, he almost bumped his head. I was still trying to not even see him in the eyes, I felt really shy, didn't wanted to go back to my seat, not after what happened I still wonder what he's thinking or if he's still red... But his cheeks...wow no words to explain. I took about 5 minutes in there. I was peeking on the small hallway to see if he's there so I can hide my cheeks, they weren't red only a little pink, I finally calmed down staying still in the wall I still didnt want to go where him and i were sitting...I finally stopped thinking of him and started to think of how I should explain the whole concept that I'm-in-Korea-and-not-In-America-also-part-of-the-other-side-of-the-world to chanyeol. I just tried to go to my seat until I bumped my head in his chest...I could feel his heart going really fast. My eyes wide, I couldn't feel them anymore.

     "S-s-s-sorry" that's all I said without even seeing him in the eyes...his eyes. I walked to the left of his side and went to my seat, no word came from me ever again. His heart, it really rushed. He took a long time more than me at least 7 minutes. Never seen a guy take that long that there was already a huge line for the bathroom for the guys,of course I was thinking it was him there, after what happened accidentally. Only 30 minutes left for the flight to be over. He was reading and I was just listening to music trying to dance them even if I was seating. I looked at the corner of my eye just peek on him just a little, he was just... Mysterious. I wanted to know more about him. As I pecked I see him staring at me with a smirk. At that time I was dancing to Exo's growl, I knew all the dances of them never refused to teach myself and never thought it would be easy, but it was.

     "we are about to reach out destination, please keep all of your items with you, the airplane community is not responsible for any lost items, and we hope you have a safe trip in Seoul, Korea"

     Finally, I stretch and said my goodbyes to Kevin wu. He hold my arm.

     "W-will I see you maybe...again?"  I didn't know what to say all I tried to do was nod.

     I still wanted to see him but we're in a big country and we just meet...in an Airplane. But from my point of view, he looked really young maybe about to go to high school... All I could think was maybe...maybe were gonna meet...again.


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Fangirl123 #1
Can't wait till you update! :)