I'll be there

High for love

   School was never fun for you NEVER you would always have F's. it was never you who made the mistakes, it was the teachers, those witches, ugh you hated them SO much.   

      2 months had passed from the promotion of middle school it was a relieve you had mostly F's but you raised them up with D's.....somehow....ehh it didn't really Matter to you anyways. As long as you had that amazing boyfriend always there by your side, his name is chanyeol, he was very tall, but you werent that short. He barely texted you or when he called, it felt weird sometimes, like it didn't, it doesn't feel right.

      Months and months had passed,and my parents decided to tell me something in private I was really nervous, my parents were very harsh, they never wanted me to do ANYTHING not even go to the mall with one of my elementary friends, I knew them more than anyone but still they keep thinking that I might get "kidnapped."

     As I entered the room my parents were in they the light, it felt very creepy......very creepy. I usually get scared easily. All I could think was the love of music "kpop" it would always make me happy even if my parents hated it, they would scream at me, and try to slap me. It never stoped me from loving something from miles away, numbers to me never excisted in me...really I at math...my only wish was to at least try to perform for one of the best dancing company, S.M entertainment. I knew every artist there and never missed a performance.

     My parents kept talking and talking.....blah...blah-blah.........never wanted to actually listen until the actual words that said "...your moving to Korea for a couple of years were having a business trip and we are barely gonna stay here. Your gonna stay with your aunt and cousins over there..." I acted normal and said "ok." then they said "it's settled, pack you bags your leaving tomorrow in the afternoon" I couldn't stay with my uncle because he passed away from lung cancer not really a long time, once he passed away the family was usually quiet, my uncle was the "life of the family" he would always smile and have fun even if something wrong was going on, he never wanted to see us sad or broken hearted, I loved him so much. I had to stop worrying about the past, i didnt wanted to have plump eyes because of all the crying so i tried to stay positive...i mean really something like going to an amazing place i always dreamed of and cried myself to sleep and my parents actually telling me THIS!!! 0-0 my eyes were still big and round. once i looked in the mirror i though that I was D.O from Exo...wow my imagination... I stoop up, went to my room, grabbed a pillow and screamed as loud but not too loud, I didn't want get sick on my first day of Seoul, i get sick easily, if i sleep with a short sleeves shirt and shorts too often, or even sing when my parents arent home, the high pitches of amazing singers, i at it but i tried, its fun to do it. I still couldn't believe it. Exo at this time where still freshman graduating from high school. I knew all the imformation about everything from them.....let's just say I was, very crazy for them...no one never wanted to mess with me.

    ugh I packed a lot about 4-5 suitcasses and 2-3 purses. All sweating, I couldn't feel my arms...ugh so tired....it was 9:58 late at night. Had to wake up early tomorrow around 6 am but how do I explain my boyfriend that I'm going to the other side of the world for a couple of years in seoul, Korea~^^. I was so happy, I was laying down in my bed, looking outside the window. I saw a shooting star and wished."......I hope I get to see you guys and I'm very happy to finally go there...thank you...." ever since I was little I would look at the sky and wish things I didn't even know if I'm capable of. I would sometimes dream of unicorns...I know lame...but hey, lay came around. I closed my eyes shut with a smile in my face. And a vision came...but I can barely remember.....

all I could see is a very tall, handsome guy hugging me...and...me....crying?....I'm not even sure....

i-it...it just feels.....like I know h-him....

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Fangirl123 #1
Can't wait till you update! :)