I'll protect you

High for love


New finished on what we had to do,and my feet are killing me. Even though I was tired I still wanted to do more stuff with him.

i pointed at the park near my home. It was night time and a beautiful full moon, white as silk, floating right above us. I guess I wanted to feel the night sky and cool breeze.

i've never seen a shooting star and I wish I could see one right before I die...just once.

i believe in fairy tales wishing that I would have an interesting journey as how they do, nothing interesting happens in my life, only bad ones.

i wanna be free like...tinker bell, and fly away from the horror that I'm facing.

i wanna run away from all the people that just...... That gave me pain. And I wanna keep those that never forgot me when I actually needed them.

miracles are possible....anything could happen...

"kris? Can we stop there? By the park."

"sure, but you seem tired....Are you sure you wanna go? It's getting pretty late."

 ".....Yh" I simply nodded.

so we stopped there for awhile, it was 8:53 and fully dark. We started walking and playing by the swings for a while. The grass was cold, but it felt nice. 

"Do you wanna go now, it's getting cold and late, and you need to be able to rest." He cares for me. I was starting to shiver so he decided to cuddle with me.

".......okay let's go..."

walking side by side, holding my hard trying to make me feel protected. And to know I am. I feel goosebumps, as if someone was following me...us. I looked behind me. 

No one...

           ...but I hear footsteps...



                          ...the bushes are moving...

          ...no it's just my imagination...

  ...something's wrong.....

I looked at kris and I see a dark shadow pass behind him...

"H-hello!?!" Kris looks shocked, but the last thing I see is a baseball ball hit him right my his face.


                    ...he's bleeding....a lot...

      I step back, the guy trying to chase after me. Not noticing another guy coming from the other direction.

...a white rag covering my lips...

           ...I can't breath...


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Fangirl123 #1
Can't wait till you update! :)