You have got be kidding me

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

An endless stream of selcas started to flood Sehun’s messages. His phone would buzz every other minute and lunch was already coming to a close. Does this guy know how to give up or… Does he just not feel the ominous atmosphere clouding around Sehun? He was sure that the aura around his body could be felt even virtually. A few more vibrations and it finally came to a halt. Sehun slid his fingers across the smooth, cold lunch table and swiped his phone. 15 unread messages. The phone glowed with a luminous light as Sehun heaved a heavy sigh. He could feel as a knot tied itself in the pit of his lower stomach. His head was pounding. Sehun felt like throwing up. Allowing his hands to carefully caress his temples, Sehun sighed once more. Why did he feel as if his heart was about to commit suicide in his chest? It felt as if his poor heart was begging to be let out and overflow the table’s surface with his blood. Despite how gruesome that description was, Sehun’s body and mind was just in complete chaos. For what? Sehun didn’t know the reason himself. The bell signaled the conclusion of lunch and the blonde gradually stood from the hard surface. Sigh. Those were the only so called ‘words’ that Sehun spoke for the next two periods. Of course his classmates noticed the somber mood that stuck to the blonde like a malicious leech, and some people were genuinely concerned about him. A few girls approached him after lunch offering their shoulder to cry on if Sehun needed it. ‘Just leave me alone.’


Finally Sehun’s last class seeped its way into his schedule, he just needed to get through this session and it would be over. This dreaded day of school would fold upon itself and be just another memory for history to collect. A poke to his cheek suddenly cause the heavy wall Sehun unconsciously built around himself, to crumble. The boy's glazed over eyes made their way steadily to the cause of the poke. “What?” His chest rose and fell indicating a deep sigh.


“Yo.” A foreign voice pierced through the stiff air floating around Sehun. His heart tightened, he soon came to accept the unpleasant feeling. It was a regular occurrence for the blonde during the past few days. But it became extremely noticeable as Jongin made his unwanted appearance around Sehun’s thoughts. Sehun tried to disregard the unfamiliar voice, but it pierced through the atmosphere once more. This time with more aggression, “I said yo. Sehun? Earth to Sehun.” Slender fingers wiggled in front of the spaced out blonde’s face, ‘Huh? What?’ His eyes snapped into focus and he whipped his head towards the voice. It was the ever so persistent Jongin. “Ya. Do you have business with me or…?” Sehun’s words were suddenly caught in his throat; the brunette suited their uniform well. It fit perfectly and hugged Jongin in all the right places.  He suited the whole outfit too flawlessly it angered Sehun. Tsk. Sehun tried to push Jongin’s face away from his vision.


“H-hey what’re doing?” Jongin laughed as Sehun seriously made an effort to drive the pretty boy’s face away. The heat that transmitted between Sehun’s palm and Jongin’s face electrified the blonde and he swiftly pulled his hand back. “What was that for jerk?” The other chuckled while brushing his long digits across the area Sehun just caressed. No, harassed. ‘Did this guy just call me a jerk?’


“What are you even doing here?” The harsh words spat out of his mouth. Sehun could feel the heat rising to the very tips of his ears. His livid expression basically jumped off his face as he scooted his chair out from underneath the desk. Deep shades of red tickled Sehun’s face as he balled his hands into fists, shiny blonde hair covering his eyes. “What do you mean Sehun-ah? I’m here to see you.”



“I texted you almost a gazillion times, but you obviously didn’t bother to answer stupid .” Stupid… ? Again with the name-calling, Sehun thought. He was already furious and Jongin was just adding fuel to the fire. They had just met yesterday yet; this newbie is acting like they have been friends for longer than that. “You didn’t like my selcas that I sent?” The brunette elbowed him in the arm playfully, a huge goofy smile plastered across his lips. ‘I can’t.’ Sehun’s breathing became rugged and uneven. His heartbeats raced and leaped out of his ribcage. ‘Stop smiling. Stop it.’ The adorable smile of Jongin lingered until Sehun’s sharp eyes fell on his. “What?” Jongin questioned, cocking his head towards the other.


“I can’t stand you.” Sehun blurted out, a long carried out sigh trailed behind.


“Why not?” He quickly responded.


The blonde continued to swallow until his mouth ran dry. He was sure that nothing would be able to come out as he tried to speak but it did. “Because you make me feel weird. I hate it. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand you.” The words spun around in his mind, swirling and making Sehun feel sick to his stomach. “Everything you do… It irritates me. Your smile. The way your uniform fits just right on your body. Your lips. Your eyes.” He wanted to stop the flow of words that he knew he would regret the moment they escaped. ‘What did I just admit? Did I just confess to him?’ Violently the sugary blonde shook his head, and Jongin stared at him with wide eyes. “So you’re basically complimenting me?”




“Yes you are.”


“No, I’m not. I’m insulting you.”


“You aren’t. You just sa-“


“I know what I said.” Sehun wouldn’t allow Jongin to finish that dreaded sentence.


“So you are complimenting me.” There it was again, that smile. That dreadful smile. Sehun’s heart dropped back into his stomach and he decided that it would be best to just excuse himself from the table. Just as Sehun stood up, the bell announcing that class and school is done rung. The boy slung his bag around his shoulder and expected the rest of the class to be doing so as well, but that wasn’t the case. The entire class was turned facing Sehun and Jongin. Apparently, they have been listening in on their conversation the entire time. The glum atmosphere rushed around Sehun once again as his head dropped in shame.


Whispers filled the classroom. All eyes were on the pair. Jongin unaware of the tension that was bursting out of everyone’s minds, continued to smile. “Get up.”




“Get up.” Sehun repeated, before grasping the brunette’s hand and tugging him out of his chair. Jongin didn’t argue and allowed himself to get strung along by the frustrated blonde.


As the two exited the room, the whispers grew louder.


“Is Sehun gay for the new kid?


“No he can’t be! He likes girls! He has to like girls!”


“But he basically confessed to Jongin! They must have a thing now.”




Sehun could feel his heart beating louder than the chatter going on in the hallways. It was now afterschool and he managed to get away from the hoards of people coming out of their classrooms. Jongin who was trailing behind Sehun, panted as he wiped the beads of sweat that were forming on his forehead. He looked adorable. The teen wanted to punch himself in the face for thinking about something so disgusting. Maybe… Just maybe… No it couldn't be. Sehun liked girls. He loved them.


“Why did you drag me here?”


Sehun glanced over at Jongin, wiping away his own sweat before heaving a sigh.


“I love girls.”


“I don’t.” Jongin replied calmly.


‘What?’ The blonde strands of hair that hung dry above Sehun’s forehead was now damp with moisture. “You don’t?” He was appalled. Sehun for sure thought that Jongin was interested in the female species, not male.


“Nope, I like you.”


That was the final straw. Sehun’s entire chest caved in at the rank words. This would be the end of him and all of his hard work that he put in trying to wiggle his way to the top of the food chain. ’No.’ He blindly stepped backwards, hoping to create more space between the two. But Jongin kept coming forward.


“Let’s go out.”


/waves at people

Here is the crappier chapter 2! Don't hate me.

I know it's pretty short, but I... I...

Just don't hate me.


Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Until next time!

btw; sorry if there are errors and mispellings i'll go in a fix it later.


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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt