It's only for a week

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

Jongin didn't mean to witness such a scene. It was such a chaotic mess and he would by lying if he said what he seen didn’t spark some jealousy. The brunette stood from a distance watching as the episode unfolded itself. Jongin couldn’t help but ball up his hands into fist as Sehun’s lips collided into the other’s. A hinge of possessiveness tugged at the teen’s heart. He contained himself and stayed put continuing to stare at his crush blabber about.


“You like Jongin and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


“You’re right.”


Ba-dump. The boy’s heart began to race, as his mouth hung open. He didn’t know if Sehun just admitted to liking him or admitted that there’s nothing he would be able to do about it if it were to happen. The brunette was unsure, as he was incapable of deciphering just what exactly was going on, everything was just a huge blur. “See, being honest is always the first step.” Jongin heard the one named, Luhan, say over his unbelievably loud heartbeats. Sehun’s face was as bright as a cute tomato. “So this makes me gay?”


“Yup, super.” Jongin made his presence known and began walking over to join the fuss. Everyone’s head snapped back to look at the brunette stroll over to where they were. “Jongin!” Sehun exclaimed with wide eyes, gaping at him in pure shock. He let out a small laugh and gave the blonde one of those half-smile acknowledgments. “So you can admit that you like me to someone else but not directly to my face?” Jongin had slight disappointment wash over his face. Sehun threw daggers over at Luhan who winked at him while slinging his arm over the taller dark-haired males shoulders. “I-uh don’t really like you. I think I’m just… interested?” His voice shook with uncertainty and confusion, Jongin noticed and a smile flashed back on his pretty mess of a face.  He knew that he didn’t really understand the feelings that were welding up inside of his chest and Jongin understood. Sehun obviously didn’t expect to be infatuated with Jongin, let alone admit it. But knowing that Jongin was the first boy he ever experienced these types of emotions for made him ecstatic. “I know that you must find it disgusting to develop these kinds of feelings for a boy,” Jongin said with a sincere look, “so I don’t want to force myself on you.” Sehun’s heavy atmosphere began to lift and the tension around his mouth began to fade.


Luhan rolled his eyes and made a motion for Zitao to bring his face lower, “Why are they so difficult?” Pointing over at the two idiots bickering and being soft with one another. “I have a preposition for them.” Zitao winked at Luhan and they exchanged devious grins. The two Chinese students murmured amongst one another before Tao stepped out of their immoral corner of planning.


“Why don’t you two fools go out with each other for a week and see where that takes you?” Crossing his lanky arms across his chest, Jongin and Sehun slowly curved their heads towards Tao with mouths unlatched.


“What!” Oh Sehun exclaimed.


“I like it.” The corners of Jongin’s lips tugged upwards into an undeniable smile. This was his chance to have Sehun all to himself… Hopefully. The brunette didn’t care how erted that sounded in his mind, and with the thoughts running in Jongin’s mind, Luhan came closer and mimicked Zitao’s stance. “I like your open mind pretty boy.” Luhan snickered while flashing his ever so famous “angelic” smirk. Sehun shivered at the sight, for he knew exactly how eerie that expression was. Everyone at school deemed Luhan as the sweetheart Chinese boy, and Tao as the cool and collected one. But in reality the pair of foreigners held such shady personalities it was hard to swallow. Not to mention they were both in this “club” that Oh Sehun alleged joined just now. Sometimes he questioned why he found Luhan to be his best friend. “Okay so here’s how it’s going to go.” Zitao gestured his hands as if were explaining his elaborate scheme on a drawing board.




“Why am I on a date with you on this wonderful Saturday when I could be doing something else, Jongin?” Oh Sehun complained for the fifteenth time since their date started. Jongin didn’t pay much attention to the comment. He took a bite of his crepe, the side of his mouth, cleaning it of the cream left on it. “Because we’re going out now, remember silly?” The brunette beauty replied muzzle still full with the sweet desert. Sehun rested his chin on his knuckles and stared in the opposite direction, clearly a little embarrassed by the fact that Jongin said they were “going out” so loudly. “Don’t say it so confidently. It’s only for a week.” Sehun whispered angrily, stealing a glance at Jongin. “We’ll see about that only for a week thing when this is over.” Jongin winked and finished the last piece of his crepe. It had already been almost a week when this whole “going out” scheme came to be, and Jongin didn’t want it to end so mediocrely. If it does happen to end.


“By the way I like this café, how’d you find out about it?” Jongin asked and folded his hands and positioned them on the table. Sehun didn’t move from his original pose, “Luhan showed this place to me.” It was a rather small and cozy looking abode. Lights hung above each booth shining a soft, dim yellow light. It made Sehun glow with a warm atmosphere, despite him being his pouting self. Jongin’s eyes scanned over every little feature on Sehun’s face. He had such a stern appearance, but his nature didn’t match it one bit. He was childish with such a stubborn attitude. Not to mention he had the most lovable lisp any face could have. The brunette seemed to love that the most about this stupid slivery blonde boy. It made him adore Sehun even more. “Why do you like me? We hardly even know anything about each other.”


Jongin blinked a few times before tilting his head to the side, a smile falling upon his perfect face, “Then let’s get to know each other.” Sehun’s breath got caught up in his throat, “How?” The other male shrugged, “Let’s play a game.” Jongin got an approving but skeptical head nod from Sehun on his proposal. “Okay so this will be something like 21 questions, you know that game right?” “Yes, I’ve done it with girls before.” “Of course.” Soon time flew by as the two teens exchanged past stories and facts about themselves, laughter occasionally squeezed its way into their booth. The atmosphere rose from awkward tension to a lively joyful one. Both boys shone with a radiance that revealed they were comfortable with one another.


Sehun hadn’t noticed just how much of a dork Jongin turned out to be. Those good looks were outstanding at deceiving people, for they would never expect such a handsome face to be interested in things like Pokemon and anime. Sehun’s heart raced knowing that he was probably one of the few people who knew of this cute nerd side of Kim Jongin. He learned that Jongin’s mother, because of his father walking out on their family when he was just a young boy, raised Jongin alone. He also had a little sister that is currently in the 4th grade. The honey brown-haired boy was also a fantastic dancer who won many awards in school as well as competitions. Sehun’s face lit up as the topic of dancing emerged in the conversation, for he himself was fond of the subject too. It was astonishing just how much the two idiots had in common. Sehun didn’t expect this type of outcome either; he thought the two would have utterly out of this world differences. Though that wasn’t the case.


The similarities shocked Jongin more than it probably should have, but he wasn’t complaining. He was actually quite amused that Sehun was entertained by some of the same things he was. They both had a love for dancing, even though their styles weren’t exactly alike. He could tell by the look on Sehun’s face that he did indeed have a passion for dance. Jongin could also see by the expression on the blonde’s face that he didn’t imagine Jongin liking such things as video games and comics. Jongin could help being such a diverse being. But Sehun also held some mystery as well for he didn’t know that once upon a time, the other acted in plays and did a small bit of acting. He learned that Sehun was a type of person that easily caught on to new material being taught in school and was actually quite smart. Jongin loved discovering all of this information about Sehun and he could already feel that the weird strain between them began to settle and fade. Sehun smiled more and held eye contact with Jongin as they chatted for a pastime of two hours. It started to feel like more of friendship than a forced partnership as Luhan and Tao planned in the beginning. Jongin was surprised when Sehun invited him to tag along to meet Luhan and some others as their little “get to know you” game came to an end.




“Yeah so do you wanna come with?” Sehun wanted to know as he began to pack up his belongings and Jongin did the same. “Sure, I’m appalled by the fact that you want me to come.” The other scoffed and slung his bag over his shoulders, “Whatever, just come on.” More laughs were exchanged as they split the bill that was long overdue to the café, and headed outside of the small building. It was already nightfall and the wind nipped at Sehun’s face. The air was somewhat chilly despite the winter season being done already. Jongin blew warm air on his hands and started to rub them together, “Damn, the air is bitter tonight.” Sehun nodded as a sudden urge to grab Jongin’s hand arose. ‘What the hell?’ Confusion spilled across the teen’s plate as he shoved his hands into his pockets in order to avoid the temptation. Sehun cleared his throat, “Um, yeah Luhan said he wanted to introduce some people to us.” Luhan texted him earlier saying that after Jongin’s and his date to come out and meet some people. Sehun didn’t originally plan to bring the smiling fool along, it just happened to turn out that way. They did just share basically their whole life stories with one another, so the blonde just thought it’d be the right thing to do. It’s not like he wanted to spend more time with Kim Jongin, that wasn’t the case. “Ah I see, I’m glad you found it in your warm heart to drag me with you.” Jongin joked while still attempting to warm his hands. Sehun noticed this and it was like some unknown force took ahold of him as he reached for the other’s hand. Clumsily he tried to interlock his fingers with Jongin’s, “Ya, if your hands were cold just use mines to warm them. Don’t be an idiot.”


Heat rushed from Sehun’s palm and into Jongin’s quickly subduing the bitter cold that was once there. The brunette laughed at Sehun’s graceless attempt to hold hands, and the other in return gave him an irritated look. “Ya!” Sehun brought up their hands together trying to prove a point to Jongin, “I’m only doing this until your hands get warmer, so don't get any funny ideas homo.” Jongin tried to subside his laughter as he gave a nod and lowered their hands again.


The two boys strolled in the nighttime atmosphere not saying a word to each other when Jongin decided to test out Sehun. “Sehunnie, my hand is already warm you can let go now.” No immediate response, as the blonde continued to grip Jongin’s hand. Just as expected. The only sound that came from the other was his throat clearing; Jongin could tell that he was debating whether or not to let go of his hand. “Well my hand is cold now, so you have to pay me back.” What a lame excuse. ‘Sehun you fool.’ Jongin removed his hand and placed it inside his jeans pocket, “You’re an idiot. If you wanted to hold my hand that badly, you should’ve just said so.” A smug countenance plastered on Jongin’s plate came into view. Sehun, suddenly painted in red, opened his mouth to retort, “This isn’t my fault! You made me want to hold your hand! It’s your fault.” ‘What an idiot.’ Jongin clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth and snatched Sehun’s hand back into his, “What a frustrating person you are.” Sehun didn’t fight back as he let Jongin’s hand slid into his perfectly.


“I can’t stand you.” Sehun said.


“Yeah yeah yeah.” Jongin answered.


“Why’d you make me this way?” The sugary blonde blamed.


“You were probably already this way, I just made you realize it.” The honey-brown haired boy shot back.


“No-“ Sehun was interrupted by a loud unanticipated whistle. He cocked an eyebrow and tried to seek out where it came from as four figures ahead of Jongin and he came into vision. ‘.’ Sehun immediately knew whose annoying whistle that was. It was Kris Wu Fan. Zitao’s so called “best friend”, but everyone who knows that they were much more than that. Kris was quite the handsome looking “bad ” model boy. He was also older, being a sophomore in college. Sehun happened to always get picked on by Kris whenever they were together. It was completely annoying, and now that Jongin was there, Kris would be like a kid in a candy store. The teasing would have absolutely no end. Great. But there was another figure standing among the three bodies that Sehun already recognized. Must’ve been the person Luhan wanted to introduce to him, the blonde thought. “Ya baekgu! Who did ya bring along?” Kris cooed out to Sehun with that same sly smirk. The blonde tried to brush him off before he realized that his hand was still interlocked with Jongin’s. Sehun groaned and slowly let Jongin’s warmth go. His body instantly missed the Jongin’s contact and he craved for his touch once more. As the two got closer to the other’s Zitao commented on the presence of Jongin to Kris, “That’s Sehun’s boyfriend, the new pretty boy at school, Kim Jongin.”


“Aaah. Well he is cute, that’s for sure.” Tao pouted at Kris’s remark before receiving at reassuring pat on the head, “But not my type.” Kris smiled down at Tao and they were suddenly in their own gross world, Sehun ignored the two towers and faced Luhan. “So is this the person you wanted to introduce me to?” The blonde pointed over at the unknown boy next to him. “Minseok!” Jongin smiled at the guy next to Luhan and went in for a hug. “Long time no see.” The brunette said pulling back from the embrace. “Wow, seems like you don’t need an introduction huh, Kim Minseok?” The baby-faced boy chuckled and shrugged, “I guess not.”


Sehun made his presence known by clearing his throat, “I still don’t know exactly whom he is, so an introduction would be nice.” His tone was rather sassy after just witnessing Jongin hug this stranger, a little spark of jealously inflicting within him. “Oh sorry princess. This,” Luhan motioned at Minseok, “is Kim Minseok, in case you hadn’t heard your pretty boy yell out his name earlier. He’s a friend of mines.” Sehun could tell in the way Luhan stressed the word “friend” that he considered this guy more than that even if the other didn’t know it yet. Luhan already caught this guy in his web, ‘Poor guy.’ His appearance made him look unbelievably young, almost the same affect as Luhan, another flower boy as they say. “I met him a while back during one of my vocal lessons. But… how do you know him pretty boy?” Luhan questioned Jongin with a dubious face.


“Oh,” a sweet smile, one Sehun had never seen yet, tugged at Jongin’s lips, “I’ve attended a dance camp with him one summer.” Minseok nodded with Jongin, “He is such a great dancer.” Anything that had to do with dance must’ve made the brunette light up like this, because he was beaming at the moment. Sehun would have never thought that his rounded cheeks guy would know how to dance, he looked like more of the vocal type. But it seemed like he had the talent to be able to do both. “Anyway,” Luhan placed his arm around the shorter male’s shoulder as if he was claiming territory, “he’s gonna be attending Seoul Arts High School as well starting next week.” Sehun pressed his lips together and silently acknowledged it, while his idiot boyfri- friend held a grin. “That’s great Minseok!” ‘No it’s not.’ Sehun for some reason didn’t like the fact that Jongin was so happy because of this. Maybe he shouldn’t have invited him to tag along. Sehun sulked but aimed to conceal it with a fake expression and change of subject. “So is this it?” Luhan nodded, “Yup that’s it. I just wanted to introduce you guys.” And with that Sehun found an opportunity to escape, he waved goodbye to Luhan and Minseok as well as the two towers who were still immersed in their own disgusting world and nudged Jongin to do the same before he dragged him away.




As soon as the pair was far enough so none of their eyes could make out the outlines of their bodies, Sehun clasped onto Jongin’s hand and stopped abruptly. “Ya. Why were yo-“ The blonde didn’t allow the other to finish his sentence before he aggressively pressed their lips together. It was that unknown force again, returning to make Sehun do weird things. Jongin didn’t pull away as Sehun tried his hardest to kiss him. It was sloppy and amateurish, until Jongin stepped in a guided the blonde. Soon the mesh of lips became smoother and more passionate as a flurry of feelings was unleashed. Sehun’s heart was about to break out of his chest as he wrapped his arms around Jongin’s waist. ‘Why is he so good at this?’ Sehun thought while trying to match his movements. Jongin obviously had experience in this kind of thing, but then again so did Sehun… But why was he so much better?


An uncontrollable desire took over Sehun as he wanted more of Jongin, but before that could happen the brunette beauty broke their kiss. His lips were glazed and shiny as he brought his thumb up to his mouth and slowly glided it over his bottom lip. Their breathing was a bit untimely and rugged and Jongin smirked pulling away from Sehun, “You’re terrible at kissing, you know that?” Sehun’s eyes overflowed with want, his face boiling with heat, “How are you so good at this?” His heart burned with desire, Sehun had no idea what to do with the shock that started to pool at the bottom of his stomach. Jongin shrugged and glided his hands into his pockets slowly beginning to walk away from Sehun, “Well I’ve had my share of experience, something you seem to be lacking in. I’m fairly disappointed.” Jongin joked turning on his heel to see a flustered Sehun.


“You look so adorably dumbfounded right now.” Jongin smiled.


“Shut up.” Sehun scratched the back of his head. “Of course someone is going to be flustered if they just made out with someone.” Excuses.


“Oh really? I didn’t know you’d have such a huge reaction, you know, being that you’re not gay or anything. I expected a lesser response.” Oh Sehun nearly choked on the collecting saliva in his throat.


“Just admit you like me, and we can go out for real. I’ll teach you everything I know.” Jongin laughed at just how he sounded, but Sehun seemed to like it since his face went up in flames with blush.


“Don’t sound too confident. You have nothing to teach that I don’t already know.” Sehun retorted trying to create an intimidating aura, Jongin accepted the challenge.


“Fine, let’s test just who exactly has more experience shall we?” The blonde gulped, hoping that it wasn’t as loud as it sounded and took up the offer presented by the devious side of Jongin. Sehun was nervous, but he would die before showing it to Jongin, he wouldn’t let his pride be destroyed by this boy with a perfect face.


It would be a lie to say that Jongin wasn’t blistering with unfulfilled lust either. That was one of the main reasons he proposed this whole “test” thing. Sehun’s lips against his own had much of a reaction as well, just not as noticeable as the blondes. Jongin’s heart raced, but he managed to keep his cool and play the higher part between the two. “Let’s have a sleepover.”


Sehun coughed, his eyes wide, and mouth slightly ajar. “Ya-“


“Don’t worry after tomorrow our supposed week will be over, let’s just go out with a bang.


Hello everyone! Sorry I've been slacking in updating the story. /hides

But here is the next chapter! I dunno, I was just sort of rambling.

Sorry if there is any mistakes /rolls around

It though. I always disappoint you guys. /cries

TT TT But hey, things might be picking up in the next chapter.

Kekeke /devious smile

But please stick around for the next update everyone! /shoots love in your face

Until next chapter! /dies

Btw, if anyone would like a create a banner for I cannot Stand You

please message me or something! Thank you!



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Hello everyone, please continue to upvote, comment, and subscribe to ICSY! Much love from authornim Nana. :3


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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt