Confession pt. 2

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

Before hand author's note say whaaaat? Lol.

Anyway I really don't know what kind of ty chapter this is. It . Don't kill me guise. Attempting light + me = no good.

I . Ugh, SO SORRY. :<

“Please tell me that dummy finally decided to do something about this whole situation?” Luhan said while catching a glimpse of the two teens across the track. “Hm, looks like it.” The chubby cheeked male answered with a slight chuckle, tucking his hands into the pockets of his pants. Luhan rolled his eyes and shared a laugh with his friend as they continued to stroll through the courtyard just making it past the track. The fall atmosphere was slowly beginning to show its colors as the leaves around them appeared to be different colors, and the wind bit at their pale skin. Warm colors fell around the pair, making quite the peaceful mood.


Minseok peered up into the sky, “So what’re your plans for break?” Luhan lifted the corner of his mouth thinking about what had just been asked, “Well, I guess I’ll be around.” The Chinese teen glanced over at Minseok, a smile gently placed upon his lips, “Why? Do you want to hang out?”


The shorter male shrugged, taking his attention off the heavens and back down to earth where Luhan was located walking beside him, “I was actually wondering if you wanted to come along with me to Jeju Island?” Luhan’s ears perked up as his eyes rounded out, “Jeju Island?”


“Yeah.” Minseok grinned, “If you’re worrying about the expenses, I got it. Sehun can tag along as well, if you’d like.”


The Chinese teen furrowed his brows in disbelief, “Are you sure Minseok? I mean I don’t want to be a burden.” Minseok laughed and waved his hand, “Don’t worry about it Luhan. If I’m offering you than I am more then okay with you coming along, right?” Luhan nodded his head, placing his hand beneath his chin, “I guess you have a point it’s ju-“


“-Say no more. It’s settled. Ask Luhan, Tao, Kris, Jongin, and whoever else you’d like to bring and let them know that it’s a three night, four day trip.” Minseok lit up with joy and excitement making him appear that much cuter. Luhan’s heart fluttered. Much like how it did when he experienced his first love. The strawberry blonde boy really had no idea how he came across meeting such a lovely person like Kim Minseok. He was so adorable with his flawless skin, chubby cheeks, piercing eyes, and heart-warming smile. Luhan reminded himself to thank that idiot Sehun for pushing him to sign up for those singing lessons, or he would have never met such an angel of a human. But the fact that Minseok insisted to pay for everything made Luhan feel a bit uncomfortable. He couldn’t possibly see himself allowing someone to pay for that many people’s flight and room without asking for anything in return.


Minseok studied his Chinese friend’s face, noticing the creases between his eyebrows. “Luhannie,” He called out, snapping his fingers in front of the teen, “If you’re worried about the money… I’m telling you, don’t worry. My father flies planes from here to Jeju Island.” Minseok beamed bringing a finger to his lips, “Just make sure to act like we actually paid for a ticket.” The other’s eyes formed half-moons as a calming aura floated around the two. Luhan couldn’t help himself as he returned the grin, “But, what about the hotel fe-“


“-My grandmother owns a hotel in Jeju. So it’ll be no problem.” Minseok cut in. Luhan was honestly astonished by every word that managed to come out of the other’s mouth, and to think he thought Minseok was completely Chinese when they first met. “Whoa, so are you rich or rich?” The Chinese questioned with a fascinated expression, Minseok shrugged again. “I don’t consider myself rich. In all honesty.” The answer surprised Luhan. How much more modest could a person be? “So,” he egged, “when are we leaving?”


Minseok’s smile at that exact moment spread across his entire face, pearly whites making their appearance, “Tomorrow.”


As the two departed and finally went their own ways, Luhan pulled out his cellphone and mass texted a few of his friends. A grin plastered on his baby-face complexion the whole walk home.



“I- I love you?” Sehun stuttered, his lisp fumbling over the words.


“Yeah,” Jongin grinned, inching closer towards the other, “Is it really that hard for you to say that?”


“Well yeah kind of,” the blonde admitted not making eye-contact as he noticed Jongin closing the distance between them, “I’m not as open as you are.”


“So does this mean you are confessing to me?” Jongin hesitantly placed a hand on Sehun’s head, ruffling his soft silvery locks of hair. He felt the other twitch at his touch, but later relaxed as Jongin’s hand slowly moved down towards his chin. The brunette lifted the other’s gaze to meet his own, and smiled at the flustered teen. Sehun frowned and slapped his hand away, “Don’t just touch me like that idiot.”


The brunette laughed catching Sehun’s hand before it fell back onto the bleacher, “Why not? I like seeing your flustered face the best. It’s so cute.” Jongin interlocked his slim fingers between Sehun’s, and didn’t resist as he did. This caused the brunette beauty to beam another one of his deadly smiles. Sehun quickly looked away for a moment, not wanting to see the other’s face or their joined hands.


“You still didn’t answer my question.” Jongin asked rubbing his thumb over Sehun’s soft hand.


There were a few undistinguishable murmurs that escaped, but Jongin couldn’t understand. But he knew exactly the gist of what Sehun had meant after examining the blonde’s expression. “Say again, Sehun. I didn’t catch it the first time.”


“I said… I guess I am confessing, jerk.” The blonde slurred, averting Jongin’s smoldering eyes.


“Hey, don’t call me a jerk.” Jongin pouted while squeezing their hands, a cute laugh trailing close behind. Sehun’s ears burned with blush as the other angled his head and faintly connected their lips. An overwhelming swell of pleasure transmitted between the two bodies as Sehun was the first to pull away, breaking from sweet bliss in front of him. Jongin bit his lip, about to complain about the blonde’s action, but was soon pulled up from the bleachers and hurriedly rushed behind it.


They were now cramped beneath the stands, clear body heat being exchanged as Sehun whipped his head to look over at Jongin. One would have to be blind not to recognize the distinct want Sehun had glazed over his eyes. He was like an animal waiting to be unleashed. The brunette was no different as his expression mirrored the other teen’s perfectly. The two stared at each other, lips damp from their previous kiss, “Just don’t be too loud, okay?” Sehun whispered in a low gruff. The blonde didn’t allow the other to respond before his lips came crashing unto Jongin’s. A sense of urgency surged through both bodies as their mouths began to dance. Their kisses were rushed and sloppy as Jongin wrapped his arms around Sehun’s neck, allowing his fingers to tug and pull at his blonde hair.


Sehun fell into deep ecstasy as he turned his head permitting Jongin with better access to his mouth. The brunette took the opportunity as he impatiently parted Sehun’s lips, letting his tongue roam around to meet another. Their urgent kisses soon merged their way into a more sultry and passionate one. This time around the feeling of being connected with Jongin was different. The bond felt real, almost too real. It filled Sehun with an unholy hunger. They both ravished each other with yearning kisses, tightly pressing their bodies against each other, as Sehun glided his tongue across the inside of Jongin’s mouth.


Jongin moaned into Sehun’s cavern as his hand trailed down to tug at the hem of the other’s uniform shirt. “-J-Jongin, n-no. It’s too cold.” The blonde spoke against Jongin before swiftly taking his lips once more to stop him from replying. He felt the other shrug before snaking his icy fingers inside of Sehun’s shirt instead. The immediate contact of his frigid touch made the blonde shiver in an unusual way. Sehun could feel Jongin begin to trace tiny circles on the spin of his back, before traveling up towards his shoulder blades. Jongin panted moving his lips ferociously against the other, causing him to pull away breathing heavily in dire need of oxygen. He tried his best to smile at a now beet-red blonde haired boy, releasing a laugh instead. “You’re completely,” The brunette paused to relieve himself of more air, “Red. It’s adorable.”


“Shut up, don’t talk about it.” Sehun quietly said before reaching up attempting clean his lips of the obvious traces of saliva. Not really concerned about if it was his, Jongin’s, or a mixture of both.  


“Wait!” Jongin blurted out before snatching the other’s hand, “Don’t wipe your lips!”


Sehun blinked in bewilderment, “Haa? Why not?”


“Because I feel like you’re wiping off what I left on you.”


The blonde made a face at the childish remark, “Really? That’s your reason. So chi-“


Jongin swooped in to steal another kiss from Sehun’s honeyed lips, making sure to them in the most alluring way possible. Before the other could process what had happened, Jongin pulled the long-limbed boy onto of his lap. “Yes, that’s my reason. And it is nowhere near childish.” He smiled peering into the other’s brown windows. Sehun continued his series of blinking sessions before an uncontrollable heat began to pool at the base of his stomach.


“Ya! Why am I the one sitting in your lap?” Sehun complained trying to worm his way out of Jongin’s surprisingly strong grip. “I feel like a chick.” Jongin chuckled pulling Sehun’s body closer to his chest, subtly jerking his hips upwards in the process, “Because I like this position. It gives me a clear view of your face.” Sehun frowned at the other’s comment as he noticed a rather rigid object jab him in the bottom. An intense blush ascended onto of the blonde’s face as he pushed himself off of the other’s lap avoiding the intimate contact. “Ahem-“ Sehun rubbed the back of his neck while biting the bottom of his kiss swollen lips, “I don’t find this position very comfortable since ya know… We are in a rather confined space.”


“So wouldn’t this set up provide more room since you’re on my lap?” Jongin smirked, placing his hands on both sides of Sehun’s hips forcing him back down onto of his lap. “Besides, you dragged me in here in the first place, remember?” The brunette smugly replied narrowing his eyes at Sehun. “Wh-whatever. Can we just change positions please?”


“I don’t understand why you’re so shy all of a sudden, Oh Sehun,” Jongin leaned into Sehun’s face, pecking his puffed lips, “Would you prefer to be on the bottom? Is this what all your flustered fussiness about?”


Sehun blankly stared at the other as he simply rose his shoulders in reply, “I’d prefer to be on the bottom in all honesty.”


“Well you don’t need to worry babe. I’ll let you bottom until your heart is content.” Jongin winked.


“Wa-wait! I didn’t mean it like that!” Sehun grumbled hitting the brunette in the gut.


“Umnf- Well, we can switch off every so often then. How about that?” Jongin offered holding an arm against the area Sehun punched, “Since you’re so finicky about these sorts of things.”


The blonde scoffed rolling his eyes at the other but not denying the suggestion whatsoever. But he still felt quite uncomfortable with such a hard “stick” poking him in the . The presence of Jongin’s member made him squirm around, unconsciously rolling his hips against it. A small groan broke free from the honey brown-haired boy causing him to roll his eyes back in the slight satisfaction it brought him. “Uh-sorry about that.” Sehun apologized with a half-assed grin, taking note of how it made Jongin writhe beneath him. “Don’t be sorry.” Jongin whispered in a dark tone, sounding completely inviting. Sehun couldn’t help but do it once more, grinding harder, longer…


Sehun’s pants suddenly started to tighten, looking almost identical to Jongin’s. Was he starting to get a hard-on? Probably. Sehun realized that it was no use trying to fight the lust and allowed it to overcome his body. When Jongin began to match his movements by also rubbing Sehun causing the most delightful friction, the blonde moaned in pleasure.


“Are we really grinding on each other right now?”


“What does it look like Sehun?” Jongin stopped, slipping his hands onto the other’s structured waist.


“Um-yeah I guess we are…”


“Wanna do something more?”


“Uh, did it ever occur to you that we are underneath the bleachers… at school?” Sehun shot.


“Did it occur to you that you actually chose this spot to begin with, idiot?” Jongin shot back.


“Ah… you’re right.”


“Round two at my place?”

“In your dreams.”


“What,” the brunette gripped onto Sehun’s sides, “you can’t just leave me like this? You even started it!”


Sehun huffed directing the other’s gaze down south, “I’m in the same boat as you. So don’t complain to me. And for your information I didn’t intend for things to turn out this way.”


“I did.”


“Whatever ert. I’m going.” The blonde said throwing one of his long legs off of Jongin’s lap, carefully bending his head so it wouldn’t hit the bottom of the bleachers. As soon as he stood Sehun pulled the crotch part of his pants down for a bit of comfort, for it was squeezing the living life out of him. The brunette seen this and covered his mouth, obnoxiously letting his laughter fill the confined space. Sehun glared at him, “Don’t cover your mouth if you’re going to be just as loud, .” Jongin rolled his eyes playfully as he got up and followed the blonde back out into the open. “You know that despite being under there, I think we were kind of- uh- loud.” Jongin acknowledged peering around to see if there were any stragglers hanging around.


“Nah, I don’t think so. We weren’t being loud. We honestly didn’t do much.” Just as the two boys were about to comply with Sehun’s statement, mocking laughter belted into the fall air. Quite the familiar voice as well. Both teen’s glanced at each other before trying to figure out where the sound came from. Jongin paused as he looked up seeing not one, but two heads peeking over the highest stand. “What the ? Tao?” The dark circled-eye teen smirked, waving, before he snatched the back of another’s shirt dragging him into view. “Kyungsoo? The hell?”


Kyungsoo reluctantly showed his face, keeping his eyes on Jongin alone before sparring a few cold glances at Sehun. “I’m only here because this Chinese kid told me too. So don’t yell at me for eavesdropping.”


“You guys heard!” The color drained from Sehun’s face as he covered it in shame.


“The whole school probably heard to be straight up.” Zitao shrugged with Kyungsoo agreeing next to him.


“Were we really that loud? I don’t think it was that extreme was it?” Jongin whispered into the other’s ear. Sehun was too embarrassed to even make a motion, though he didn’t think that either of them made much noise. The unexpected accusation quickly became a clear misunderstanding as two students came tumbling out of the other side of the bleachers. Boys.


All four of the teens’ attention snapped in their direction sporting the same expression. Sehun’s color returned to his lovely face, Zitao faked a gag, Kyungsoo scoffed, leaving Jongin on the floor crying from the overflow of giggles as the other couple halted noticing four pairs of eyes solely on them.


The shorter of the two males that stood a fair amount of space away from the rest of them elbowed the taller in the side. “I ing told you that people would be here. You idiot.” A furious blush covered every inch of the shorter boy’s complexion, while the taller one pulled him in for a deep hug. “Oh shut up. It’s not like any one of them on that side is straight anyway.”


Jongin managed to get himself together as he wobbled to stand back on both feet, “What the just happened?” he said through a struggled aftermath of laughter. “They were probably the people who were being loud, not us.” Sehun sighed with relief, a heavy load being lifted off his slim frame.


“Get a damn room next time Chanyeol!” Zitao yelled out receiving a cheeky smile from the other in return.


Kyungsoo oddly stared at the group of people that surrounded him, such an unusual gathering of attractive people. The smaller framed boy sighed, resting his chin on his fist. His wondering eyes making their way back to Jongin and all of his greatness. How unfortunate that he had come a day too late and was a dollar short. Kyungsoo smiled sadly to himself as the taller figure next to him broke his internal thinking.


“Luhan invited everyone to Jeju Island. Everything paid. We’re leaving tomorrow.”


“Everyone?” The other three boys said in unison.


“Yup. Everyone. So get packing the flight is at 8:30 in the morning tomorrow!”


“So much for round two…” Jongin announced before receiving a much deserved elbowing from an embarrassed Sehun.


author's note; ideas. ideas. ideas. so i guess they're together? sehun and jongin? maybe. i dunno. friends with bens? c;

maybe. but anyway i need some suggestions on what could happen during this little jeju island trip. ya know? /wink wink

but in all seriousness, i'm sorry for this disgusting chapter and the errors that it may have contained. /stabs laptop

anyway until next chappy, i love you all. seriously. /dies once more

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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt