Easy for You to Say

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

First day back after “breaking up” with Kim Jongin


Fourth period held an incredible amount of vexation that Sehun swore the entire class could feel. The blonde would constantly sneak glances at that , Jongin, but every time he’d do it the other would have his hand up blocking Sehun from seeing his face. What ticked the teen off even more was that when Sehun would look elsewhere, Jongin’s hand would shoot down and rest on his desk. ‘What the ?’

By the time seventh period rolled around, Sehun was fuming with unknown discomfort. He had seen Jongin in the halls a few times but when the other would see Sehun coming his way, the brunette would jolt and head in other direction. It happened more than once, and more than twice through the duration of the school day. Jongin’s sudden shift in attitude made Sehun itch to figure out the reason behind it. Of course an oblivious reason would be because of what happened the night before, but the blonde felt as if there was something deeper.



Second day back after “breaking up” with Kim Jongin


“Jongin.” Sehun whispered in the boy’s direction. It was once again fourth period and a new seating chart had just been arranged. Sehun sat on the right side of Jongin in the second to the last row towards the back.


The brunette paid no attention to Sehun whatsoever and alternatively raised his hand in order to catch their professor's attention.


“Yes, Jongin?”


“May I switch seats? I’m having a hard time trying to see the board.”


Sehun’s jaw dropped. ‘Did he just do that on purpose?’


Their teacher nodded and asked the class if someone upfront would mind exchanging seats with Jongin. Almost every girl’s hand in the first couple of rows launched towards the ceiling. When a volunteer was chosen, Jongin said nothing as he collected all of his belongs and steered to his new new seat.



Third day back after “breaking up” with Kim Jongin


“Ya! Stop ignoring me!” The blonde shouted as he trailed behind the handsome face beauty Jongin. There was no answer, but Sehun stalked close behind or at least made an effort to. He tried his hardest to keep up the pace with Jongin, but it was transitioning time between periods and the hoard of students crowding the halls made it a bit difficult. “Kim Jongin! Don’t act like you can’t hear me!” But before Sehun knew it, that adorable head of honey-brown hair grew dim with the flow of people, and the teen lost him.



“He’s avoiding me. That bastard is avoiding me.” Sehun clenched his fist and kicked the chair in front of him. Poor chair.


“Well you did force him out of your house after he decided to be honest with you and offered to start over.” Luhan retorted with an annoyed face. It had already been a few days since that misfortunate event took place and thinking about it still managed to make the blonde boil with anger. Jongin, that pretty faced needed to learn his place. It should be Sehun trying to ignore and avoid him, not the opposite way around. “Why do you even care?” Zitao peeped, kicking his long legs up onto their lunch table. The other threw daggers in the dark-haired boy’s direction, “Who said I did, idiot?” Tao shrugged and rolled his eyes, glancing over at Luhan who did the same.


Sehun scowled and sulked for the continuation of lunch until his two Chinese friends couldn’t handle it no more. “Can you just stop pouting already, it’s annoying.” The shorter of the Chinese dual complained. “Yeah I agree with Luhan. It’s your fault anyways-“


“-How exactly is this my fault? What exactly is my fault?” Sehun cut him off.


“Because! You didn’t even allow him to explain thoroughly! You let your temper get the better of you. I would ignore your too if I was Jongin.” Zitao threw his hands up into the air demonstrating his aggravation clearly.


“What was I suppose to do then?! Forgive him and take him into my arms?”


“Yes.” The two said in sync.


“Ugh, screw you guys. You don’t understand me.” The blonde wanted to pull his hair out, this situation was blowing way out of proportion. This was all that brunette’s fault. Sehun backed his chair up resulting in a loud, screeching cry that ripped through the cafeteria. “I’m going.”


Luhan and Zitao sighed and proceeded to munch of their lunch. “He’s such a drama queen.” The taller nodded his head in compliance while fixing the gold spike hanging on his ear, “Tell me about it. They should have just ed it out.” Luhan snickered as he completely devoured the last bite of his salad, “My thoughts exactly.”


Sehun stomped his way out of the cafeteria and down the hall where he began to recollect his feelings. Why did he even care about what that jerk did? He should have just been happy that he was finally out of his hair. But… that wasn’t exactly the case. Sehun couldn’t bring himself to accept the fact that Kim Jongin had the nerve to look at him with indifference and stroll right pass as if nothing happen. Unbelievable.


“Ya!” An unfamiliar voice rang through the halls, but Sehun ignored it.


“Ya! Blonde hair!” The other stopped in his tracks and his heel to see whom could have possibly been talking to him in such a matter. Sehun flipped around as his eyes landed on a small stranger. His frame was petite and had a head full of reddish-brown hair. The blonde had never seen this guy around before and wondered what his deal was yelling at him in the halls. The other scurried up to him and squinted his large, round eyes, “You’re Oh Sehun right?” Sehun nodded, slightly confused. The shorter teen’s lips then curved into a heart shaped smile, but the feeling wasn’t warm, it was rather scary and intimidating in a way.


“Oooh,” His voice was smooth and stressed, “so I did get the right person.”


“What non-“


“Shut up.” Sehun furrowed his brows. What the hell? Who does this guy think he’s talking too? The blonde scoffed, “Excuse me.”


“Why does Jongin like someone like you?” The other continued completely brushing off Sehun’s earlier comment, “You’re honestly not as handsome as everyone says you are. I think I’m much more good-looking than you.” He paused, “And much more suitable.” The shorter teen walked a circle around Sehun, eyeing him up and down with a judging stare.


Sehun decided not to waste any more of his precious time with this guy, and began walking away until a certain name scorch through his ears. He stopped. ‘Jongin?’


“What did you just say?”


“You heard me.”


“Just who do you think you are?”


“Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin’s boyfriend.”


That’s it. Sehun was done. ‘I don’t need this .’ “You’re irrelevant. Bye.”


“Stay away from him.” Kyungsoo warned.


Just what exactly happened? Sehun shoved his hands into his uniform pockets, and quickly ditched the other before he opened his mouth and spilled more nonsense. His day was continuing to spiral downwards with no mercy whatsoever. Sehun didn’t ask for this, so why was it happening? ‘Jongin’s boyfriend.’ The blonde haired-boy derided, making such an unpleasant face the students around him in the hall stopped just to look at it.



Kim Jongin. Kim Jongin. Kim ing Jongin.’ The teen held his head between his arms, completely fazing out on the lesson being presented in the front of the classroom.


“Oh Sehun.” The professor called out.








“Oh Sehun!” As the blonde finally snapped out of his daze, a rolled up sheet of paper came striking down onto of his head. “Mr. Oh, either pay attention or leave.” Sehun shrugged and began to pack up his belongings, just as the teacher directed, and another received another smack on the noggin, “It was a figure of speech, Mr. Oh.”


The teen glared as his teacher walked back to the front and went ahead with the rest of his boring-as- lesson on economy. Even though Sehun’s eyes were now where they were supposed to be, his mind was not. It kept traveling back to such a trivial matter. The blonde frowned, running a hand through his silvery golden locks, “Kim Jongin, get out of my mind!” Sehun instantaneously face palmed himself in shame as the entire class turned around, snickering.


Sehun didn’t bother to tell his peers to pipe the hell down for he knew they’d only find more joy in his embarrassment; the teen just submerged his head into the crooks of his arms instead. He could still manage to hear a substantial amount of gossip until his oh-so-kind teacher hushed the high school students.



“Stop telling people you’re my boyfriend, okay Kyung?” Jongin sighed rubbing his temples, glancing at the boy sitting next to him through squinted eyes. “Why?” The other questioned with a genuine lacking expression, “We are going out right?” Jongin moved so that his chin rested comfortably on his fist, clicking his tongue, “No Kyungsoo. We’re not going out. We’ve never been going out dummy.” Kyungsoo squeezed the uniform above his heart and closed his eyes as if he were really in pain. “How could you say that? I’ve known you for so long yet you dare say that to me? I can’t believe it.”


“Oh shut up.” The brunette beauty swatted at the other’s arm, a playful laugh escaping his lips.


“By the way, Minseok told me about that Oh Sehun guy you like. I hope you don’t mind that I told him I was your boyfriend. Honestly Jongin, he’s not that go-”


“-You what!?” Jongin snapped.


“Whoa, chill Jonggie.” Kyungsoo put a hand up in defense, “It’s not like you guys were on good terms from what I heard anyway. Just think of what I did as help.”


“Kyungsoo! You just transferred here today and you’re already ing up for me.” The brunette said trying his best to maintain his gauge that was beginning to fill with displeasure. Disbelief shattered across Kyungsoo’s face as he scratched the back of his head, “Did you forget what you came here for in the first place Kim Jongin? Yeah that’s right, to destroy that kid’s image. So don’t you dare say that I am the one ing up for you because you did that all on your own by coming here .”


“He wasn’t the reason why I came here in the first place. It was because I wanted to focus and hone my learning skills. Sehun was just a bonus that I thought I could mess around with. But then I actually sprouted feelings for the guy.”


“I’m not ing up at all for you then. Point proven since you basically just admitted you screwed yourself over.”


Jongin took in a sharp breath ready to battle it out with Kyungsoo, but realized he was already in a losing fight. What started out as a breath prepared to argue his point with Kyungsoo ended up as a surrendering sigh. “, but you’re right.”


“I know I am.”


“But that still doesn’t give you permission to do something like that. What if he actually believed you?” Jongin cried.


“He probably did.”


“Oh that’s just great then Kyungsoo. Now he’ll think of me as an even bigger repulsive being.”


“Then,” The red head continued, “stop being a little girl and quit trying to avoid and ignore him.” Kyungsoo sighed as if it was really that easy to do. Jongin constantly steered away from Sehun because of the fact that during that night when Jongin decided to become clean with the blonde, Sehun’s face wore such a wounded mask. It hurt the teen just seeing Sehun being able to even compress his face to frown in such a manner. Jongin felt an even powerful weight placed upon his shoulders as if the weight he withheld wasn’t heavy enough as it was.


“It’s not that easy. I hurt Sehun… pretty badly too. I think.” The brunette closed his eyes and let the air run pass his lips.


“You’re so difficult Kim Jongin.” Kyungsoo admitted, “Should’ve just ed him when you had the chance in your hands.”


“It would’ve happened that way but I’m glad it didn't.”


“Why not? Don’t you know relationships are always better with a little drama, babe?”


“You should know,” Shrugged Jongin, “And don’t call me babe, it makes me cringe.”



The pleasure surged through Sehun’s body like a continuous swell of waves crashing against the shore. It was too much to handle at one time. Feeling as if he could burst and spill at any given moment. He could feel his muscles tighten at each , as the boy rose closer and closer towards paradise. Sehun shook periodically thinking that at each time he did that would be the one to push him over the edge. The blonde kept his eyes closed and just took in the immense amount of inclination taking place on his lower half. Such a warm and unforgiving cavern wrapped around forcing him to want to into it.


“Jongin, s- stop al- already.” Sehun pleaded refusing to peer down at the attractive male commit such a desirable sin to his body. He could feel the vibration run down his shaft as the other answered with a purr and shake of his head, meaning no. He was already on the verge of popping but forcefully ripped Jongin’s mouth away from his problem down south before he could do so. Sehun pushed the boy’s face even further away from his lower half and released his seed into his hand. How shameful.


Sehun’s eyes quickly opened and were utterly shocked at what he seen around him. The awareness of the situation the blonde was in painfully sunk in, leaving Sehun to feel completely disgraceful. It was a hard deal to swallow.


“D-did I just have a wet dream about Jongin my !” The blonde panicked and threw the sheets that were providing him with great warmth over the edge of his bed. His eyes shot down to his thighs and was utterly mortified with what he seen slapped in between them. It was still up and aching. There was no denying what he dreamt of was some kind of illusion. “I can’t believe I just had a dream about that douche!” Sehun whispered angrily being careful of his parents and neighbors that were sound asleep not having to deal with such a problem.


The sugary blonde-haired boy aggressively shook his head back and forth. ‘No Sehun. You can’t continue. Have some pride in yourself. Just get back to sleep and it’ll be gone in the morning.’ The teen attempted to convince himself as he reached down to pick up the blankets tossed on the floor. Sehun swallowed hard and snuggled himself into the sanctuary of his sheets, “Don’t think about it Sehun. Just don’t think about it.”


Tightly pressing his eyelids together, he managed to miraculously fall asleep despite having a huge caused by the dream Jongin whose skills were simply amazing. What the ?


Morning came and Sehun sluggishly rolled out of bed. Literally. His body came into contact with his icy floor and lied there on his back, gazing up at the ceiling. His hand crept their way to the waistband of his shorts and dared to look inside. The blonde sighed as there was no longer any reaction and he let the elastic snap back down onto his waist.



“Pfft…” Luhan held in his laughter for the sake of finishing the sentence he’s been stuck on for the past three minutes, “-you dreamt about pretty boy you off?” Zitao’s pent up laughs bellowed into the air, but thankfully traveled into the open atmosphere on the roof. Sehun pouted and frowned, his face flushed with a lustful red, “Shut up you childish fools! It’s not funny!”


“O-oh yes it is!” Zitao slapped his hand against his bony knee and Luhan pounded his fist on the ground, fighting back the tears that were beginning to form. The blonde teen threw chips at both of the Chinese fellow’s faces and that caught their attention for it hit both in direct spots. The taller of the two continued to laugh while rubbing his eye to free it of the salt and crumbs the chip left behind, “That was in my eye you head!” Sehun shrugged and stuck his tongue out as Luhan was also wiping his face of the crumbs, luckily it didn’t hit him directly in the eye too.


Luhan’s stream of laughter soon transformed into an uneven breathing as did Zitao’s. Sehun stared at them with his arms crossed on his chest, he could’ve been somewhere else for his free period and could’ve avoided this humiliation. “This is a sign from the universe Sehun.”


“Yeah it’s telling you to make the up with Jongin and fulfill your teenage desires.” Laughter erupted once again in the aftermath of Zitao’s remark. Sehun rolled his eyes at the annoying foreigners. The blonde was actually a bit envious of his so-called best friends. Zitao had a boyfriend and most likely already committed to every single sin in the book with Kris. Which made Sehun feel more uncomfortable than envious the more he thought about it. And Luhan had… Luhan had that Minseok guy that he met at his vocal lesson. Sehun soon came to realize that his group of friends was all just a bunch of good-looking homo dudes. What an exciting way to finish off high school.


“But seriously Sehunnie, go and make up with Jongin. You guys are honestly such morons and I’m sure everyone will agree with me on that one.” Luhan said nudging Tao as he nodded along.


“I think you guys are forgetting two little details… He wanted to destroy my image at school, remember? And Kim Jongin already has a boyfriend. I found out yes-“


“No he doesn’t.” Luhan interrupted with a shake of his head, “Minseok told me about that and that red haired kid always tells everyone of his relationship with Jongin. And all hell broke loose when he found out about you and how pretty boy actually likes you.”


“So… He’s not actually going out with that Kyungsoo boy?”


“No you dummy.”


Sehun blinked and cocked an eyebrow at his two friends, “Well that’s interesting.” Tao got up on his feet and dusted himself off before looking back over at Sehun and Luhan. “So yeah just talk things out with Jongin, take him to your house or stay on campus, and screw him. Problems solved. But anyway,” Tao smiled, “I gotta run. Kris is gonna pick me up soon. Lu tell teach I’m sick and went home early.” Luhan rolled his eyes and shooed the tall teenager away, “Yeah yeah whatever.”


“Thanks. See you guys later!” It was only around 10:45 when Zitao ditched school and left Sehun and Luhan back in the hellhole on their own to die.


Luhan watched as his other Chinese partner flew off into the distance before pointing a pretty, well-kept finger at Sehun, “So, if you want to stop having these y dreams go out and do something about. That way you wouldn’t have to dream about it you can experience it.”


“Easy for you to say.”



“Make up with that blonde guy yet?” Kyungsoo asked Jongin as they walked towards the courtyard to start their lunch.




“Still avoiding him?”


“…” Jongin nodded, staring at the ground move below him.


“Just make up already, goddamnit. You two are like a straight couple.”


The brunette shushed his friend, as the rest of the journey there was silent.


“I’m telling you, just pull Sehun on the side, sort things out, make-out for a little bit, and viola. Relationship.”

Jongin scoffed and plopped down onto the luscious, green grass, “Easy for you to say.”


hello there everyone! here is another update day /cough crappy one /cough again. but hey at least i pulled something off. :3 i've been having extremely bad writer's block lately and boy let me tell you, it's killer. but all of that aside i hope this chapter is enough. ^ ^ introducing Do Kyungsoo ;) don't worry though Jongin has no interest in him whatsoever so no threat that way, but... nevermind hahaha. i'm trying to throw in some drama /sparkles but i dunno how it's gonna turn out :L and i wrote in a little something to fill in that chapter i stole from you guys /bows sorry about that. and i hope you guys aren't too annoyed with this idiot pair /le sigh anyway i'm rambling, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stick along for the next update! until then bye bye! /throws love around and then dies

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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt