Accept It

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

The world was spinning. Spinning fast. Sehun didn’t comprehend what exactly was going on at the moment, but all of the chatter in the distant from the students walking home faded out. He could only hear the rapid beats of his heart. Kim Jongin stood in front of him, skin glistening perfectly. Little sweat beads rolling off his forehead, ‘Why?’ Sehun felt nauseated. His stomach stirred along with his heart. He could feel the heat that radiated off of Jongin’s body… They were so close. Sehun put his hand out attempting to push the brunette further away from contact, but suddenly Jongin snatched it into his own. “Ya!” Jongin ignored him as he held Sehun’s gaze for as long as he could before Sehun almost instantly broke it. Their hands were clammy and the feeling of Jongin’s rough palms scrapped against his own. He tried to break free of the fixed grip but it was no use. Sehun felt Jongin’s heavy stare on his face, the blonde didn’t dare meet his eyes for he knew that his heart would burst. It fell silent. “Hey Sehun, would you be okay if I kissed you?”


Sehun’s head almost immediately snapped back up towards Jongin. The sugary blonde intensely glared at the boy before roughly shaking his hand off. Kiss? Sehun trembled at the thought, backing away from the more than strange teen. Jongin blinked a few times before throwing his hands into the air, “I was just kidding with you.” A nonchalant laugh breezed its way into the stiff around the pair, “Don’t be so uptight.” Sehun cleared his throat rather loudly before shaking his head again, this time indicating his confusion. “Y-yeah you’d better be kidding you homo.” Jongin tossed his head back in the rumbling laughter, clearing away the small tears that started to form, “I’m a homo alright.” More laughter. Sehun just didn’t get this freak. How could someone laugh about something like this? Shouldn’t they feel some kind of shameful emotion?


‘So he must actually be… into guys then?’  He pondered whilst the stupid brunette continued to laugh. “I just realized it myself,” Jongin’s giggling evened out as well as his breathing, “you should feel honored because you’re the lucky guy who made me understand.”  Smiling like a fool, Jongin shoved his hands into his pockets. “What is wrong with you?” Sehun questioned, seriously wanting to know why he was here with Jongin, the new “popular” student, talking about their- his gay love for him. The golden honey brown-haired boy stood there with a smug expression.


“I just confessed my homo love for you. I don’t think anything is wrong.” With that said Jongin swooped in and brushed his lips against Sehun’s, leaving the blonde with an expression that was so awfully cute he squeezed in another. “I’ll text you later, babe.” Winking Jongin grinned and smoothly walked away abandoning Sehun with his thoughts.


“What. The. Actual. . Just. Happened!” Sehun yelled watching the back of the brunette stride away. He couldn’t decide if he was angry or disgusted or both. Lifting his fingers up to his mouth with all of the strength he had left in him, Sehun grazed his warm lips. It was like he could still feel them just barely touching his own. ‘I’m not a homo. No way.’  The teen denied while being able to sense the lingering electricity that ran through his body. Frustration then replaced the feelings left behind by Jongin, ‘There’s no way I’m letting this punk make a fool of me.’ Running both of his hands through his silvery locks, Sehun sighed deeply.


Bzzz… Bzzz…


From: Luhan


Yo, meet me at the café. We gotta talk.




“What. The. Actual. . Just. Happened!”


Jongin chuckled to himself as he overheard the adorable, Oh Sehun, release his confusion into the world. To be completely honest, the boy had known of Sehun way before entering Seoul Arts High School. At his old school, girls would fawn over him much like they did to Jongin now. So out of curiosity, Jongin asked some questions about him with one of the girls in his class at the time. When he first laid eyes on the boy, who at the time had colorful streaks that kissed his blonde hair, Jongin wasn’t extremely impressed. To the brunette, Oh Sehun was like the usual porcelain skinned, luscious hair try hard that occasionally made their debut at famous schools. Nothing special that really blew him off his feet. If you asked Jongin during that point of time if he’d ever be interested in a boy like Oh Sehun, he would have automatically rejected… But now, the tables have turned. Kim Jongin being the so-called “pretty boy” never thought that this male would catch his attention like how a woman would. Yet, he didn’t feel revolted by the fact that he adored Oh Sehun all of a sudden. Jongin thought that it was sort of exhilarating to be able to experience something so unusual.


It did, however, make Jongin contemplate the reason why he abruptly thought of Sehun that way. It must have been the little things that kept the boy wanting more of him. Like the way he would become flustered in a matter of seconds, or babble like a fool when in a panic situation, or the way he tried to hide his blush. Jongin must be a fool himself to actually like an even bigger clown. Sehun’s lips were quite soft, almost like a girl’s, just a bit more chapped. It made Jongin intoxicated. Even though their “kiss” only lasted a few split seconds, it left behind a huge imprint on the teen’s heart. It was difficult trying to interpret the exact emotions Jongin felt at the moment. They were a mixture of lust and inquisitiveness. The brunette actually accepted the fact that he wanted more of these questionable reactions to fill up his entire body, as Oh Sehun on the other hand was completely sickened by it.


He’ll come around.’ Jongin reflected with slight smirk. Besides, seeing Seoul Arts High School most admirable student all agitated with sensitivity was an interesting sight. It was like a side of Sehun no one else got to see but Jongin. A special feeling indeed. Plus it was an extra bonus being able to tease Sehun with just a few words. He could imagine just what kind of expression the boy would be making right now since they just kissed, twice. Jongin radiated with happiness that could probably be seen from miles away while on his way home from such an intriguing day at school.




“So I heard you joined the club today, I welcome you with open arms.” Luhan joked while pounding a hand on the café table causing the other customers to look in their direction. “Shut up, you stupid .” Sehun covered the boy’s mouth that now happened to be laughing even more hysterically than before. The blonde clenched his teeth in irritation with Luhan’s stupidity. “I did not join your club either, and I never will.” Sehun answered back snappily as he released his hand from a now calmer Luhan. “Right, right, that’s why you confessed your love to the new pretty boy!” Laughter roared from the smaller Chinese boy and tears soon began to roll down his cheeks. “I don’t see what is funny here.” The blonde retorted annoyingly, he didn’t come all the way to this damn café to be ridiculed by his idiotic best friend.


“Weren’t you the one who solemnly swore that you’d never be interested in a guy?” Luhan asked in choppy fragments.


“Yes, and I’m still not interested in a guy. Would you get that through your head?”


“Oh of course of course Princess.”


“It’s true I don’t love or will ever love Kim Jongin!” Sehun belted from his seat. His voiced boomed around the café, swiftly the boy shielded his mouth in embarrassment of being so incredibly loud.


“Okay. Okay. Goodness you don’t need to get so worked up about it.” Luhan shrugged taking a sip of his tea, freeing it of the dryness due to the endless laughter. “I know you’re as straight as a ruler,” the Chinese boy addressed, “besides I wouldn’t want you to be homo anyway since we’d be considered as the gay best friends.” Sehun sneered at the comment. He would never even think about falling into that category any time soon. That Jongin fellow was something else that’s for sure. Sehun shuddered at the mention of his name crossing his thoughts, especially what happened earlier-


He shook his head. Better not to think about that right now because Luhan would be able to read his face like an open book and know instinctively that something was up. And all hell would break loose if Luhan found out Jongin kissed- No it didn’t happen. It was just a simple skim on the lips, no biggie. Sehun scratched the back of his head, making eye contact with Luhan who had been observing his friend contemplate with himself.


“Something up?” The question burned through Sehun’s chest. ‘. Just keep cool.’

“No.” He answered bluntly.


“Really?” Luhan countered with a skeptical eyebrow.


“Really.” Sehun countered back managing to keep his composure.


“Liar.” Direct hit.


“Seriously.” The ship has been shot, repeat, shot. Sehun began to fret a little.


“Whatever.” Luhan retreated and a relieving sigh broke through his thin lips.




2 weeks later…


“Tell me why again that you’ve been eating lunch with me for the past two weeks?” Sehun muttered, his mouth full of melon bread. It’s been this way for a while now and the gossip about Sehun confessing his “love” to Jongin simmered down. It died down to everyone thinking that they’re just friends when in reality, Sehun just happened to attract an unwanted pest. “Because I like being arou-“ The blonde cut him off, it was the same answer as before. He honestly didn’t even know why he bothered to ask anymore. Sehun sighed and continued to munch on his bread, trying his best to ignore Jongin’s presence. The two ate in an uncomfortable silence; Sehun would occasionally steal glances at Jongin who happened to be gazing at him every time he would look. “Stop,” swallowing the last bite of his bread, “I don’t like your eyes mentally undressing me.”


“I can’t help it.” Jongin smiled and Sehun almost choked on the mushed bread. “You’re disgusting.” His silly little expression didn’t budge as Sehun tried to make the words sound as harsh as possible. This guy is impossible. The brunette shrugged and finally his expression changed from fluffy to slightly lustful, “Unless you want to physically undress yourself? That’d be great too.” Jongin wore a smug smile as he placed his chin on top of his fist, eyes glowing with curious desire. The blood shot right to Sehun’s cheeks and ears, “I bet you’d enjoy that.” So that’s how it is. If he wanted to play this game Sehun would make sure that he wouldn’t be the one getting the last laugh. Jongin sat there across from him, his perfect features framing and complimenting his irritating little face. “I would enjoy it.” Jongin his bottom lip, it was an unconscious thing that he did. Sehun was ashamed of himself that he started to pick up on the tiny things Jongin did that he was unaware of. his bottom lip was one of those.


Sehun gritted his teeth together, “But I love girls and I’m sure you know that.” The brunette nodded acceptingly, “Of course, for now.” Jongin trailed off so that the last part of his sentence was almost inaudible to Sehun’s ears. The blonde crossed his arms in a triumphing matter, like he convinced Jongin to stop liking him or something along those lines. “But I know that you can’t resist me.” Jongin added before placing a kiss on Sehun’s nose sitting across the table. Sehun sat there in heat. Why did he allow this fool to do such things to him in public? Was he actually that passive? The blonde looked around the lunch hall, some of the girls witnessed the scene and squealed in reply. Typical. Jongin would often touch him and kiss his face, and the students would just take it as a grossly close friendship. Like any close guy friends would allow something like this to go on. Sehun swiped at his nose before burying his head into his arms on the lunch table in mortification. ‘I’m pathetic. At this rate I really am going to become a homo.’ The blonde quivered at the scenario of going out with Jongin. But sooner than he realized, Sehun’s heart started to beat at an unhealthy pace and the place he kissed grew hotter.


“Ya, Sehunnie.” Jongin placed a hand on Sehun’s arm, and he almost instantly withdrew from Jongin’s touch. A twinge of pain flickered in the brunette’s eyes but disappeared in a matter of seconds. Sehun knew for sure that his cheeks were tinted with deep red, and kept his head nuzzled in the crook of his arm. “Sorry to interrupt your lunch date but can I steal my babe real quick?” Luhan intervened at a time that couldn’t be any more perfect. The Chinese boy snatched up his arm and dragged his limp body off the lunch table leaving Jongin by himself.


“He’s not your babe, he’s mines!” Jongin shouted out a cute laugh following soon after. Luhan’s hand was still tightly wrapped around Sehun’s wrist as they weaved past the sea of people in the cafeteria. “Luhan, where are we going?” The blonde bellowed from behind, but his friend wouldn’t turn around to look at him until they were clear of people around them. Once the coast was clear, Luhan pressed his lips against Sehun’s with great aggression. It felt weird and sloppy to have his supposed best friend’s lips touching his own. It wasn’t warm like how Jongin did it. There were no sparks or chest caving feelings, just two pairs of lips merging together. Sehun’s muffled groans filled the air around them as he tried to maneuver his way out of Luhan’s hold. But surprisingly enough the clutch of the Chinese boy’s fingers was far stronger than he thought. Sehun stood there baffled by the situation and Luhan stepped away from the teen giving them a few inches of needed space. As soon as Sehun’s mouth was free he snapped, “What the hell was that Luhan?!”


“A kiss.”


“No ! I meant why did you do it?”


“I needed to check something.”


“What could you have possibly needed to check that required you to kiss me?!” Sehun’s body overflowed with displeasure.


“A reaction. And sadly enough there was none.” Luhan shrugged pretending to be dejected that it was an awful lock of lips that proved nothing. “Huh?” The blonde scratched his head irritably, “What do you mean reaction?” His best friend rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest, “Yeah dummy, a reaction. See how you’re acting right now? That’s true disgust, one that can only be shown through actual emotions of feeling bugged out.” Luhan continued, bobbing his head up and down as if he’s speaking to a child. “So how does this have to do with anything you may be thinking, my slow friend?” Sehun scowled at the mentioning of the word slow, “Okay, and what?”


“When Jongin kissed you two weeks ago, you were definitely not sincerely freaked out now were you? You felt the electrifying shock dance across your body right.” ‘Right.’ A devious grin began to fester on Luhan’s face, “Welcome to the club, homo.” An uproar of laughter launched through the halls and before Sehun could argue back Luhan was dying on the floor. “I- I knew it would have happened sooner or later.” He continued.


“Wait what the hell are you talking about idiot? How’d you even know about that?”


“Oh like you don’t know that I’ve got my sources, Oh Sehun. C’mon now!”


“Congrats on coming out!” A lanky dark-haired boy added out of the blue. Zitao made his appearance clapping his hands together while walking towards Sehun and Luhan. “Where in the world did you come from Tao?” This was such a mess of a situation that Sehun’s head began to spin again. “I’ve seen the whole thing.” The tower replied with a small lift of his shoulders, “I’m glad Luhan finally made you realize it.” More clapping.


“I’m not like that! I’m telling yo-“ The blonde was interrupted.


“Oh c’mon Sehun, don’t deny your ultra warm feelings overflowing for pretty boy.”


“Don't worry Sehunnie, I shipped you two from the start.” Zitao snickered his dark eyes shining with mockery.


“I despise Kim Jongin and I did feel complete stomach churning and nausea when he kissed me!” This whole conversation just began to stir more and more, “How dare you put words into my mouth Luhan and Zitao!” Luhan rose from the ground and grabbed the teen’s shoulders with the same grip as earlier, “You like Jongin and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Sehun’s heart collapsed inwards and drifted to the pit of his stomach, ‘He’s right.’ Luhan patted his best friend on the back and Zitao mimicked along. “But it’s fine, just let it happen.”


“You’re right.” Sehun swallowed hard as he let the words roll off his tongue.


I hate myself for giving you guys this piece of a chapter.

It was so useless and pointless. /hits self

I'm sorry guys. _:(´□`」 ∠):_

I really do hope that you continue to read along and stick with

my stupid self. I know I keep telling you guys I'll work harder, but

I feel like I'm failing. /sobs

Anyway here is chapter 3 and all it's crappiness.

Oh and special thanks to everyone who subscribed to I cannot Stand You.

/throws love


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Hello everyone, please continue to upvote, comment, and subscribe to ICSY! Much love from authornim Nana. :3


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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt