Starting Over

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

The night was still young as the pale moonlight began to shine through Sehun’s thin curtains. A stiff atmosphere hung around the two teens as they sat on the springy bed, shirts off, breathing hard into the heavy mood suppressing the air around them.


“Ya, what are we doing?” The blonde ruffled his fluffed up hair nervously.


“We’re going to test each other out. Passionately. Isn’t this why we’re doing what we’re doing?” Jongin’s beautiful, white teeth were faintly noticeably in the darkly lit room. What a devilish smile.


Moments before the two arrived at Sehun’s small flat with the idea of maybe watching a movie or something, but here they were after an intense round of kissing sitting on his bed looking at each other in uncertainty instead.


“What are you saying?!” Sehun panicked, squirming around on the surface beneath them.


“Don’t act like you don’t want to. This will benefit our situation,” Jongin inched painfully close to Sehun’s attractive face, their uneven inhales and exhales intertwining with one another, “If you don’t feel anything more for me by the time this night comes to an end, I’ll leave you alone.”


Sehun’s heart plummeted; he didn’t want Jongin to leave him. Though his pride wouldn't allow him to permit such a confession to the pretty boy.


“Fine let’s get this over with.” Gulping hard, the male crashed his lips onto Jongin’s, closing the small centimeter of leeway that was present just an instant before.


The brunette was taken aback by Sehun’s sudden aggression, but enjoyed it all the more. His hands itched to run his long digits through his flawless strands of silvery hair, but Jongin stayed under control.


Well at least for now.


Jongin came to realize that Sehun’s goal was for dominance, and dominance only. He felt a slick, muscle roam around his mouth, as if it was frantically searching for contact with another. Jongin kept his tongue back and forced Sehun to explore such an unfamiliar setting. That was the reason for his sudden attack on Jongin’s mouth. He could feel the boy let a small moan vibrate against the inside of his warm cavern. The brunette’s eyes curved into a killer smile, ‘Cute’.


Sehun’s eyes popped open, clearly feeling embarrassed about the noise that emitted from his body. Jongin laughed against Sehun’s sultry lips, gliding his tongue over the bottom of his jawline.


“You’re such a girl, Sehunnie.” The brunette cupped his “boyfriend’s” face and lovingly caressed his heated cheek with a careful thumb, he watched as the air got caught up in this throat at the unanticipated touch of Jongin.


“Sh-shut up! I couldn’t help it, the sound just happen to come out.” He panted, and the heat rushed all over his body.


“What happened to your spur of aggressiveness, huh?” Jongin teased placing a gentle kiss upon the boy’s forehead.


Sehun pulled away from the other, immediately missing the electrifying shock that ran throughout his body, and covered his pale face with both hands. “Ya. Why’re we doing this?”


The brunette sighed and flopped onto Sehun’s bed so that his back was against the mattress. Just how many times is this guy gonna ask this question? Jongin started to feel a bit of frustration build, but quickly subdued the feelings. “Because I like you, and you like me.”


The other choked on his own saliva, once again, how did Kim Jongin have all this confidence and straightforwardness? Sehun cleared his throat to rid the room of an uncomfortable silence, “I don’t like you.”


“Yes, you do.”


“No, I don’t.”


“Stop lying.”


“I’m not.”


“You are.”


Jongin sat back up and snatched Sehun by the chin so that’d he would have no where to look other than at him, “Be more honest with yourself, will you?” The two stared at each other and Sehun answered with a shrug.


“Why do I feel like I’ll end up being the more submissive one?”


“You can if you want to, babe.” Jongin wondered if Sehun knew that he unconsciously hinted of a possible relationship blooming between them.


“Shut up Jongin.”


It was the brunette’s turn to shrug as he released his grip on the other’s chin, “But seriously, can you just admit you like me already. Sincerely.”


He could sense that Jongin was no longer playing around and was looking for a thoughtful, heart-to-heart conversation. Sehun exhaled and moved to the edge of the bed so his long legs would hang off the side. What did Jongin expect? Of course he couldn’t just come out and bluntly admit that he sort of kind of liked him. It was a lot harder for Sehun to express his true feelings than it was for Jongin.


To be completely honest, Sehun really didn’t know if he like liked the other or if it was just pure infatuation. The fine line in between was too hard to be determined for sure at the moment.


Sehun knew that it felt amazing to kiss and touch the other teen, and that in the pit of his stomach a fire would ferociously ignite. But somehow it didn’t exactly match the emotions of candidly being fond of someone. Sehun clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, “You’re making me confuse myself you know that?”


This little confession made Jongin crane his neck, trying to get a better view of Sehun’s handsome face, “Huh? And why is that?”


The blonde debated with himself, fighting if he should come out with the bitter truth or not. The atmosphere in the room suddenly grew distant and unpleasant as Sehun opened his mouth to speak, “Because I don’t think I like like you. My feelings aren’t respectably equivalent to yours.”


Jongin stayed noiseless and still, just observing Sehun allowing him to take the spotlight. The moonlight glittered off his pale skin, illuminating his whole being. It was a sight to take in and kind of helped relieve the sinking mood filtering in the aura.


“I mean I don’t dislike uh- kissing you and doing such things along those lines, but I don’t think it’ll grow to be anything more than that,” Sehun said to his lap for he couldn’t bring himself to look directly at Jongin, “if you get what I’m saying?”


Sehun felt as if he were breaking up with the beautiful brunette even though they were not officially going out in the first place, “I mean I did enjoy today and honestly enjoyed your company at the café, and getting to know you, and taking a stroll together, and…” Sehun didn’t know where he was heading with this train wreck, but everything just kind of- poured out. “I think I just feel as if this whole uh- how would you put it- thing we have going on was forced.”


Which it was in a way, the two wouldn’t be where they were now if Zitao and Luhan didn’t set it up. Or if Luhan didn’t kiss him. Or anything like that. Sehun thought back to that nightmare, when Luhan forced his lips onto his own. It was weird thinking back to that scene… Sehun remembered his mind spinning, much like how it was doing now, and his thoughts being scattered around his brain. That was probably the reason why Luhan got Sehun to admit that he supposedly liked Jongin, when he really didn’t.


Sehun wouldn’t have been here with Jongin, drowning him with his stupid feelings that would most likely confuse the other. He didn’t even know what he was trying to get across anymore, but he hoped that Jongin would get a glimpse of what exactly his point was.


“So what exactly are you trying to say, Sehun?” A faint voice echoed breaking through the blonde’s mental barrier.


“I don’t know anymore.”


“From what I’ve heard is that you are definitely confused, I know that.”

Sehun nodded.


“And I definitely feel as if you’re breaking up with me.”


The blonde managed to let a stiff laugh escape, but didn’t reply.


“Let’s forget about all of it then.”  




“Yeah,” Jongin positioned himself so that he easily slid off the bed and began to pick his clothes off the cold floor, “Let’s start over.”


The other didn’t bother to budge from his situated place as he just shadowed the brunette’s movements; it was understandable if Jongin happened to be feeling the way Sehun thought he was. But what he didn't expect were the words that came out of the teen’s mouth afterwards.


“I was faking from the beginning,” Jongin confessed while noticing Sehun flinch, “but take note about how I said, beginning.” The blonde felt a little thrown off balance by Jongin’s words, but figured that since he listened to Sehun ramble before, he’d return the favor without interrupting.


“I originally got involved with you because I wanted to crush your name at school,” Sehun shot his attention up towards the now clothed, Kim Jongin, “but when I had my first day I noticed that I already did it without trying.”


What the ?’


“I knew you were popular and everyone fawned and swooned over the almighty, Oh Sehun, and I wanted to demolish your reputation.”




“-shh,” Jongin cut the blonde off with a wave of his hand, “please let me finish.”


“Jongin what th-“


“-please.” Sehun didn’t want to hear the rest, how could this bastard confess something like this so abruptly, without any warning whatsoever. This was not was he was expecting at all. This entire night wasn’t what Sehun expected from the very start. Jongin rubbed the back of his neck as if he were waiting for the blonde to stop arguing with himself. “Let me finish, will ya Sehun?”


The teen sitting on the bed, blazed with irritation and fury, but allowed the other to continue. Jongin sighed and picked up from where he left off, “I know you’re probably thinking about how much of an I am, but to be honest I’m glad you brought up your true feelings when the time called for it,” Sehun sneered at everything Jongin said, “or I wouldn't be doing the same right now.”


“Just get on with it.” Sehun’s voice was harsh and hostile.


“I didn’t plan on actually taking a real interest in you as time rolled by, I just planned on getting close to you in order to find out anything I could have possibly used against you in the future.”


“What the Kim, what the actual .” Sehun didn’t even want to use the name ‘Jongin’ for he was afraid that the taste would be too bitter to wipe off afterwards.


“I know, I know. But hear me out, despite my original scheme of evil doings I began to trash all of them as I got to know you better.”


“Don’t believe it.”


“Didn’t expect you too.”


“That all you got to say Kim?”


“No. Sehun you have to believe me, I don’t intend on doing any of the stuff I started off with. I actually have genuine feelings for you… Now.”


“Shut up.” Anger was beginning to overflow in Sehun’s body. He could feel it creeping upwards and just as it was about to spill out, Jongin brought it to a temporary halt.


“The situation right now isn’t so bright, but that’s why I want to start over. Let’s start over. When I leave tonight, let’s forget each other’s names and touch-“


“-gladly.” Sehun interrupted with full forced outrage. “I’m actually thrilled you asked to start over. Because I sure as hell don’t want to continue knowing you! You’re disgusting and I cannot stand you!”


Short chapter I know, but I feel like it fits.... So don't scratch my eyes out okay. /cries

Ugh, I just needed to add some drama and spice up... sorry i cut of the scene lol /snickers

it'll come in time after all of their bickering and man-fights settle so don't worry ^ ^ but i hope you guys can understand

just where exactly Jongin is coming from... right? no? okay. well anyway he just wanted to be honest with sehunnie too

so it wouldn't come up later in the series you know? hearing it from someone else and all that typical shizzzzz. anyway i've

been rambling for too long, sorry for such a crappy update! see you in the next chapter~ /throws love sprinkles



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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt