You're... Cute

I cannot Stand You [HIATUS]

“Kim Jongin!” Girls from across the hallway exclaimed and squealed, jumping like maniacs as they huddled around the phone placed on the desk. Blush creeping up onto each of their faces, as a long train of ooh’s and aah’s made their way out of the classroom. The silvery, blonde-haired boy folded his arms across his broad chest, trying his hardest to ignore the remarks from the bimbos. The hype of this so-called, Kim Jongin kid, had been circling its way around campus for the pass two days now. It was rumored that he was suppose to be transferred to Seoul Arts High School.


“What’s the big deal with that guy?” Sehun scoffed, peering towards the classroom on the other side. He carefully observed as the girls hovered over the virtual image, rolling his eyes before averting them elsewhere. The boy honestly found the hype to be a bit too much for one boy.


Not saying that Sehun has even seen an actual picture of the new student anyway.


“He’s so cute! I can’t believe he’s coming here!” One proclaimed flailing her arms around.


“He obviously has talented that’s why he’s coming!” Another added.


Sehun wanted to march straight into the room, pick up the device, and chuck it as far as he could out the window. But he had more class than that. Sinking into his chair, he felt around for his own phone that started to buzz coincidentally in his pocket. Pulling out the phone and unlocking it, Sehun quickly scrolled to determine whom it was that texted. Ah of course.


From: Luhan


Ya! Everyone is head over heels for this new kid.


Attached to the text message was most likely a picture of Jongin, he guessed. The boy was smiling brightly, while holding a signature peace sign just beside his chin. Sehun scanned his eyes over the image countless times. ‘This is what all the commotion is about?’  He wasn’t saying that the guy wasn’t attractive, because he was but-


Wait no he wasn’t... Sehun shook his head, trying to rid himself of the fact that he just admitted that this kid was somewhat good-looking.


Sliding his thumb over to the reply button, the blonde-haired boy began to type away.


To: Luhan


He’s not as fantastic as I thought he would be, based on all this hullabaloo. /shrugs


Swiftly the text was sent out, within seconds a reply came back in. Sehun glared at the new message and decided not to respond. How could Luhan think that he was jealous of all the attention this guy was getting? He obviously could care less about that fact that all of the females at Seoul Arts High School were falling for a guy who hasn't even arrived yet. Impossible. Besides, Sehun needed to share some of the limelight with another person. It was senior year after all. Finally, the bell to begin school echoed throughout the halls that were just thinning out. Friends waved temporary goodbyes for they would be reunited in another 55 minutes.


The morning ran by smoothly and the afternoon punctually eased it’s way in. During his morning classes a few girls came up to him. They questioned him about his opinion on, of course, Jongin. How he felt about the whole situation, if he would want to become friends with him, etc. Sehun countered all of the burning questions with a small shrug of his shoulders and played it off with an ‘I could care less’ kind of attitude. But in all honesty, Sehun feared the coming of Jongin. All of his hard work in trying to achieve the top spot in this school was about to be… ruined. But he couldn’t let anyone find out about that.



“Everyone please complete pages 450-455 by tomorrow and be ready for the chapter exam next week Monday! You are excused.” The teacher announced to the class that was paying no attention to her whatsoever. Last period of the day finished faster than he expected. Sehun gathered his belongings, shoved them into his bag, and made his way out. The buzz about the new kid was still flying around like a swarm of killer bees. Sehun was beginning to grow more and more annoyed about the subject.


“Ya! Sehun-ah!” A familiar voice stung the blonde’s ears as he began to take longer strides down the hall. Sehun could already tell that it was indeed, Luhan the talented singer of China. In many eyes, the two were looked upon as the inseparable pair of ‘best friends’. But Sehun didn't quite see the Chinese boy the same way the majority of the school did. Don’t get the wrong idea, the two were indeed best friends, but the way Luhan acted towards others was all an act. The only person Luhan revealed his true self to was Sehun.


“Don’t try and speed away from me, you .” Luhan called from behind, this time a little closer than before. Sehun chuckled and began to slow down his pace in order for the other to catch up.


A few students passed by and Sehun received the usual greetings from all of them. He flashed the “Oh” killing smile and waved back answering their hellos. Luhan grasped the blonde by the shoulder and tugged him back. “How’s it going honey? Why didn’t you text me back this morn’ huh?” Sehun rolled his eyes, “Wait, who are you again? I have seem to forgotten your name.” The teen joked brushing off the other’s hand, freeing his shoulder from his grip. “Don’t act smart .” Luhan snapped back, sending a playful punch to Sehun’s arm. The two boys laughed at each other’s stupidity as they went back and forth insulting one another.


“I’ll catch you later then!” Sehun nodded as the two parted ways. “What a , that Luhan.” He laughed to himself, feeling a vibration coming from inside of his pocket. Text message. It couldn’t be from Luhan since they have literally been apart from one another no longer than 5 seconds.


From: Panda Tao


Starting tomorrow you’ll probably be old news haha.


The silvery blonde-haired fellow furrowed his eyebrows at the text. How rude. Sehun was about to reply when another text came blazing in.


From: Panda Tao


Sorry Sehun-ah, that was Kris. You know he’s a . ^ ^;; He was joking by the way! Don’t fret too much.


A hollow laughed escaped the boy’s lips as he ran a hand through his sugary-coated locks. A joke. Right. This whole deal with Jongin was a joke. As soon as he has his first day tomorrow everyone will realize how average the kid really is. Sehun kicked the loose gravel on the ground, “I’m unbelievably shallow. Why in the world do I care so much about being popular? So damn lame.” He confessed, walking with his head down, hands in the comfort of his pockets. Sehun walked aimlessly, paying no attention to his surroundings when he was supposed to be getting home already. The teen reflected deeply about the meaning of popularity and other useless topics before colliding into another body.


“Oh sorry.” The two said in sync. Sehun peered up to see the other and immediately was taken aback.


“Kim Jongin!” He almost shouted, mouth hanging open his hand soon rushing to cover it. The blonde stumbled in shock. “How do you know my name?” His words spilled easily out of his mouth, cocking an eyebrow at the gaping blonde. Sehun tried to gather himself and dusted the non-existent dirt off his uniform. “That’s your name? What a weird occurrence, because I was just yelling for my friend whose name is Kim Jongin too!” He wanted to kick himself, how foolish he must be appearing to the brunette standing inches away from him. Jongin turned around to check if there was in fact, someone else. No one. The other must’ve realized Sehun was lying. And he did exactly what he always does when someone catches him in an obvious lie, panicked.  


“There’s no one th-“


“You just missed him!” He cut Jongin short.


“Right.” A skeptical expression arose on the pretty boy’s face. Sehun didn’t know how many times he mentally kicked himself. Here he is making a complete clown of himself to his potential enemy. What makes it worst is that in real life the guy is beautiful and has flawless skin and nice teeth… And… And… Sehun thought to himself. ‘I’m ed.’ Jongin stood in front of the foolish blonde. An adorable laugh soon emitted out of the other male’s mouth. “You know,” the brunette paused, “you look awfully cute right now.” Fixing the earphone that was about to fall out Jongin continued, “You’re an idiot but a cute one.” Sehun’s heart collapsed and turned to dust.


“Did you just call me cute? And an idiot?”






“Because you are.”


Blinking a few times he was not able to process the conversation he was involved in at the moment. ‘I hate you. I hate hate hate hate you.’ This was all Sehun could think of and his eyebrows began to twitch. How dare… Jongin… He had no explanation for all of the hate he suddenly felt for this new kid. It was just overflowing and Sehun was afraid that Jongin would be able to sense it. Time for an escape plan. “You go to Seoul Arts High School?” Jongin says, once again disturbing Sehun’s train of thought while eyeing out the uniform. “Uh yeah.” A smile tugged at the other’s lips, soon a soft smile developed and Sehun’s heart skipped a beat. ‘Something is wrong with me. Something is wrong with this guy. I hate him.’


“Great! I hope to see you around tomorrow then!” Kim Jongin reached a hand out towards Sehun’s and snatched up his phone. After a few seconds, he gladly handed it back with a grin. “I put my number in there and I just plugged yours in. I hope you don’t mind, but let’s meet up tomorrow okay!” Just as he was about to walk off, he stopped in his tracks, “By the way, since you already know my name, what’s yours?” Sehun eyebrow continued to twitch, “Sehun.”


“Alright Sehun! I’ll see you tomorrow then.”




“Bye bye!”


‘No. No. No.’



“I really hate that guy.” Sehun mumbled chomping on his sandwich.


“Who?” Luhan glanced over at his best friend, curiosity flared in his eyes.


“That Jongin guy.” He continued focusing on his sandwich.


Luhan snorted, “Because he’s more popular than you?”


Sehun almost choked on a piece of his sandwich before answering Luhan, “No, I just can’t stand him.”


Thinking about Jongin just made Sehun feel all weird and afraid at the same time. It was extremely uncomfortable and was most likely the cause of his hatred for him. It was lunchtime and Jongin had already been introduced to his homeroom and about every girl on campus. The chatter about him was never-ending. Sehun devoured the last piece of his sandwich, before opening his mouth to speak again. “I really just cannot stand him.” Luhan rolled his eyes. “Whatever Sehun-ah. It’s probably just jealousy.” Perhaps it is. But the feeling was indeed different from jealousy itself.


Bzzzz… Bzzzz…


Sehun sluggishly reached for his cellphone and didn’t recognize the number.


From: xxx-xxx-xxxx


Sehun, it’s Jongin! Let’s eat lunch together.


To: xxx-xxx-xxxx


No, I’m done.


Who exactly does this fellow think he is? Sehun promptly deleted the messages and number and tucked his phone away. Why is this guy trying to become my friend? The blonde wanted nothing to do with Jongin. Nothing. Yet, it seems like that won’t exactly be happening. Luhan who happened to be peeping at his friend’s messages, watched as Sehun become so flustered over nothing. “You’re an idiot.” The Chinese boy said playing with the loose strands of hair that fell onto his perfect face. “What?” He retaliated. “Youre. An. Idiot.” ‘Am not.’ Sehun glared at Luhan who excused himself from the lunchtable, “Catch you later babo.”


From: xxx-xxx-xxx


Aw, well can we hang out a little? I’ve been around girls all day.


Sehun furrowed his eyebrows once more as he heart tightened. ‘No. I said no.’


To: xxx-xxx-xxxx


What the are you doing to me?


A frown was placed onto the teen’s face as he pressed send. Regret flushed over his body knowing that he shouldn't have done that. Crap.


From: xxx-xxx-xxx


Huh? What do you mean?


To: xxx-xxx-xxxx


Nevermind. Don’t text back.


Sehun repeated the same steps just moments before and erased both the messages and number from his device. Jongin is trouble, and lots of it. Another text came in just as Sehun was about to shut off his phone. It was from Jongin again. He doesn’t listen does he? The boy hesitantly opened the message and almost scoffed. The other actually had the nerve to send him a selca of himself pouting, replying with ‘Why not?’ The brunette’s lips looked so full and tinted a light pink. His skin was flawless, so smooth and white. Even his eyes were enchanting. It was hard for him to avert his attention. Sehun completely ignored the words as his eyes practically bored holes into his phone. Jongin was- he was-




Sehun wanted to feel how those full lips would against his ow-


What the am I thinking?’




Sehun is such a fool > <''

Sorry this chapter so badly...

And that there is nothing really going on.

/hides more

Please don't be disappointed with me! I'll try harder next chapter! Hope you

all stick with me! Fighting! Until next chapter!


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Chapter 9: Its me OneTruePairing
I really like this story, can you please continue in the future or after Nostalgia
exoticgurl4eva #2
Chapter 9: Wae??? T_T OK OK I understand but i really loved this story. Though i am kaisoo shipper,i really love your sekai
May be it has something to do with your addicting writing.....
Ok i'll just content with nostalgia ^^ but please don't forget our "i can't stand you"
and may be you'll come back with some rated chappies keke i hope
Chapter 9: OMG TTㅅTT -crying han river- i love this fic so bad TT.TT is it really impossible for u to complete it?:'((
I really liked reading it :3
And imma already suscribed and i already upvoted Nostalgia <3333
i like ur writing style *0*
And please think again about this story, pretty please~ <333
Chapter 8: Hi there.

I really like this fic, Sekai is lovely and deserves more attention

I would love some more fluff between them in Jeju (and the airplane??) :)

I think you are a good and fun writer.

Greetings from Europe!
Chapter 8: xp lol ~ that was funny ~ nd jeju o-o ~ maybe some more shmut, i dunno xp ~ but i liked it ~ update when u can, hwaiting ~
Chapter 7: Aww.. Finally they realise their feeling toward eachother.. Ugghh, Sehun you're falling in love with Jongin.. Kkkyyaaa.. My Sekai feel :)
They r so adorable.. I cant..
Hope next time i will find or fluff or whatever as long as is sekai i will always happy :)
I will always stick with you, authornim..
See ya.. :)
Chapter 6: ... Would sehun be the uke or the seme? Cause I would think that he is the uke... But gosh darn it these two idiots. Tsk tsk...
minhamii0 #8
Chapter 6: I just want things to go better for my lovely sekai couple
Chapter 6: Sekai, you dummy..!! Just get together already n do that stuff in your dream!! Ggyyaahhh.. I hve the urge to lock them in the storage room n let them ,LOL..
Cant wait the next chapt