Chapter 6 - Changing (back)


'WHAT'. Eunji and Yong Jae shouted


Eunji couldn't process what she just heard. She was expecting some major mushy action to happen and anticipated her squrims to their announcement but now it wasn't gonna happen. Yong Jae looked equally shocked, too shocked actually. In Guk was his best bud but after all that happened, all he wanted wa nted to see In Guk's relationship crash and burn, now even before it could even crash, it didn't even see a chance of a beginning. Silence engulfed the four, Eunji and Yong Jae just sitting there with their mouths gaping wide open, Isabel looking a little awkward and In Guk still black-faced due to Yong Jae's rude reaction.

'Uhh, sorry Isabel. I didn't mean to have such a reaction earlier.' Yong Jae broke that air of silence

'Nono, it's okay, don't apologise.' She responded with a smile.

'So now you two asses know what's going on. Stop being so cold to us, it hurts you know.' In Guk hissed.

'Ya, you two go off on your own too. Besides, Eunji and I are buds that's all, unlike you two, or what was of you two.' Yong Jae talked back

'Aigoo, you two noisy asses. Shut up already.' Eunji spat.

'Soo, what made you change your mind?' Those were the first words Eunji had said to In Guk, since that whole saga happened. It was so awkward for her to start speaking but she knew if she didn't do it he would have never either.

'Uhh.. differences I guess. And Isabel is going back to Singapore for good after the finals.' He spoke softly, avoiding eye contact.

'Huh, you're going back?' Eunji asked. Isabel didn't tell Eunji mainly because they weren't really on speaking terms anyway, but she was still Eunji's good friend and Eunji cared.

'Yeah.. I talked to my mom, she wants me back home.' Isabel answered.

Silence hung over the four again since such a heavy topic was raised. 

'Well since you're leaving, we should have all the fun we have now! Do crazy and stuff.' Yong Jae suggested. Everyone agreed and an impromtu outing was organised, the four went off to grab lunch and a movie together. Time passed like no one was watching and the four split up to get themselves home before their parents each screamed at them. They all walked towards the bus stop, Yong Jae left first then Isabel, leaving the two behind. Eunji felt sooooo awkward, she didn't know what to do or say, so she just sat there, silent. In Guk was busy on his phone, probably looking up some sports news or something. When he finally put down his phone he spoke.

'I've missed you Jung Eunji.'

Eunji felt butterflies start to form in her stomach. What is this, he doesn't get together with Isabel so he switches targets and hits on her?

'Bastard, of course. We were good friends, then you pulled that on me and I had to accept it. you, you arse.'

'That's why I'm trying to make it better now.'


'Like this'

In Guk wrapped his arm around Eunji's shoulder then headlocked her and gave her a noogie playfully

'Ya, you crazy bastard. Stop it!' Eunji struggled and tried to break free from his headlock. When she finally got loose, In Guk hung his arm over her shoulder and the two sat close to each other, waiting for their buses. 

'I was really surprised that you and Isabel didn't get together. Why? Was it cos' you were such a bastard and she realised it?' She asked jokingly.

'Nope, it was cos' I'm too good looking for her.'

Eunji rolled her eyes and lightly punched In Guk in the stomach for such a comment. In Guk threatened with another noogie and Eunji surrendered. 

'I'm glad we can do this again. I really thought this friendship was a goner. Don't do this again, if you do then that's it okay er?'

In Guk nodded and looked apologetic. He heaved a sigh and looked into the far distance. In Guk's bus came shortly after.

'I'm going first, be safe okay child. Text me when you're home.' He said.

In Guk unhooked his arm around Eunji's shoulder and gave her a kiss on the head before boarding his bus.

Eunji waved goodbye and the bus left. She let out a gasp and started breathing heavily, she stopped breathing from the moment In Guk's lips touched her head. Gosh it sounds so disgusting and not romantice but whatever, what mattered was all of this only confirmed one thing.

Jung Eunji likes Seo In Guk despite going through all that , she still liked him.


Everything felt like it fell back into place, the four were hanging out again, In Guk and Eunji were helping each other out in math again and they were having a good time. Not long, finals were approaching, the four had mandatory study sessions together, they made a pact to do well together and this was just part of the plan. The four gathered at Eunji's place to study, they dominated the dining table, books strewn everywhere with random food wrappers peeking out of books and gaps, it looked like war. Isabel and Yong Jae were discussing some case study on economics while Eunji and In Guk did their mock tests on English.

'Ya, what's 'good looking' in english?' In Guk asked, taking a break from his test.

'Pshh. 'U G L Y' That's what it is.' She brushed off his comment.

', come here, you're gonna die!' In Guk leaned towards Eunji, hands stretched out. She screamed in effort to cause him to retreat but she only got glared at by Isabel and Yong Jae who looked displeased with the two of them making so much noise. Eunji whacked In Guk on the shoulder as a sign to shut him up, then resuming their English tests.

'Kids, come get some food first, take a break!' Eunji's mother called from the kitchen. The four got up in unison and headed towards the kitchen to satisfy their hunger. Mountains of kimbap and buckets of fruit salads were spread across the counter top of the kitchen with Eunji's mother peeking out from behind one of the kimbap mountains.

'Omma! Why did you make so much food again. It's only the four of us remember, you're not preparing for war!' Eunji said frustratedly.

'Aigoo, it's okay, we can eat the rest anyway, eat more kids!' Her mother popped out rom behind the mountain, insistently encouraging them to eat by enticing them with a roll of kimbap in her hand.


After finishing a mountain of kimbap and half a bucket of fruit salad, the four resumed their 'war' with the finals this time changing subjects.


Yong Jae's parents came to pick him up since it was getting late and Isabel had to go back to the hostel due to the stupid curfew set, leaving the two of them alone again. In Guk started to pack up his things, chucking them into his backpack.

'Ya, put them nicely, don't just dump them into the bag right.' Eunji said, annoyed with his messiness.

'Do it for me then.' He gave her a cheeky smile, stretching out the bag in front of him.

'Tck, why should I. Forget it, just be the messy you.' Eunji continued to pack up her stuff, bringing them back into her room. In Guk zipped up his bag and followed after, plopping down onto her bed, rolling about and doing what he was best at, messing up things.

'YA, SEO IN GUK. What are you doingggg! Ugh.' She shouted in frustration. 'Go back home if you're tired!'

In Guk gave Eunji a super satisifed face since he was so comfortable. He then rolled over to one side of the bed, signalling for her to sit on the other.

'Are you crazy, or high or something? GO HOME SEO IN GUK. GO HOMEEEE.' Eunji shunned his request. He reluctantly got up from her bed and made his way out of her room, taking his backpack from the dining table and began his journey home.

'Nights Eunggg! Don't miss me too much! Text you later.' In Guk said as he put on his shoes.

'Mmm, get home safe, don't get mugged by anyone cos' of your good looks' Eunji mockingly imitated his hair flip.

In Guk chuckled, he ruffled her bangs and left her house. Eunji shut the door behind her and felt her legs go all jelly. She leaned against the front door and let her weight drag her down to the floor. The adreneline she felt was crazy, whenever she was with In Guk alone the butterflies went crazy and everything else too.


She felt high, not high on drugs but high on love.


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Chapter 12: i have just read this fanfic today but it doesnt have an update for years idk huhuhu
vereex #2
I just read and now.... You havent uploaded IT FOR so Long q________q WHAT TO do kxjsksnskksjsjs