Chapter 4 - Disgust and hate


Isbael went on and on about what had happened between her and In Guk, how this was all a shock to her and she didn’t mean for it to be awkward. Eunji just stared blankly at the distance behind Isabel’s head, unwilling to absorb anything she was saying. When she finally snapped back to reality, Eunji asked.

‘So.. Do you like him?’



‘Uhh. I feel like I don’t know him yet, not enough for me to actually feel anything. So that’s why we’re hanging out more now. Trying to get to know each other better.”

“Oh.. I see.”

“Im so glad I can finally talk to you about it, you were one of the first people I wanted to tell but I couldn’t because of all the awkwardness.” Isabel said gleefully.

Eunji nodded .

‘Can you tell him that I just wanna settle things. I’d really rather be strangers than two people with bad blood. But if we talk, he needs to open his bloody mouth and tell me what went wrong so we can settle things. If not, don’t bother.’

‘Okay.. I’ll tell him that.’

Eunji wanted some time alone.

‘Hey, we’re cool okay. I gotta head home. Bye.’ Eunji threw her backpack over her shoulder and walked down the steps.

‘Bye Eunji!’ She heard Isabel call out from the steps.




Eunji walked home in the cold, she took out some gum from her bag and began chewing on them.


Ya, you’re a girl. Don’t chew like a cow.


Eunji suddenly remembered what In Guk said to her a couple of weeks back when her parents got her a pack of gum. She twitched and spat out the gum in disgust.


She thought to herself and continued the walk back home. The journey home seemed exceptionally long, maybe it was because she was pissed with everyone and everything.

‘What’s so good about her that I don’t have? Feministic qualities? Cos’ you treat me like a bro?’ Eunji kicked the side of the pavement. She soon reached home, flinging the main door open the first thing she saw was her parents arguing again (probably over something super trivial). She walked past their squabble and went straight to her room. She dumped her bag on the floor and fell hard on her bed, letting her head sink into her pillow and her body be hugged by her bed. Eunji stared hard at the ceiling, frowning and frowning. It was how she prevented herself from crying.

What the heck Eunji, you wanna cry? Over a guy? C’mon, are you turning into a girl.

Eunji brushed that voice in her mind aside and pushed herself up from the bed. She took out her homework from her bag and buried herself in work, drowning herself with music at the same time.


Eunji closed her math book and looked at the time.


She grabbed her pyjamas from the closet, left her room and took a quick shower. When she came out, dinner was ready so she ate, but meagre. Eunji adjourned from another petty squabble at the dinner table and went back into her room. She put on her earphones again and blasted music, reaching for her phone she saw a notification.


Guk-gukkie <3

‘Ugh. I should really change that.’ Eunji said to herself. She stared at those words, her heart fluttering.

What is he going to say?

She unlocked her phone and read the message.

‘Hey.. So Isabel told me what happened and uhm.. I wanna talk.’

Eunji felt a rush of adrenaline, thinking there was hope that things could be alright again.

‘Okay.. So talk.’

‘Uh, you first.’

‘You said you wanted to talk, so you start.’

‘Okay.. So first of all, I wasn’t ignoring you. And I don’t feel that its awkward between us.’

What the bloody heck. Are you freaking kidding me you arse.

‘Uh, yeah it’s awkward. Even Isabel thinks so, it’s probably because you like her now and stuff has changed. We don’t talk that much either.’

‘Yeah. Well I’m sorry that things turned out this way.’

‘I’m sorry too. So now what?’

‘Can we just go back to normal?’

‘We’ll just be friends, when we walk past each other we wave, that sorta stuff.  Just no more teasing’





So Eunji thought things were settled there and she tried to do everything they said they would. But he didn’t do the same. When he was with Isbael, everything was smiles and sunshine and rainbows, when he saw Eunji alone he was as cold as anyone could get, ignoring her presence.

She couldn’t understand why he was acting this way, she thought everything was fine now. /well apparently not when everything was just a show for Isabel. Eunji felt sick to her stomach, how could she had fallen for a guy like this, so fake, so pretentious. 

Weeks went by and In Guk and Isabel got obviously closer, the whole school noticed. Yong Jae hung out more with Eunji and they kinda disconnected from the lovebirds. Isabel was saying how she had a goal to have a boyfriend before Christmas and this disgusted Eunji, Yong Jae too. How her mind ticks with something she cannot control was just ridiculous to them. But whatever, it was her life. In Guk was pissing Yong Jae off too, he was getting too cocky, ‘dating a foreigner’ boosted his ego by miles.

Eunji now thought back on her ‘crush’ and was disgusted with herself for liking In Guk.


NEVER again, Will NEVER happen. Eunji thought to herself.


The fantastic four has now split into the lovebirds and the best buds crew, will it ever be possible for them to become best friends again?


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Chapter 12: i have just read this fanfic today but it doesnt have an update for years idk huhuhu
vereex #2
I just read and now.... You havent uploaded IT FOR so Long q________q WHAT TO do kxjsksnskksjsjs