Chapter 6

It all started with the phone :)

Hey everybody its Keylove here!! I am here to official say i am sorry for Taemin-lovers lack of updates she is having a major writers block problem so I am here to help out. ~ENJOY!~


 As the weeks went by Taemin and Alicea, Rika and Onew got closer.They spent most all of their time with each other whn the boys wern't singing and doing radio shows.  The sad thing was that SHINee did'nt have that much time left in America soon they would be going back to Korea...  


"HYUNG!!" I screamed for the fifth time. "Aish, what do you want?" jonghyun finally replied. "How am i going to tell Alicea my feelings if we go back to Korea tomorrow?" I asked painicing "I don't know don't tell her how you feel or just call her" He said scratching his head as he walked to the kitchen to help Key-Umma with dinner. "Don't listen to him taemin he couldn't find love even if it was right in front of him" Umma said as he started putting the rice into bowls and making Jonghyun put them on the table."YA! Don't talk about your Hyung like that and i was just stating the truth it's not like he will see her anymore" Said Jonghyun Hyung trying to prove his point to Key but failing. "Jonghyun don't give up his hopes, Taemin go to where she lives and tell her how you feel and maybe she will hold on to those feelings until you two find each other again" said Key smiling at me. "your right Umma, thanks" I said as i ran out the door to tell my feelings to the girl I loved.  


I stood in the kitchen making me some ramen since i was home alone, because moms boss called her in to talk about a job transfer. As i was pouring it into a bowl the door bell rang. "Who could it be at this hour?" i said to myself "Hello?" I asked the person on the other side of the door "Ummm.... Alicea?" they asked unsure "Yes, who is it?" i asked stepping closer to the door "It's Taemin" he said and I could feel my heart skip a beat when he said it was him, and i quickly walked to the door to let him in "Oh come in" I said and he quickly entered as it started raining. "So, what do you need?" I asked not trying to sound rude. "Umm.. can we sit down?" he asked and i nodded and we walked to the couch "Soo" i asked  kind of curious about what is was 


We went and sat of the couch so i could tell her the reason I came "Alicea i-" I said but was cut off when the power went out and thunder rumbled in the sky. She screeched and covered her ears and cringed into me and i protectivly wrapped my arms around her and sang a song to calm her down.


My feelings get better as I look at you

I find myself randomly singing

I even want to buy a single rose

the side of myself so new

As my heart becomes closer to you

the world becomes more beautiful

if you feel my nerviousness

will you wait just a bit

the more i get to know you my heart quivers

all i can do is smile shall i kiss you?

will it get me a little closer to your heart?

could this feeling be love

im still shy

i havent taken a single step to you

so please wait for my love

By the time i had finished singing she was asleep. She looke so peaceful like a sleeping Angel, i swear my heart was getting louder by the second. I gently picked her up bridal style and caried her up the stairs to her room where she would be more comfortable. After i layed her on her bed i stared to walk away but i felt something pull on my jacket. I turned back to see her half asleep/half sitting up on her bed. "Wait dont leave me." i smiled. She scooted over and i layed down next to her.


After Taemin had layed down next to me i curled up next to him and pretended to be a sleep. I get a little closer to him to where i can hear is heart beat. It was beating so fast I wounder why. I wanted to look up to see if he fell asleep but i was to afraid so i just stayed quiet. As the thunder came back I didn' feel as scared as i used to, maybe it was becase some one was with me. Minutes passed, the thunder and lighting went away all you could hear was the rain as it hit he roof. I heared a huff " hey alicea are you awake?" i heard him whisper. 'should i answer back? dont see what happens' i thought to myself.


Hehehe WE ARE EVIL!  you worst enemy the Cliffhanger has arrived. Sorry about the Grammer we at spelling. Hope you love the new chapter Taemin-Lover will probaly post one tomorrow or sunday all depends well bye for now ^.^

You know going over this i just now realized i forgot my noodles....i could of burnt down the house....bad me :(

~Keylove & Taemin-Lover~

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Yeah no problem ^.^
@ Taeminluver <br />
you could help me add more detail to the next chapters so they wont be ish? :)
Can't wait~ I feel kind of useless as a co-author right now >.<
@Yamasau<br />
Because we love you :)
OMG the authors are now both taeminlover hahaha thats amazing~<br />
im so happy ^.^
@TaeminLuver<br />
Haha sure Id love to add you too the team!! :)
AWWWW TT^TT SO SAD!!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
ok, im gonna stop crying long enough to offer to edit for you if you want. Keylove said you guys are bad with spelling and stuff and i'm good with spelling and grammar so i thought i would offer. but only if you want to... anyways, update soon please, its too sad to leave like that TT^TT
haha thanks
why?! everyone is dropping cliffhangers on me why?!
good story(: update soon ! and she's a lucky girl =w=