chapter 1

It all started with the phone :)

Alicea's POV~

(3 hours before the concert)

Out of the silence of my room i heard the annoying Beeping of my alarm telling me its time to wake up. I turn in my bed to find out that it's four in the afternoon. Wait that can't be right. I quickly get up and dressed then i run to the room where my cousin is staying and "RIKA GET YOUR LAZY UP WE OVER SLEPT" before i left the room heard a big thud. I walked down the stairs not wanting to fall like i did the night before and made my way to the kitchen to make lunch/dinner before we leave. But as i opened the fridge a note fell into my hand 

Dear Alicea, Your father and I have decided to go to Paris for the summer. I am leaving you and Rika in charge of everything , so please do burn the house down.
                                                                                                         Love,  Mother

 After i finished making the food Rika finally decided to come down stairs. "what did you make for me?" " haha nothing this is all for me" she started pouting " Rika that doesn't work on me and you know that" " i know" she gave me one of her evil smiles and pushed me off me chair, took the food , ran to the room and locked her self in.  After i got up i ran and up stairs  she had put the plate on the floor in front of the door. "that's what you get for not making me food" then i heard her laugh. " fine then i'm going to go and get my self some food just be ready  by the time i get back" i heard a faint ok and left. 'Hmmm what to eat what to eat'  i thought to myself. I decided to walk into some random taco place and ordered.(A/N if you can't tell already I'm a kpop, taco, anime loving Mexican :] ) As i waited for my taco to be ready i heard screaming and the bell that rings as customers come in. I looked over to see five hooded figures all in different colors. I just ignored them, one of the people at the counter called my order. I got my bag and left wanting to get home and eat before its time to leave.

Rika's POV~

After Alicea left I got dressed and went down stairs to wait for her to get home. 20 minutes past, she finally came home. When she was done eating we got our cameras, tickets, money and left. I took about a little over half an hour to get there and in but we still had ten minutes before the concert started. We left our seats and went to go to the bathroom.On our way back we got glow sticks they were so cool looking.

Alicea's POV~

On our way from the restroom back to the doors that lead us into the concert hall i dropped my glow stick. "Hey Rika my glow stick fell help me look for it" i had to practically yell into her ear cause of the loud crowd surrounding us. "No go look for it your damn self" she answered back and let go of her hood. "FINE I WILL" i yelled at her. I started crawling on the floor looking for it. "Found it" i yelled hoping she could hear me, but know that she probably didn't. I got up and dusted my pants, as i walked over o it not taking my eyes off of it just in case it decides to go some were else. I was right in front of it and a group of boys came out of nowhere and stood around it.' OMG are you serious' i waited for awhile to see if they would move but they didn't so i taped the diva looking one one the shoulder and asked "Excuse me but can you give me that glow stick?" He looked at me and smiled "sure" as he got it i looked around and saw that the other boys were starring at me and that they looked familiar. When i got the glow stick back i said a quick 'Thank you" and left to find Rika who just left me. RUDE.. After i found my way back to my seat I tugged at her shirt and said " thanks for waiting for me, for all you know i could of been kidnapped and killed." Then every thing got even louder. I looked at the stage and SHINee came out and started their concert with  Hello, when the song was over instead of doing another song they stopped and formed a little circle in the middle of the stage. Everyone got quiet my eyes went to the only moving member on stage... Taemin. He took a familiar green and black looking phone with a little Suzaku charm. " Earlier today we found this on the ground if the owner is here please come and get it" ,he said holding the phone up and looking around. "Hey Alicea that looks like your phone " Rika said with a slight push. She was totally right. TAEMIN WAS HOLDING MY PHONE at least i thought so i took Rikas phone out of her pocket and called mine and sure enough Replay started blasting from the speaker of the phone i hung up before they even knew what was happening " OH score Taemin's touching my phone" i said just a little too loud, the girls all around me looked at me "uhh i mean Taemin your so cute" i said nervously. They all nodded in agreement and looked back to the stage to see if any one went up. Minutes passed and no one went up i poked Rika "hey let me use your phone real quick" she handed it to me and turned back she wanted to see if any one would lie and say it was theirs just to go on stage. On her phone i went under '' and started to type

Hello this the owner on her cousins phone can you just keep till later or some thing cause im sure your fans might kill me if i go up there

i pressed the send button. Not even a couple of seconds passed when you heard ring ding dong go off(A/N i mean a little part of the song as my message tone and '' is a what jade-wa has me under in her phone so i put it up here) All the boys were surrounding the phone all trying to take it from Taemin. In the end key took it and read it lucky he had the mike behind his back you couldn't hear what he said. Jonghyun took the phone away from Key and had a little trouble typing, taemin had took the phone from him and slid it open and then handed it back to him. Jonghyun took literally 3 seconds on the phone and then closed it and gave it back to minnie.i felt vibration in my jacket pocket and it was Rika's phone it was the message. I looked around to see if any one was looking they were but not my way so i took this chance to see what he said.


I pressed reply

because i heard the girls sitting next to me plotting saying that if they find her then they will hurt her cause they think that she dropped her phone on accident ..y'all have mean fans :(

send. After they had Key read them what it said Minnie put it back into his pocket and they continued with the concert. It was fun they had some lucky fans go up there, and by fans i mean little fans. Four or five little girls got to go one stage and get a picture and hug from each member after they got to dance with them to their songs. They played every single song that they had. It was one long night. When the concert was over me and Rika started leaving. When we got in the car i noticed i forgot something but i didn't know what. I didn't want to bother Rika about it cause she was already sound asleep poor girl was screaming for Onew. She swears that he waved to her she even said "Aren't we lucky your mom bought these tickets when they came out six rows from the front isn't that bad". When we got home i had to carry her to her room. Then i went to my room and fell asleep. 'Why do i feel like forgot some thing' is the last thing that went thru my head.


Taemin-lover here I hope you like this chapter. The next chapter might take a some time to upload it but just one or two days i promise :)

I hope its not to confusing or boring and if it is please tell me so i can make it better!! :)

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Yeah no problem ^.^
@ Taeminluver <br />
you could help me add more detail to the next chapters so they wont be ish? :)
Can't wait~ I feel kind of useless as a co-author right now >.<
@Yamasau<br />
Because we love you :)
OMG the authors are now both taeminlover hahaha thats amazing~<br />
im so happy ^.^
@TaeminLuver<br />
Haha sure Id love to add you too the team!! :)
AWWWW TT^TT SO SAD!!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
ok, im gonna stop crying long enough to offer to edit for you if you want. Keylove said you guys are bad with spelling and stuff and i'm good with spelling and grammar so i thought i would offer. but only if you want to... anyways, update soon please, its too sad to leave like that TT^TT
haha thanks
why?! everyone is dropping cliffhangers on me why?!
good story(: update soon ! and she's a lucky girl =w=