Chapter 10

It all started with the phone :)


After I arrived at Dongho's house Taii took me to his room where we found him playing his Xbox 360.' Boys and their games.. -.-' He was yelling at his TV "WTH i know you not just kill me?!?! Were on the same freaking team!!" Taii was laughing at his stupidness. About thirty minutes passed and the game was over; Dongho got up and was shocked to see us. "w.when did you get here?" He pointed to us. " After you got killed by your own teammate" Taii answered for us. "oh" was all he said.(A/N boring?? yeah i know DX ) "Well i got to go see ya later guys" Taii said before he left. "So remember our little plan??" i asked the dimwit. "err no not really" He said scratching his head. 'uggh'  "the one about bringing Alicea to Kings Dominion?!?!" i practically yelled i mean seriously we just talked about this yesterday? wait no the day before? uhhg i cant remember! I glared at him. "Ohh that thing yeah i got ever thing ready we could go now if you want?" 'Goodness grief hes glad he remembered or else we would of had some problems! "well then i'll call tia and tell to tell Alicea when she wakes up to be ready" I said taking out my phone. "err well let me change and then we can get going." I just now  noticed that he was in black basketball shorts and a random band t-shirt. "ohh okay ill be down stairs then." I left him to get changed and went looking for food. I was starving. Luckly i found some stuff to make me a sanwich. when i was done i put the trash and things away and cleaned up my mess. It's been what 20 minutes and still no Dongho...dang that boy takes longer then me to get dressed. 


After Rika went down stairs i headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I thought about the conversation i had earlier.

~conversation~ (Dongho and other person)


Hey Dongho i need to ask you to do some thing for me.

uhh sure what is it?

Well you see i want you to promise to take care of Alicea if anything happens okay?

What do you mean? Is somethiing wrong?

......j..just promise please?

Okay i promise

Thanks well i got to go bye


~end of conversation~

After that i got confused. What did she mean? when i got out of the shower i got dressed and went down stairs. As i walked in the kitchen i found Rika leaning on the wall drinking orange juice and looking on her phone. " uhh i'm ready" i said walking to the fridge to get some water. " Holaluha she finally came suprised you didnt out your makeup while you were up there oh wait are you going to do that when we get there?" she said throwing her hands up. "what? i dont wear make up" well not while im on break anyway. "you know sometimes i   wounder if you have a brain up there" She said poking my head...and it hurt. "what ever lets just leave" she startes smiling and with that we left.


Pfft. There's nothing on the tv, my ipod is dead, ive read all my books, i lost my charger for my laptop, my mom went to her room to sleep, and Rika took my memorie card for my phone so i have no music..Just great i have nothing to do. I wounder just how long shes going to take. Yeah did i mention im a very impstient person? Well i am. :) Just as i was about t give up and go back to my room there was a knock at the door. i got to open it and find Dongho in the other side. "Ready?" " Finally yes just let me get my shoes."  He nodded and i ran to the living room grabbing my phone and shoes. As i got into the car i sat behind Rika who was in the passenger seat."Yo Rika a card back" when she handed it back i slipped it into my phone and started playing circus (A/N the one with taemin hehe)  hounstly dont remember how i got this song on here but i do. we all sang along to the song then out of no where Dongho pulled out his ipod and plugged it into the player. The first song was neverland...i never heard that one before. (A/N hmmm i wounder why??....) Then the next one was Replay jap  version, then some song called rock ya body. I think i fell inlove with that song i'll have to look at it when i get home.We went trough his songs for an hour then Rika pluged hers in but she didnt have that many songs cause she just got her ipod. So we had to go back to his but this time the first song was one i knew. As long as you love me but i wasnt the right people singing i could tell that some of them were...korean? "Hey Dongho who sings this?" He started smiling like crazy...creep. "A band" "What band?" "A korean Band" "What's the name?" "Something" Assmunch i will find out later. Three songs later we arrived. FINALLY! "Holly crap its Kings Dominion Yey!" 


After we parked the car we got out and streached."Ahh lets go!!" Alicea Yelled as she ran to the gate. "yahhh wait i still have to give you your pass" Dongho yelled after her. 'Hehe Rikas evil plan comence now!'


When i finally cought up with her i took out the tickets but there were ony two  'Oh i swear i had three but there are only two wait wheres Rika?' I looked around at first i didnt see her but i suddenly got pulled. I looked over and Aliceea was pointing to her ticket in my hand. "Oh here" i handed it to her. As we waited in line i looked over and saw Rika on the other side with a evil grin on her face. "oh great i woun-"  but before i could finish my sentence i was pulled again. "Come on" She pulled me through as i handed the lady she smiled and said, "aw what a cute couple" Before i could speak i was yet again pulled. 

(time skip)


As we got of the last ride in the first half i started to get hungry. I'm guessing Dongho was too cause his stomach started to grumble. "Err lets go get something to eat." he said walking toward the tower.

"Can we eat pizza?" I asked pointing to the pizza place. "sure" After we sat down Rika came out of no where with a random boy that i didnt know. "Rika why you leave me?" I asked hugging her. (Dongho and the boy are on the other side of the table) "Because i had to go look for him" She said pointing to the boy who was now talking to Dongho like they were friends. "Who is he?" i asked still hugging her. I asked still hugging her.

Dongho- (When Rika came)

'Why is he here?'  After Rika sat down next to Alicea . He sat down next to me. "What the hell are you ding here?" I practically yelled at him. "Its nice to see you too Dongho" He said sarcastically. "Im serious!"  He started laughing . "Thats no way to treat your hyung now is it?" He said in a mocking tone. "Yeah yeah yeah you still didnt answer my question" "what?" 'Sometimes I think his looks passed him in school' " What are you doing here?" I asked again on the verge of chocking him. (Yes i have a major anger problem. My mom tried putting me in classes but i told i could'nt because of schedules.) "Oh the boys told me to check up on you" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alicea staring at him. "I didnt know i was a child that needed looking after" looking back at him. He just laughed. "But how do you know Rika?" Pointing his index finger at me he said, "aha now that is something i can not tell you" Before i could ask him anything else Alicea came over and yelled. "Come on boys time to go to the Drop Zone!" She grabbed hyungs arm and dragged him to the ride.


The  way we sat I was in between Rika and Donghos friend and Dongho sat on the other side of Rika. As the ring went up his friend spoke. "hello my name is~" "What the hell?" Dongho yelled. We looked over and Rika was squezzing his hand. 'Haha forgot she's afraid of heights'. I turned back. " So whats your name?" "Alicea!" I said smiling. He smiled back ' Oh god' his smile made my heart beat a little faster.....just like Taemin."K Oppa?" I asked making sure I heard it right. "Haha or you could call me that" smiling again. ' Its beating the same way it did when i was with Taemin.....Taemin I mi--' My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden drop. "Ahhhhhh!!" i yelled on he way down. ' Oh i love you drop zone!' When the ride was done we walked off to the side and Rika yelled, "Yes i did it!!" I ran over to her "Yeobo im so proud!" Thats when K Oppa turned and said, " What?! Your going out?" We looked at each other then him and back then burst out laughing. I heard Dongho explain, "No thats just what they call each other." "ohh"

Time skip~


As the day went on Alicea got closer to "K" Oppa and had a blast. But before hey all knew it it was time to go. It was closing time for the park and nobody wanted to drive so they had to flip a coin. Dongho had to drive. poor him...... When they got to Alicea's everybody was too tired to go anywere so they just all squeezed on to her bed and fell asleep.


OMG Finally! It took me a whole week to make and type this chapter but I guess thats what I get when I tried to make it long. Anyway I hope you like it but I told you its going to but just think one more chapter and everything gets better! :)

hehe now can anyone guess who K Oppa is?? I mean its easy if you follow the hint I gave you:) 

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<3 Taemin-Lover <3

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Yeah no problem ^.^
@ Taeminluver <br />
you could help me add more detail to the next chapters so they wont be ish? :)
Can't wait~ I feel kind of useless as a co-author right now >.<
@Yamasau<br />
Because we love you :)
OMG the authors are now both taeminlover hahaha thats amazing~<br />
im so happy ^.^
@TaeminLuver<br />
Haha sure Id love to add you too the team!! :)
AWWWW TT^TT SO SAD!!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
ok, im gonna stop crying long enough to offer to edit for you if you want. Keylove said you guys are bad with spelling and stuff and i'm good with spelling and grammar so i thought i would offer. but only if you want to... anyways, update soon please, its too sad to leave like that TT^TT
haha thanks
why?! everyone is dropping cliffhangers on me why?!
good story(: update soon ! and she's a lucky girl =w=