Chapter 1

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend *Dropped*



It was now freshmen year, two years since I've met her. I always would see her throughout middle school here and there but now we were in high school. She was in the same English class as me. I would also walk with her to English class since our previous classes were nearby each other. She still remembered me, which in fact was surprised about. I found out her name was Kacie Park, she had lived in America until middle school when she moved here to Korea. In English class her and I were the most fluent in English but she always pretended she didn't know how to speak English. We had sat next to each other due to the teachers random seating chart. She was really shy and reserve, or that was the facade she would show people. She would always be texting in class or sleeping. Her actions truly shocked me. She would always ask to copy my notes after class, which I let her. She would give it to me by the end of the day and finish her homework. She soon soon, as I noticed by the end of freshmen year was one of my best friends.



Freshmen year came around fast from middle school. It had been two years since you had met that guy; which you had found out his name was Kris Wu. He was a pretty popular guy from what you saw. You sat next to each other in English class in freshmen year. He was naturally smart, and he spoke English kind of fluently. Of course it wasn’t as great as someone who had lived in America most of her life like yourself. His English was only great because his parents spoke English to him and it was his first language. You had also found out he spoke Chinese along with Korean. Chinese being his second language and Korean was something he learned through being in school. He was a diligent student always copying notes inside his notebook. After English when you saw him in the hallway he didn't wear his glasses but wore his contacsts. You took note on how he wore glasses sometimes in class when you assumed he forgot to put on his contacts in the morning since English was your 2nd class of the day. In the two years since you had met him in middle school, you had developed a small crush on him. Kris wearing glasses didn’t make life any easier for you as your crush on him grew a bit deeper each time you saw him like that. Especially when he was concentrated in class with his glasses and the end of the pencil in his mouth in deep thought. His thick brows furrowed together with the most serious face on, and you wern't talking about his typical stoic face. His concentrated face was hot as hell. You then realized you couldn’t even concentrate in class because of his presence so you would pretend to sleep or text my friends who weren’t in school. You  had also realized the perfect opportunity to knowing him better was to borrow his notebook, which is what exactly what you had done.  You always asked to borrow his notebook and he would give it to me without a second thought. You always remembered to meet him in front of that tree in the courtyard of school when the last bell would ring signalling the end of school for the day. Meeting around 3:15 PM since school ended around 3 o’clock sharp. At the end of freshmen year in high school, you also made your first guy best friend.



no diolauge. All description. I hope you like it.
In my opinion this chapter needs no diolauge, just an description. 

Well sorry I'm not updating anything. University is being a pain the arse and it's killing me slowly ;n;

never take 7 classes in university. You WILL die. I repeat, you WILL DIE.

Okay. one more thing, listen to her:

she has the most beautiful English voice. 

okay, that is it. till whenever I update or something
~<3 Jamie~ 



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Chapter 1: Yey! Nice start :3
PattyPatata #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^