Chapter 6

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend *Dropped*

Chapter 6


"Omo! Did you hear EXO's new song Wolf?!" Kara asked with a bright smile as she bounced her way over.

"Yeah I did. It's nice, especially because the fans have been dying from not hearing them." You chuckled as you remembered every time you went on Tumblr all the post about EXO not having a comeback was killing all their fans. “But it did get a bit ridiculous though.” You added and Kara nodded agreeing with you. It did get a bit out of hand.

"Tao said they were planning on doing a Chinese cover of it! Wouldn't that be super awesome?!" Kara said as she changed the subject. She happily looked at you and you nodded.

"That would be pretty sweet." You smiled and two arms snake their way around your waist giving you a back hug.

"Morning princess." The voice said. You let out a small smile with a playful eye roll.

"Morning to you servant." You replied and Lay just smiled revealing his adorable dimple and smile.

"So did you hear EXO's new album? Wolf's dance is awesome!" He said and You nodded.    

"Yeah it is! Kai dancing is totally spectacular!" You smiled brightly remembering his superb dancing skills in the music video.

"No it isn't. Mine is better." Lay playfully joked as Kara wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Your cheeks just heated up not sure how to respond.

"Are you going to do a dance cover for it?" Kara asked and Lay nodded.

"Of course. The dance is cool. Guere Wolf, Nega Wolf Awoooo!" Lay sang as he did the dance.

"You and Kacie should work on on the dance together!" Kara beamed and both your cheeks tinted red at the comment.

"Do it! It would be super awesome! The two best dancers doing a duet!" Kara beamed as Tao came and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"What are you guys talking about?" Tao asked as he placed a peck on her cheek. It caused Kara’s cheeks to blush and smile brightly.

It was adorable, but you did admit, it was a bit strange for you. You looked over at Lay and you knew he had that same thought.     

"Kacie and Lay are going to do a dance cover of Wolf!" Kara smiled at her boyfriend.

"Sweet! then they can both teach us the dance after." Tao smiled and Kacie shrugged.

"I'll learn it for my little panda." You said ruffling up Tao's hair and you looked over at Lay. "Let's meet up after school at my house. We can work on it there." You said and Lay nodded with a smile.

"Totally. See you after school." Lay said and you bid goodbye to your friends as you headed off to class.

"Lay, are you ever going to ask her out?" Kara asked once you were out of sight.

"You should ask her out soon." Tao said.

"I will, hopefully. I just need to create the perfect moment." Lay smiled.

"The perfect moment isn't created, it just happens. I mean Tao and I were just strolling around the city then we stopped in a park's playground. Then asked me as he pushed me on the swing. It was totally romantic." Kara smiled.

"I know... I'll confess soon." Lay smiled and gave the couple a small wave as he headed to class.

"He's totally in love with her." Kara gushed remembering how Lay got nervous from their conversation.

"Well he better ask soon." Tao said pulling Kara closer towards him giving her a soft Peck on the forehead. "He shouldn't keep his perfect girl waiting." He said as he walked with Kara hand in hand to their next class.

~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Class ended and you were singing 3.6.5 by EXO in English. You already knew about the song before the release so you already made your English version. As you softly sang the song a car pulled up next to you.

"Hey." Kris said slowing the car down with the window down.

"Oh what's up Kris?" You asked.

"Need a ride home?" He asked and you shook your head.

"It's not that far of a walk." You shrugged. "Plus I don't want to be an inconvenience for you."

"You'll never be an inconvenience to me." Kris said. His words struck your heart as you looked at Kris's serious expression.

"Fine." You said with a small sigh as you hopped inside. Once you were all set Kris started driving again.

"So, what was that song you were singing?" Kris asked.

"English version of 3.6.5 by EXO." You stated.

"English version already? That song came out today." Kris chuckled but you shrugged your shoulders.

"I guess I really like the song." You said and noticed Kris took a wrong turn. "Kris you missed the turn."

"Yeah, I know." He said nonchalantly and you looked at him in shock. "I haven't had time to spend with you in a while. I thought we could hang out today." Kris reasoned.

"Don't you have class after?" You asked and he shook his head.

"Got cancelled." He said with a shrug. Kris was someone who seemed like he cared about grades and school. But he really didn't. He was just pretty smart so he would always pass things with flying colors.

"Well, we can hang out but I'm going to be busy in the afternoon." You   debated thinking about your plans in the afternoon. You and Lay were going to work on the dance for Wolf, together. That was something that made you excited and have a silly smile on your face.

"With what?" Kris asked as he eyed the weird smile on your face oddly. He was suspicious of it.

"Lay is coming over. We were going to learn Wolf together." You explain and he just gave you a blank stare. You were a bit shocked by his reaction. He normally reacts that way when he hears shocking news. Like when he found out Kara and Tao were dating. You were there when he was told in person. It was quite funny.

"Can I join?" He asked still with that same deadpanned expression. You search his eyes, but he looks completely serious.

'You can't dance to save your life Kris. You’re freaking stiff pillar." You joke but the joke doesn’t reach him as he is still staring at you seriously.

"I have to learn I anyway. Better if I learn it now than later." He tried to reason.

"I guess. I'll text Lay and ask." You said pulling out your phone and fired a text off to Lay.


To: chips :)

MSG: Can Kris join us today? He has no friends and no life :P


To: my princess <3

MSG: that walking pillar is free? That's something new. He hasn't been free

since last school term :P


To: chips :)

MSG: Ikr? Today he's free though.  He's giving me that desperate puppy



To: my princess <3

MSG: sure that pillar can hang out with us. He better try to learn the dance



You told Kris the news and he was happy. He was going to spend time with you, the whole day.

Lay on the other hand was beyond furious. All he wanted to do was spend time with you, alone. It never happened, and never will happen if Kacie was still liking Kris. Or the mere fact Kacie was still close with Kris.



I smirked in response. I was on step closer to showing Lay I was not out of the game quite yet. I still wanted Kacie, now more than ever. We arrived at her house after the drive and I parked the car.

She quickly got out of the car busy sending texts back and forth with someone. I followed her inside her house, she was still on her phone.

    “Yo, Kacie.” I said trying to shake her off her phone. She looks up at me and blinks at me more confused than ever.

She looked so irresistibly cute at that moment. Her pinkish lips were vibrant as ever. She always liked to use strawberry lipgloss. Oh how badly I wanted to taste her lips.

    “Yeah, Kris? What’s up?” She asked innocently, tilting her head to the side cutely. I bit my lip trying to control myself from not kissing her senselessly. It was hard. It was like she was tempting me.

    “Um, who you texting?” I asked and she just plopped herself on the couch and I take a seat next to her.

    “Kai. If you’re going to be here, we seriously will need Kai.” She chuckles and continues texting. My brows furrowed as I glared at her phone.

Kai, Kai was going to be here.  

Like I needed that God here to also be my competition.


    “Aish! That brat! He said he was busy because he’s spending the day with D.O! Oh my gosh! I’m going to murder his sorry when I see him!” Kacie grumbled and threw her phone on the two seater couch next to us.

    “What?” I asked and I looked at her in shock. She never was so opened about Kai before. And why, why was she talking about him so casually??

    “Oh, um, Kai can’t make it to teach you. Maybe we should reschedule it...” Kacie bit her lip trying to think of a better plan.

    “Did you learn it already?” I asked, not wanting to cancel this. I needed this day to show Lay.  I’m not handing her over so easily.


Ding dong. The witch The unicorn is here.


    “Omo! Lay is here already!” Kacie gasped as she got up and answered the door. I followed closely behind and she opened the door. I smirked as I saw Lay and I wrapped an arm around Kacie’s shoulder. Kacie really didn’t seem to mind, but I saw Lay grow angry.

    “Hey Kacie.” Lay smiled sweetly at her and looked up to face me. “So I guess the pillar is really free. That’s amazing.” He sarcastically said to me with a hidden smirk behind his smile. I’ve known Lay for too long to know that he’s really hiding his true intentions.

    “Of course I am. I wanted to spend time with my best friend.” I said pulling Kacie closer to me.

    “Ah of course. Her best friend.” He smiles and Kacie lets him in. As he passed, he whispered something into my ear making me clench my fist. “What you’ll always be. Nothing more, nothing less.”


That hurt.

That stupid healing unicorn did anything but heal that wound on my heart.

    “Oh Lay, Kai can’t come over. He’s busy. Do you actually want to postpone it?” She asks and Lay shrugs.

    “I mean, I’m okay with it. I don’t think both of us can teach that pillar how to dance without Kai.” Lay shrugged and Kacie just giggled at his comment.

I was about to punch Lay when the doors opened widely.

All of our eyes turned towards the door and saw a short guy with large eyes, a tall emotionless kid, a hyperactive kid, a mood maker, a calm guy, a and a tanned kid walk in. Behind them was Xiumin, Luhan, Chen, Tao and Kara.

    “Annyong!” Kara smiled brightly at Kacie whose eyes widened at the sight of them.  Her eyes narrowed down at the tanned kid and his eyes widened in fear.

    “Yah... Kacie, let’s be rash. You don’t want to beat me up with all of them watching do you? You would have injured the precious Kai of EXO!” The tanned kid tried to defend himself but Kacie just walked towards him with a glare.

She was the Wolf, and he was her pray.

He was as dead as he could be.

    “I’m so going to murder you. You know Jongin?” Kacie said through gritted teeth. Kai just smiled innocently and ruffled up her hair.

    “Come on, you’re not going to murder your Oppa you love, oh so much.” Kai smiled and he put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a serious look. “I’m sorry I lied. Fans were around me.” He pouted looking at her with such sincerity. “I blatantly lied so I could come here.”  

    “Aish, seriously? Jongin. They’re going to find out sooner or later. Why not just tell them?” Kacie pouted.

    “Tell them what?” Tao whispered to me. I just shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea what was going on. Judging by the look on the rest of my friends faces, they hadn’t a clue. Except Luhan. Luhan was just playing around with Sehun. Pretty casually I must add for a fact.

Which was weird, when did Luhan and Sehun become so close?

I mean, we knew who EXO was, Suho was my long time friend, and Tao’s. Suho was like Tao’s mother, honestly speaking. Whenever Suho, Tao, and I used to hangout, I would be the father, Suho would be the mother and Tao was our kid.

So that’s how we got to know EXO since we would hangout on occasion, but Luhan and Sehun, that was a different story.

    “No. I’m going to protect you, no matter what.” Kai smiled and gave Kacie a small peck on forehead. I see Lay looking shocked and I was shocked too.

    “Yah! Jongin. Cut out the love. It’s too disgusting.” Chanyeol joked which caused all the EXO members to laugh and Kai just rolled his eyes.

Was Kacie really dating Kai of EXO?!

“Shut up Chanyeol.” Kai said and protectively brought Kaice closer. Kacie just giggled politely as she slipped away from Kai and towards Luhan.

    “Come on Jongin, they’re right. We should limit it.” She said and Luhan pulled her closer placing his arm around her waist.

    “Seriously, Jongin. Control yourself.” Luhan smirked. Kai shot him a sharp glare with a bit of a snarl before he pulled Kacie back into his embrace, wrapping his arms around Kacie’s waist. Kacie looked up at Kai, chuckled and rolled her eyes.

What did Luhan know that I didn’t! The question ran through my mind.

    “YAH! ARE YOU AND JONGIN IN A RELATIONSHIP!?” Kara finally exclaimed. releasing all our thoughts.

Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Sehun, Luhan, and Kai pause as they just stare at Kacie. All of of them with no emotion on their faces.

I look at Kacie but she is was completely emotionless.

After a grueling minute of complete silence Chanyeol is the first to start laughing. He is literally rolling around on the floor laughing.

Kara is growing angrier by the minute due to the lack of reply. I mean who wouldn’t. Was Kacie really keeping something from us?

    “Why would I be dating my own brother?” Kacie ask with a blank expression.

We all fall silent.





















cliff hanger. have fun (:

its insanely windy where I live. Suggle weather ~~
I like it ~! 70 degrees fahrenheit is lovely <3 

also, 12 lines of "..." because, 12 memebers in EXO! i'm such a geniusssss. 

Kay, by lovelies~! i'll update soon... kekeke... kekeke... 
~ Jamie (: 


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Chapter 1: Yey! Nice start :3
PattyPatata #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^