Chapter 4

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend *Dropped*



I was fuming. I couldn’t stand being in the same room as his best friend. Why? Why did I feel it only now? Why did I only realize that I was in love with my best friend now?!

Tao who saw his hyung storm out of the room looked at Kara and went after to chase Kris who was pacing back and forth outside the hotel on the balcony.

“Hyung... Are you okay?” Tao asked. I looked over at Tao’s concerned face and let out a deep sigh.

“Yeah. I’m fine. I needed some fresh air.” I said as my arms leaned against the balcony taking a deep breath in then out. I stared out at the scenery the view gave us from being at a hotel.

“Oh, hyung, are you coming to the after party?” Tao asked as he stood next to Kris looking over the view from the balcony. Seoul sure was beautiful at night.

“Yeah... I think. It depends on-” I was about to say but Tao just cut me off.

“It’s up to you if you want to come. if Mina doesn’t want to come, she doesn’t have to. But you do hyung. We’ve been talking about it since forever!” Tao brought out his aegyo king in himself.

“Fine. I’ll go.” I said being a er for his Panda maknae aegyo. I honestly hate it when he uses it on me, but I never want to disappoint Tao. He’s too important to my heart.

“Yay! It’ll be fun, trust me.” Tao brightly smiled and turned around to see the rest of our group of friends standing looking at us. I saw Kara and Kacie behind them gossiping about girls stuff like always.

“Hyung, you okay?” Chen asked looking at me and I nodded. I saw Kacie look up at me with concerned eyes.

My heart softened.

She always cared for me.

Why couldn’t I notice it earlier?

“Yeah... I am...” I said looking at all of them then my eyes falling on Kacie. She was always so beautiful in my eyes. It’s just, I thought it was a sister love. Until I lost her. To a unicorn.

“Hyung’s coming to the after party!” Tao smiled brightly and all of them cheered.

“Woohoo! You better not get drunk!!” Chen said wrapping his arm around Kris.

“Yeah, says the one who has the whole stash.” I joked and Chen rolled his eyes. Chen always had a secret stash of alcohol in his room. His parents didn’t really notice because his older, legal friends would always give it to him.

“Well we’re not going Chen’s house. We’re going to Kacie’s house.” Luhan said and my eyes widened.

“In my defense, it’s my sister’s house. She said we could use it.” Kacie said. I could just stare at her lips. They were nice and pink. I just wanted to kiss her, and never let go.

“Oh, I see...” I responded unfocused on the conversation. After a couple minutes I heard the whole conversation come to a halt and Mina was now in my vision.

“Oppa, how come you’re out here?” She pouted holding onto my arm. She turned around and smiled at the others. “Hello!” She said sweetly and turned back towards me. “Come’on oppa, let’s go inside.” She said and I cleared my throat.

“Oh, um Mina, do you want to go to the after party that they’re hosting?” I asked and she looked at me in shock.

“Why would I want to? We’re going to the other one. The one that... has stuff they probably don’t carry.” Mina whispered the last part to me. I looked at Tao whose face looked crushed.

“Oh, but they’re my friends Mina...” I tried reasoning but she cut me off.

“You can make new friends at the other one. You’re super sociable. I’m sure you can meet new friends.” Mina smiled and looked at my friends. “Sorry dears for getting your hopes up, but he’s coming to another.”

“Well that’s fine. I hope you have fun at the other one.” Lay said wrapping his arm around Kacie which caused her to blush.

My blood boiled to over 300 degrees fahrenheit. I couldn’t stand the way Lay wrapped his arms around Kacie like a couple.

“Mina, well you can go to the other one. I’m going to my friend’s one.” I said and she pouted.

“Oppaaaaaa~” she whined grabbing onto my arm looking up at me with sad puppy dog eyes.

They weren’t as cute as Kacie’s.

“Kris, if she wants to go to the other one, you should just accompany her.” Kacie said innocently.

Why was she pushing me away?

Oh. That’s right...

I pushed her away in the first place.

“See! Cammy is fine with it! Let’s go to the other one.” Mina smiled brightly but Lay stopped her.

“It’s Kacie not Cammy, Mina. Please get it right.” Lay politely smiled.

“OH! My bad! So sorry Kacie!” Mina apologized and looked at Kris. “So is it okay?” Mina asked tilting her head.

“Um...” I stuttered looking at my friends.

“No. He’s our friend first. We asked him first.” Tao said grabbing onto my other arm.  “Right Gege?”

“Yeah, sorry Mina. Maybe next time.” I smiled politely and Mina let out a sigh.

“Fine. But can you at least take me to the party first?” Mina and asked and I nodded.

“Of course.” I said and she brightened up. “Let’s go back inside. I think we’re wrapping stuff up for prom.” She said and dragged me inside.



After Lay gave me a peck on the lips I was in a daze.





Someone shoot me.

“Lay hyung, let’s go outside. Something seems to be bothering Kris. He just stormed out.” Xiumin said and Lay nodded.

“Kacie, we should go outside, what do you think?” Lay asked I nodded still in a daze. Kara met up with me and punched my arm.

“YA! Did he really kiss you?!” Kara whispered and I slowly nodded. “OMO! I’M SO HAPPY!” Kara hugged me tightly in a side hug. “So how was it??” she asked. I told her about it as we exited the doors and then we came to see a flustered Kris. Why was he flustered? I have no clue. We started talking a bunch and Tao somehow made Kris’s mind set on coming to our after party instead of the one Mina wanted to attend. I thought Mina really wanted Kris to attend, due to the fact Mina kept sending me death glares. It was pretty scary if you ask me. Anyways, Kris decided to attend ours and just drive Mina to the other after party. Everyone decided to head inside except I held Tao back.

“Tao, why?” I asked once Tao and I were the last people outside. “Why did you want him to come? He seemed like he wanted to go with Mina.”

Or more like Mina wanted Kris to go with her. The tiny voice inside my head said. I wish it would shove a pie down its throat sometimes. The thoughts that come out, are quite harsh.

“Because he promised me. No one can resist my face.” Tao said proudly. That panda is so proud of his aegyo. It’s weird.

“Well, I hope he’s fine with. It seemed like Mina really wanted him to go to the other party.” I said.

Damn. Those words just stabbed my own heart.

“Oh, well Mina should not matter. Kris is our friend first. We have always been there for him. So it makes sense right?” Tao said and I shrugged at it. What Tao said did prove a point. “Plus, he promised me when we first  both decided to go to prom. He would come, saying it’s the best part.” Tao said brightly as he walked back inside the doors.

I watched the doors close behind Tao as I let out a huge sigh. It was exhausting. I was glad I brought Lay as my date, but seeing Kris with Mina broke my heart. I walked over to the rail that looked over a good portion of Seoul. It was nice and calming the feeling.

“Hey Kacie.” I felt two large arms snake around my waist. A chin rested on my shoulder and I already knew who it was without putting much thought into it.

“Hey Kris.” I slowly said and the arms wrapped around tighter. He brought me closer in the back hug we were having and then he pulled away, only to have me turn around to face him.

“Want to have a dance with me?” Kris asked looking me in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes I fell in love with and those brows, that make him look angry yet relaxed and happy at the same time.

“Sure.” I shrugged like it was nothing.

Nothing my . It was awkward to spit those words out. But Kris was my best friend. I wasn’t going to reject my best friend. I mean, he probably just ditched his date for me.

“Yay!” He happily said taking my hand and walking into the room. He had one destination and that was the dance floor. It was hard to find a spot with our  friends so we went to another place quite far from them.

“OKAY GUYS LAST SONG!” The DJ said and the crowd somewhat booed. It was expected though. Who would want prom to end?! “So, I decided to end this wonderful night with an awesome song! Anyone an EXO fan?!” The DJ asked and then the crowd roared with cheers as fangirls let out their squeals. “That’s totally awesome! Last song for tonight, TWO MOONS! Hope you enjoy it!” The DJ concluded and the crowd roared with cheers. I just giggled. I loved Two Moons by EXO. It was one of my favorite songs on their debut album.

“Two Moons?” Kris asked and raised an eyebrow at me. The look that asked me if I was going to dance along to that trailer they did to lead up to EXO’s debut.

Hell, no.

Hell no would have been my answer until a bunch of people started shouting my name along with Lay’s to dance the beginning.

The whole school, or our whole class so to speak knew that we were the best dancers, and the only ones that could master the dance Kai had performed.

I looked over at Lay who looked a bit flustered but he looked ready to dance. I exhaled a breath, inhaling and exhaling.

I was in dance mood, Kai version.

(I felt it was right to use as background music <3 don't forget to comeback if you get distracted ;] ) 

Lay and I danced the song in a partner style version of the dance for Kai. Our dance ended and everyone was applauding and I saw Kris looking at me. His expression, was the first time I couldn’t read it. He looked proud, but he looked sad at the same time. I had eye contact with him and he shot me a thumbs up.

Those eyes.

Told me a different stories.

I bowed along with Lay and I quickly walked over to Kris.

“Mr. Giraffe! How was it?!” I happily asked and he nodded in approval ruffling up my hair a bit, but not quite as much to ruin it. Although, most of it was ruined due to the long night. I was too busy rolling like a buffalo to care if my hair was a bit messy. But, hey it’s prom. Nice hair doesn’t last forever especially when you’re dancing!

“It was great. Good job.” Kris said and then Mina had to appear and hug his arm, at that moment when Kris was about to give me a hug.

“Oppa! There you are! We should pack up and leave.” Mina said tugging at his arm. Her attention then went to me and stared at me with hard eyes.

“That was a good performance I suppose. I didn’t really watch it. Do you dance professionally?” Mina asked and I shrugged.

“Been asked, never have.” I said like it was no big problem. The length of widening looked like she just witnessed me murder 700 kittens and puppies without even caring.

“WHY NOT! You need to get your talent out there you know! You would do wonders instead of being in school like this where talent is just wasted.” Mina said still in disbelief that I did not accept any offers.

Bro, you just made my life more difficult if I have to tell you the right reason why I cannot audition.

“Nah. Also, Idol life isn’t my type of scene. I’m a background type, don’t you think?” I asked and Mina shrugged.

“Guess so. Whatever. Your choice.” She said and then directed her attention back to Kris. “Com’on. Let’s get ready to leave.” She said and pulled Kris along.

“See you at the party Kacie.” He said and waved goodbye as he walked off.

I gathered all my things and left with Lay, Tao, and Kara. We all had rented a limo together so we used that to go home, as we as we arrived in it. They reached my sisters empty studio and we entered.

It was lined with booze.

That’s how you have an after party.



I’m joking.


Everyone started to trickle in except for Kris. Then I realized I never texted him the address, so I did.

No reply.

I texted him again to see if my message did not go through. I know some phones do that sometimes.

No reply.

I decided to call him. He said he was going to be there. He never fell through plans he confirms with me. What was holding him up?

Straight to voicemail.

I sat down on the couch next to Lay in a slouched position staring at my phone.

“Kacie, I don’t think Kris is coming.” Chen said seeing how I was staring at my phone weirdly.

“No, Kris is going to answer. He confirmed it with me. I’ve been his best friend since forever. He never failed to tell me if plans were going to change.” I said trusting my best friend.

Too bad that at prom was the last time I would see till school on Monday.






anyways, hope you enjoy this EXO related fanfic update. :) 
it was in a long process of writing. 

Prom, don't judge. 

this Prom was an American style. Booze, is quite common in after parties. the ones I had were safe due to parents watching. but still a common one has booze :) 


Picture credit, goes to the person on tumblr who posted it! :) I thought the Seoul night view would be a good main image  for this chapter :)

Oh! I have a new fanfic!
It's called Scent of Wine and Cheese !
It's a very creative title, don't you think? :D 

read it! :)
kay, bye bye and happy birthday Chanyeol! 
~ Jamie <3



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Chapter 1: Yey! Nice start :3
PattyPatata #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^