Chapter 3

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend *Dropped*



Spring time came and prom was much into bloom.Today was our Junior Prom day and I picked up Mina after dressing myself in a nice black sleek tuxedo. Mina wore a red long one shoulder dress and I matched my vest with her dress.


(a/n: since this is Kris’s POV he’s not going into full details of her dress since that’s not something he would describe and much less take notice of cause honestly, I would be surprised if guys took note on the small details of dress of a girl besides the fact if she looks hot or not lol.)

"Kris, you look handsome." Mina said as she held onto my arm.

"So do you." I said with one of my smiles. She actually did look pretty. I know she dresses up a lot for school, but today Mina looked nice.

We arrived at the hotel wher the prom was and it was decorated nicely for the theme, 'A Night In Paris.' Everything had that romantic feel of Paris.

"Woah, is that Kacie?" Mina muttered and I looked where she was looking and I was shocked. Kacie looked like a Disney princess. More specifically Aurora from sleeping beauty with her pink ball gown.

"She's like a princess..." Mina said with a chuckle. "Omo! Is that Lay! He is her date! They match well. Are they dating?" She asked oozing with curiosity.

"No. They don’t." I quickly answered and saw Kacie look my way.  But before I could wave hi she looked away and Lay started talking to her along with Kara. She looked a bit flustered by whatever Kara was saying. It was just her habit to be like that. She then says something and I see Lay whispering to her. I suddenly felt jealous of my best friend. Why did he have to ask her?! Why did I reject her?!


Then it hit me.


I was in love with her.

I was in love with my best friend.

The girl I turned down.




"Lay..." You said grabbing onto his arm tighter.

"Its okay, I'm here. If you can't stand it, we'll leave arraso?" He said and you nodded slowly.

"I'm nervous Chips..." You said as we were about to enter. Chips was your nickname for Lay. It’s really simple the nickname and where it came from.

(sorry. i just had too...)

"I'm here with you." He said and smiled at you. You felt a bit more confident so you nodded and your head and walked inside through the doors.

"Omo!  Kacie you're like a princess! I have to make you dress girlier more often!" Kara said as she came up to you.  

"No way. I like the way I dress thank you very much." You said and Kara rolled rolled her eyes.

"No. I'm going to make you dress more like a girl." Kara said firm on her plan. She was always serious when she made a plan or a mission. It will get done, no matter what.

"But Kara, I like wearing simple stuff. Shirts and shorts are my thing. Not dresses." You complain to your friend but she just tunes you out.

"I'm going to transform you by Senior year." Her mind set on her devious plan to change my whole look.

"Kris went with Mina? Un-freaking-believable. She's such a ." Kara said glaring at a couple. You look up and see Kris and Mina together. You wanted to throw up from your insides out. He rejected you for that?! I mean I guess she was a Queenka but she was a !

"Do you want to go outside?" Lay whispers to you and you shake your head.

"No. I'm going to get over him from this point on." You said with such resolve in your voice.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you every step of the way!” Kara beamed with a smile.

“Well, I hope you have a strong resolve because he’s coming here now.” Tao said and pointed to the couple who decided to walk over.

“Hey! Kacie! You and Lay are so adorable together! Are you two dating?” Mina asked with a bright smile.

“Of course they are! They’re such a cute couple!” Kara bursted out and both Lay and your eyes widened in shock.

“Oh yeah, my girlfriend is super pretty, don’t you think?” Lay asked wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him. Your cheeks turn up in response and Kris just snorts at the act.

“Gross. I never thought you two would end up together.” Kris scoffed looking at us like we were some type of disease.

“Well I always knew they would end up together. They’re like a match made in heaven!” Mina gushed. “I’m happy for you two.” She said and Lay smiled at her politely.

“Thanks for your wishes. Now lets go sweetie, I’m thirsty.” Lay said taking your hand and giving you that smile with his dimple.

“Oh..of course... see you...” You stuttered and walked off with Lay..


From: The bestest person in the world.

MSG: you’re welcome ;D


From: secret wifey ;)

MSG: i’m going to kill you later


From: The bestest person in the world

MSG: at least, you can be happier ;D


You looked at your phone with a sigh. You knew Kara was right, being with Lay would make you feel happier. He always makes you smile and laugh, and he’s the best comforting unicorn in the world.

You just didn’t want to use him for that purpose.

The night seemed like it dragged on especially the boring arrival part of it. It was fun for you talking with your friends like Lay, Kara, Tao, Chen, Xiumin, and Luhan; but it just wasn’t the same. Not without Kris. Kris was just too busy having his arm around Mina the whole freaking time. You and Lay took your couple prom pictures, which was fun. You had your formal pose with his arms wrapped around your waist and your hand on top his. Then you also did your casual pose. Which in your mind was fun but a bit scary. Lay swept you off your feet like a princess and you both posed like that with the evident blush on your cheeks.  Dinner came and boy was the food delicious! It wasn’t your small cut fancy food, no it was your hard core steak with all its juicy meatiness. It also had a killer salad bar!

The dance part of Prom came up and you and Kara just danced the night away along with the rest of the boys, well for the first couple of songs.

“Dude! Let’s take pictures at the photo booth!” Kara happily said dragging you along to the booth. Thankfully there wasn’t any line so you two could take pictures fast. The first pose you did the ‘hand under the chin’ pose. The second picture you and Kara did a heart. The third one you decided to be a romantic and give her a peck and she had the surprised look. Finally you two ended with the classic peace (victory) pose. Seeing the picture caused both of you to giggle.

“Omo! Aren’t we the cutest in this picture!” Kara said with a bright smile. “This is so going to be my new cover photo for facebook!” She said with a giggle seeing the pictures.

“Yo there you guys are!” Chen said and looked at the photobooth. He looked at Tao, Xiumin, Luhan and Lay who were trailing behind them.

Tao gave off the hugest grin.

“Let’s get Hyung!” Tao said and ran off and thirty seconds later he came back with a protesting Kris.
“Let’s go!” Xiumin cheered as they shoved the giant and all squeezed into the booth. The pictures came out and you and Kara started laughing. They were such dorks doing the weirdest poses!

Well, actually you wouldn’t call it poses.

The first picture, Kris had his normally stoic face on, Luhan had his bright smile that made his eyes disappear, Chen, Xiumin and Tao all had bright smiles with peace signs and Lay had his small smile that made his dimple appear.

The second picture was of a surprised Kris because Tao jumped onto his back. Chen was on Xiumin’s back as they were laughing at Kris, while Lay and Luhan had their arms wrapped around each other smiling brightly.

The third picture was of Chen slinging his arm around Kris who was carrying Tao in his arms, Xiumin was just laughing his head off pointing at Kris. Luhan had his eyes wide opened and Lay was attempting to keep his eyes open as wide as Luhans.

The last final picture, they all a serious pose with them all lined up doing the fighting sign.


They came out of the booth and Kris let out a huge sigh.
“I don’t get how you enjoy those things...” Kris said as Tao and Chen looked at him with a devious smile.

“We should go again hyung, don’t you think?” Chen raised his eyebrow and Kris eyes widened in horror.
“No that was great!” Kris said and you were just laughing at Tao and Chen picking on Kris when you were suddenly pulled away.

“Let’s take our pictures.” Lay smile at you. You just nodded and followed Lay into the photo booth. The first one you you did was the ‘peace (victory)’ pose. Secondly you did the ‘hey’ pose with Lay. Thirdly you two made a heart with your hands. Lastly he gave you a peck on the cheek and your eyes were widened in surprise as your face was tinted pink.

He just smiled at you and walked out of the photo booth looking at the pictures.
“I Like it, what do you think?” He asked showing you the pictures. You couldn't help but blush at the picture. He just chuckled and patted your head gently.

"Come on you love birds! Let's dance!" Kara dragged both of you on the dance floor. Or it was more Kara dragged you while Tao dragged Lay. Just their luck, as soon as you and Lay hit the dance floor, a slow ballad song came on.  
“You two have to dance! It’s mandatory!” Kara said and pushed you two together making both of you blush in response. Lay smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck. You two slowly swayed to the beat of the song as you softly hummed the called SKY by K.R.Y of Super Junior.

“You know Kacie?” Lay whispered to you as you danced. You looked up at him and saw him looking at you.

“Yeah?” You asked as you felt your cheeks heat up.

“Do you feel evil death glares? I do that’s why...” Lay said and looked over to the other side of the room. You look up and saw Kris with Mina dancing.

“Well, why would he be sending death glares?” You questioned. Lay let out a  soft hum and leaned his forehead against yours.

“It’s suspicious don’t you think?” Lay asked as his eyes looked directly at yours. You felt your face getting red due to the closeness. You were a couple millimeters away from his lips.

“Yeah... it is...” You slowly said as you became aware of everything around you. The way his breath feels on you, your irregular breathing. The way his eyes would open and close gently.

He leaned in gave you a peck on the lips.

Kris stormed out of the room and Lay looked at him satisfied with himself. You of course didn’t see any of it because Lay had just kissed you.



oh my gawd.

an update from me!

i'm just dying from laziness writers block, and college. 

i'm seriously dying... ugh. 

I hate college.

I wish I could go back to high school.

cram for everything, and manage to pass with a decent grade, or an A if it was Japanese.



never take Japanese classes at a college *cough*Like UH*cough*


MB is also killing me. 

well I hope you enjoyed my update. 

since the story starts now \(^O^)/


(Picture credit: from some blog on tumblr.) 


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Chapter 1: Yey! Nice start :3
PattyPatata #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^