Chapter 13 : Planning



🎵Myungsoo's P.O.V.
(Setting : school's rooftop)
Hmmm.. I bit my lip. Lyrics..lyrics.. Babe it's tonight.. Cause true love we found... Then what? I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I see you're composing again." Sungjae said taking a seat in front of me. I smiled weakly at him. "Euu.." He looked at me curiously. "So... Who's it for?" "Like you don't know.." "Raemi? Wow. You've really fallen for her." He looked at me incredulously. "I was... Thinking of confessing to her with this song but... I really can't think of anything. I already got the chords...just the lyrics. Damn lyrics. Why can't they just pop out of my mind?" I said looking up from my work. "Easy man. Just think of her and your feelings. But umm.. When are you planning to confess?" He asked. "I don't know.. As soon as I finish this?" I said. "How about you finish that quickly and do it during camp?" "Camp?" "Yea. You know.. This november?" "Oh, right. I forgot about that." I was too focused on this song that I forgot about it.
"That's a pretty good idea.. But.. Will she like it?" I didn't want my efforts to go to waste. "Of course! All girls are the same. Give them red roses, chocolates and stuffed toys and their yours." He said proudly, leaning back on his chair. "She's not like that.. She.. She likes white roses and umm.. Not really into that chocolate and stuffed toys things." I said. "Really? Okay. First time I encountered such a girl." He said tilting his head. "But uumm... She'll really like your song. Anyway.. Do it at night. Under the moonlight. Have a bonfire or something. She'll like it. So... Do your best, bro." He said patting my shoulder. I smiled and went back to making my song. 
Ooo... This looks like a good verse. "Ya, Sungjae. What do you think about this?" I told him. I felt the chords and started to play. 
"What I've been trying to say
Please be close to my heart
Look into my eyes
See the love that I hide"
"Daebak... Daebak..." He said clapping his hands. "Really?" I asked. "Yea. But umm.. Do you mind if I ask you a question?" I looked at him and said, "Yea sure. I need a break from thinking about these lyrics." "Why Raemi? Why not Mi Sol or Eunhae or someone else?" I was caught off guard with that question but I knew what to answer. "Because... Raemi, she's smart...beautiful..." I started but Sungjae said, "yup.. She's pretty now." After that I said, "whenever she doodles with her brows creased, she's comfortable to be with, she's entertaining to watch. Eventhough she's quiet, I know that she has a good heart... She's cute that way." While I was saying those words, I remembered every moment together. The day at the park, how our fingers touched when I taught her how to play the guitar, her beautiful voice, her smile.... Everything.
"You've fallen hard, friend." He said. I smiled to myself and said, "I think I really did fall hard for her."


🎵 Raemi's P.O.V
I looked my watch. Oh? Where's Myungsoo oppa and Sungjae? Class is about to start. They've never been late for anything. Should I go find them? I was thinking of getting up from my seat but just then they walked in the room. Myungsoo oppa with his guitar and sungjae holding the sheet. I sighed. They probably worked on the song... I worried for nothing. I faced front. What was this depressing feeling? I thought nothing would change but it turns out tha something has changed. Myungsoo oppa... He like someone else. Should I follow what Eunhae said? Am I really willing to get hurt? Maybe I should keep my distance from him. My heart aches just thinking about it but then.. It would hurt more once he confesses to the one he likes.. 


🎵Myungsoo's P.O.V.
Is Raemi mad at me? She's not usually like this. She would always talk to me and I don't know.. Just be herself. But it feels like another person seats beside me. It's been like this for days. I never get to let her ride on my bike anymore since she prefers to walk... It feels like were strangers all over again. What happened? Did I do something wrong? Or maybe she likes someone else. Maybe I should talk to Eunhae. 
She was sitting alone in her seat so I took the chance and sat beside her. "Oh, myungsoo." She said looking up. "Eunhae a.. I'd like to talk to you." I said. "Is it important? Cause if it's not, some other time? I'm really tired today." She said stretching. "It's about Raemi." She straigtened up. Well that got her attention. "What about her?" She said firmly. "Does... Does she like someone?" I asked straightforwardly. "Why is it so important to you? Do you like her? I though you liked someone else." She said with a y tone. "Me? Where did you hear that?" I said, shocked. "Where else? From Raemi. She told me you were confessing to someone with the song you're making." She snapped back. "Wait a minute.. She thinks that I like someone else? Does... She like me?" I asked curiously. "I didn't say anything about her liking you." She suddenly said.
It looks like she likes me with the way Eunhae's talking. Is that why she treats me differently now? She's keeping a distance 'cause she might get hurt? "Eunhae.. It's her I like. She's the recipient of my song." I blurted out. "WHAAAATTT?!?! So I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG?!?!?" She whispered but shouted... Somewhere in between. "But then.. She thinks that you like someone else?!? That's why she's acting this way. But it turns out that the feelings are mutual?" She continued. "Yea.. But with this... How can I sing her the song?" I said. She thought to herself. "Don't worry.." She said looking at me. "I'll do everything to help you. But I won't tell her that you like her. I'll leave that to you." "Thanks..." I said. 
"Is the song finished?" She asked. "Yea. It's almost done. Just in time for the camp this weekend." I answered. "So you're planning to do it during camp? That's really sweet." She said. "Yea. Sungjae suggested it." I said. "He did? Huh! How come he never does those things for me." She complained. "But anyway... Goodluck Myungsoo. I'm really happy for you guys." I looked at her. "Thanks again, eunhae." I got up and headed for my seat all the while thinking on how to sing for Raemi. 
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LuvNobles #1
sorry misspelled 'myungsoo' hehe
LuvNobles #2
sorry misspelled 'myungsoo' hehe
LuvNobles #3
plz update!!...oh u should put 'myunsoo' on ur tag that way more people will notice this story...anywayz pl plz do update soon!!
Can't update "Before Destiny" cause of my Math exam... :( but as soon as it is done... I'm gonna work on it. Anyway.. Thanks for taking time to read my work. Feel free to comment anything. ^^ 안녕!!
Chapter 13: Sorry my update took days. I was at camp so I had no internet connection and was busy with the activities. Hope you guys like my update. Feel free to comment!! ^^ btw, i'm so excited for OGS in Manila. Who's going?
Chapter 5: Sorry guys! It's just a short chapter. I'll make the next one longer all right? My week's been pretty busy with all the exams and papers I need to submit. Anyway... feel free to comment your opinions, suggestions, your reactions about the characters' actions or whatnot! I enjoy reading those. THANK YOU! ^^
Hi guys! Sorry I can't update today because of my long test for Math 17 on friday. But i'll do my best to update tomorrow during my break. Thanks for reading this! Please comment your reactions and suggestions too! I might just add what you say.. Also, i really enjoy reading comments. See ya guys! ^^
14_YbBoNeR #8
Chapter 3: Mi Sol and her gangs are a bunch of es :3
Beauty and brain are useless if you have an ATTITUDE -____-
14_YbBoNeR #9
Thanks for the update :)