and love.

Taemin and the Frog Prince

Taemin was laughing away when Jonghyun walked into the room, his arm securely around Key's waist. "About time." The frog teased, when he caught site of the happy couple, both grinning like fools. "See Taemin, didn't I tell you that they were going to make a cute couple? Huh? Seriously, look at you two. You were made for each other. It was the music, wasn't it? I told you Taemin, they just needed a little bit of help and the slow music did the trick."

"You're right. I didn't even see it until you pointed it out to me but now that they're together, it seams like they were always meant to be. Thinking back, they were always on the edge of being together, they just needed that push. You guys do make such a cute couple." Taemin said, getting up and giving the two a big hug. "Congratulations, umma." He said, placing a kiss on Key's cheek. "And I guess that this now makes you my appa, Jong." the young prince said, placing a kiss on his other friend cheek.

Key shook his head. "Not so fast, Tae." He said at the same time that Jong said yes. The new couple looked at each other. "We've only just gotten together, isn't it a bit soon for you to be taking my son as my own?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"It's going to happen eventually, my love, why delay the inevitable." Jong asked, squeezing Key's side. "I love you. I love everything about you and I'm not going anywhere. Ever.and I'm not letting you go either." Jonghyun said, leaning in and stealing a chaste kiss, earning himself a playful hit from his new lover for kissing Key in front of 'the kids'. Jonghyun just smiled and stole another as Taemin argued that he was not a kid and hadn't been for a long time.

Key shrugged and sighed and lay his head on Jong's shoulder. "I suppose you're right. Both of you. Tsemin, I know it's unexpected for all of us except, it seams, for our friend the frog but I do truly love this man." Key said, placing a hand on Jonghyun's chest. "I am so happy that despite the suddenness of it all, you have already excepted both our relationship and Jonghyun as your appa. You have grown into a man that I am extremely proud of and I just hope that one day you can find a love like this."

"Group hug!" Jonghyun declared, pulling the other two in for another hug. Laughing, the three hugged each other close, all of them thinking how blessed they were. The little frog was feeling a little left out until Taemin reached back and grabbed him, pulling him into the hug. The hug may of squished the little frog but at that moment he felt so loved that he really didn't care about the fact that his eyes were bulging out or the fact that he was almost flattened between the bodies of his three friends.

That night everyone had a good time at dinner. Everyone laughed and joked, sung and told stories, and ate and drank late into the night. When the prince and the frog finally made their way to bed, Taemin lay his head down on the same pillow as the frog and wished it a good night and pleasent dreams before drifting off to sleep, exhausted by a day filled with fun and adventure.

Taemin stirred in his sleep. There were arms around him and a bare chest against his back. Shifting carefully so as not to wake the sleeper, Taemin turned to find that the covers had fallen off and he was lying in the arms of a very handsome, very man. He did not know this man personally and could not say from when or where he had come but Taemin recognized him as the missing prince Jong had come to find.

Deciding that he must be having a really good dream, Taemin lay back down, allowing himself to relax against Minho's muscular torso, be surrounded by his masculine scent and be to soak up the glorious heat from the other's body. This may just be a dream but Taemin was inlove with this moment and wished it could last forever.

In the morning, Taemin was alone in bed. There was no Minho and no frog. The window was oppen and the covers were not on the floor as they had been in his dream but instead they were wrapped around Taemin's body as if someone had carefully tucked him in. Figuring the frog had simply gone for the day, Taemin went downstairs and had breakfast and the rest of the day continued as normal, well almost normal

During language lessons, when Jonghyun started flirting with Key instead of telling him to shuKey would flirt back. When Jonghyun once again won the sparing match, Key went straight for his lips and the kiss they shared was so heated that Taemin asked if they wanted some privicy. Jonghyun said yes and a blushing Key reprimanded him with a playful punch. Dinner came and went and still no sign of the frog.

As Taemin climbed the stairs he kept anticipating the knock at the door but it never came. Days passed, then weeks and Taemin missed that ugly, slimy, gross frog more and more and he realized that he truly loved that little frog and although he had fun with Jonghyun and Key,it just wasn't the same without the little guy.

Once night,about a month after the frog disappeared, there was a knock at the door as they were settling down for dinner. "Please be him! Please be him!" Taemin chanted as he sprinted to the door but when he opened it, it was not a little green frog on his door step but a pair of shiny black shoes that belonged to a messenger who had come to summon Jonghyun back to his country.

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*