There lived a handsome prince

Taemin and the Frog Prince

"Well, would you like your ball back or not?" The frog asked and at that, Taemin lept to his feat and ran, screaming back to the palace. Once he got inside he slamed the door and locked it behind him. Key and Jonghyun came running in to see what the commotion was only to find the prince, shaking and slumped against the door.

Key ran to the prince's side, concern written all over his face as he dropped to his knees in front of his friend. "Minnie, sweetie, what's wrong?" He cooed, pulling Taemin into a hug. The shacking prince simply clung to his friend, still in to much shock to speak. "Jong, help me take him to his room. Let's get him to bed." Key said, struggling to his feet while Taemin still clung to him for dear life.

Key and Jonghyun carried the trembling prince up the stairs in silence. They tucked him in to bed and made to leave but Taemin would not loosen his death grip on Key's shirt. "F-frog." the young prince stuttered out, pulling his friend closer. "T-talking t-to me-e." Key's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of what was being said. "Key, the frog spoke to me!" Taemin yelled, shaking the other man franticaly.

"Hush Minnie, it's okay." Key said, trying in vain to loosen his young friends grasp. "It's okay Minnie. Just breath. Breath and relax, okay?" Taemin nodded as he slowly let go of Key's shirt and rested his back against the wall. "Okay now Minnie, I want you to explain to me exactly what has gotten you so worked up." Taemin nodded and a rush of words came out of his mouth only to be stopped by Key holding up his hand. "Let's try that again, slowly this time please Taemin."

And so, Taemin told the men present all that had happened down at the pond. "So you really believe that a frog spoke to you?" Jonghyun scoffed, earning himself a deadly look from Key. "I'm just asking." Jonghyun said with a shrug turning his gaze away from the deadly gaze and onto the frightened prince. "It may have been an illusion. You may have been day dreaming or nodded off for a while. Do you really think an ordinary frog spoke to you.?"

Taemin shook his head insistently. "It wasn't just an ordinary frog, Jong. It was the biggest, ugliest, fattest and most slimy looking frog I had ever seen and it spoke to me." he said with a pout, totally disarming poor Jong who was unaccustomed to the prince's curtness. "I didn't imagine it and I didn't dream it either. The big ugly frog spoke to me and it wanted to make a deal with me. Could you imagion? What if it wanted a kiss like in the fairy tails? Yuck." Taemin said, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

"If he did want a kiss like in the fairy tails then I suggest you get your out there and kiss that amphibian before I do." Key teased. "Because it would mean that the slimy frog is actually a handsome prince waiting for someone to break the spell and every one knows what happens to the lucky person who gets to do that." Key said, sticking his tongue out and winking.

Jonghyun, who had been leaning against the door frame took a step sideways so that he was blocking the door. "I still think you must be misstaken Tae." He says, his hands raised to show he meant no offence by the statment. "Maybe we should all get some sleep and see how sure you are of this talking frog in the morning?" He sudgested and Key had to agree. With hugs and kisses exchanged and murmured good nights, the young prince was left alone.

Left alone in the dark, Taemin tossed andturned for the rest of the night, trying to come to turms with having been aproched by a talkig frog wanting to make some kind of a deal. Eventually his mind started to drift from the frogand on to the missing prince. Jonghyun had said that Minho was his name. Taemin resolved to find out more about the handsome stranger when he saw Jong at breakfastand he fell asleep dreaming of tender kisses under the moonlight with Minho, his prince.

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*