Who made a deal with an ugly frog

Taemin and the Frog Prince

Taemin woke early the next morning with a start when his beautiful dream of kissing the handome prince turned into a horrible nightmare when the prince began to croak and then transformed into the frog from the night before. He had to get back to the pond, find out if there really was a talking frog and most importantly, Taemin had to get his precious ball back. 

When Taemin slipped quietly out of his room he found Key and Jonghyun curled up together against the wall. Jonghyun looked a little worse for wear but at the moment they both looked pretty peaceful, leaning against each other. Taemin could not believe it when he caught sight of their hands. He never took his good friend Key as the hand holding type yet here he was holding the hand of a stranger in his sleep. He had to cover his mouth to muffle the gahsp he let out in his shock.

Not wanting to wake them incase they decided to meddle in his plans, Taemin crept past his sleeping guardians and down the stairs. Once in the entrance hall, he walked to the door and pulled on his shoes and a cloak before running to the water's edge. "Frog? Oh frog are you there?" He called in the week light of the dawn but got no reply.

All was still and silent. The wind did not blow, the birds did not sing. The insects did not make a noise and the water was as smooth as a mirror. The silence was broken by the young prince's voice once again. "Please answer me frog, I want to get my ball back! I'm sorry Iran away yesterday and I won't do it again, it's just that you startled me, that's all!  I'll do what ever you want, I promise just please get me my ball back."

For a moment and then from right next to him came a croak causing Taemin to jump but this time he did not run as the frog eyed him. Those large eyes seamed to take all of him in as if trying to determine whether the prince could the trusted or not. Eventually the frog gave a single slow nod. "So you want your ball back?" Taemin nodded. "And you will do anything for it?" Another nod. 

"Alright, I will get your ball from the bottom of the pond but you must promise to love me, and let me live with you and eat off your plate, and sleep on your bed." The frog said, his big eyes seaming to pear into the very depths of Taemin's soul as he waited for the reply. Taemin thought the idea over. He cold tell the frog what the wanted to hear and then run off with the ball. The garden was so large and the pond was so far away that there was no  way the frog could hold him to the palace.

Taemin nodded. "Alright then frog, I promise to love you, and let you live with me and eat  from my plate, and sleep on my bed if you get me my ball back." he said all the while having no intention of honoring the deal he had made with the frog.

And so the frog dove down deep and found the crystal ball, it was very heavy for the frog but he still managed to push it up onto the bank. At once Taemin grabbed his ball and ran back to the palace, laughing all the way at how he tricked the stupid frog. By the time he got back, Taemin was met at the door by a grumpy looking Key and a Jonghyun who looked like he had been Key's punching bag.

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*