In a land far away

Taemin and the Frog Prince


A Few Day's Earlier

Jonghyun and Minho were walking around the castle grounds, Fooling around, laughing, joking and generally just having a good time catching up when they heard a rustle in the bushes. The two friends looked at each other, wondering what it could be that was disturbing the tranquil serenity  of the garden. Minho put a finger to his lips and slowly, quietly edged closer to the bush.

Peering through the foliage, Minho discovered a chicken scratching about at the roots. The chicken looked up and locked eyes with Minho, blinked slowly and went back to scratching around in the dirt. Once again Minho put his finger to his lips, waving Jonghyun over to see what he had found. The shorter man his lips and mouthed the word dinner but Minho shook his head, 

Minho pulled Jong's head closer. "This isn't any ordinary chicken." He whispered, pointing out the piece of ribbon around the chicken's neck. "That's Karu, she belong's to Onew. the chicken farmer. Karu is his favorite, she must have run off and gotten lost." He crept forward and gently lifted the chicken into his arms.

"Onew the chicken farmer? Oh, you mean the one also known as Jinki the witch?" Jonghyun asked, his jaw dropping open in surprise. "What should we do? If he finds out that his precious Karu has gone missing. he could put a curse on this entire kingdom." Jonghyun said, his eyes wide in terror. "What if he turns us all into chickens, and are us all in one dinner?"

Minho sides, shaking his head as he moved out from among the leaves. "Relax Jong, I'll just take Karu back to Onew and explain to him what happened. It will be fine Jong, don't worry." He said, giving Jonghyun a reassuring smile. "I don't know how long it will take me so you can go on home so long. See you Jong."

"and that's the last time I saw him." Jonghyun finished with a sigh. Taemin and Key sat across the table, they had listened to Jonghyun's story over dinner and now that he was done, the room fell silent except for the sound of knifes and forks scraping against plates as the three focused on their meal.

Taemin didn't eat much, he just sat and listened, still feeling pretty miserable about losing his precious crystal ball. Once everyone had finished his meal, he quietly excused himself, asking Key to take care of his guest before slipping out into the night.

The young prince sullenly made his way back to the murky pond and sat there gloomily staring into the depths that had swallowed his most prized possession. "I can get it back for you." came a voice from across the pond causing Taemin to stare into the darkness, trying to find the owner of such a lovely voice but could see no one.

"I can get that ball back for you but on one condition." The voice was closer now, it sounded like it was coming from about half way across the pond now and as Taemin stared he could just make out a pair of large round eyes but these eyes did not belong to a person. This pair of eyes belonged to a  dirty, slimy, ugly, gross frog. Yuck!

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*