
Taemin and the Frog Prince

Another day of learning and fun came to an end and the three friends settled down for dinner when there was a knock on the door and who should be waiting there but the frog. "Good evening gentlemen." he said as Key and Jonghyun let him in. "I trust I find you both well? How is the young prince?" The frog asked conversationally as they made their way to the dinning room.

This time, Taemin didn't complain, he merely sighed as he lifted the frog onto the plate. Once again they ate in silence until Taemin decided to try and satisfy his curiosity. "Where did you go this morning little frog? How did you spend your day?" These questions made the frog smile as he swallowed what he had in his mouth.

"Would you really like to know what I did today?" Taemin nodded and so did the others. "Alright, I will tell you my story but you must promise not to interrupt. No matter how many questions you have or outrageous my tale is you must not stop me. If you brake your promise and interrupt me at any time I will not continue, do you understand?" Everyone remained silent and nodded in agreement.

The frog shook his head. "I need your word that you will not speak, you will not leave, you will not do anything to interrupt until I say I am done. Promise me this and then you may have my tale, in it's full." The three friends exchanged looks, wondering what the frog could tell them and why he was taking it so seriously but they promised non the less and the frog began his story.

"I left early this mourning, flying on the wings of a swan to the top of a mountain not to far from here where a cave opens on to crystal clear lake. I went for a swim in that cool clear water and then sat on a rock to dry off and watch the sun rise. Just as the sun became visible on the horizon, a huge dragon flew out of the cave and took to the sky painting the morning in flames as the sun rose higher and higher.

"When the dragon finally ran out of puff he landed beside me. He told me his name was Kris and he'd lived in that cave for thousands of years, welcoming the sun and waiting for his true love. Kris told me that he was in love with a little panda that lived in a bamboo forest at the bottom of the cliff. Sadly, every time Kris tried to approach the little panda, the panda would see this big, scary dragon, get scared and run away.

"It must get pretty lonely when everyone is scared of you so I said I'd help Kris out and we spent the rest of the morning just talking and having fun and he invited me to lunch. Now, I don't know if you've ever had lunch with a dragon before but it's quite an experience. You have two choices when it comes to your food and that's completely raw or completely burnt. Anyway we had lunch and then he took me down the mountain and showed me the little panda that had unknowingly stolen his heart.

"When I first approached the panda, he tried to eat me, thinking I was just a piece of bamboo moving in the wind. I had to scream and shout and make a lot of noise to stop him from eating me and he didn't hear me until it was nearly to late, his sharp teeth moments away from piercing my delicate skin.

"Tao was super apologetic, Tao being the panda, and he wouldn't stop apologizing. So I said to him, Tao, it's all okay, just a big misunderstanding, things like this happen every day, I'm sure but he was still feeling guilty so I told him to make it up to me by telling me about himself and he said that sounded fine to him.

"So the panda told me his name was Zitao his family had been living in the bamboo forest for many generations and for as long as they could remember their peaceful forest had been terrorized by a large dragon and when he was little his mom and dad would tell him stores about bad little pandas that didn't do what they were told being eaten by the big bad dragon.

"Tao also told me that the dragon was visiting the bamboo forest more and more often and he was absolutely terrified that one day soon the dragon would swoop down and carry him away for dinner or something.Obviosly, I had to clear up this whole misunderstanding that had developed so I explained to Tao that Kris wasn't the big bad monster that he was made out to be and he's agreed to meet him tomorrow."

The frog took a sip of water smiled and nodded. "I caught a lift back with a bat and here I am. That is the end of my story and that is how I spent my day." The table remained quite as the three couldn't quite understand what to make of the frogs tale. Was it a joke? Did he really expect them to believe such an adventure really took place?

Eventually, the silence grows to uncomfortable and someone has to break it. "That sounds like quite an adventure." Key says, finishing up his meal. "We had quite a full day ourselves so I think we should all be heading off to sleep now." He said, standing.and everyone followed. Taemin grabbed a napkin and used it to pick up the frog not wanting to feel it's slimy grossness.

Once in his bedroom, Taemin placed the frog on his bed and Taemin talked about his day as he changed for bed. He talked about all the logical, normal things that he did, no dragons or talking pandas, nothing unusual at all yet as he slipped into bed and closed his eyes he couldn't help but to think of the fanciful whimsical tale and take flight on the wings of a swan as he soured into a dreamland of all things magical.

In the mourning, the window was open and the frog was gone. Days went by like this. Waking up to an empty bed, going down to breakfast and having a day of fun, Key would lose another bet and end up kissing Jonghyun and Jonghyun would flirt in language class. They'd settle down for dinner and the frog would arrive with another unbelievable story.

Weeks went by and slowly, the frog became a friend. He would come earlier and stayed later until one day the frog was there in the mourning when Taemin awoke for breakfast. "I was thinking of spending the day with you if that's okay?" The frog asked over breakfast. Everyone agreed that it would be fine for the frog to spend the day with them.

As the day progressed, the frog showed surprising knowledge of different cultures and languages and Key finally won the deal. "So you finally won." Jonghyun said, patting Key on the back. "So now I'll go sit quietly under that tree while you finish your lessons for the day."

"No." Key said, shaking his head. "I've got a much better idea. Ball season is coming up and I believe Taemin could do with a refresher course in dancing." This comment got a huge groan out of the young prince who started looking miserable the moment Key mentioned ball season. "So I think you and I should give him a little demonstration. What do you say, Jonghyun?"

Jonghyun beamed, he was clearly overjoyed by Key's proposition. "Are you asking me to dance with you Key? Because I would be absolutely honored to be your partner." So they moved to the ballroom and began to waltz.

They moved across the floor beautifully. With elegance and grace. Jonghyun lead while Key followed, swirling around the room in sophisticated patterns. Key was impressed by Jonghyun's ability, Jonghyun was just happy to have Key in his arms. Taemin was entranced by his two friends but the frog, the frog could see what Taemin could not.

"Change the music." Taemin gave the frog an incredulous look and shook his head. "Listen, do your friend a favor and slow the music down. You can't see it but trust me, they want slower music." Taemin was skeptical but he did it anyway.The dancers didn't skip a beat. They didn't stop and they didn't acknowledge the change, they simply responded.

Key wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's neck, who in turn slipped his arms around Keys waist. Their movements slowed and they seamed to just keep going round in circles. "Now watch them. Can you see it now? The way they look into each others eyes? The way they've moved so much closer together? Can you see the way they move together? Look at them, There is definitely something there. Your friend just needs a little help excepting that he's fallen in love. Now let's go, let's give them some privacy."

Jonghyun's POV

The music changed and Key and I moved closer together. I smiled as he let go of my hand and hung his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him even closer so our bodies pressed together.I couldn't look away from his eyes and he was starring back, starring straight into my soul and before I knew it our lips were touching.

It was an innocent kiss and I'm not even sure who started it but Key shoved me away and started looking around the room for something. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was just worried that Taemin was around and..."

"Listen Key, it's alright." I said, pulling him back up against me. "Key, Taemin is a big boy, soon you'll be sending him off to find someone to spend the rest of his life with, what better way to prepare him for that then by modeling a healthy relationship?" I asked, putting his arms back around my neck. "So what do you say Key? Be mine?" I asked swaying him from side to side.

He let me move him,returning to our dance. He cocked his head to the side, clearly thinking it over and then he rested his head on my should and smiled up at me. "Alright." That one word made me so happy. "Alright, let's do this." Key agreed. Ecstatic, I picked him up and spun him around, placing kisses all over his face.

"Alright." I said, grinning and placing him back on his feet. "Care to dance?" I asked, offering him my hand. He smiled and came back into my arms. We swayed to the music, in our own world. Our lips met again and it was magic. I was in love with this man in my arms and he had excepted my love. There was nothing that could make this day better.

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*