Once upon a time

Taemin and the Frog Prince

Once upon a time in a land long ago and far away there lived a young prince by the name of Taemin. Now Taemin was a rather lonely young man as he only had one friend, his bodyguard Key. Since Taemin's parents were so busy running the company, Key acted as parent, guardian, teacher and friend in their stead and so had earned himself the nickname Umma Key from the young prince.

On this particularly fine day, Taemin had managed to escape Key and the lesson that the other had planed and was now sitting beside a large pond playing with his most prized possession. A large crystal ball that had been a gift from his parents for his birthday. Taemin rolled the ball back and forth, admiring how the sunlight caught the ball and cast rainbows onto the ground. The young prince was so consumed by his activity that he did not notice to large eyes peering at him from behind a log.

Humming a little tune as he soaked up the sunlight, Taemin was startled into reality when he heard his name being called from far off. "Taemin, where are you? You're late for your lessons." Key called, getting ever closer to the prince. Taemin jumped up to go and great his friend and as he did, his foot hit the precious ball, causing it to roll.

Taemin watched in horror as his beloved gift rolled along the ground and into the pond, sinking to the murky depths. Moments later, Key found the young prince on his knees, trying to find his ball in the muddy water, the task made even harder by the tears that stung his eyes, blurred his vision and caused ripples in the water.

"Umma, it's gone." Taemin sobbed as Key pulled him away from the water and into a soothing hug. "It fell into the pond and now I can't see it anywhere." He cried, feeling lost and helpless with no hope of getting his precious ball back. "What should I do, Umma?"

Key, who was also drawing a blank simply lead his best friend away from the pond and back into the castle. "Don't worry Minnie, we'll think of something." Key murmured, sitting the prince in one of the chairs located in the entranceway and left to get Taemin some water but before he could leave, a voice broke the silence.

"Excuse me." Said a young man from the door. He walked up to Taemin with a friendly smile and held out his hand. "My name is Jonghyun but you can just call me Jong, I've come from a neighboring kingdom in search of our missing prince, you see my my good friend went missing a few days ago after paying a visit to our local witch and we're a  bit worried about him. You haven't seen him,  have seen?" Jong asked, handing Taemin a picture of the missing price.

Before Taemin had a chance to say a word in reply, Key stormed over to the short new comer and hit him over the head hard, causing poor Jong to cry out in pain. "Who the hell do you think you are talking to so informally?" He demanded, hitting the other man on the head again. "You walk in like you own the place and then just talk to the prince like he's your friend." Key yelled.

Jong turned to Key with a pout and large puppy dog eyes and just earned himself another hit to the back of the head. "Don't look at me like that, apologize and then pay your respects you miscreant before I call the guards and have you frown out on your face." But Taemin didn't notice the exchange between the two men in front of him, he was to busy admiring the picture of the missing prince.

Taemin could feel his heart accelerate as he admired the handsome man in the picture. There was something about the way this other man held himself, something in his eyes or was it in his smile? It didn't matter, all Taemin new was that he wanted to meet this man, he had to. He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of someone's knees hitting the floor hard. "Key!" Taemin cried in surprise as he saw what had happened.

Key had forced Jong's arm behind his back and moved it so that Jong had no choice but to fall to his knees or risk having his arm broken. Jonghyun was looking up at Taemin with those puppy dog eyes, pleading for Tae to help him. A sharp nudge from Key and Jong dropped his gaze. "I apologize Prince Taemin but I did not know it was you I was talking to." He said.

"Better." Key said, a smug look on his face as he let Jonghyun up, moving to Taemin's side and glancing over the young princes' shoulder at the picture in his hand. "He looks like a frog." He muttered to himself before turning back to Jong. "No, we have not seen your prince so leave. you're disturbing my peace." and at that, he turned his back on the other man. "Can you believe it Tae, a prince that looks like a frog with a friend that look's like a Dino, I wonder if everyone in that kingdom looks like an animal."

But once again, Taemin was not listening. "Jong." He called, rising to stop the other man from leaving. "The sun's about to set, stay the night and we'll get the guards to search for Prince..."

"Minho. Prince Minho. You'd do that for me?" Jonghyun asked, rushing over to Taemin and crushing him in a hug. "Thanks so much!" He cried and when Key tried to pull Jonghyun off the prince, Jong just moved to hugging Key instead. "Thank you, I can't tell you how grateful I am!"

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*