And learned an important lesson.

Taemin and the Frog Prince

Key was furious and didn't even give Taemin a chance to catch his breath before scolding him. "Lee Taemin! Where the hell where you? I wake up to find you gone, and this buffoon was of little help I can tell you. We were right outside your door!  You should have woken us up! You should have told us where you ere going! and the fact that you went out by yourself... What if something had happened to you Taemin? What if you had gotten hurt? or kidnapped? Or worse, what then? Did you even think about that? I was so worried Taemin."

"U-umma." Taemin looked down at his feet, feeling rather ashamed. "Umma, I'm sorry, I just wanted to get my ball back and I did, see?" He held up the crystal ball, looking up from under his eyelashes at the older man, "Please forgive me Key Umma, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry, and I'm safe and sound so why don't we go and have some breakfast?" He said, taking Key's hand and leading him into the dinning room.'

Key resisted for a moment before giving in and allowing himself to be lead, Jonghyun following after them like a little puppy dog. The three of them sat down to a good breakfast and the rest of the day of the day went buy almost as usual, the only difference being Jonhyung's presense. Breakfast was followed by a walk around the grounds and that was followed by lessons.

Maths. Religions. Science. Philosophy and then languages. Taemin usally did everything he could to avoid lessons but Jonghyun managed to make them interesting especially when it came time to study languages. Jonghyun surprised them all by speaking fluently in what ever languege Key would pick to teach Taemin and he usually said something that would make Key blush. "What did he say?" Taemin would cry out and Key would refuse to answer.

"I told your tutor that he was the most radiant creature I had ever laid eyes on." Jonghyun answered without taking his eyes of said tutor who glared at Jonghyun despite turning a few shades redder. This continued to happen until Key threatened to lock Jonghyun in the dungeon for interrupting the prince's studies.

Jonghyun behaved himself for the rest of the lesson but when it came to Taemin's fighting lesson, Jonghyun insisted that the two older men have a sparing match and Key agreed on the condition that if he won, Jonghyun would go sit under a near by tree and not say a word for the rest of Taemin's lessons. "Alright but if I win then I get to taste those sweet lips of yours." Jonghyun said and by the time he had a sword in hand he had two extra lumps on his head but Key had agreed to the deal.

Taemin cheered on both his friends to the sound of clashing swords. It was a long and impressive duel and in the end both men were hot, tiered, sweaty and out of breath, sprawled out on the soft green grass as the sun kissed the horizon. "That was awesome!" Taemin cried happily, smiling at his friends. "I've never met someone who could beet Key in a duel before. Where did you learn to fight like that Jong?"

Jonghyun smirked in response to Taemin's question. "What kind of a knight would I be if I didn't know how to weald a sword?" He asked, pushing the hair off his face. "Oh, did I forget to tell you that I was a knight?" Jonghyun asked innocently with a wink when Key made a noise of protest and claimed it was an unfair duel since they didn't know that Jong's job was to swing a sword around. "I still won fair and square."

"What ever. I need a wash." Key said, hauling himself up from the ground. "So that's the end of today's lessons. Let's go in and wash up for dinner." Key suggested once he recovered his breath, earning himself a excited cheer from the other two who's stomachs were telling them it was time for food.

The three friends were just sitting down to their dinner when it started to get dark outside and Taemin felt he had just experienced one of the best days of his life. The memory of the ugly frog and the promise Taemin had made had vanished, evaporated with the morning dew and as he listened in astonishment to Jonghyun's tales of adventures with the brave and handsome Prince Minho and laughed as Key told him off and hit him for making up stories there was no way he could have guessed what would happen next.

The evening star had just appeared in the night sky when there was a loud banging against the castle door. "Open up! Open up and let me in so I can sit at your table and share your meal!" Questioning glances were shared but nobody made a move to open the door and the banging grew louder. "Have you forgotten your promise so soon, prince? Will you break your word? Hurry up and let me in!"

Johnghun and Key both looked at Taemin in surprise. "What promice is he talking about Minnie?" Key asked. Taemin explained what had transpired that morning between himself and the frog. "Well what are you waiting for Minnie? Let him in so he can join us."

"But I don't want to." Taemin whined, earning himself a glare from his best friend. "Please don't make me umma, he's a slimy, smelly frog, how are we supposed to eat with that disgusting creature at our table?"

Key's glare faded and he shook his head in disappointment. "Do you understand what you are saying? You made a promise Minnie, you gave him your word and you can't take that back. You should know better. Minnie, a promise is a promise and you can't break a promise so go and let in your guest. Now!"

"But umma, you didn't keep your promise to Jong, he beat you but you haven't kissed him yet." Key nodded, stood and walked over to Jonghyun and pressed his lips to Jonghyun's temple for  a split second before looking at Taeming pointedly. "You call that a kiss?" 

"It's good enough for me." said Jonghyun who was practically glowing. "Now go on and open that door, that racket is driving me insane." Taemin sighed, there was clearly no getting out of this now so reluctantly he went to the door and let in his unwanted guest.

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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 8: :(
Chapter 8: hi there! this is such a cute story :) we all need some light, fluffy 2min in our life :) pls continue to write awesomely ;P
minhoandtaemin #3
love this strory ple go on

plese cheak out my new story
Chapter 7: my..
just found this.
Chapter 6: oh don't be meanie minnie XD
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter
i hope you'll update soon,, ^^
shinning_usagi #7
Chapter 3: Omi gosh thank you for updating ;v; I'm in need of some serious fluff and your story is so cute!! *why isnt there any comments yet -_-*