xxix. Diamonds (Stars II)

BaekYeol Drabble Collection (On Hiatus)

"Baekhyunnie…" Chanyeol whispers, trying to get the other's attention, gently prodding him. "Baekhyunnie…"

The sparkly things stuck to Baekhyun's neck, left side, right under his ear, were shining under the bright lights and Chanyeol blushes as he's suddenly reminded of when Baekhyun had metallic stars stuck on to his neck. His hands shaking, he reaches forward and runs his fingers over the small objects, that he decides to call diamonds, and finds himself once again overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him.

"Baekhyunnie…" Chanyeol says again, a little more urgently. "Byun Baekhyun!"

Baekhyun finally turns his gaze to him, a knowing smile on his face.

"Shh, Chanyeol-ah," Baekhyun whispers with a wink. "Just a little longer…"

And Chanyeol swallows a little too audibly; it's quite clear that Baekhyun knows exactly what he's thinking about.

Eventually, a brief intermission is called, and Chanyeol all but drags Baekhyun to the nearest washroom. When their eyes meet, lust and desire is clear in both of their eyes. For the sake of privacy and fear of being walked in on, they lock themselves in a stall, and Chanyeol's lips are on Baekhyun's before either of them can even take another breath, as he presses the vocalist up against the locked stall door.

"I… I want you…" Chanyeol gasps breathlessly, when they separate. "Please…"

"We… we don't have time…" Baekhyun whispers as Chanyeol attaches his lips to a small, round jewel on the other's neck. "Afterwards- ah!"

"You… are… such…" The rapper says, on, what he knows is, a sensitive part of his neck. "A tease…"

Baekhyun's breath is coming out in slow puffs, his eyes are squeezed shut, and he's trying his hardest to not make too much noise. It's becoming a little difficult to think clearly, let alone speak, with Chanyeol's lips and tongue all over his neck.

"Baekhyun-ah," Chanyeol looks up at the other seductively, as he at the spaces between the small embellishments on his neck. "Do you feel good?"

The only response that Baekhyun can muster up at this point is a soft moan, so in response to Chanyeol's question, that's exactly what he does. A satisfied smirk appears upon the taller male's face as he allows a hand to slip under Baekhyun's shirt.

"Ah!" Baekhyun makes a sound that is somewhere between a gasp and a scream as intense waves of pleasure run down his spine. "Ch-Chanyeol… You can't… leave… marks…"

Chanyeol has slowly made his way down the left side of Baekhyun’s neck, and is now softly nibbling at his collarbones.

"I won't," His breath is hot against his neck. "At least, not somewhere they can see…"

Baekhyun tries to protest against this when Chanyeol's finger softly brushes against his . The vocalist uses his hands to brace himself against the door, because he's not sure how much longer his knees can hold him up. One of his hands brushes against the lock of the stall accidentally, and then the door is swinging open and they're stumbling out of it. This isn't enough for Chanyeol to stop what he's doing though, his lips having moved back to a sensitive part of Baekhyun's neck and almost roughly at it. They both stumble backwards until Baekhyun is being pushed up against the counter, his hands gripping the edge tightly.

"Oh my god…" Only Baekhyun freezes at the voice, Chanyeol doesn't even react. "So… guys…"

Baekhyun tries to say sorry to Kyungsoo, because for some reason it's always Kyungsoo that walks in, but then he's , because Chanyeol's fingers and tongue just feel too good.

"Um…" Kyungsoo is blushing furiously and not looking at them, while slowly taking small steps backwards. "In-intermission's over!" He shouts, before turning and running out the door.

"Chan-Chanyeol," Baekhyun's squirming a little, a little anxious to get back to their seats before anyone else notices their absence, but Chanyeol doesn't even react. "Park Chanyeol!"

"Huh?" Chanyeol mumbles, finally moving away from Baekhyun's neck. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

Baekhyun is still panting as Chanyeol takes a step back, leaving a little space between them.

"Intermission…" He breathes out slowly. "Intermission is over…"

"Oh," Chanyeol's face falls. "Okay…"

Baekhyun pushes himself away from the counter and turns to look himself over in the mirror. He's smoothing his clothes, so that no one suspects anything, when he notices a mark on his left shoulder, near his collarbones.

"Chanyeol!" He turns to the other, baring his shoulder. "You said you wouldn't leave a mark!"

"No," Chanyeol winks, pulling Baekhyun's shirt over it, effectively hiding it from view. "I said that I wouldn't leave a mark that would be visible."

"Ugh, I hate you!" Baekhyun screams. "I'm leaving!"

"I love you too, Baekhyunnie!" He yells after the other, but doesn't get a response.

He chuckles to himself before checking himself over and leaving the washroom as well; the thought of what is to come, hopefully, the only thing on his mind.


So uh, part 2 kind of? xD Stars is going to be a series, and I'm pretty sure you've already figured out what they'll be about, more or less xD 

Just thank you so much to everyone that commented, upvoted, subscribed, or even just took the time to read my writing, it means a lot ; A ; It's because of you guys that I keep writing. 

So until next week ^_^ I won't be writing a Valentine's special or anything, but I'll probably write one for White Day, March 14th. =3

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I apologise for the lack of updates, but I have lost motivation to keep writing, so I'm putting this on hiatus. Thank you for your support so far.


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Arrrrggg... soooo fluffy 🥰
memelindaa #2
Chapter 56: This is so good.
Omg i love this please update this again huhu TT
How I love BaekYeol~
baekyeol_love #4
Chapter 32: Im beyond happy if u could write a drabble or chapters (it's better) baekyeol fanfic based on movie mr & mrs smith. Thank you very very very very much!
hyenapark #5
Chapter 55: THIS IS SO CUTE !
Jiminssi-Tae #6
Chapter 54: This sentence, "For his dream, he gave up his freedom", does make me ponder deep, Author-nim.
It's inspiring, isn't it?
Chapter 54: Omg chanyeol is baekhyun's freedom omg omg
yodabaek #9
Chapter 53: i can imagine baek doing that lol
Chapter 53: lol i am totally doing this to my friend