The Twins (III)

It Started With a Test-tube Burn (ON HIATUS :< )

The quintet were having lunch in the band room, like any other day. The girl introduced her two other best friends after she became friends with the twins, and they had decided to form a band of their own.

"Regarding about the incident four years ago," the younger twin spoke in between mouthfuls. "how did you tell us apart?"

"Yeah, we haven't asked you about that yet." The girl's best friends added.

The girl giggled. "Your true personalities were showing, so I could tell."

The twins widened their eyes at each other. "What do you mean?"

"You see," the girl took out a piece of mahjong paper out of nowhere and pinned it onto the cork board mounted on the wall beside the drum set. She took out a marker and started to draw a mind map. "Before approaching you, I saw how you two had the same expression as each other when you two talked to the other children. To me, it looked like it has been planned. After observing you two for quite some time, I decided to come up with the most brilliant plan mankind has ever come up with, and approached you. I decided to look like an idiot for months, repeating everything I say day after day. When I approached you two for the last time, You," she pointed at the older twin. "and you," she pointed at the younger twin "let your guards down for a second there. Then, your personalities were revealed." The girl put her arms on her hips and stood proudly beside the messy mind map she had done up.

" did you manage to guess our names correctly? We didn't tell you our names, and we never revealed our personalities to others before."

The girl replied. "Well, I knew that you two were from my school and so I asked for your names."

"What about the personality part?"

The girl blushed and smiled sheepishly."Well, I just pointed at you two and said your names, hoping that I wasn't wrong."

"Wait..." the girl's guy friend spoke. "So technically you didn't really tell them apart by their personalities?"

The girl scratched her head and looked at the floor, embarrassed. "He he, no."

The twins were utterly dumbfounded and their mouths hung open. The girl's female friend just laughed at the twins. "You two had your feelings cheated!"

The twins made a hurt expression and started to pack their bags slowly. "We were so wrong. We thought that you truly knew us. We didn't expect that this would happen." 

"Yeah." the younger twin gave a fake sob. "It's sad that we have to end it here. Goodbye, my friends."

"Wait!" the girl jumped on the boys, pinning them to the ground. "That doesn't matter now, does it? We've spent so much time together, are you guys really walking away like this?" Tears were welling up the girls eyes and her usual smile turned into a crooked line. 

The boys looked at each other and gave a soft chuckle before bursting out in laughters. The girl,clearly confused by the turn of events, continued to sit on top of the two boys. The boys reached out their hand and patted the girl's head and wiped away her tears.

"Don't worry, we won't be going anywhere."

Not without you.






Hi guys! 

I know that I said that the next update would be after my 'O' levels, but I thought that it would be a little too long for you guys to wait, thus I decided to type out a draft and break it into parts to update while I'm having my exams.

This was pre-written, so this didn't hinder my studying sessions hehe. 1 MORE WEEK TILL MY EXAMS ARE OVER YES./span>

Sorry if there're any possible mistakes! I'll correct them again after 'O' levels.

Most importantly, I hope that you guys enjoy it!



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I'm really sorry guys :(


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Adreena #1
Chapter 12: Wait, i think the woman just now is Kris ex. the one that kris tell jacklyn that already died. Is it cliffhanger?
blackbutterfly_ac #2
Chapter 9: I think pei is. Hana's son with Jun.
midst_lhady22 #3
Chapter 8: hohoho...its like the twins in High School Host Club anime...i forgot their name i think the other one starts with 'K' or 'M' or 'N' i dont know but this twin here reminds me in the anime Ouran High School Host Club...and the ending is soo hilarious but cute :3
MsTrollolol #4
You seriously need to fix your space punctuations. All you have to do is hit the wide horizontal space button at the bottom of your keyboard after a comma and a full stop.
acenana #5
Chapter 6: I love this amazing story...I do not know why but i have feelings that kirs daughter is still alive...
Chapter 3: I really like this so far and I'm pretty sure Jun dumped Jacklyn after she got pregnant with Teppei?
Chapter 3: update soon~~ I like your story~~ ^^