The Twins (IV)

It Started With a Test-tube Burn (ON HIATUS :< )

The next thing the twins knew, they were lodging at their grandmother's place. They did not know the reason as to why their parents abandoned them since their parents still took care of them even after their parents were declared bankrupt, and honestly, they did not care anymore. After all, ever since the boys reached the age of 10, their family started to tear apart. The twins were no longer doted by their parents, and they started blaming the twins for everything; fire at the factory, stocks dropping, economic downturn, rats in the kitchen, company's bankruptcy.

Well, every other bad thing is another person's fault, isn't it? That's pretty human for you.

That was precisely the reason why the twin were not very affected by it. They just clenched their teeth and went through with it. They knew that their parents did not really want to blame them, but they had to. It's human nature. Besides, at least the twins were not physically abused.

Life went on as usual for the boys, except that the older twin became a youth star at 13.



Whenever the twins saw that smiley-faced girl they met when they were 8, they felt their hearts pounding against their chests quickly. They just shook it off,thinking that it was because they had too little sleep, so their bodies needed work harder to get through the day. The twins did not tell anyone about this either, not even between themselves. They did not want to be ridiculed, and the older twin definitely did not want any rumours to go around and cause a big fuss for him in the entertainment industry.

"Truth!" the twins chorused as the mouth of the plastic bootle they spun pointed to the girl.

The girl sighed. "Me again...Okay, shoot."

The twins looked at each other and asked simultaneously. "Which boy do you like in this school?"

The girl smirked and spoke in a low voice. "I two!" The girl pounced on the guys and hugged them. The twins felt their faces quickly heating up and their cheeks were flushed red. There were butterflies in their stomachs and their hearts were pounding against their chests again.

They knew what this feeling was.



"You know, I really like your bubbly personality. It really helps to soften the mood whenever I'm with you and your brother." The girl complimented the younger twin and he blushed. They listened to the birds chirp as they flew from one tree to another.

" you." The younger twin finally admitted after much hesitation. "Do me?"

"Mmm! I do! In fact, I love you two!" the girl beamed at the younger twin as they sat down on the slide at the playground near their school.

"You too?" The younger twin felt happiness rising up in his chest.

"No, no. I meant that I love the both of you. You and your brother!" The girl corrected herself. The younger twin felt a stab in his heart and looked at the ground, hiding his tears.

She didn't understand.

"Let's go," the younger twin spoke as he hung his head low, hiding his face. "It's getting late."



Too bad that the younger twin was a little too blind (and a little too late) to notice that his brother and the girl he fancied were already going out in secret. When he found out about it, all he could do was to wish his brother and the girl happiness and smile.


The younger twin did not even think of stealing the girl from his brother. He knew that his brother would take care of the girl, despite his horrible personality. As long as the girl he loves was taken care of, he would not even think about stealing her away from the guy, even if it means that he would not be able to get together with her. Besides, he also loved his brother dearly, so stealing the girl away would not be an option.

Of course, it did hurt. Seeing the girl that he love get taken away by another guy right under his nose, who would not cry about it? Moreover, it was a kin. But what could he do? Splitting them apart would hurt the two he loves, and they might come to hate him. He did not want to risk that. Thus, the younger brother tried to make himself feel better by thinking that his brother was him, since they were twins and were often mistaken for each other. Of course, that did not work well. He knew that he and his brother were too different.

In the end, the younger twin decided to show his affection in a different way, portraying his love as a brotherly one.

Because all he could do was to sit at the sidelines and watch those two being happily in a relationship,being in love.

So near, yet so far away.







Hi guys! 

I know that I said that the next update would be after my 'O' levels, but I thought that it would be a little too long for you guys to wait, thus I decided to type out a draft and break it into parts to update while I'm having my exams.

I almost forgot the roman numeral for '4',but thank god for periodic tables HAHA (no seriously I referred to my periodic table).

This was pre-written, so this didn't hinder my studying sessions hehe.

So sorry for forgetting to update on Friday T_T I was being depressed.

'O's are ending tomorrow, by the way, so I might be able to update more often! Hooray! Ugh like a finally :P

Sorry if there're any possible mistakes! I'll correct them again after 'O' levels.

Most importantly, I hope that you guys enjoy it!



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I'm really sorry guys :(


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Adreena #1
Chapter 12: Wait, i think the woman just now is Kris ex. the one that kris tell jacklyn that already died. Is it cliffhanger?
blackbutterfly_ac #2
Chapter 9: I think pei is. Hana's son with Jun.
midst_lhady22 #3
Chapter 8: hohoho...its like the twins in High School Host Club anime...i forgot their name i think the other one starts with 'K' or 'M' or 'N' i dont know but this twin here reminds me in the anime Ouran High School Host Club...and the ending is soo hilarious but cute :3
MsTrollolol #4
You seriously need to fix your space punctuations. All you have to do is hit the wide horizontal space button at the bottom of your keyboard after a comma and a full stop.
acenana #5
Chapter 6: I love this amazing story...I do not know why but i have feelings that kirs daughter is still alive...
Chapter 3: I really like this so far and I'm pretty sure Jun dumped Jacklyn after she got pregnant with Teppei?
Chapter 3: update soon~~ I like your story~~ ^^