
It Started With a Test-tube Burn (ON HIATUS :< )

"Your hand please!" Kris asked me enthusiastically in a high-pitched (for him) tone. I scowled at him before reaching for the cream in his hand.

"I'll apply it myself, so give me that." I snapped at him.

"No." Kris raised him arm high up so that I couldn't reach it. I grabbed a chair and stood on it and tried to reach for the medicine in Kris' hand. Kris moved backwards and I stretched forward. The chair started to become unstable and started tilting forward.

"AH!" I screamed, shutting my eyes in fear thinking that I was going to land face flat on the floor. However, I felt something supporting me from under my arms and I opened my eyes.

Kris was staring at my intensely, clearly irritated by my actions. He kicked the chair aside and it landed with a loud 'bang'. Putting my feet back down on the floor, he made me sit down and left to check on Teppei for awhile before returning to me. He grabbed my injured hand lightly and took a cotton bud to dab at the wound.

"See," he began, his voice smooth and soothing. "If you had allowed me to do this earlier, your wound wouldn't be bleeding now." Kris applied a little bit of cream on the wound and spread it lightly. I sulked as I was not allowed to tend to my own wound myself.



It has been 4 days since Kris barged into my place and claimed it 'his new home'. No matter how much I tried to chase him out, he refused to go, and so I gave up chasing him away. I started to coop me and Teppei in my room and refused to have any contact with Kris.

He belonged to a gender I didn't trust, after all.

I avoided him for 2 days until he told me to treat him as a girl.

"As a girl?!" I yelled at him as I slide open my bedroom door. "In what way are you a...what the hell are you doing?"

Kris was cross-dressing as a girl, with a blonde wig. He was wearing a polka dotted red and black dress that barely covered his . He wore extremely tight leggings and was decked with all sorts of jewellery. He caked on excessive make-up and he wore heels that were at least the height of my phone. Kris posed while sitting on a chair and tried to look appealing.

"I'm a girl, see," Kris spoke as he tried to stand up in killer heels. He wobbled a bit before posing again. "Ain't I pretty?"

" look hideous."

"Oh no, don't say that!" Kris put both his hand close to his mouth and gave an exaggerated look of shock and imitated a lady's voice. "I'm pretty sure I look just as priddy as you, girlfriend."

"Are you insulting me?" I glared at Kris.

"No, I'm just saying that you're pretty and I think I'm at least as pretty as you." Kris replied in a monotonous and deep voice.

I scanned Kris' outfit before raising my hands in defeat. "Fine. You win. Your cross-dressing method worked. Now go change out before Teppei sees you and start bawling."

"Yay!" Kris clapped his hands in a bimbotic manner and jumped up and down in his heels. I gave him a look of annoyance before shutting the door.



I studied Kris' face and his features as he tended to my wound. My eyes scanned over his extremely V-shaped chin, then his small lips, followed by his nose, his sparkly eyes and his brows that looked like the brows of Angry Birds. I kept staring at his face and found it strangely familiar to some anime character I knew.

Kris looked up from my hand and touched his chin. "Is there something on my face?"

"You look familiar."

"Of course," Kris tossed his blonde hair (it's a wig) and made a bimbotic pose, face up and one wrist on forehead, fingers in a relaxed position. "After all, I'm Kris,t he most beautiful cross-dresser in our school, and probably in the country as well."

I snapped my fingers with my free hand. "Ah! I know who you resemble!" I jumped to my feet and rushed to my room to bring out a photograph. "You look like the real-life version of Len Tsukimori," I removed Kris' wig and wig cap. "without the accessories."

Kris took the photo and twitched his eye.Grabbing a mirror, he looked at himself before looking at the photograph and then back to the mirror.

"I see no resemblance."

"There is!" I insisted. "You look like Len Tsukimori!" I clasped my hands dreamily. "If only you were really Len...I would be on Cloud 9 every single day."

"Then..." Kris started to speak in a slow manner. "if I were to 'become' an anime character,would you accept the fact that I'm a guy?"

I took a good look at Kris. For the past few days, he has been wearing female clothing, and I seemed to be comfortable with it from the second day onwards. Now that I look at him properly...

...he looks like weirdo giant dressing in clothing two times smaller than his size, and the seams look like they're about to burst. I could tell that he stuffed a whole lot of tissue papers into his bra, which is disturbing.The jeggings seem too tight for him, and it looks like his Neverland is gasping for air.

Not a good sign if he wants to be a father in the future.

I gave the suggestion a little thought and decided to agree with it. Since I'm comfortable with anime guys, maybe pretending that Kris is an anime character isn't that bad after all. He would stop wearing ladies clothing and scaring Teppei.

I nodded and Kris gave me a bright smile that made my heart thump. He looked cute with that smile, like a perfect manga or anime character.

The perfect example of a living and breathing bishounen.



The whole class hushed and all the girls stared daggers at me as I entered into class and I started to feel fear. I avoided eye contact with any of them as I made my way to my seat. Trying to be as quiet as possible so as to not attract any unwanted attention, I unpacked my bag, and took out a book to read. Suddenly, I felt the presence of people coming towards me and a shadow that did not belong to me was cast on my book. Looking up, I saw the enraged faces of the girls in my class crowding around my desk.

"Y-yes..?" I asked timidly.

Someone slammed a hand on my desk and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I peered up and saw Aurora glaring at me.

"You have a lot of nerves, don't you?" Aurora snarled at me. "Who do you think you are, keeping Kris by your side AND staying under the same roof as him?" She shoved her phone into my face.

I kept quiet. I didn't know how to explain myself and I nervously played with my hands, running a finger across my healing burn. Aurora saw my nervousness and gazed at my hand before letting out a loud snort.

"Oh," Aurora roughly grasped my hand and examined my burn. "so this is what that's keeping Kris by your side,eh? How about I," Aurora raised up a penknife out of nowhere and exposed the shiny blade, resting it lightly on my burn. "open up the healing wound to make you suffer more physical pain?"

A large hand reached out and grabbed onto Aurora's wrist. She let out a gasp and loosened her grip on my hand. Taking the opportunity, I retracted my hand and covered the burn protectively.

"Don't do anything to her," a serious voice boomed.Kris stepped up closer to Aurora and looked down at Aurora, his eyes full of anger. He grabbed the penknife away from Aurora and also snatched her phone away from the table. Looking at the image on Aurora's phone, Kris let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"You're good at stalking others, aren't you?" I heard Kris calmly say. "But unfortunately, I saw you that day, with Sora and Michela." I widened my eyes in surprise and I saw Aurora widening her eyes in shock. Kris leant in closer to Aurora. "You don't know the reason why we're staying together, right?"

Aurora and the other girls shook their heads.

"Good, so don't you girls spread weird rumours about me and Jacklyn. Understood?"

The girls nodded and hurriedly ran off to their respective seats. My eyes followed one of the girls, who ran out of the class full of tears.

She was so happy that Kris spoke to her (she ignored the other girls), apparently, even though Kris was actually scolding.

Oh well, I guess fans can't really differentiate between talking and reprimanding, since to them it's the voice and person that matters, not the words.

I felt a throbbing pain on my forehead and I cupped it, silently yelling "ow". I heard a chuckle and I looked up to see who was laughing at my misfortune. I saw a Kris peering down at me and laughing. I looked at the position his fingers were and I shot him a death glare before switching back my attention to me table. I heard another chuckle and heard footsteps trailing away from where I was seated.I gave a small peek to my right. Kris was gone.

The day ended and I heaved a sigh of relief. I could finally head home to rest.

And spend time to love Teppei.

I cleared up my desk and packed my books into my bag before zipping it up and slinging it over my shoulder. I looked around the class. No one was in, not even Kris. I was the last one, as usual. After making sure that the classroom would be ready for class on Monday, I headed out to lock the door.


My blood curdled and I instantly became a woodblock. The key I was just about to insert into the keyhole stopped in mid-air. The rustling of the leaves of trees from outside of the teaching block seemed to be louder than usual. Time seemed to have stopped. I became scared.

"Oi," Jun called out and grabbed my wrist and spun me around. "I asked how's Teppei."

"He's fine. There's no need for you to worry about him." I swallowed my saliva hard and did my best to avoid Jun's gaze. Jun let go of my wrist and gave a little smile.

"Good, good," he nodded his head before looking at me in the eye. "How about you? Did that basketball guy do anything weird to the one I love?"

Love? Have you ever loved me properly before?

Do you even still love me?


Jun nodded again. "Okay then," he looked around the hallway. "I'll see you again." And then he left, leaving the scent of his cologne behind.


I walked back home listlessly,with Jun's voice ringing in my ears.

"Did that basketball guy do anything to the one I love?"

" anything to the one I love?"

"...the one I love?"

"...I love?"

What is love, really? How do you define 'love?' How would you know that you're in love? How do you show that you're in love? How do you properly love someone? How do you express love? Do you just say it because you love someone?

Is love really all about skin ship,then keeping the person at a distance and demoralising her?

What the hell on earth is 'love' to Jun?

I leant against a wall and squatted down, burying my face in my hands. Thinking about the past hurts. It's confusing as well. It's so embarrassing to be reminded of my dark past. I thought that he really loved me, because he cared for me since my parents died a few years before. He was my everything, and then he suddenly cast me aside after I gave him what he wanted.


"Hey." A voice called and I hurriedly wiped away the tears from my eyes. I didn't realise that I had been crying. I looked up and I saw a familiar silhouette.

Len Tsukimori.

I hurled myself towards the silhouette and hugged him tight, sobbing silently into his ear. Len used his free hand to sweep down my back, comforting me. His free hand touched my head and gave it a soft ruffle before putting his hand on my back and comforting me again.

"Let's go home."



Kris made me a cup of cocoa and settled down in front of me. I picked up the cocoa and sipped it. It wasn't too sweet nor too creamy,and it tasted delicious, in an unusual way.

"Have you calmed down?" I nodded and Kris sighed with relief. "So, why did you cry in the middle of nowhere just now?"

I bit my lips and opened my mouth to say something before shutting it again. I thought a little more deeply and started to speak.

"Do guys say that they love someone so easily?" I asked.

"Not all. I no longer do."

"What do you mean by that?"

Kris kept quiet for a few minutes and looked at the floor, fiddling with his fingers. I waited for a response from him. The both of us sat in silence, with the sound of the fan whirling in the background.

Kris opened his mouth. "You see,when I was..."

Teppei started to wail and I got up hurriedly to coo Teppei before returning to the living room. I shut the door silently to prevent him from waking up from the noise.

"Sorry. You were saying..?" I turned my head around and saw that Kris was no longer in the living room. A note was left on the coffee table and I picked it up.

"Sorry," it said. "I need to collect my feelings first. -Kris".

Feelings? I wondered.Does Kris like someone?

"Do guys say that they love someone so easily?"

"Not all.I no longer do."

Has Kris...hurt another girl before?

Kris...was he like Jun in the past?




YAY OMG I DID ANOTHER CHAPTER HAHAHA! It's nothing amazing,really,but I actually managed to squeeze out time to complete one chapter.

This chapter isn't very exciting (IMO,and that includes the previous chapters), but I'm praying that the other chapters will be exciting as hell!

I'm sorry for so many dialogues (if you're the kind of reader that prefers description rather than dialogues), because I'm honestly not that good at describing things.

P.S. If you didn't understand,the Len in the later part of this chapter is actually referring to Kris (refer to the beginning of this chapter to find out the reason.)

I apologise (again) for any possible mistakes.

I love you guys! Mua!

xoxo, L.

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I'm really sorry guys :(


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Adreena #1
Chapter 12: Wait, i think the woman just now is Kris ex. the one that kris tell jacklyn that already died. Is it cliffhanger?
blackbutterfly_ac #2
Chapter 9: I think pei is. Hana's son with Jun.
midst_lhady22 #3
Chapter 8: hohoho...its like the twins in High School Host Club anime...i forgot their name i think the other one starts with 'K' or 'M' or 'N' i dont know but this twin here reminds me in the anime Ouran High School Host Club...and the ending is soo hilarious but cute :3
MsTrollolol #4
You seriously need to fix your space punctuations. All you have to do is hit the wide horizontal space button at the bottom of your keyboard after a comma and a full stop.
acenana #5
Chapter 6: I love this amazing story...I do not know why but i have feelings that kirs daughter is still alive...
Chapter 3: I really like this so far and I'm pretty sure Jun dumped Jacklyn after she got pregnant with Teppei?
Chapter 3: update soon~~ I like your story~~ ^^