
Married For All The Right Reasons


Tim Hwang. He was breathtakingly handsome with his brownish red hair and high cheekbones. Jessica could feel her body tense. Why? She didn’t know.


“Hey.” Tim said as he gave her a perfect smile. Jessica’s heart skipped a beat as she took in the image of his crescent-shaped eyes.


“Shall we sit down?” Tim asked as he gestured for her to slide in the booth.


Jessica gave him a slight nod since her voice didn't want to cooperate with her at the moment. 


“So, how have you been?” Tim started when they were seated, never once taking his eyes off of the blonde.


Jessica was feeling slightly uncomfortable with the stare. She didn’t like feeling like this, especially when he was the cause of it.


“No small talk or playing twenty questions. Let’s just get on with it.” Jessica bluntly stated as she threw the man an intimidating look.


Tim ruffled his hair out of awkwardness. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to take up your time. Let’s get down to business then? Well, I’m sure you’ve heard about the marriage proposal…”


“Yes. And I just wanted to tell you that I only came here to decline the offer.” Jessica quickly added.


Jessica was surprised to see the sudden pain in Tim’s eyes. He looked like a broken down child who had lost his most precious toy.


“O-Oh, I see.” Tim croaked. For the first time since they sat down, Tim finally had his eyes off of Jessica and was now staring blankly at the table.


Jessica was tempted to pat his shoulder and comfort the poor guy, but she knew better than to do so. This was her future that she had to fight for.


“Look, I’m sorry if this wasn’t the answer you were expecting, but I can’t marry you. Heck, I barely know you. Please, try to see this from my point of view?” Jessica softly spoke as she looked with sympathy at the devastated man in front of her.


Tim finally looked up, his big, round orbs gazing at Jessica. It was true. Despite the fact that he was head over heels for the blonde, well, Jessica wasn’t as into him. Tim wouldn’t want to force her to do something she didn’t want to do. “I understand, and I respect your decision, Jessica-ssi.”


“Thank you.” Jessica knew Tim’s smile was forced but she decided to ignore it.


“Would you like me to take you home?” Tim hid his sadness as he asked the question.


“No, that’s okay. I drove my car here.”


Jessica thanked him for the offer and bowed politely as she left the man who decided to stay at the café for a little while longer.


Jessica skipped to her car. A weight has been lifted off her chest now that the marriage was off. A small part of her felt sorry for Tim, but a bigger part of her was thrilled to be a single woman once again.


“I’m freeee!” Jessica declared as she sat in her car, a huge, genuine smile never leaving her face.


“Hehe. Time to go home and sleep some more!” Jessica then drove back to her house, forgetting the fact that her two eager parents were waiting for her at home.





“You what??!!” Mr. Jung shouted after learning that Jessica had called the marriage off.


Jessica cowered in her seat.


“I can’t believe this. Jessica, you were supposed to go to the café to talk about wedding plans, not to end the marriage!”


“But, Dad! You know I didn’t agree to this in the first place! How can you force your daughter to marry some guy she barely knows?!” Jessica shouted back.


“You’re already twenty-three years old. Do you honestly want to keep working at this run-down bakery of your parents for the rest of your life? When a great guy comes and offers you everything, you decide to reject him?”


“I don’t care what he has to offer! He could be a mafia leader in disguise for all we know.”


Mr. Jung breathed in and out, trying to calm his anger. “Jessica. Your mother and I have met him. If we didn’t think he was the right one for you, we wouldn’t insist in you marrying him. Trust me, that boy loves you, and he’s a really nice guy. Can’t you at least give him a chance?”  Mr. Jung reasoned in a softer tone.


Jessica shook her head as she hid her face in the crook of her mother’s neck.


Mr. Jung sighed before leaving the house. He needed some time alone.




Jessica slowly lifted her head up. She wasn’t ready for her mother to yell at her too.


“You know your father can be a bit harsh with his words, but he means well. To be honest, I have to agree with your father on this. I really think you made a mistake on this one.”


“Not you too, Mom.” Jessica whined. “I’m sure there are other guys out there that are just as good. Why must I marry him?


“Your father and I aren’t young anymore. And don’t forget about your father’s unstable health. Maybe it’s because of that that we just want to make sure our only daughter will have a stable life. We don’t want you to have to keep working at the bakery when we know you’re born for greater things. Your father and I won’t force you to marry Tim, but just think on it?”


“Okay, Mom.” Jessica kissed her mother on the cheek and went to her room.


Jessica dropped on her bed and let out a huge sigh. She was so conflicted that it was taking a huge toll on her. Jessica decided to call the one person who was always good at giving advices.




“Hey, Sica! Or should I say future Mrs. Hwang.” Yoona teased.


“I ended our engagement already.” Jessica said, not in the mood for Yoona’s jokes.


“What? Really?! Why?!”


“Because I don’t love him. But now I don’t know what to do!” Jessica then explained to Yoona about her parents and their reasons for wanting her to marry Tim.


“Wow. That really is a hard decision to make. Well, how about this. Since your parents did say to give him a chance, marry him. And if things don’t work out with you and Tim, then just divorce him afterwards. I’m sure your parents will understand your feelings and realize that some things just aren’t meant to be.”


With Yoona’s advice in mind, Jessica slept on it.


-The Next Morning-


Jessica’s heels tapped against the marbled floor. She was walking in a fast pace, passing by the curious eyes of fashion designers.


“Wait! You can’t just go in there!”


The secretary didn’t stand a chance as Jessica slammed the door shut.


“J-Jessica?” The startled Tim stared confusedly at the blonde.


“Let’s get married.”



A/N: Hey, again! How's the second chapter? Please comment and subscribe... if you want. Heh.

*Rubs hands... evilly* Next chapters will be about their life as a married couple :D

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 9: I'm a new reader...i hope u can still finish this book
Chapter 8: Ended with dukbokki lesson. Lol
Chapter 8: This is so sad BUT I really respect your decision author.. ^^
Thanks a lot for gave your times to share your story about JeTi.. ^^

Take as much time as you need & no need to rush.. ^^
I really understand that.. ^^
Fighting..!!! :))
Chapter 9: I respect your decision .. So your last update will be a FAREWELL :)
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 9: Us readers respect your decision.
We can't wait for your updates.
Take your time.
Chapter 9: I was so happy when I saw your story being updated but then... This is one of my favorite GB story here and if you are going to delete it, I will cry XD
Luckily, you are kind enough to finish this before you leave. Leaving here is your decision. I don't think I can stop you but you are always welcomed back again :)
JeTiLoVe #7
Chapter 8: update this story please..
clovecato123 #8
Pls Update Soon:))