
Married For All The Right Reasons

“Sica!” Yoona snapped her fingers in front of the blonde.


Jessica reflexively jumped. “What?”


“Yah… What’s wrong with you? You were standing like a mannequin for the past ten minutes.”


“N-Nothing.” Jessica lied before her eyes scanned her surroundings. “Umm… where is he?”


“He who? He as in your husband?”  Yoona grinned teasingly.


“Yah! Only to the public he is. In my heart, he’s only a guy I’m marrying because my parents want me to.” Jessica crossed her arms.


“Well, your only-to-the-public husband went to get his friend. I hope his friend is cute and rich.” Yoona giggled in anticipation.


“Jessica, Yoona, this is my good friend Yul.” Tim finally introduced when he and his tan-skinned friend joined the girls at the table.


“Hello, Jessica.” Yul greeted first before kissing the blonde’s hand, causing Tim to pout and glare at Yul. Tim immediately entwined his hand with Jessica’s when Yul finally let go of his wife’s hand. Jessica could feel her cheeks heat up from Tim’s bold, yet possessive move.


Yul inwardly smirked at Tim for being jealous. It was not every day that he saw his best friend become this lovesick yet easily jealous person.


“And this beautiful lady is… Yoona, right?”


Yoona shyly nodded as she brought out her hand for him. The second Yul held her hand, sparks shot through her every nerve.


“Hey, married couple! Stop hiding and get on the dance floor!” Hyoyeon, who was the wedding planner and also Tim’s friend, urged the couple as she pushed them to the center of the room.


“So, what do you do for a living, Yul?” Yoona started, wanting to find out how many digits he made.


“Well, I own an entertainment agency that is specifically for Korean Pop Stars. It’s called SNSD Entertainment.”


Yoona smirked in her mind. “That’s quite an accomplishment. Handsome, young, and successful? A guy like you is probably already off the market.”


Yul chuckled. “Unfortunately, no.”


“Aww. That’s shocking to hear. I would think all the girls would be flocking around you.” Yoona feigned pity when she was actually happy inside.


“There are a couple, actually. But none of them seem to fit my criteria. I’m looking for the right one.”


“Maybe the right one is closer than you think.” It was time for Yoona to turn on her charm. She placed her hand gingerly on his shoulder before batting her eyelashes at him.


Yul didn’t bother to hide his tired sigh.  Yul was not innocent when it came to these kinds of things. He could decipher the hidden messages behind Yoona’s words and actions.


“Not interested.” Yul answered bluntly. He was tired of these short but sweet relationships with shallow, easy women. It was fun for a while, but it soon got boring and eventually depressing. What he really wanted was a real woman who didn’t threw herself at him. But a woman who wanted to get to know the real him, to fall in love with his personality and not for the monetary benefits that came with him.


“I’m sorry?” Yoona asked innocently. She was slightly surprised by his cold behavior.


“Look, I know girls like you. Heck, I’ve dated many of them. But, I’m going to warn you now that whatever you’re planning is going to end now, because I’m tired of dating predators like you who are only after my money and looks. You’re pretty and all, probably prettier than any of the girls I’ve dated, but I’ve seriously had enough of people like you. Do yourself a favor and make something of yourself. Don’t depend on others for your own gain.” Yul shook his head disappointedly before walking away.


Yoona was shaking with rage. Despite some truth in Yul’s harsh words, she still had her pride. She felt hurt and embarrassed; he belittled her and grouped her with money-hungry users. Of course, she wouldn’t let Yul get away with it.


“Hey!” Yoona shouted after Yul as she grabbed a glass of wine from the table.  


Yul sighed boredly before he turned to the girl. Yul was a second too late when he saw a waterfall of liquid spill over his head. He stared wide-eyed at the grinning culprit before him.


“Looks good on you.” With a triumphant grin, Yoona turned away from him and flipped her hair as she walked away, feeling victorious with her act.


“Im Yoona.” Yul growled with a vengeance before walking through the judging crowd and to the men’s restroom.  




“D-Do you know how to d-dance?” Tim stuttered nervously. He was never a good dancer and having the first dance with Jessica added more pressure.


Not wanting to embarrass herself, Jessica made the first move by placing her arms around his neck.


Tim gulped when Jessica’s face was just a few centimeters from his.


“Ouch!” Jessica shouted when Tim accidentally stepped on her toes.


“Sorry! Are you alright?” Tim was going to bend down to check for any damage but Jessica held him in place.


“It’s fine.” Jessica replied coldly. She didn’t want to make a scene, not with hundreds of eyes staring at them.


“Let’s keep going. This time I’ll lead.”


Jessica instructed the attentive Tim on the rules of dancing.


“Okay. I think I understand now.” Tim spoke confidently.


The first step was done perfectly. But then…


“Ouch!” Jessica whimpered before biting her lower lip. Did he really have to stomp his foot? This was a slow song for pete’s sake.


Jessica anger was slowly building inside. Tim was unfortunate enough to experience a piece of it as she glared darkly at him.


“Sorry. I’ll do better this time.” Tim looked with pleading eyes.


Jessica sighed as she gave into her husband. “You better,” she warned, not being able to handle another jab at her aching toes.


So far, all was going well… for the first few seconds.


“Ouch! That’s it! I’ve had enough!” Jessica released her arms from Tim’s neck and stormed off the dance floor.


Before Tim could run after his wife, a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Tim turned to his side to meet a half- Yul.


“Give her some time to calm down.” Yul instructed in all seriousness.


“Is there a reason why you don’t have your shirt on?” Tim asked curiously as he observed Yul’s impressive upper body.


“Just the usual. Got wine poured on me by a psychotic woman who happens to be your wife’s friend.” Yul replied nonchalantly.


Before Tim could ask about Yoona, two of Tim’s employees ran up to him.


“Oppa! It’s not fair!” One of his assistants slapped Tim’s shoulder.


Another assistant joined in the physical abuse as she slapped his other arm. “Yeah! You’re supposed to be a workaholic with no social life. How did you manage to have the time to date and even marry?”


“I have my ways.” Tim replied jokingly before rubbing his stinging arms.


Jessica, who finally cooled off, returned to the room to see Tim laughing merrily with two women who were clinging onto him.


“That flirt.” Jessica mumbled angrily before sitting at an isolated table.


“I’ll say.” Yoona, who suddenly sat next to the blonde, reached for a drink as she glared at the half- man across the room.


“He told my parents that he loves me and wanted to marry me. Now, look at him! Flirting with others girls in front of everyone at our wedding!” Jessica gulped the entire contents of her drink before reaching for another.


“Well, you don’t have it as bad as me! He basically called me a gold-digger! What does he know?! He doesn’t even know me! God! I should have poured acid on him instead!” Yoona pouted at the fact that she didn’t give Yul a more painful punishment.


“We shouldn’t let guys like them bring us down!” Yoona raised her glass up before drinking it.


“You’re right, Yoona! I’m not going to let him make a fool out of me.” Jessica got up from her seat after taking her seventh glass. She wobbled her way to Tim and his assistants.


“You!” Jessica suddenly clamped her hands over Tim’s cheeks, surprising even the guests from nearby tables.


Tim widened his eyes at the sudden contact before wincing in pain as Jessica pulled at his cheeks harshly.


“Ah!” Tim shouted when the girl continued to pull and squeeze his cheeks. As cute as the scene looked to onlookers, the experience had an entirely different feel to it. To say the least, it was extremely painful for Tim, who was writhing in pain.


After what seemed like an eternity, Jessica finally released her hold on Tim’s innocent and now reddened cheeks.


“What was that for?” The almost teary-eyed Tim asked while rubbing his sore cheeks.


Jessica puffed her cheeks out as she ignored his question and his entire existence altogether.


“Jessica... Talk to me.” Tim poked Jessica’s left cheek, releasing some of the air from her puffy cheeks.


“Go away.” The still steaming Jessica turned away from him.


“Did I do something wrong? If I did, please tell me what I did wrong?” Tim begged but got no reply from the latter.


“Jess…Stop ignoring meeee.” Tim whined cutely as he stood in front of Jessica again.


“Ugh, so annoying!” Jessica slurred as she ran away drunkenly.


“Jessica!” Tim called for his wife but she had already left the room. He sighed before he ran to catch up to his runaway bride.


“Watch out!” Tim tackled Jessica as an incoming truck drove in her path.


“Oww.” Jessica whined from the impact.


“You’re not hurt anywhere, are you?” Tim asked worriedly as he helped her up.


“I’m fine.” Jessica replied before she realized who she was talking to. She suddenly scoffed before stomping away.


“Hey! Where are you going, now?” Tim asked tiredly as he followed the girl.


“Leave me alone!” Jessica yelled before quickening her pace.


“I-Is that what you really want?” Tim asked, finally showing how hurt he was with her words.


Jessica stopped in her tracks before turning to the man who had his head bowed. She didn’t understand why her heart ached seeing him look so devastated. She also couldn’t understand why her feet were suddenly moving toward him or why her arms circled his waist.


She most definitely couldn’t understand why she said these upcoming words. “No. I don’t want you to leave me alone.”


Tim lifted his head after hearing Jessica’s answer. He stared into her eyes and saw sincerity in them.


“Then I won’t give you up until you say so.” Tim vowed as he wrapped his arms around Jessica. 



Sorry it took so long for me to update xD hehe. 

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 9: I'm a new reader...i hope u can still finish this book
Chapter 8: Ended with dukbokki lesson. Lol
Chapter 8: This is so sad BUT I really respect your decision author.. ^^
Thanks a lot for gave your times to share your story about JeTi.. ^^

Take as much time as you need & no need to rush.. ^^
I really understand that.. ^^
Fighting..!!! :))
Chapter 9: I respect your decision .. So your last update will be a FAREWELL :)
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 9: Us readers respect your decision.
We can't wait for your updates.
Take your time.
Chapter 9: I was so happy when I saw your story being updated but then... This is one of my favorite GB story here and if you are going to delete it, I will cry XD
Luckily, you are kind enough to finish this before you leave. Leaving here is your decision. I don't think I can stop you but you are always welcomed back again :)
JeTiLoVe #7
Chapter 8: update this story please..
clovecato123 #8
Pls Update Soon:))