Three Things

Married For All The Right Reasons

I didn't add any YoonYul moments for this chapter. Sowwie :3




Jessica had finally moved into the Hwang mansion, with much reluctance at first. She made the guest room downstairs her sanctuary as she ordered the maids and butlers to carry her luggage there. Tim tried to convince her otherwise, saying she should sleep in the master bedroom with him since they were married after all, but Jessica stubbornly refused. There was a reason for her suddenly cold treatment toward Tim, and it wasn’t her fault; it was Tim’s. It wasn’t her fault that she witnessed Taeyeon kiss Tim on the cheek right after they had just shared lunch together. And it certainly wasn’t her fault for feeling so angry inside that she purposely rejected anything that Tim offered.


“Are you ready to go?” Tim opened the door to Jessica’s room to find her flipping through the pages of a magazine. She wasn’t actually reading it… just flipping through it because her mind was lost somewhere else.


“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?!” Jessica shouted at the man once she realized who it was.


“Sorry.” Tim immediately shut the door before knocking on it.


No response.


He knocked again.


Still no response.


He knocked a third time, but this time he said, “Jess?”


Not even a movement was made from Jessica.


“Aren’t you going to answer the door?” Tim asked helplessly from the other side.


“No. I don’t want to see the person behind the door.” Jessica replied bitterly as she slammed the magazine down on her bed. She had lost interest in flipping through the pages that she wasn’t even reading.


“Jessica.” Tim poked his head inside.


“Get out!” Jessica screamed as she buried her face in the fluffy white pillow.


“Jessi…” Tim said more clearly as he sat on the edge of her bed.


Jessica lifted her head up slightly upon hearing the new nickname. It sounded so cute to her ears.


“What.” Jessica mumbled. She didn’t bother to look at him because she didn’t want to see his stupid, handsome face right now.


“Aren’t you hungry?”


“No.” Jessica answered as her stomach grumbled in retaliation. Her cheeks turned as red as a tomato.


Tim stifled a laugh. “Then is your tummy hungry?”


Jessica bit down on her pride as she nodded timidly.


“Would your tummy like to eat out with me? I hear the food at the stalls taste best during the winter.”


Jessica nodded her answer. “Since my tummy is hungry, I guess I’ll have to go as well.”


Jessica continued to talk as if her tummy was its own person but was still connected to her.


“I’ll be in the car waiting for you, I mean your tummy.” Tim corrected himself as got up and left.


In that very instant, Jessica was starting to miss Tim’s presence, so she quickly got up to change before rushing out the door.


“That was quick. Don’t girls usually take forever to get ready?” Tim teased as he opened the door for his wife.


Jessica didn’t forget to punch his arm before getting inside the car. “Not all girls do. I don’t even care about how I look.”


“Yet you still look drop dead gorjess.” Tim whispered, but it was still heard from the latter who quickly covered her burning cheeks. Wasn’t it supposed to be cold at night? Why was it so hot all of a sudden?


Jessica opened the window a little to bring in some of the cool air to her fiery cheeks.


When she felt something warm squeeze her hand, Jessica snapped her head to the left.


Tim smiled innocently at her as he drove with one hand while the other was busy sending sparks to Jessica’s nerves.


Jessica opened the window halfway because she was feeling scorching hot in this car. Did he have the heater on?! Why was it so hot in here?!


“We’re here.” Tim announced, letting go of Jessica’s hand much to her disappointment.


He got out of the car and walked to her side to open her door.




“You’re welcome.” Tim answered with his cute smile before taking her hand into his again. Thankfully, the wind was there to cool her off.


Jessica frowned as they started walking past the stalls. The place was crowded, but that wasn’t why she was frowning. Her mood dropped because of the many girls that were blatantly gawking and flashing their phone cameras at Tim. It was understandable since Tim was basically a celebrity. But still, didn’t they know to give the man some privacy especially when he was out on a date—it was a date, right? Yes, they were out on a date, which meant it was Jessica’s alone time with Tim.  


“Tim-ssi, can I please have your autograph?” One of the girls was actually brave enough to come up to them.


“Sure.” Tim replied politely as he released their entwined hands to sign the notepad.


As soon as Tim finished signing his signature, Jessica immediately held Tim’s hand and pulled him quickly away from the growing group of fans that also wanted a signature.


When they managed to make it to the end of the row of the food stalls, Jessica stopped in her tracks.


“I think we went too far. There aren’t that many stalls here.” Tim looked around to see no one here except a lone stall.


“No, I specifically wanted to eat that.” Jessica pointed to the stall that read, ‘Dukbokki.’ That was just an excuse though. She only wanted to get away from his obsessive fans.


“Okay. Let’s give it a try. Excuse me. Is anyone here?” Tim asked the empty stall.


“Yes? Would you like some dukbokki?” A small, old lady appeared out of nowhere, scaring the couple in the process.


“Yes, please.” Tim grinned while Jessica, who usually reacts late, clung to Tim’s arm in fear.


“Aigoo… aren’t you a cute couple. I’ll give you more dukbokki in hopes that you’ll stay together forever.”


“Thank you!” Both Tim and Jessica bowed to the sweet, old lady. Tim was onboard with the whole ‘staying together forever’ statement. Surprisingly, so was Jessica…deep down inside her melting heart. She was still clueless and dense as ever since all she could think about was the extra dukbokki that would soon be in her hungry tummy.


The dukbokki was steaming hot when Tim opened the container. He passed Jessica a stick before holding his own.


Jessica was practically drooling with her stick ready in her hand. She wanted to be the first to try it, but her hand wasn’t as quick as Tim’s, who already had a rice cake in his possession.


Jessica waited for Tim to try it first, but to her surprise, he offered the piece to her.


Jessica was shy now. Her tummy wasn’t so hungry anymore.


“It’s getting cold.” Tim said.


By the time the words left his mouth, the piece of rice cake was already in .


Maybe she was still hungry after all. Dukbokki tastes best when hot, she reasoned.


Jessica decided to return the favor by feeding Tim as well. It soon became a competition to see who was faster at ‘catching’ the dukbokki and feeding the other person.


Jessica patiently waited for her turn to be fed, but to her dismay, Tim waved the hot rice cake in the air.


“Hurry and feed me.” Jessica whined as she leaned toward the rice cake.


“Hmmm….What do I get?” Tim moved his hand slightly away from the hungry lips of a Jessica Jung.


“A very happy Jessica.”


“Not good enough.”


Jessica pouted. She could have just used her own stick to pick up the dukbokki for herself, but she wanted the one Tim was holding.


There were two things she learned tonight. One was dukbokki is best eaten hot. The second was that dukbokki tastes even better when it’s fed to you.


“Please, can I have it? Please, please.” Jessica begged in her baby voice. No one could resist her aegyo charm.


Not even Tim.


Jessica was in smiles when her lips were finally able to reach the rice cake in Tim’s hand.


She savored every bite.


She swallowed with absolute satisfaction.


She froze when she was kissed with a pair of very familiar lips.


Jessica learned three things about dukbokki. One was dukbokki is best eaten hot. The second was that dukbokki tastes even better when it’s fed to you. And third, eating dukbokki may lead to kissing. 


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 9: I'm a new reader...i hope u can still finish this book
Chapter 8: Ended with dukbokki lesson. Lol
Chapter 8: This is so sad BUT I really respect your decision author.. ^^
Thanks a lot for gave your times to share your story about JeTi.. ^^

Take as much time as you need & no need to rush.. ^^
I really understand that.. ^^
Fighting..!!! :))
Chapter 9: I respect your decision .. So your last update will be a FAREWELL :)
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 9: Us readers respect your decision.
We can't wait for your updates.
Take your time.
Chapter 9: I was so happy when I saw your story being updated but then... This is one of my favorite GB story here and if you are going to delete it, I will cry XD
Luckily, you are kind enough to finish this before you leave. Leaving here is your decision. I don't think I can stop you but you are always welcomed back again :)
JeTiLoVe #7
Chapter 8: update this story please..
clovecato123 #8
Pls Update Soon:))