Two Sides

Married For All The Right Reasons


Hey Guys! Just thought it was time I updated on this fic once again. Inspiration's back so expect more updates :P




Tim left his mansion to give Jessica some time to cool off. He then went to Yul’s place.


“Yul, open up!” Tim started shouting from behind the door after knocking for the past few minutes and getting no response.


Yul groaned as he forced himself to get up from the floor.


“Y-Yeaah?” Yul asked weakly as he opened the door.


“Whoa, what happened to you?” Tim supported Yul as they walked to his couch.


“I… uhh…I was…” And then it came to him. “Wait… I remember now!” Yul growled furiously.




Yoona woke up and stretched. She let out a yawn and smiled to herself. She didn’t know why she was so happy today but she just woke up like this, all comfy in her soft, white bed? Covered in a fluffy, silky blanket? And, only in her undergarments?!


“I see you’re finally up.”


Yoona slowly looked up to see a grinning Yul staring back at her.


Yoona began to hyperventilate. She didn’t know if she was going to have a panic attack or just attack him.


It wasn’t hard to put two and two together with the clues right in front her. She didn’t know how she ended up at his place, but she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. So, unfortunately for Yul, she chose the second option.


Yoona reached for the lamp beside her and before Yul knew it, he was getting beat with it.


“Ah! *hit* What the *hit* f-!!”


Yoona was on top of Yul, beating the crap out of him with the lamp. For such a small and skinny woman, she was actually very strong.


“How dare you take advantage of me, you jerk!”


“Wh-What are *hit* you t-talking *hit* a-about!” Yul was trying to protect his face with his arms as the beating continued.


The question irked Yoona. For him to play dumb and take advantage of her while she was drunk was a big no-no for her.


She quickly lifted the lamp as high as she could before bringing it down on the defenseless Yul’s head.


Yul’s arms dropped to the ground as his vision went blurry.


“Y-Youu…” The room was suddenly spinning.


“You got it easy. Don’t ever let me see your face again.” Yoona spat before grabbing her clothes and leaving his very grand and spacious mansion.


“I-Im… Y-Yoonaa…” Yul was knocked out cold.


“See what happens when I try to be nice to ungrateful people? I should have just left her there at the party. Argh! Just thinking about it pisses me off! If I ever see her again, she’s gonna get it. I’m not one to make girls cry but for Im Yoona, I’ll make her cry like a baby- OUCH! What the , man?! That hurt!” Yul pushed away Tim’s hand, which was holding a bag of ice.


“Sorry.” Tim smiled apologetically before looking sadly at the ground.


“What’s wrong with you?” Yul asked in a concerned tone when he realized Tim’s sudden change of mood.


Tim let out a long sigh. “Jessica. She’s mad at me for, well, what happened…last night.” Tim confessed with reddened cheeks.


Yul smirked. “No longer a , eh? So how was it? Was she good in bed? Hm, she actually looks like a screamer and I’m sure with those manicured nails she’s marked her territory on you. Am I right?”


“Yah! That’s my wife you’re talking about!” Tim smacked Yul’s head before grinning widely at the thought of his Jessica and of last night’s events.


“You look like you enjoyed it, so why are you upset?”


“I did enjoy it. It was the most wonderful experience ever. But, apparently, Jessica didn’t feel the same way. I thought since she hugged me last night that maybe she wanted me as well, but she woke up this morning going berserk after we did it. I don’t know, Yul. Maybe she doesn’t like me at all.” Tim sounded helpless.


“Then make her fall in love with you. Charm your way into her heart.”


Tim took in Yul’s very helpful advice. Maybe he did rush into things, but it didn’t mean it was too late to woo the girl. As long as her heart was still available, he was willing to fight for it.




After sitting in the room for an hour, Jessica finally got up the courage to unlock the door and peek her head out.


“Master Tim has already left.”


Jessica screamed. She didn’t expect a man to suddenly appear out of nowhere.


“Who are you?!” Jessica asked with her fists aimed at the man before her


“Forgive me, Miss Jessica. I’m the head butler of the Hwang residence. If you’re looking for Master Tim, he left about half an hour ago.”


Jessica was silent, relieved that Tim was gone, but also helpless because she didn’t know what to do now.


“Is that all, Miss Jessica?”


Jessica bit her lower lip, hesitating to ask the question. “Um, would you mind driving me someplace?”


“It’ll be my pleasure serving you, Miss Jessica.”


Once Jessica was in the car, she took out her phone and dialed Yoona.


“Yoona, where are you?”


“At the bar! Where else!” Yoona yelled in the phone, trying to blow off some steam after everything that took place just a few hours ago.


Jessica flinched before pouting. “Why are you yelling at me?”


“Sorry, Sica, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”


“It’s okay. Which bar are you at?”


“Seoul Bar. Why?”


“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Jessica soon hung up the phone and gave the butler the directions to the bar.


True to her word, Jessica arrived at the bar within ten minutes.


Yoona’s mouth was agape as she stared at her blonde friend. She quickly turned away, pretending she didn’t know Jessica.


“Yoona!” Jessica was waving to Yoona’s back before she decided to walk up to the girl.


Yoona groaned in embarrassment before facing Jessica. “What the hell, Sica? Why are you wearing that?” Yoona whispered harshly.


Jessica looked down and remembered that she was still in her wedding dress. She turned slightly pink before smiling awkwardly.


“It’s not my fault. I didn’t have any clothes with me besides this dress and I didn’t want to wear the ’s clothes.”


“What? ?”


“Tim’s the .” Jessica admitted as she blushed recalling this morning’s affair.


“Wait, that means… Oh my god! So you did have with him!” Yoona was now energetic and bubbly once again. She couldn’t contain her happiness as she jumped in her seat.


“Shh! Not so loud, Yoona.” Jessica hissed before bowing apologetically to the people in the bar.


“I knew it was going to happen. After all, you were pretty much all over him, clinging onto him to be more exact.” Yoona grinned at the now confused-looking blonde.


“What? I wasn’t all over him. W-Was I?” Jessica inquired. She honestly didn’t remember much from last night.


“Sica, everyone at the reception saw you holding onto him like a koala. You were even trying to make out with him in front of your parents. Luckily, Tim excused the both of you saying he was going to take you home first since you were too drunk to even stand up straight.” The grin never left Yoona’s face as she clued Jessica in on the details.


“Oh, no… I’m the .” Jessica dropped her head in her hands as she drowned herself in pity.


Yoona chuckled before patting the bride on the shoulder. “Technically, it’s not if you both wanted it. Plus, you’re married now. It was going to happen sooner or later.”


Jessica shot up and glared at her best friend. “I. Did. Not. Want. IT.”


“Sure, you didn’t. Although, I did hear that alcohol brings out one’s true feelings.” Yoona pretended to think with her index finger on her smirking lips.


Jessica felt her cheeks heat up. She was at a loss for words. She didn’t actually want to do it with Tim, did she? Well, she had to admit that he was kind of handsome and, well, he did have a nice body. Maybe she was just lusting for him. That’s all. Just pure lust. No actual feelings involved. No, no, no. She did not have feelings for the guy! It was highly impossible! Well, maybe a little… possible?


“It’s okay, unnie. You don’t have to know right now. You’ll know when the time is right.” Yoona patted her friend on the shoulder.


“No. I already know the answer and that’s a no.” Jessica retorted stubbornly.


“Yah, Sica. You said you’d give this a chance.”


“I… well, yeah, but…”


Yoona gasped. “My best friend is a liar! I can’t believe it.”


“Yah! I’m noooot!” Jessica whined.


“Good. Then give him a chance. Otherwise, I’ll gladly take him off your hands.” Yoona suggested.


Jessica couldn’t explain the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought of Tim being with someone else, but her pride wouldn’t let her admit it.


“Fine. Take him. I don’t care.” Jessica huffed as she crossed her arms.


“Really?” Yoona asked with anticipation.


Jessica nodded as she held her tongue.


“Okay, I’ll go find him right now.”


Jessica started to panic when she saw Yoona get up from her seat.


“Don’t!” Jessica grabbed onto Yoona’s wrist.


After realizing what she had just done, Jessica immediately released her hold on Yoona and hung her head low.


Yoona giggled softly before playfully elbowing her friend.


“Stop that!” Jessica was feeling annoyed and frustrated.


“Not until you admit that you like him, even if it’s just a tiny bit.”


“I don’t.”


“Hmm, okay, then.” Yoona continued to jab at Jessica’s ribs.


“Yah, stop it! Ugh, okay, fine! I like-“


“Oh my god. I’m sorry for interrupting your conversation, but do you realize how beautiful you are?” A short woman from a different table suddenly stood before them and kept her eyes locked on Jessica.


“Oh, um, thank you.” Jessica replied, feeling flattered by the sudden compliment.


“I got to have you.”


Okay, that was a bit strange and it had Jessica freaked out.


Realizing the alarm in Jessica’s face, the woman quickly reworded her sentence. “Not in a romantic way! I mean I have to have you as my model.”


“M-Me?” Jessica was momentarily stunned. She didn’t think she was model material. And she would never in a million years think anyone would actually offer her a modeling position.


“Yes, you, Miss, um, what’s your name, if I may ask?”


“Jung Jessica.” Hwang Jessica, actually. An unexplainable warm feeling appeared in the pit of her stomach at the thought.


“Greetings, Jessica-ssi. My name is Kim Taeyeon. I’m the CEO of one of the most well-known fashion companies called TaeTae’s Line, and it would mean so much to me if you would be my model. ”


Jessica pondered over the benefits of becoming a model for a famous fashion agency. “Okay, I’ll be your model.”


“Really? That’s wonderful! Here is my business card. Please contact this number to get in touch with my secretary who will help you with the process of being a part of my company. Again, thank you so much, Jessica-ssi!”


Jessica was dumbfounded when Taeyeon unexpectedly hugged her.


“Anyways, I’ll have to take my leave now. I’ll see you later, Jessica-ssi!”


Yoona slapped Jessica’s arm after Taeyeon had left the building. “What the heck, Sica?! I can’t believe you actually agreed to be her model!”


Surprised by an angry Yoona, Jessica furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “What’s wrong with me being her model. She seems nice and this would be a great career for me.”


Yoona knocked Jessica’s head with her knuckles as she sighed.


“DumbSica. That woman, Kim Taeyeon, is your husband’s rival in the fashion industry.”




Dun Dun Dun. Not really dramatic hahaha. Sorry if it was a boring chapter... not many JeTi or YoonYul interactions in this chapter

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 9: I'm a new reader...i hope u can still finish this book
Chapter 8: Ended with dukbokki lesson. Lol
Chapter 8: This is so sad BUT I really respect your decision author.. ^^
Thanks a lot for gave your times to share your story about JeTi.. ^^

Take as much time as you need & no need to rush.. ^^
I really understand that.. ^^
Fighting..!!! :))
Chapter 9: I respect your decision .. So your last update will be a FAREWELL :)
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 9: Us readers respect your decision.
We can't wait for your updates.
Take your time.
Chapter 9: I was so happy when I saw your story being updated but then... This is one of my favorite GB story here and if you are going to delete it, I will cry XD
Luckily, you are kind enough to finish this before you leave. Leaving here is your decision. I don't think I can stop you but you are always welcomed back again :)
JeTiLoVe #7
Chapter 8: update this story please..
clovecato123 #8
Pls Update Soon:))