First Day On The Job

Married For All The Right Reasons


“Very good, Jessica. Now, try to smile a little bigger this time.”


Jessica tried to do as the cameraman said despite how awkward and uncomfortable it felt since it was her first time being the cover girl of a popular magazine.


“Yes, very nice.” The cameraman commented, zooming in on Jessica’s angelic smile. He was about ready to capture the perfect photo until Jessica, all of a sudden, lost that spark and was now gaping with open.


“Ugh. Jessica, try to focus!” The frustrated cameraman scolded.


“Sorry, sorry.” Jessica bowed before looking back to the camera and not at her husband, who was grinning at her as he watched her pose.


“Okay, that’s good enough for today.” Said the photographer once he captured Jessica’s half-smile.


“Jess!” Tim ran up to his wife with a bag in his hand.


“How did you find me?” Jessica asked in surprise.


She should be surprised since she didn’t return to the Hwang mansion after that incident and found refuge at Yoona’s place. Since she never contacted him, he couldn’t possibly know that she was working here.


“Yoona told me where you were.”


“That big mouth.” Jessica hissed under her breath.


“Jessica…” Tim spoke in his husky voice as he took a step toward her.


“Wh-What?” Jessica stuttered. Her spine involuntarily shivered from his y voice.


“Congratulations on being a model.” Tim suddenly wrapped his arms around his girl and spun her in circles.


Jessica stiffened from the hug. Her heart was beating erratically, her legs and arms felt like jello. She was literally melting under his touch. But why? She shouldn’t be feeling like this. They didn’t even know each other for long, but his touches felt familiar.


It was when she realized that people were staring that she hit his shoulders.


“Yah! Put me down!” Jessica demanded with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.


“Sorry. I got too excited.”


Jessica was going to ask him why he wasn’t upset with her for joining his rival’s company, but then she remembered that his opinion shouldn’t matter to her.


“Why are you here?” Jessica replied emotionlessly, trying to put a cold mask on despite how comforting it felt to have him around a room full of strangers.


“I made you lunch.” Tim happily said. This was the first step to winning Jessica’s heart… through her stomach.


“You did?” Jessica was genuinely surprised. She made a mental note to add a brownie point for Tim’s thoughtful gesture.


Tim nodded before grabbing her hand and leading her to one of the tables.


“I can walk on my own.” Jessica mumbled, but she didn’t push him away. She liked how it felt to have their fingers intertwined. His grip was strong, yet his hand was so soft.


“Let’s sit here.” Tim pulled the girl down beside him.


“What did you make?” Jessica asked excitedly as she jumped in her seat. She didn’t get to eat all day, so she was starving.


“I made-“


“Oooh, that looks good.”


Jessica quickly got up and bowed to her boss.


“No need to be so formal, Jessica. We’re all friends now.” Taeyeon giggled before directing her attention to the man sitting beside the blonde.


“Oh my god, Tim!” Taeyeon squealed before tackling him in a bear hug.


“Hey, Taetae.” The man laughed softly as he hugged her back.


Jessica frowned at the scene. Were they close? Why were they touching each other so intimately?


“Do you know each other?”


“Yep. We met in college, but lost touch after graduation.” Taeyeon confessed with a pout directed at Tim.


“Sorry, I lost all my contacts. Forgive me, Taetae?” Tim looked guiltily at the baby-faced woman.


Taeyeon huffed. “Only if you treat me to lunch.”


Tim scratched his head. “Actually, I was planning to spend my lunch break with Jessica.” 


“Oh…” Taeyeon stared at Jessica. Maybe it was just her imagination, but Jessica could sense some hostility from Taeyeon.


“No, you should go.”


“What?” Tim looked at the girl whose head was low.


“I said go.” Jessica repeated, forcing a smile at Tim.




“Great! Let’s go, Tim!” Taeyeon took no time to drag the man toward the exit.


Jessica sighed as she stared at the untouched food. Why did she suddenly lose her appetite? Why did she feel uncomfortable when Tim left with Taeyeon? Why did she feel so lonely as she stared at the heart-shaped food? Most importantly, why was she thinking about Tim again?


Tim and Taeyeon were in the long hallway walking with their hands attached. Anyone who saw them would assume they were a couple.


Taeyeon was humming a tune as she led the way. Tim’s movements were slowing down until it finally came to a full stop.


“I’m sorry, Taetae. I really think I should stay with Jessica.”


Taeyeon turned to him and pouted, using her cute act to maybe sway him. “But I haven’t seen you in forever. I thought we could use this time to catch up.”


“We’ll have lunch another time, okay?”


Taeyeon sighed. “But it has to be a date. Just you and me.”


Tim gave into those pleading eyes. “Sure. Just you and me.”


Taeyeon grinned widely as she jumped up and down like a kid.


“I’ll see you later, Taetae.” Tim quickly hugged the girl before running back to where Jessica was.


Tim barged into the almost empty room, panting as he tried to catch his breath.


“You didn’t touch the food I made for you?”


Jessica turned her head to the voice and saw Tim walking toward her. It made her insides tingle to know that he came back for her.


“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with Taeyeon?”


“I wanted to watch you eat the food and be amazed by my cooking skills.” Tim answered with a smirk.


Jessica scoffed. Since when did he get so cocky?


“Well, you’re going to be disappointed because it’s burnt, it stinks, and it tastes rotten!”


Tim laughed as Jessica pretended to put on a disgusted face. “Does not. It tastes the best in the entire universe.” Hopefully it did since Tim spent all night trying to perfect it after many failed attempts.


“Nuh uh. Here, try it.” Jessica stabbed some meat with a fork and put it into Tim’s mouth.


“Yum. It tastes delicious.”


Jessica narrowed her eyes and looked down at the food with caution.


“Don't worry, you’re not going to die.” Tim took the fork from Jessica and fed her as well.


She allowed the contents to be chewed, savored, and swallowed.


“I-It’s o-okay.” Jessica admitted. Oh, look. Her appetite came back.


“See, told you so. Oh, shoot. I forgot to tell you that I added in some cucumbers. You’re okay with that, right?” Tim pretended to look worried.


“YOU WHAT!!!” Jessica shouted, a wave of anger and panic rushed through her veins. Her threatening eyes narrowed as she gripped onto the grinning man’s collar.


“Just kidding. I didn’t put any cucumbers in there.” Tim immediately ended his little prank and laughed at the girl whose face was as red as a tomato.


“Jerk!” Jessica smacked his arm over and over until there was a red handprint on it.


“Ughh, you’re still as violent as back then.” Tim groaned as he held his sore arm.


“Back then?” Jessica stared at Tim with a confused expression on her face.


“Wh-What… N-Nothing. Let’s eat. The food is getting cold.” Tim looked away from Jessica’s intense gaze and back to the food.




Yoona was staring at herself in the mirror, trying to see if there were any marks left by that bastard Yul since she still assumed he had her.


“You still look like a y goddess, Im Yoona.” Yoona said to herself with a proud smile while her phone started ringing.


Forcing her eyes away from her hot body, Yoona answered the call. It was her manager. “Yes?”


“Yoona, hurry and come to the diner near your apartment. I got you an interview with one of the biggest companies in Korea.”


Yoona shrieked with excitement. “I’m on my way!”


Yoona literally ran down the block to the diner. She was too ecstatic about possibly getting signed to a huge company and becoming a famous actress someday.


“Over here!” Her manager waved his arm out.


As Yoona got closer to their table, the back of the stranger’s head was looking strangely familiar.


“Hello, my name is Im Yoona.” Yoona bowed the second she was in front of their table without taking a glance at the guy.




That voice. Yoona froze in her bowing position before slowly lifting her head up. Yoona’s mouth dropped but no words came out. The man she had beaten with a lamp was sitting in front of her with a big, protruding bruise on his forehead.


“Are you going to stand there looking like a flounder or are you going to sit down?” Yul asked, smirking at the bewildered woman.


“S-Sorry.” Yoona bowed curtly before seating herself next to her manager. She didn’t dare look up at the man in front of her. She knew she had already messed up her chances of getting signed to his company after everything she had done to him.


“So, Yoona, I’ve just spoken with your manager about your contract, and I’m happy to welcome you to SNSD Entertainment. You’ll start your training today, actually.” Yul broke the silence and spoke in his most welcoming and soothing voice.


“Really?! You’re going to let me sign to your company?”


“Of course. I see a potential actress in you. You’ll be big, I promise you.”


“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Yoona stood up and bowed a dozen times. Maybe, he wasn’t such a bad guy.


Don’t celebrate so soon… Im Yoona.


Yul flashed his devilish grin as he watched the girl hug her manager.




“Okay, so this is the training room where you will meet your trainer.”


Yoona squealed when she saw the wallpaper with clouds and the wall-length mirrors.


Yul sighed. “Hey! Pay attention!” Yul growled his authority at the girl who quickly shut .


“Sorry.” Yoona smiled apologetically.


Yul ignored the tingly feeling in his stomach when Yoona beamed her simple yet beautiful smile at him.


Yul cleared his throat. “Let’s go. You’ll now meet the other trainees.”


“Hello, I’m Yoona. Please take care of me.” Yoona bowed in front of dozens of other trainees.


A cute, baby-faced boy approached the new trainee.


“Hey, I’m Luhan.” The playboy gave his innocent smile to Yoona, who was suddenly drooling over the hottie.


“Uh, I-I’m Y-Yoona.”


“I know. You already said that, remember?” Luhan chuckled before suddenly outstretching his hand and caressing the girl’s cheek with his thumb.


“Yoona. That’s a cute name for a cute girl. I’ll see you around, okay, cutie?” Luhan smirked as he walked away from the awestruck girl.


Yoona exhaled. “So hot.” Yoona mumbled as she held her beating chest. Was this love at first sight?


-Somewhere in the SNSD practice room-


“If you keep this up, you’ll be able to debut with the other eleven trainees.”


“I will, Sir. I’ll crush her heart into a million pieces.”



Didn't read it over... Sorry if there are LOTS of MISTAKES. ^-^

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 9: I'm a new reader...i hope u can still finish this book
Chapter 8: Ended with dukbokki lesson. Lol
Chapter 8: This is so sad BUT I really respect your decision author.. ^^
Thanks a lot for gave your times to share your story about JeTi.. ^^

Take as much time as you need & no need to rush.. ^^
I really understand that.. ^^
Fighting..!!! :))
Chapter 9: I respect your decision .. So your last update will be a FAREWELL :)
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 9: Us readers respect your decision.
We can't wait for your updates.
Take your time.
Chapter 9: I was so happy when I saw your story being updated but then... This is one of my favorite GB story here and if you are going to delete it, I will cry XD
Luckily, you are kind enough to finish this before you leave. Leaving here is your decision. I don't think I can stop you but you are always welcomed back again :)
JeTiLoVe #7
Chapter 8: update this story please..
clovecato123 #8
Pls Update Soon:))