I Don't Want To!

Married For All The Right Reasons


“But, Mom! I can’t marry him!” Jessica was literally on her knees begging her mother to cancel this arranged marriage.


“Jessica, stop trying to convince your mother otherwise. You are marrying Tim Hwang and that is final.” Mr. Jung cut in.


“But, Dad!” Jessica whined until her father shot her a dark, cold glare.


“Jessica, we have your best interests at heart. He can give you a better future. Plus, his feelings seem genuine. Your father and I are positive one hundred percent that you will live a happier life if you marry him.” Mrs. Jung reasoned as she her daughter’s blonde locks.


“I doubt it.” Jessica replied stubbornly.


“At least meet with him tomorrow. Please?”


“Fine. Because I love you, I’ll meet with him.” After making her promise, the now sulking Jessica dragged her feet to her room.


The second she got inside her room, Jessica slammed her door as she reached for her phone, dialing her best friend for comfort.


“Yooonaa!” Jessica cried when she heard the other line pick up.


“Yaah! You hurt my ears with your loud shouting.”


“Sorry, but I’m just so upset.”


Noticing the sadness in Jessica’s voice, Yoona asked, “What’s wrong, Sica?”


“I have to marry Tim Hwang!” Jessica announced shortly as she covered her face with the pillow.


“What?! Tim Hwang? The boy who always wore the same pair of clothes back in high school? And you have to marry him?!”


“Yes. Well, he’s no longer the poor and badly dressed boy we knew back then. Now, he’s the CEO of Soshi Fashion Corporation.”


“WHAT??!!” Yoona shouted in the phone so loud it created a static sound.


“Oww! My ears, Yoona!” Jessica rubbed her ringing ears.


“Sorry. Hehe. But, seriously? Wow. He must be super rich. You caught a good one, Sica.” Yoona always had a thing for people with a lot of money. It just made them much much more appealing to her.


“Hey! I don’t care how rich he is. I don’t want to marry him! And I have to meet with him at some café tomorrow.” Jessica groaned at the very thought of finally meeting the man who was giving her such a hard time.


“Ooooh… a date? How cute! Can I come?” Yoona eagerly asked.


“Will you?” Jessica didn’t want to be alone with the guy.


“No.” Yoona replied flatly before letting out her alligator laugh.


“I hate you.”


“Aw, I love you too, unnie. I’ll let you two lovebirds have your alone time so your love can blossom to its fullest.”


“Yah! I’ll kill y-“


“Gotta go, Sica! Have fun on your date, and I better be your maid of honor for the wedding!”


Before Jessica can finish her murderous threat, the other line went dead.


“You’re so dead when I see you, Im Yoona.”


Jessica’s anger toward Yoona had passed and now she was back to sulking about Tim Hwang.


“I don’t want to marry him!” Jessica whined once again as she screamed in her pillow.


It was finally the next morning. Jessica sat up in her messy hair before she walked lifelessly to the bathroom.


“Uuugh.” Jessica groaned as she stared at the dark circles under her eyes. She only had three hours of sleep because she was too busy thinking about her meeting with Tim.


“Why meeee?” Jessica groaned again in frustration before she got dressed for her meeting. NOT a date. A MEETING.




Jessica got out of her car. She was dressed in a pink floral dress. She chose an outfit that was simple and comfortable, and nothing more than that. Why should she dress up nice and elegant for a guy she hated?


“This is it, Jessica.” Jessica spoke aloud as she took a deep breath. She reached for the door of the café, pushing it slowly before she took the hesitant steps to the interior of the café.


The café was pretty big. It could probably fit two hundred people. Jessica scanned the room, looking for the guy she was engaged to.


“Jessica.” A soft yet masculine tone reached Jessica’s ears.


Jessica’s breath hitched when she turned her head to the side. “T-Tim?” 



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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 9: I'm a new reader...i hope u can still finish this book
Chapter 8: Ended with dukbokki lesson. Lol
Chapter 8: This is so sad BUT I really respect your decision author.. ^^
Thanks a lot for gave your times to share your story about JeTi.. ^^

Take as much time as you need & no need to rush.. ^^
I really understand that.. ^^
Fighting..!!! :))
Chapter 9: I respect your decision .. So your last update will be a FAREWELL :)
babystrawb3 #5
Chapter 9: Us readers respect your decision.
We can't wait for your updates.
Take your time.
Chapter 9: I was so happy when I saw your story being updated but then... This is one of my favorite GB story here and if you are going to delete it, I will cry XD
Luckily, you are kind enough to finish this before you leave. Leaving here is your decision. I don't think I can stop you but you are always welcomed back again :)
JeTiLoVe #7
Chapter 8: update this story please..
clovecato123 #8
Pls Update Soon:))