8: The Attractive You

Strange Attraction

"This might sting a little." Kris said as he slapped the cream roughly onto the nasty-looking blue-black situated on Chen's . 


He was lying on the sofa at Kris's house. Chen was lying face-down and Kris was on his back trying to treat the blue-black, most probably the first time he had ever done this before. Chen's muffled scream could be heard and he slapped his hands against the sofa violently when the impact came.


"What do you mean by a little? You are obviously trying to kill me!" Chen lifted up his head and shot laser beams with his eyes at his best friend.


"Relax bro. This is all for your own good. Be a good boy and listen to mama." Kris cooed and pushed Chen's head back onto the sofa.


After a few agonizing minutes, which seemed like hours to Chen, it was over and the both of them sat at the dining table for a cup of hot chocolate.


"This Eunhee girl is really one of a kind!" Kris marvelled, taking a sip from the cup of hot beverage clutched in between his hands.


Chen nodded in agreement and held his own cup of drink to his lips before taking a sip too. "Totally! She got some bad- attitude! And a chain of misfortunes happen to me ever since i met her. From injuring my nose to getting dragged out by force to the blue-black i have now. What more could happen?" Chen sighed.


"You only have yourself to blame. No one asked you to pester her like that and even appearing at her school like that. If i was her, i will freak out too." Kris shrugged his shoulders.


"Are you trying to console me or just trying to make me feel worse?" Chen shot back. 


"Well.. Maybe both. So what do you plan to do next? Stalk her again?"


"Get closer to her of course! This time it's going to work! Trust me!" Chen clucked his tongue and puffed up his chest proudly.


Kris shook his head boredly. "In the end it's just me cleaning up all the mess that you have created."


"No, i won't create any this time!" Chen replied as he shot up from his chair and started walking away.


"You always do." Kris grumbled as he whipped out his phone out from his pocket and started sending hearts and kisses to the girl he had hooked up recently.




"Everyone gather around!" Mrs Lee, the manager of Sam's Kitchen announced. Eunhee and her colleagues stop their work and stood in front of her. "We have a new colleague joining us today! Please welcome him warmly!" Mrs Lee stepped aside to reveal the said person standing behind her.


As expected, Eunhee rolled her eyes.


"Hi everyone! My name is Chen and i'm glad to work with all of you!" Chen bowed politely and flashed a charming smile, causing the females to swoon at his looks.


So fake, Eunhee thought and scrunched her nose in discomfort.


"I remember him! He came here to make trouble once! You can't hire him!" Mr Kim spoke up. Mrs Lee gave him a subtle smile. "It's okay, Mr Kim. Chen has already told me about it and it's only a misunderstanding!"


Mr Kim frowned at her words but did not say anything more.


"But we have more than enough staff members! Hiring one more is redundant!" one of the waiters, Hyunil, said as he shot daggers at the girl standing beside him, who was busy staring at Chen. Hearts could literally be seen pouring out of her eyes. However, she was oblivious to the 'hole' forming at the side of her head due to Hyunil's intense stare.


"Yes, i'm aware that our business is not that good, BUT i'm sure that there will be a better change with our dear Chen around. I mean, look at the girls!" Mrs Lee placed a hand on Chen's shoulder and gestured to the star-struck girls, except for Eunhee who was busy staring at the empty ceiling and looking as bored as ever.


The males sighed in defeat and nodded reluctantly. "No objections? Okay everyone go back to work!" Mrs Lee ordered and all of them scurried back to their respective positions.


"I almost forget something." Mrs Lee held Eunhee back.


"You will be in charge of teaching Chen the basic ropes, seeing that you are the only one not affected by his looks."


Eunhee's face dropped. "Can i say no?"


"No." came Mrs Lee's reply.




"Firstly, lay out a piece of tracing paper on the table. Then you place the bread base in the middle of the paper. This step is important so that it will be easier to wrap-" Eunhee demonstrated while she explained when she noticed Chen staring at her with a dreamy expression on his face, blantantly not listening to whatever she had just said.


"You look so attractive when you're speaking, babe." Chen said, reaching out his hand to carress her cheek.


Eunhee slapped his hand away roughly before he could even touch her. "Shut up and listen to what i'm saying!" she snapped at him.


Her colleagues witnessed the scene and began to chuckle. "Shh!!" Eunhee hushed and waved her hand at them so that they will look away.


"You look even more beautiful when you're angry!" Chen slapped both of his palms onto his own face lightly, fawning over her.


Eunhee face-palmed. "Alright! I give up! I am just going to keep explaining. I don't give a damn whether you are listening or not. It's not my fault if you didn't learn anything after this."


"Just go on! I can multi-task!" Chen grinned widely.


Today is going to be a really long day, Eunhee thought.




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This fic will be put on a short hiatus because i'm planning to start another story soon!:


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Caitlynn2013 #1
Chapter 10: Chen is sooo romantic in here! Eunhee you should accept him!
Chapter 10: "Another shorty hahaha"lol
Chapter 10: Hahaha. Eunhee ah, just enjoy his kiss. Don't slapped him. Kekeke. ert me.
Chapter 9: ChenChen,you're funny yet romantic guy.
Chapter 8: Chen your funny lol..
Chapter 8: Waaa~~I'm speechless...
Chapter 7: Chen! Don't give up! Try again next time! Win her heart!
joeylean #8
Chapter 6: ~Daebak!!!~
AhSongyi #9
Chapter 6: Wow~Eunhee mad at Chen.Why Chen always get bad luck? It's great and I love it more from before ♥ and I want to inform you that I will be gone for a week because I'm going back home to my hometown~ I want to wish you good luck for the next/upcoming chapters! ^^
Chapter 6: Daebak. Update soon authornim!