Waiting to Exhale

‘’hyung…hyung wake up!’’

Sungmin opened his blurry eyes and looked at Ryeowook:’’Wookie what’s up?why are you up this early in the morning?’’

Ryeowook sighed and hugged the pillow on his lap.

‘’hyung I don’t feel very well.my stomach is churning and my head’s gonna explode in any moment.’’

Sungmin cooed:’’my poor baby!don’t worry.hyung will make you feel better now.’’he stood up and groaned at the stiffness in his legs and back.his arm and neck were sore,too.he couldn’t remember when and how he fell asleep.he went to the bathroom and took some painkiller.he came back and gave Ryeowook two with a glass of water and he took one himself.he opened one of his drawers and took out some crackers and handed it to Ryeowook who eagerly accept.

As he was munching on it like he was eating for the first time in his life,he asked:’’so…what happened last night that I’m like this?I can’t remember the whole thing.’’he pouted then resumed his eating.

Sungmin chuckled and began:’’well,last night after we got to the party,I got distracted and I couldn’y find you,where were you?

Ryeowook thought for a moment and suddenly said:’’yeah…I remember this.when we got there I felt really uneasy.I saw some chairs faraway and no one was there,so I thought we go there till I feel better but I lost you hyung!I don’t know why but I was really scared!’’

Sungmin looked at him confused:’’you felt scared?why?I thought you like to go to the party and make friends.’’

Ryeowook sighed:’’hyung I like them but when I go somewhere that I’m not familiar with,I feel really unsecure,so…yeah.’’

Sungmin nodded:’’I understand.I’m really really sorry…so why didn’t you call me?if you had called me,then I could come and you wouldn’t felt like this.’’

Ryeowook hugged the pillow tighter:’’I didn’t think about it.anyway I was sitting there and looking at people.then some guy came and gave me some drink.he told me that it was amazing and I should try it.I took the glass and took a sip.it was really delicious…’’

Sungmin eyes widened:’’Wookie!why did you drink something you didn’t know?if something had happened to you…’’

Ryeowook rolled his eyes and said:’’hyung calm down,thank you for being protective,but let me continue.I was sitting and drinking when somebody came and sat beside me.he smiled and I think he said:if I were you,I wouldn’t drink that,it’s not that strong but the hangover after that isn’t really nice…now I understand what he meant!he asked if I was alone but I didn’t know him and I couldn’t trust him so I said no,I’m with my friend and he is now in the bathroom and will come back soon.he nodded and said it’s good and he’ll accompany me till my friend comes back because I seem young and innocent.he even told me I was cute!he asked my name and how old I am and he said he was happy to know me.he asked if I was from another school because he hadn’t seen me around.hyung he was really handsome and kind!I wish I could spend more time with him but his phone ranged and he excused himself and then I think you came but I’m not sure because I can’t remember exactly what happened next.’’Ryeowook finally finished his rambling.

Sungmin smiled:’’I can sense a tiny crush here.you did well!I wonder who is this lucky guy.’’

Ryeowook flushed and stuttered:’’h-hyung!don’t say thing like this!I…I…’’

Sungmin cocked both of his eyebrows and gave an I don’t believe a word of what you say look to him.

Ryeowwok sighed:’’okay…fine!you are right.I fell something special for him but it’s not crush!I like to know him better and maybe can be friend with him?’’

Sungmin laughed and said:’’I know you will do it!go for it!hyung is here for you and will support you.’’

Ryeowook giggled:’’hyung!I’m not getting married!I just want to make some friend!’’

They laughed together but Ryeowook suddenly got up and ran to bathroom.

Sungmin shook his head and began making his bed.

‘’where is Ryeowook hyung?’’

Due to shock Sungmin fell on his bed and put a hand on his chest

‘’damn it Cho!you scared me!what about him again?he’s in the bathroom emptying his stomach.’’

Kyuhyun rubbed his face:’’so why aren’t you there with him to help him?’’

Sungmin rolled his eyes:’’do you know him at all?’’he ignored Kyuhyun’s mumble’better than you’ and continued:’’Mr.better than me ,he doesn’t like when he throws up anyone be near him.if this is your first time seeing him like this,so it’s better to close your mouth!’’

Kyuhyun got up and pour a glass of water for himself:’’so how is he?did something happen to him last night?’’

Sungmin shook his head and put the pillow and the blanket that Kyuhyun had used in his closet.he turned around and grabbed crackers from Kyuhyun and said:’’don’t eat all of them.I need it for Wookie so he can feel better.he needs minerals.’’he went to his mini fridge and took an apple juice and put it near crackers.

Kyuhyun cocked his eyebrow and sat behind the desk:’’it seems you knew what could happen.you are all set.it’s not good to drink this much specially when you are underage.’’

‘’it’s none of your damn business what I do’’Sungmin said irritated and turned to the sound of opening door.he grabbed a glass of water and handed it to Ryeowook and helped him to sit on the bed.

‘’Wookie don’t drink too much water.apple juice is better now.drink it with some cracker.he put those  on his lap and help him to eat.Kyuhyun bent forward on the desk:’’hyung are you okay?do you need anything?’’he asked with concern.

‘’oh,when did you get here? You knew I was in Sungmin hyung’s room?’’Ryeowook asked surprised.

Kyuhyun scratched back of his head .Sungmin beat him in answering:’’he was here the whole night .he suspects that I might do something to you and like hero he is , he stayed to protect you ‘’

Sungmin rolled his eyes and ignored glaring Kyuhyun .

Ryeowook giggled : ‘’really ? Kyuhunnie ! how adorable but you shouldn’t worry Sungminnie is my best friend and know me the best I trust him whole heartedly you should too! when you know him more you’ll see  he can be the best hyung !’’

Sungmin smiled and patted Ryeowook’s head:’’calm down you drama queen!you know I don’t like people who kissing my .stop!’’

Ryeowook pouted:’’but hyung I was serious!you are the best friend ever I had!’’

Sungmin stuffed some cracker in Ryeowook’s mouth.

‘’I wonder how you can be this energetic in your hangover!I pitty your boyfriend.poor him!’’

‘’you have a boyfriend?who is he?do you really like him?’’Kyuhyun bombard Ryeowook with his questions.’’

Sungmin suppressed his laughter:’’relax Cho!I didn’t know you have a thing for Wookie.he doesn’t have.I meant his future boyfriend.’’

Kyuhyun crossed his arms:’’how do you know what he wants?maybe he wants to have girlfriend?you are forcing him without he can realized!’’

Ryeowook wrinkled his nose:’’ew!girlfriend?’’

Sungmin pursed his lips to don’t show his smile:’’Cho,unlike you he trusts me enough to tell me about himself.I know what I am talking about.’’

Ryeowook put a hand on Sungmin’s knee:’’hyung don’t be like this.he is my friend toobut he always wait till I speak.don’t be harsh.you two are my closest friend.’’

Sungmin rolled his eyes:’’whatever…by the way you had a chemistry quiz.how was it?’’

“hyung it was so easy after you taught me.I yhink I’ll get an A.the test was about everything you told me.Mr Yoon had told us it was difficult but thanks to you I did great.’’

Sungmin nodded:’’that’s good.now go to your own room,I want to sleep more.you didn’t let me to have a nice sleep last night you brat!’’

Ryeowook giggled:’’it’s not my problem that I have so much fun with you!do you want me to give you a massage?I noticed you’re sore and you hadn’t slept in a good way.come on lye down here.’’

Sungmin shook his head:’’no,you’re not better than me yourself.go and rest.a shower and a nice nap will do.’’

Ryeowook battled his eyes:’’hyung can I stay here with you?I’m not sleepy and I want hang out more.specially when Kyuhyunnie is here too.we can do a lot of nice things!’’

Sungmin shook his head and crossed his arms:’’no way Wookie!I don’t feel well.even though I took painkiller my head’s gonna kill me.not now maybe later.’’

Ryeowook stood up and hugged him:’’aw!my poor adorable hyung!okay see you later at lunch.rest well.’’

He gave Sungmin a kiss on the cheek and went out.

Sungmin turned around and crossed his arms:’’arent you you going to go too,Cho?missiom accomplished!he’s safe now.you did a great job!now shoo!’’

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and got up:’’no need to say.I couldn’t stand you any longer!and…I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but thank you for letting me to stay here and use you stinky pillow and blanket I guess.’’he went an d opened the door but stopped in his way when Sungmin called him.

Sungmin handed him an orange juice and said:’’you didn’t have your breakfast.drink this.’’

Kyuhyun looked at the drink skeptically but grabbed it anyway.

He mumbled:’’but it doesn’t mean we’re in good terms.’’

Sungmin rolled his eyes:’’of course not!now get lost!’’

And he closed the door.

this weekend was too much for him.he really needs his shower and nice sleep right now.





hi everyone.sorry for late update.hope you like this chapter.tell me what do you think about it,kay?have a nice day!

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Chapter 8: ok...where to begin...hmmmm

1. I think you should look into getting a beta reader to help correct and thereby improve your English. If you find a really good one you could work on expressing yourself better in terms of sentence structure, word choice, etc. ^^

2. Punctuation and Grammar. Use capital letters for the beginning of sentences. Separate individual speech during dialogue. It's not correct to write like this:

ex. SungMin said: "Hi....".

Rather you should try:

ex. "Hi...". SungMin said.

3. Formatting. Space out the text. Make use of paragraphing. Double space after a fullstop. Single space after every other type of punctuation mark. It makes reading easier.

4. Title and Summary. The title and summary don't match with the fic but as you said the fic didn't turn out the way you wanted.

5. Plot and characters. Spend some time working out the timeline, the events you want to occur, the reasons, etc. Build up your characters and make them fit into the story as opposed to just throwing them in. For example, I couldn't understand Min's character here. Why was he so abrasive, sad, opposed to making new friends, etc.?
Define the main character(s). If you can't commit to making a large number of characters an integral part of the story, choose two and make the rest side characters.

Also work on details. Describe the scenery, the character, the music, etc. so that you fic is more interesting. That's all I can think of right now.

What I liked? The idea that your going for and that you didn't indulge in POV switching.

Good luck in your other fics. Happy writing^^
Chapter 4: I think kyu insisted to stay not just because wook but because min.
Kyu actually jelly to min wook closeness~
Chapter 3: Oh my! XD Here comes trouble! (Lol) Ryewook is drunk?! :OO I wanna see what'll happen in the chapter, he's probably going to have a terrible hangover! T.T Poor wookie~ but he's still adorable when he's drunk xD Update soon!
Chapter 3: woah~ min and wook really cuties~~
Chapter 2: Ahh what's this? xD Kyuhyun smiled at the end, what does this mean? >:DD Lol our cutie, hyper Donghae had too much sugar and coffee xD Ohh~ I wonder what'll happen at the party :D Can't wait for your next update ^^
Chapter 1: This is seems really interesting ^^ I thought Kyuhyun would be nice...but he acts like a jerk! D:< Lol Sungmin how are you going to live ^^; I hope you update again soon :)))