
You're a NINJA?
6 School
*Hyeri's POV*
Hello school. Hello new life. Hell-
"Dang. We have NO classes together."
Wait whut.
"What do you mean we have no classes together. All three of us have different classes?" I asked.
"Yeah... We have the same classes but not at the same time..." Jonghwan answered slowly...
Hell naw. They can't do this to us! Why give us different schedules? This has to be a mistake! We always stick together like peas in a pod because we are KHJ! 
"Oh well. I guess we have to make new friends. BUT. At least we have lunch together..?" Kyungmi added. 
That's true. No one wants to eat lunch alone. At least they gave us lunch...
The bell.
"Bye-bye! See you at lunch guys!"
Great. Now I'm all alone.
"Hello, I'm Kim Hyeri! Please take care of me~" I forced. Oh god. I hate doing this annoying crap. The class was quiet as a mouse too.
I heard a snicker. Wth man. If you don't like me, then don't say anything ._.
I looked up. Oh. my. god. 
It was L.Joe. Can he look more perfect than before? WTH am I thinking? O_O
"She's pretty." 
"I know right?"
"I wonder if she's in a relationship..."
Kill me now please. I hated all this attention. I hope Kyungmi and Jonghwan were doing fine. Especially Kyungmi, this type of stuff makes her freak out and have mental breakdowns...
"Hyeri. Can you sit next to L.Joe? He's a really good student and can show you around the school."
"Yes ma'am."
I walked toward L.Joe slowly and saw girls shooting daggers at me. Damn~ girls. Calm the hell down. I'm pretty sure that L.Joe "loves" you guys too. /rolls eyes.
However, the guys in the class kept checking me out. erts. Just wait until I give them a lesson. 
I sat next to L.Joe and the first thing he whispered to me was...
"Kim Hyeri. That's your name? Kinda funny how I forgot to ask your name yesterday. Starting today, you are my slave." and winked.
Whoa there. Slave? Hah. Slave my ._.
"Wow. thanks for the nice greeting" I coldly said.
"I hope the class gets along with Hyeri. She's new here and I heard that she was one of the three top students at her last school." the teacher continued.
Oh great I though as I felt L.Joe's eyes on me, love bullets shoot me and more daggers stab me. This is going to be "such a fun day mission."
I really hope the Love Chickens are ok...
*Kyungmi's POV*
"Hi~ My name is Lee Kyungmi! Please take care of me!" I said as normally as I can. The class I was put in was filled with boys and girls that didn't really care.
However, when I finished my greeting. Everyone fixed their eyes on me. That totally creeped me out a little. 
"Wow! You're so pretty!"
"Dang! She's gorgeous!"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Do you want to be my friend?"
What in the world? I didn't like the attention at all! They kept asking me questions until the teacher settled the class down. 
"Kids. Kids! Settle down. Kyungmi. Please choose a seat to sit." he continued.
"Choose a seat?" I squeaked out. What? I can't-
"OMG. She's so cute!"
"Omo. I know right!"
"She's so nervous!"
"I hope she doesn't pass out..."
"I swear. If she doesn't have a boyfriend, I shall volunteer as tribute!"
"Teacher, don't make her choose. I think that made her even more nervous!"
"Yes, teacher!"
I think I'm actually going to pass out. All the attention was too overwhelming. I feel dizzy...
"Kyungmi? Are you okay? You look pale!" the teacher asked.
"Huh? Oh.. yeah.. I'm okay. Just a little dizzy. Can you just choose a seat for me? I'm okay anywhere..." I managed to spit out. 
I better sit down soon or I'm going to faint.
"Ok. You can sit next to Changjo and Sehun over there. Raise your hands Sehun and Changjo."
Why do those names sound so familiar?
I looked up and...
That's Oh Sehun and Choi Jonghyun. Exo and Ten Top. My biases. Oh god.
I walked towards them slowly as the class stared at me like I was a piece of art.
As I neared them... 
I felt so dizzy.
Next thing I saw was black. 
Pitch black.
*Jonghwan's POV*
"Hello everyone. I'm Jo Jonghwan. Please take care of me." I said clearly. Really hope Hyeri and Kyungmi are okay. Especially Kyungmi. She hates doing this type of stuff. I hope she's okay...
"He's so cute!"
"And hot."
"And handsome."
"Settle down class! Jonghwan. Can you sit in the back with Minwoo and Changbum?"
"Yes, Teacher."
Minwoo and Changbum... They have the same name as my old buddies.
"Omo. Jonghwan?!?!? BRO!"
Oh.mai.gawd. It was them!
I'm going to love this school so much!
*Hyeri's POV*
Finally lunchtime! I can finally see the Love Chickens again~! 
I texted Jonghwan and Kyungmi.
Sent {12:01 PM} Lets meet at that tree we saw this morning! The one with the pretty cherry blossoms.
Love Chicken 2 {12:02 PM} Good idea! I'll meet you there! I want you and Kyungmi to meet some special people I meet today!
Special people? Dang. His social skills are good!
Why didn't Kyungmi text back yet? She usually texts back before Jonghwan does.
Is she okay?
Love Chicken 1 {12:05 PM} Umm... Is this Kyungmi's friend? She's in the nurse's office right now. You should come here right now.
Nurse's office? OMG. Did she faint?
I ran towards the nurse's office but bumped into a guy about a couple of inches taller than me.
Not again. I didn't even see who I crashed into.
"I'm sorry! I'm in a rush!"
I ran again. I felt bad about crashing into the guy but Kyungmi fainted!
*Jonghwan's POV*
It felt so good to see the gang again! I can't wait to introduce them to Kyungmi and Hyeri! They are going to love them! 
Sent {12:04 PM} Did you get the text from Hyeri? I'm pretty sure you did! Well, I have a surprise for both of you~ <3
I wonder how is she going to react? She wanted to meet the gang so badly yesterday when she found out about them. That adorable girl.
I started to talk to Minwoo and Changbum again about the girls. Then my phone vibrated.
Turtle Ninja {12:07 PM} Is this Kyungmi's friend? She's in the nurse's office right now. You should come here right now.
Oh no. I ran with the boys to the nurse's office.
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 author's note 
Muahahaha! Lol. So how have you guys been for the past few days? I'm been at driving school and I passed! YAY! Time for the DMV! 
Did you like the chapter? LOL. I'm starting to write another story called Coke or Pepsi? so check it out if you want ^^
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Gosh. I've been neglecting all my stories D;


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Hello new subbie here ^^
This story is amazing
Please update soon ^^