
You're a NINJA?
10 What in the World?
*Hyeri's POV*
Thump. Thump Thump.
What in the world was that? I thought. 
It was in the middle of the night and tomorrow was going to a full month of being "uncover" and I was exhausted of going to school everyday including the weekends since the three of us were in this volunteering club that cleaned up the school. I honestly don't even know why I joined it. Oh wait. Since Kyungmi and Jonghwan are so environmental friendly and decided that I should be too. I tried to argue that weekends should be for fun time and partying but... No success. They teamed up against me. Why do I even bother fighting them? 
Thump. Thump. Thump.
There was the noise again. I looked at my Sentimental Circus themed alarm clock and it read 1:35 AM. I groaned. Whatever making that noise better have a good reason.
I got out of bed and my feet gently touched the cold floor feeling around for my warm slippers. I slipped my feet in and walked towards Kyungmi's bedroom which was right next to mine and and that girl was fast asleep. 
Should I wake her up? I thought. Well... to be honest, I am scared to death right now. Why did I even get out of my warm, comfortable, and safe bed in the first place? Because of that noise? Gawwdddd.... 
I decided to wake Jonghwan up instead so I tippy-toed my way over to his room which was right across from Kyungmi's. Jonghwan was also asleep and looked like he was not getting out of his bed anytime soon. But, I took the chance and shook him.
"Yah. Jonghwan. Wake Up." I nosily whispered.
He groaned and turned away from me.
This guy .-.
"YAH! Wake up! There's something that keeps making a noise!" I whispered even louder this time which was closer to my regular talking oice.
He reluctantly pulled his covers down from his more-than-half-alseep-face. 
"What noise?" he asked tiredly.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
"That noise." I responded.
Jonghwan jumped up immediately and pulled a bat from under his bed and cautiously got out of bed with no noise. 
"Is Kyungmi still sleeping?" he asked worriedly.
"Sound as a bear during hibernation," I answered softly.  I saw his face turn soft for a second but his tired face returned.
"Ok. I think the noise is coming from the front door but... aren't you scared?" 
"Err.. yeah?!? That's why I woke you up!" I whispered loudly. Gawddd... these people ._.
"Sorry..." he laughed. "let's try to not wake the bear up. She's going to be cranky or turn into a zombie.'"
We lightly walked over to the door and opened it slowly.
"What the..." 
"Peeked from Jonghwan's side after he said that and ...
"What the.." indeed.
We saw L.Joe holding a puppy outside our doorstep freezing with drops of water all over him.
I guess it was raining.
                                                                                                                                                                                         eg *  
 author's note 
OHMAIGOSH. I'm back~! Sort of? LOL. So how was Christmas for you guys? Sorry for not updating for a while. It was all school's fault with my procrastination. But HAPPY NEW YEAR readers~! For this year, I promise to update a lot more since last year was ehh.... Also, this update major but maybe a better one will come soon? LOL. Anyways, until next time, bye bye~ ♥
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Gosh. I've been neglecting all my stories D;


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Hello new subbie here ^^
This story is amazing
Please update soon ^^