
You're a NINJA?
3 What in the World?
*Hyeri's POV*
Seoul University. Wow. I can't believe it. I got into that school. Well, the committee got KHJ to. But still! O_O We got into Seoul University. The coolest school apparently according to the other younicorns in Laynicornia.  I'm so happy! The really bad thing is... I don't want a freaking soul mate or first love! (/bricked). Today is the day! :o I was excited until... last night....
I was doing some research last night and I found this:
Hmmm.... Pretty interesting to me right? I don't think the female one is right though. I said all of those things and the Male Dictionary fits me. OMG. Does that make me a guy? Kyungmi acts like the Female Dictionary sometimes but... OMG. Am I a guy secretly as a girl? OMG. My MIDLIFE CRISIS CAME A TAD BIT TOO EARLY! D:
​You know what. YOLO. I didn't care. I didn't even care about this dumbstupidfreakingretardeduseless mission. I only agreed because of Jonghwan and Kyungmi. They already finished the task without even knowing. Was this all a trick to me? Wait. I'm not even sure if P knows that they like each other! OMG. It's a conspiracy! :o 
I continued my research... I learned that love ain't a game and falling in love is harder than loving out of love. Like da heck? 
I found this too:
What in the world? That's sad and crazy!
I went crazy seeing this post ._. Like what the hell? That's so ... so... O_O I couldn't take all this anymore so I got distracted. I looked up random stuff.
I accidently looked up weird stuff that I can't even bring my mind too soooo... 
I was feeling awkward looking these ( I shall not tell you what they were..) up on my laptop (toplap) so I looked up friend related stuff. I saw this:
OMG. This describes Kyungmi, Jonghwan, and me so much! The thing is, I'm much more closer to Kyungmi than Jonghwan for multiple reasons. One, she's a girl, I'm a girl. Two, girls stick together. Three, there are some things you can't tell to guys. Four, I met her first. So don't hate me! I love Jonghwan too! (as a best friend) I'm close to him too! :D
Ok. That was random. /facepalm.
Dang. Lee Kyungmi sure knows how to gain attention. -_- 
"Yeah. I just finished packing my stuff." By stuff, I meant my clothes, accessories, and crap. I mean, stuff. I seriously need to act more "lady-like" if I want a "first love" or whatever they call it. I'm not going to enjoy this one single bit.
Oh yeah. I found out that some really popular people be going to that University. I could meet these Kpop idols or whatever they call that too. I maybe in Korea in a secluded protected place, but I have never heard of Kpop let alone know those idols. 
Time to find out though!
*a couple of hours later*
The committee arranged for the love chickens and I to go to the school at 9:00 AM and here are! The school looks so pretty too! OMG. THE TREES. THE BUILDINGS.
I'm going to love it here.
*Kyungmi's POV*
Wow. This place has some welcoming aura to it. I feel welcome already! Hyeri was running around like a dork looking at the scenery, but Jonghwan seemed really out of it though. I hope he's okay here...
This place is amazing! I love it~~~! My feels. Hyeri and I were looking up stuff relating to our quest and I found out that Teen Top and EXO go to our school! :o I started to listen to them yesterday because I didn't know who they were... BUT HOLY SMOKES! I have biases in each group already! Changjo, Sehun, Kris, and Baekhyun! I know. One bias in Teen Top, but THREE biases in EXO?!?!? 
Let me explain. There are too many handome people in EXO. HOW CAN ONE HAVE ONLY ONE BIAS IN EXO. Case closed. 
We finished registering for the classes and got a place to ourselves near the school.
It was going to start next week. I can't wait. OMG. I'M GOING TO MEET TEEN TOP AND EXO!!!
I'm not going to end up like the saesangs though~ :D
*Hyeri's POV*
"Wow." Jonghwan said. "They really did get us a nice place to stay!"
No kidding.  This place was UH-MAZING! 
There was a note on the main table. "This is the place you guys are going to stay at until you guys finish the quest. After you finish, this house would look like a cave compared to your future houses."
"Say what? The heck? The committee did it this time! BEST MISSION EVAR!!!!" yelled Kyungmi. OMG. This girl needs to calm down.
We looked around and saw that there were four bedrooms. Three of them were filled with our stuff already.
My room looked pretty simple and cozy. I like it. Totally Hyeri's Style.
Kyungmi's was also her style. It was really cozy and comfortable too! :D 
Jonghwan's was also his style and I was kinda surprised...
I liked his bedroom the most. I was mind blown.
The committee really wanted us to do this mission. They really cared for us and our future with future spouses  . But why?
After being mind blown by the freaking awesome committee, we walked to the extra bedroom. Boy were we shocked.
It wasn't a bedroom. It was OUR STUDY ROOM! I love the committee. They made sure we would be comfortable with our "new" lives. Omg. I can't explain what I feel. 
I'm going to make the committee proud! I guess it's time to put Plan Chicken into action. Plan Forever Alone  Blue can wait.
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 author's note 
Sorry for not updating lately. :/ I have been REARRY busy lately...I promise that I'll try to update as much as I can but I'm going to go to school soon and 
I took too many hard classes but ehh.... Oh well right? xD AND I'm taking driving classes! :o Lol. I hope nothing goes wrong~ 
Anyways, DID YOU GUYS FREAKING HEAR GROWL YET?? NO?! <3 Click on the heart right now! *spazzes*
Lol. I love the Chinese Ver more because it's ... mindblowing more? /bricked
I also heard that Exotics were banned from Inkigayo... I'm not surprised though.. :/
Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter :/ I'm having a brainfart about how to connect everything I have in mind. 
I wonder if anyone reads my "notes". xD
P.S. Did you see the references in there? ;D
P.S.S. I's so sorry for all the pics up there. ._. I got carried away... BUT pictures are nice to look at right?


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Gosh. I've been neglecting all my stories D;


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Hello new subbie here ^^
This story is amazing
Please update soon ^^