
You're a NINJA?
5 Dinner with L.Joe
*Hyeri's POV*
L.Joe. What the...? What the flying duck? WHUT? 
"Yeah. I'm L.Joe from Teen Top." 
I could hear Jonghwan awkwardly shuffle beside me and Kyungmi mentally fan-girling in her mind.
"Aren't you going to say hi back personthatcrashedintometodayatLotteWorldandcalledmeastrangereventhoughItoldyoumyname?" 
Crap. He remembered me. Well, he is kinda cute Heck. He's hawt. Ok. I admitted it.
"Umm... Hi... L.Joe..." His name was so weird though. ._. 
"So you do know my name!"
"Ummm... Yeah..."
Jonghwan was quiet this entire time which was unusual. I'm scared... :o
"Long time no see Lee Byunghun" Jonghwan awkwardly say. Why was he so awkward all of a sudden?
"Why, isn't it Jo Jonghwan from elementary school. How have you been? Actually where have you been? The crew misses you. You know that right?" L.Joe happily answered.
"Sure you guys do. You wanna come in? We're about to make dinner to eat. You should join us!" Jonghwan said and dragged L.Joe aka Lee Byunghun in the house.
That was weird.
"Here's the delicious food!" Kyungmi came into the dining room and set down a plate of noodles, a plate of salad, a huge rice bowl, and other side dishes that looked yummy. Of course it there would be salad ._. This girl loves her salad not that I'm complaining. She knows her cooking.
"You could cook Kyungmi?" 
"Yep!" answered Kyungmi. "You don't L.Joe?"
"Uh... no... not really. Only ramen and eggs." he laughed.
We settled down and dugged into the yummy smelling food. Wow. Delicious. 
We talked to L.Joe more and found out that he was going to the same school as us and in which Kyungmi added "I know~ I'm a big fan of Teen Top and I hope that didn't sound freaky..." Oh Kyungmi. You and your "perfect" adlibs. 
Apparentlly, Jonghwan and L. Joe were friends when they were little before Jonghwan came to Laynicornia. They were apparently in a group of guys called the TOP brothers. I know right? So weird. Why did it have to be called the TOP brothers. Couldn't they be called something else? And the TOP brothers were a group of thirteen guys that loved music however, Jonghwan left becausehe wasn't into music and joined N.I.N.J.A. soon after. Anyways, they were spilt into two groups because they loved competing against each other just like boys do. One team was called Teen Top (really? the name! D:) with C.A.P., Chunji, L.Joe, Niel, Changjo, and Ricky. The other was 100% (better name) with Minwoo, Rokhyun, Chanyong, Hyukjin, Sanghoon, and Changbum. Jonghwan was "supposed" to be in 100% but left. :P
LOL. That's not weird. 
Are my thoughts confusing you guys? NO? Good. xD
"Well. I have to leave now guys." L.Joe stated then added, "It was fun meeting you two girls! Jonghwan, you lucky person. You have two gorgeous girls as besties now!"
"Bye L.Joe" we said as he left.
The heck was all that? I'm confused now. BUT~ Tomorrow's the first day of Seoul University for us! 
I looked at our uniforms. Time to actually start our quest.
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 author's note 
Sooo... I updated again... and I might not update anymore until I have time which I don't know when... But! I promise that I will update a lot. Maybe xD
This was such a dumb update but it helps the plot get moving~ Luff chu guys~^^


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Gosh. I've been neglecting all my stories D;


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Hello new subbie here ^^
This story is amazing
Please update soon ^^