
You're a NINJA?
1 Laynicornia
*Hyeri's POV*

Finally. The day I get to see all my hard work put to use. After all the long and tiring hours learning how to fight and flee like the wind has come down to this day. Funny how it makes you feel all jittery and fluttery. 

Oh. /facepalm

I forgot to introduce myself. Annyeong~ I'm Kim Hyeri! I'm currently 19 years old living in an unknown location that even I don't know. Yeah. I don't know where I live. Except many people that live here say it's called Narnia. Like really? That sounds like a place where nomads live. NO offense.  I personally like to call it Laynicornia. Don't be hating ok? The people that live here can be called younicorns. It makes perfect sense! Unicorns are beautiful and pretty and awesome and have awesome hair and healing powers and I want one when I grow up. (They exist ok?)

Anyways! I'm a ninja. YESH. A ninja. Well a N.I.N.J.A. That stands for Ninja is Just Not Air. Doesn't make sense does it? Well, let me explain then. N.I.N.J.A is a secret society or organization that deals with talented people but mostly kids around the age of 14 and up. I have been here in Laynicornia (I shall refer this place as Laynicornia ok?) ever since I was born. My parents died when I was only a couple of months old. Representatives from N.I.N.J.A. found me on the street. (How was I on the street? I don't know either ._.) I don't really remember what the outside world looks like. I heard rumors of it having trees and oceans and beaches and sand and grass and unicorns. I must catch one when I go there. They say that the outside world is big. LIKE REALLY BIG. I learned that there are seven continents, seven oceans, many countries, many cities, and blah blah blah. It seems interesting out there though.

N.I.N.J.A teaches us how to defend innocent citizens of random places like Seoul and other places I can't remember. I'm not exactly the smartest person in it. I do have two best friends, Lee Kyungmi and Jo Jonghwan, in it. They were the first people that I can remember talking to.  It's funny because Kyungmi and Jonghwan like each other but don't know it. How it is even possible that they don't know? All those loving glances and awkward eye contacts? *tsk tsk* I need to play matchmaker with them one day! *Muahahahahaha* 
The president of N.I.N.J.A thought that we were the best group/team in the whole society which isn't really a lie. However, if you seperate us, then we would be the weakest.  Teamwork is the best! We used to joke around by saying, "We are one! We are KHJ!" Funny because Kim Hyun Joong's initials are that and I really love his songs especially Break Down and Unbreakable. :D
Going back to the meaning of Ninja is Just Not Air. Way back, a long time, even before your own great great great grandmother or grandfather was born, there was a big war among people. This war wasn't famous and didn't get recorded in history. It was about how people we worried about the air being polluted with stupid people. I know right? Weirdest war ever! Well, you might not think it was a bad war but it was. Anyways, many "stupid" people that were trying to gain power over the world beginning to pollute the air with toxic waste and gas that made the air all bad and no one paid attention to the pollution that much because no one noticed. One man, by the code name of X began to notice the air going bad and see all the people he loved get sick. He realized that the "stupid" people that go by the name of W.A.R.R.I.O.R. (aka Wars Are Really Really Incredibly Old-Fashion Right?). I have no idea why they go by that HORRIBLE acronym but who knows? They probably think it's cool or something >.> Continuing on with the story, X found out that learning how to defend others against the harm they did by planting more trees and plants. However, when the W.A.R.R.I.O.R.'s found out, they used violence to gain power. X created N.I.N.J.A.'s to counterattack the W.A.R.R.I.O.R.'s using martial arts to fight and then later upgraded to other fighting methods to protect innocent lives. It's ironic because the leader of the W.A.R.R.I.O.R.'s goes by Y. LOL. I remember when I first heard that. My mind was blown. Then I laughed for 10 minutes straight with Kyungmi and Jonghwan. 
So yeah. We don't just protect the air anymore. We protect every single living thing that is innocent until proven guilty. The leader said that because of our hard work and dedication to protect this precious rule, many living things are grateful and loyal to us. I remember my first "mission" with Kyungmi and Jonghwan (I call them love chickens because I love chicken and them) was about planting 100 trees in half an hour. It was pretty easy if you ask me ;D We finished within 10 minutes so we planted 10 trees within a minute because we are ninjas! (no pun intended).  That sounds like a weird task right? But doing this builds up our stamina and confidence to help the planet with simple tasks. The thing is, throughout the task, Kyungmi and Jonghwan we always together. I felt like the third wheel but I was happy about it! I even made them a shipping name! It's KyungJong or I just call them Love Chickens. 
The leader, we call him P ( I don't know why either >.>), called me and the love chickens to his office the other day and told us that we can finally go to the outside world, aka Seoul, South Korea. We were so happy. He's going to give us the final mission as a N.I.N.J.A. in Laynicoria. I'm going to miss this place with all the blue, clear skies and the luscious grass.
SHOOT. I'm going to be late.
Time to meet up with the Love Chickens at our secret hiding place!
*10 minutes of walking to the playground all the way on the other side I was at ._.*
"Hey guys!" I called out when I saw them waiting for me. I rushed towards them.
"I can't believe we are going to get our last mission here!" exclaimed Kyungmi. 
"I wonder want it's going to be." said Jonghwan. He had a sad look on his face but it was later covered by a look of hope.
"We should go to P's office now." said Kyungmi. "Let's go!"
We rushed to the office. The leader was sitting there like a boss
"So are you guys ready?" said the leader. We nodded.
Kyungmi, Jonghwan, I were ready to kick butts and put bad people in jail and other cool stuff.
 "Your mission in Seoul is to find your true love. Your soul mate. You first love."
"WHAT?" Kyungmi, Jonghwan, and I exclaimed.
                                                                                                                                                                                         eg *  
 author's note 
Please excuse the random korean word in there. /gets bricked
I wanted Hyeri to sound cute (?), innocent and friendly. 
Oh my gawd. What am I saying? 
MUAHAHAHA Finding their first love/
LOL. Anyways, I hope you like the first chapter~ <3
P.S. Laynicornia is where younicorns live ;D
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Gosh. I've been neglecting all my stories D;


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Hello new subbie here ^^
This story is amazing
Please update soon ^^